

Started by maxxxmotion, 01/09/07, 14:15

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banyak lappie baru yg os standar nya pake windows vista.
compatible gak sama program2 vj seperti resolume dll dan midi controler gw yg udah berumur (bcd 2000) ?
info dari temen gw disini sih enggak bisa.

*piss* *piss* *piss*

dari info di vj forum sih masih banyak masalah dengan resolume di vista, kayaknya mendingan di xp aja deh yang lebih pasti hehehe...
speknya juga untuk vista kayaknya mesti bagus..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

vista + resolume = cukup compatible....
si bayu...

vista masi blom banyak kompatibel sm prog laen... ato masi belum terbiasa yap...?? (?) (?)

02/09/07, 03:28 #5 Last Edit: 02/09/07, 04:48 by LosTSisKa
klo vistanya yg ultimate dan original termasuk jg utk  software vjingnya kayanya ga ada kendala deh sob,...tapi klo ga yakin khan bisa dicheck pakai compatibility dr windowsnya,,,
yg jd masalah sih vista themenya berat, tampilannya khan penuh animasi bgt sedangkan software vjing kita jg udah byk makan graphis tuh...klo spec'nya kaga bisa jabanin yaaahhh apalagi klo ga .. hanggg...huheuheuehueheue.....
emang sih pa release pertama kali, vista msh blm compatibility ama adobe ato corel [vista yg full version dan asli, begitu jg adobenya...] tp skarang mah uda bisa...
klo maen aman ya bust gw lebih prefer pakai 2 OS di lapie, Os yg satu [c:] gw install vista buat render2 mendadak, ato bkin2 flashy,...ato bisa jg yg plg sering mah buat cari hotspotan gratisssss....hehehehe ;D ;D
trus Os yg satunya gw install xp, no firewall, no internet connection, ga ada antivirus cuman install resolume ama K-lite codec tambah lagi tampilannya gw bikin classic yg optimized maksimal buat performance gitu... and so far msh bisa diajak gawe kok sob..... 

@tan sis
emang gitu ngefek ya tan???
gambar kegedean

@ricco : amannya sih gitu sob.. ;D ;D ;D  ngeri juga experimen2..

@siska : spek lappie minimal untuk pake cara lo apa sis?


lapie gw mah ga tinggi2 amat kok specnya,,,,sukur2 situ mo nyumbang ditima loh sob dgn tangan tebuka.. ;D ;D .....

Intel core2duo, 2.0Ghz,512DDR2
Vga Intel graphic accelator 950
HD 100Gb sata
DVD combo, 14"WXGA flat, 1,3Mg Pixel webcam.

AMD athlon 64 fx-60 clockspeed 2.6Ghz,Dual core
ATI Radeon X1900 XTX, 512Mb Aivivo
2GHz Ram DDR2 400 kingston
HD 250GB Matrox 7200rpm,sata
DVD combo Pionner
CD-rw samsung
Monitor 17'samsung flat monitor

untuk RESOLUME and ARKAOS cukup compatible koq sob coz gw lg ngajarin temen gw yg lapie-nya pake vista ga masalah.... btw untuk software pendukung masih agak kurang compatible...
setau gw sich begitu..... oks...oks...

sip2x.. thanx a lot sobs..  *piss* *piss*

btw, kalo midi gimana? kompatibel juga? gw pake bcd 2000

dari sebelah....

- first of all you need the disable the UAC or it will bugg you during your show . You can do this by pressing the
windows logo + r and typ "msconfig".
Then you go to tools and set this option

Secondly you need to disable all of vista's visual mambo jambo. You can do this by just right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize. Click the "Window Color and Appearance".
In the next screen, click the link near the bottom for "Open classic appearance properties for more color options"

Final and only for those who veejay on portables, set your power plan to the max. Open the Control Panel.
Open the Power Options applet. If you're using the default categorised view, the Power Options applet can
be found in the Hardware and Sound section.
Set the plan to high performance.

All of the above makes shure that resolume runs a lot smoother on windows vista.
No more problems than on a regular windows xp machine.

Using windows vista ultimate btw.

my suggestion is that you modify the shortcut rather than editing global windows graphical settings ( its easier and faster ):
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

@ricco : dari sebelah mana co? ;D ;D ;D

sip2x.. thx a lot *piss*

Quote from: maxxxmotion on 03/09/07, 09:47
sip2x.. thanx a lot sobs..  *piss* *piss*

btw, kalo midi gimana? kompatibel juga? gw pake bcd 2000
wah kalo midi gw gw blm pernah coba tuh sob, btw gw jg pake BCD2000 keren dah pokoknya.....

setubuh, buat apa pake vista kalo xp ajah masih stabil...
double boot ajah...
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agree ama dual booth, dgn 2 OS....sejauh ini mah ga ada masalah...

waw gokil sekarang gw bener2 kena nich...... masalahnya gw br ganti lapie... trus pake vista..... resolume.... dll gag maslah, yg maslah controler... BCD2000.... gw  gimana yach... tapi gw blom nyoba sich coz lapie-nya blom dateng secara belinya credit-an sob heheheheee...
btw gimana maxxx BEHRINGER lo bisa gag?
Please help meeeee...........

hidup XP abal-abal

hahahha..pake vista ga masalah...smuanya lancaarrrrrr..asal memorinya 3gig..loh!!
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Quote from: Q_MOTION on 15/11/07, 23:03
waw gokil sekarang gw bener2 kena nich...... masalahnya gw br ganti lapie... trus pake vista..... resolume.... dll gag maslah, yg maslah controler... BCD2000.... gw  gimana yach... tapi gw blom nyoba sich coz lapie-nya blom dateng secara belinya credit-an sob heheheheee...
btw gimana maxxx BEHRINGER lo bisa gag?
Please help meeeee...........

so far gw msh bertahan sm XP.. nyari aman sob ;D ;D ;D
trus kl gw liat di web nya behringer, mrk blm nge release driver bcd utk vista..

lapienya diganti aja osnya ke xp, klo mau balik ke vista kan palingan dapet cdnya?
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

OK...ok... thx for info.... btw kemaren pas acarany EBDJ dah gw coba gag masalha dengan resolume tapi agak sedikit masalah dgn Behringer gw jadi agak2 ngaco.... gitu.
Trus kalo gw mau ganti ke Xp kebetulan lapie gw software Drivernya compatible for visata doank jadi gw mesti nunggu lagi dari vendornya... yg versi XP.... hiks...hikss....

@ Q : ciehhhh laptop baruuuuuuuu :D
follow us on twiter: @groovyLand

@ Q : saakkhhh....jadinya ganti lapsoy apa??
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22/11/07, 20:29 #24 Last Edit: 22/11/07, 20:33 by Frico
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 01/09/07, 18:37
dari info di vj forum sih masih banyak masalah dengan resolume di vista, kayaknya mendingan di xp aja deh yang lebih pasti hehehe...
speknya juga untuk vista kayaknya mesti bagus..

Iya Ric.. gw nyoba bbrp sopwer msh ada yg blom mau jalan Properly.. so gw milih back to XP..