
Siap Siap ADOBE CS 3 !!!!

Started by roots digitalized, 08/04/07, 02:54

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Semua Visual Jockey... siap siap ADOBE CS 3 !!!!baca aja review nya di sini :

Buat yang make Apple Mac boleh tersenyum lagi deh. Soalnya ADOBE CS 3 sekarang Premiere Pro sudah bisa running di MAC. Tapi Mac dengan Intel prosesor, yang Mac masih PowerPC tak bisa.

Applications included in the package include:

After Effects CS3 Professional
Premiere Pro CS3 (Intel Macs Windows Only)
Encore CS3
Photoshop CS3 Extended
Flash CS3 Professional
Illustrator CS3
Soundbooth CS3
Device Central
Ultra CS3 (Windows Only)
OnLocation CS3 (Windows or Bootcamp)

Artikel bisa dibaca di sini :

After Effects nya makin gokil, saingan berat sama Motion nya Apple Mac.

Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard
Adobe® After Effects® CS3 Professional software is an essential upgrade. Design vector graphics, create more organic movements, and expedite delivery with new integration and collaboration features.

Top new features
Shape Layers
Puppet tool
Adobe Photoshop® CS3 Extended integration
Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional integration
Per-character 3D text animation
Complete color management workflow
Adobe Clip Notes
Enhanced performance
Video for mobile

Siap siap aja dana untuk beli original software Adobe CS 3 ini kira kira kalo nggak salah $2500 lebih,
atau original copy Rp. 25000 ????

Silahkan SIAP SIAP !!!!

hihihi.. jago ya para VJ pd bisa ber-After Effects ria..
sesuai kebutuhan, gue sih upgrade AI-nya doanq ... *selamet de.. pc makin lemot.. :-\

altho i'm not a VJ, thanks for the info. :)

08/04/07, 15:48 #2 Last Edit: 08/04/07, 15:50 by LosTSisKa
CS3 uda install niy, btw..
workspacenya pertama2 gua agak2 belum terbiasa ya, tampilannya emg beda klo dulu docker2nya floating yg biasa aja, but di CS3 ini tersusun rapi bgt, hanging with bar for everygroup,,,,asyikkkk
effect2nya makin gokil,...trus waktu mo install add.nya byk bgt klo yg full version + plugin2nya yg gua msh awam,,,ga ngeti buat ngapain aja....eueheuehhe :D

wah sayangnya pake yg lama aja blm mahir2.ntar buru2 ikutan ganti,malah g pernah jd mahir hehehe...numpang liat aja deh

saaammmaaaaa,,,heueheuehueheu...*menyedihkan kita yaa.. :P

bagi donk sis cs3nya,
walau ga hapal betul yang versi terdahulu at least udeh nyoba begitu bapak hana hehehehehe.daripada penasaran hahahahahahaha
Visual Jazz Manifesto

wah wah..udah keluar lagi..yg cs2 aja belom mahir... :(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Teknologi sekarang emang gitu ya. Belum khatam paket kemaren, udah muncul paket berikutnya.. Tapi dicoba gak ada salahnya sih...(mumpung masih bisa pake versi Rp 25 rebu ;D )
Anarchy. Now

Quote from: modusvj on 09/04/07, 15:32
bagi donk sis cs3nya,
walau ga hapal betul yang versi terdahulu at least udeh nyoba begitu bapak hana hehehehehe.daripada penasaran hahahahahahaha

siaaaaappp, besok di redmaaaaa...*jumat sob... :-* :-*

whahaaa seru nih seru...
official releasenya spring 2007, kapan sih itu??

tunggu ahhh.. wajib dicoba... ;D
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coba aja duluuu, lagian kynya yg CS3 ini lebih gampang deh,,,..yah bahasa kerennya 'user friendly',,,;) trus bagian yg paling gua demen tuh benerin file2 foto yg pixel pecah2 ato kekecilan,,,,sadessh bener hasilnya,,asli... ;D