
what some of us have all ben waiting for...

Started by blank footage, 24/04/08, 01:59

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http://www.vimeo.com/923540  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
sori ini cmn link tok, gak ngerti cara naruh videonya disini. :P ;D
resolume avenue 3:
cross platform Mac and PC
out this summer (ntar lagi berti ya?)
now with audio
klo ada yg mo nambahin, monggo

aihh.....aihhh..... mantab.... spek yg dibutuhin  gede nggak ya ??

wiiiihhh sadis nihhhhh.....

makin bnyk vj software, makin cepat pensiun dini  :-\
*Image Removed*

seklias mirip VDMX ya layout dan warnanya.....

Website  Email  Flickr  Youtube  MySpace

Quote from: blank footage on 24/04/08, 02:08
yg bisa baha perancis.... terjemahin donk..http://blog.lecollagiste.com/article-18931427.html
The team Resolume Bart and Edwine we have presented their new version at the festival Vision'R AVit France 08 still in beta test phase (not released) Resolume Avenue or Resolume 3. The team Resolume Bart and Edwine we have presented their new version at the festival Vision'R AVit France 08 still in beta test phase (not released) Resolume Avenue or Resolume 3.
A revolution for the regulars, the passage on the Mac, normally announced the final version Mac compatible PC for the summer. A revolution for the regulars, the passage on the Mac, normally announced the final version Mac compatible PC for the summer. The implementation of new FreeFrameGL 1.5 and VST plugins, a new interface and most importantly a new philosophy mixes real-time video which was not to displease the VJ's on the spot during the presentation. The implementation of new FreeFrameGL 1.5 and VST plugins, a new interface and most importantly a new philosophy mixes real-time video which was not to displease the VJ's on the spot during the presentation. I rentrerais more detail during the beta test of this small treat VJ soon. I rentrerais more detail during the beta test of this small treat VJ soon.
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

waaaahhh.. keereeeennn..

Modul8 versi windows kapan keluar yaaa..??  (?) (?) (?)

 ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::) YAK MARI MARI DIPILIH DIPILIH  :-\  :-\  :-\  :-\  :-\  :-\

keren, kalo dari tampilan kayaknya bisa taro2 footage dgn system layer seperti premiere gitu  yah.. can't wait!
Anarchy. Now

salah satu yang ditunggu tunggu selain Generasi terbarunya Arkaos dan FreeFrameGL

Wuissssssss...cangcing lg nih... 8)
"I Am A Birthday Cake That You Light Up, Blow Out, Cut apart, devour, And Forget.

www.tinkerbellgraphics.multiply.com  www.myspace.com/tinkourbell  e:tb_graphics@yahoo.com

kemaren baru berandai2 sejak masalah thread sebelah, kok resolume ga keluar yg baru yah, mungkin versi 64nya, kan arkaos udah ada grand vj, eh ternyata mau keluar yg ke3, horeee... ai tunggu sawahnya aja deh ;D ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

summer tuh kira2 kapan yaaaahhh?heheheheheheh.....

om bowo...ayooo ke sawah lagiii hahahahaha....
iya nih ditunggu2...edannnnn...semoga makin friendly user :)

this summer = musim kemarau taun ini = pas lg gak banjir taun ini

gitu kira2 kl di bahasa indonesia in ;D ;D ;D

kl ngintip dari vimeo...bisa rotate clip di sumbu y nih....cangcing gilaaa......
...tp kok d presentasinya gw ga nangkep ttg demo vst-nya ya....

WEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW,.................. :o

makin cakep aja.... :)
mari".... kita tunggu mana duluan yg masuk sawah grand vj atu resolume3 hehehehehe....

more links to videos ;D

more info ;D
unlimited layers.
individual layer effects.
automated effect opacity.
whatever screen size you want.
'pre-combine' your layers/clips kyk ableton



makin resolume addict gw
resolume, aku padamu

wihhh liat videonya makin pengen... bisa jadi lebih rapi kayaknya... pengenalan interface aja sih paling, banyak berubah tempat hehehe
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-