

Started by maxxxmotion, 30/06/08, 13:27

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Portable Mixing Workstation!
   The VCM-100 is a compact USB MIDI & audio system, designed with Vestax's mechatronics technology developed in the past 30 years. Despite its compact size, the VCM-100 comes with 4in4out(Stereo x 2 in/out)connection, headphone output and high quality mechanical parts placed in the control section.

Having every feature fitted in to a solid metal body smaller than a standard laptop, the VCM-100 is easy to use and transportation friendly, which makes it the simple all-in-one USB audio interface that all PRO's want.

Its cool bro.....

Keren Abiiiiiisssssss.......
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
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ato yg ini?


maksudnya cool gmn sob?

review dongs.. ;D

Quote from: maxxxmotion on 30/06/08, 13:27

lucu jg nih bikin dudukan midinya MD kaya gini biar spaket ma laptopnyee... ;D ;D ;D coba aahhh....
btw yg ini harganya brp omm??
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diiihhh....$499 ajah gituh... :P
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Kereeeeen Gilaaaaaaaaa Max....

30/06/08, 22:42 #8 Last Edit: 30/06/08, 22:43 by snkfnk
ho oh.. lumayan juga harganya..

btw, cocok banget tuh sama macbookpro..

udah nanya ke adi la musica/skip.. barang br ada bulan agustus.. huhuhu..

5 jutaan ya?? walah..

tapi tetep aja ya.. layoutnya di design buat DJ..

gw sech masi naksir yang ini nech

fully customize buat vj bangeet.. hehehe

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hmmm.. kl ngeliat layout nya sih kyknya emang ok.. jumlah rotary, fader n button nya cukup bgt.. udah nyoba bro? harganya?

VCM 100 boleh jg tuh buat iseng iseng dirumah. Tapi mesti pake mixer lagi yeeee...

wah.. kl gw midi seharga 5jt gak boleh cm dipake iseng di rumah sob.. tp hrs menghasilkan at least 10jt... ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: maxxxmotion on 01/07/08, 22:22
hmmm.. kl ngeliat layout nya sih kyknya emang ok.. jumlah rotary, fader n button nya cukup bgt.. udah nyoba bro? harganya?
harganya 500euro.. sekitar 7jtan... gw blum pernah coba.. di indo juga blum liat ada yang make.. hehehe..
dia designya emang khusus buat VJ, dulu dia bikinnya custom.. made by order.. sekarang udah massal... jadi bener2x kebutuhan VJ di taro semua di controller itu...

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hihihi...oom max lagi cari jodoh buat apelnya ya?

iya nih.. apel sih cocoknya dibikin es buah ya? hahaha...

kyknya sih buat gw yg paling reasonable si bcr 2000 sob.. melihat harga dan kebutuhannya..

;D ;D ;D

Gue nunggu made by Rude Bo aja deh.. MIDI Lampung

gw suka yang atas tuh....portable bgt *bgs*

codanova emang pollll..harga nampolll
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ini kalo lebaran pada diskon gag yah...... *piss*

iya om... codanova kayaknya asik bgt ya... :)