
Set Interaktif & Visual Mapping Skrillex Cell

Started by Gober, 03/10/11, 17:19

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Gak mau kalah dengan set panggung dahsyat milik Deadmau5, wonderboy dubstep Skrillex bikin gebrakan dengan set panggung interaktifnya yang diberi nama Skrillex Cell. Set panggun ini menggabungkan visual mapping yang di proyeksikan ke balok hexagonal yang ada di panggung yang menghasilkan efek 3 dimensi yang luar biasa.

Selain visual mapping Skrillex juga menciptakan sebuah animasi interaktif yaitu sesosok humanoid anime 3d yang bisa bergerak sesuai gerakan Skrillex di panggung. Robot di layar digerakkan dengan teknologi motion capture yang biasa dipakai dalam pembuatan film 3d. Kabarnya Skrillex akan mematenkan produksi panggung ini biar ga dicontek oleh musisi lain.

Panggun Skrillex ini rencananya akan ditampilkan dalam 51 show "Mothership Tour" di Amerika Utara, dan penampilan perdananya diselenggarkaan di PETCO park San Diego, California. Kita bisa cek bagaimana panggungnya di video dibawah ini...

[h2]Pre Production :[/h2]

[h2]In Action :[/h2]

sumber ITM
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7


What money can buy deh ya.

Gue bikin konsep yang mirip mirip tapi selalu ngga bisa maksimal karena budget concern dan campur tangan dari banyak pihak.
Jadinya harus kompromi. heheh.

Kalo udah referensi kayak gini baru deh (pasti) pengen pengen tapi dengan budget tetep yang mepet mepet.

Jadi sekarang era "Reference" by YouTube.

Tinggal nunggu nih kalimatnya :
eh ada terusannya

8)   ;)


Quote from: stormtroopers on 03/10/11, 19:17
What money can buy deh ya.
agree.. apalagi indonesia ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@stormtroopers : di ids kmrn keren kok mas,, hehehehe

sakitt...knapa visualnya bisa kaya gt yah..udh gitu robot belakangnya di buat ngikutin djnya lagi...itu pake technology apa yah mas" semua..??

kira" apa mungkin di indonesia bs paling nga ngikutin kreatifitasnya orang" bule sana hhee..
breath for the beat...

itu pakai Motion Capture, biasa di pakai untuk bikin film animasi 3d. teknologinya udah sampe ke rumah juga kok, kalau main xbox 360 dengan kinect. bisa ngedeteksi gerakan tubuh kita. nanti gerakan tubuh kita langsung bisa ditempelin dengan badan robot dilayar. kaya main wayang.
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

Keren banget ini... Dan gw yakin sih, di indo pasti udh ada yg bisa bikin kaya gini.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Audio Visual D

Skrillex dapet salam dari James Blake

keren bngt visualnya  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Twitter : @RamaRivaL

Soundcloud : www.soundcloud.com/rama-rival

untung nya udah pernah liat live nya di berlin  ;D

Quote from: iaz_holic on 04/10/11, 01:01
kira" apa mungkin di indonesia bs paling nga ngikutin kreatifitasnya orang" bule sana hhee..

kira kira "ngga" mungkin lah di Indonesia bs ngikutin kreatifitasnya orang" bule sana :0

pertanyaan : kenapa harus ngikutin ya ?


Quote from: club2club on 04/10/11, 12:52
Skrillex dapet salam dari James Blake

For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Crazy concept! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Entertainment & Arts - Nightlife
We'll infect u with the powerful of house music

sakit nih skrillex
mantep bener konsep livenya, klo dia ke indo gw pasti bakalan nonton dah hehe

06/10/11, 16:44 #15 Last Edit: 06/10/11, 16:47 by Gober
[h2]The Guardian UK asks: Is Skrillex the most hated man in dubstep?[/h2]

Imagine for a moment you're Skrillex. You spend countless hours in hotel rooms and transit lounges, eat a lot of dinners with promoters desperate to please, get chauffeured into clubs bursting at the seams with rowdy kids, drink a lot of Jack Daniel's and Diet Coke, and generally have a fun time with it. After all, you're not yet 25, so what's not to be content about?

Interviews aren't your favourite thing to do, but you do them diligently. You're in London and the esteemed Guardian newspaper wants to profile you, so of course, why not? You give an interview in which you're described as "relaxed", "lucid" and "full of the joys of life", which sounds about right. Then your manager sends you the article – they've given it prime position in the Culture section. The title: 'Is Skrillex the most hated man in dubstep?' We'll forgive you for feeling kind of pissy about that.

Few dance music personalities incite the kind of firestorm of opinions that Skrillex does. Whether he's working with motion-capture robots on a live show or teaming up with nu-metal relics Korn, it's sure to be divisive. In the Guardian interview – which you can read in full here – he claims not to hear the haters.

"I never really even hear these views, mainly because I don't have much time for the internet," he tells the paper. "I go to shows and all I see is love. I didn't even know people had an issue until someone said: 'Oh, this and that forum seem to have a real problem with you.'"

And before you start accusing him of defiling dubstep, it turns out the term irks him. "I don't even try to make 'dubstep'," he says, 'lifting his hands to make air quotes' at The Guardian writer. "It's just another tempo and rhythm that I work in, because it makes people go wild."

The interview also finds Skrillex discussing his legitimate reasons for being "emo" as a teenager, why he can't sign up to a "cocaine lifestyle", and the insatiable appetite around the US for what he does. It all signs off with the line, "Is it any wonder he's happy?" That article title might dent his mood.

One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

Quote from: stormtroopers on 05/10/11, 16:03
Quote from: iaz_holic on 04/10/11, 01:01
kira" apa mungkin di indonesia bs paling nga ngikutin kreatifitasnya orang" bule sana hhee..

kira kira "ngga" mungkin lah di Indonesia bs ngikutin kreatifitasnya orang" bule sana :0

pertanyaan : kenapa harus ngikutin ya ?

minimal paling nga ngikutin maksudnya jelas sih supaya visual lebih naik tingkat hhee..
gw salah satu org yg sering terkagum" liat konser atau rave yg visualnya ajib..yg mixmatch antara lagu sama visual..
contoh pas mew waktu JRL...kalo rave banyak yah soalnya biasanya visual yg senior hhee..

kalo gw sih berharap banget VJ" indonesia naik ke tingkat lebih tinggi dan menghasilkan karya yg makin baik hhee..
breath for the beat...

hahahaha....kalo gitu visual concept nya aja yang kesini... skrillex nya sih gpp ga usah, ganti ama kita2 aja :D

kreeenmmmmnnn.... gak habis pikir tu teknologi live motion capturenya pakek apa ya,...?

Quote from: danartri on 18/10/11, 03:28
kreeenmmmmnnn.... gak habis pikir tu teknologi live motion capturenya pakek apa ya,...?

Bisa macem macem, dari yang paling mahal sampe yang paling murah.
Pake Kinect bisa juga.

keren...hhhmmm, emang semahal apa yah?
kalo sekitaran lumayan khan bisa buat seru2an event nih

Aaaaaaaachhh!!! kereeeennn!!!!! ampe sedih gue ngeliatnya....