
LIVID octav-4

Started by flicker_screen, 03/04/08, 00:54

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Kira - kira dah pada tau blom tentang software yg satu ini ?
Want to control a single V-4 from your computer? Need to have instant access to multiple video screens? Livid's octav-4 is for synchronized and centralized control and management of up to eight Edirol V-4 video mixers. Using the octav-4 software interface, which mimics the hardware interface, you can control up to 32 simultaneous video inputs, and 8 unique outputs.

Taking advantage of the V4's MIDI implementation, each unit can be quickly setup and controlled by the MIDI messages sent from the octav-4 software. The octav-4 can tie together multiple V4 outputs of differing content into a unified composition, synchronized to a tempo, or individually controlled with your mouse. "Cascading" the controls provide movement of transitions and content among screens with the click of a mouse.

Features include:
- Control from 1 to 8 Edirol V-4's for multiple outputs
- Automatically Cycle Inputs
- BPM Transitions
- BPM Fades
- Saving Presets
- Easy MIDI Configuration

All you need to use the octav-4 software is a computer, a MIDI controller, and at least one Edirol V-4. The octav-4 gives you the freedom to control and manage multiple outputs from one interface.

The octav-4 was developed and designed by Livid Instruments and OVT Visuals.

gw rasa sich bisa lebih menghemat biaya... ya nggak teman2.......... *tepuktangan*
oya gw lupa ini linknya: http://www.lividinstruments.com/software_octav4.php

kalo menghemat biaya sih kayaknya ga ya, tetep lo harus nyewa / punya edirolnya hehehe...
kayaknya program ini buat sinkronisasi.
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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Mungkin hanya menghemat dari sisi SDM nya aja.
Kalo pake Edirol 8 unit, kalo di kontrol sama satu orang kan repot, harus minimal 2 atau ideal nya 4 orang untuk ngontrol 8 unit Edirol itu.
Nah kalo pake Livid, 1 orang aja cukup. Tetep perlu 1 laptop untuk software Livid ini.

Tapi kan nanti ada Edirol V-8.

apaan ne ndroooo..???

hehehe kirain bisa buat gantiin edirol V4 nya ;D ;D btw udah coba dro?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Blum hahahaaa........ nis gak puna v4 nya hahahahahaaaaa......

kirain v4 versi kmptr hehehe :)

klo mixer versi kompy...tanya sunshine aja...dya suka make tuh...pake LAN connectionnya... *piss*

tetep pake V4 ya.

tetep mahal dunk.