

Started by stormtroopers, 26/03/08, 15:11

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Asik nih buat Audio Visual Performance.

The TENORI-ON is a unique handheld performance controller designed by Toshio Iwai, an established interactive media artist and designer, that has taken a full six years to go from initial concept to final production. Its basic makeup is a 16×16 matrix of LED buttons that not only provide the control interface to its 16 layers, 256 preset tones, and 6 sequence/loop modes, but also displays in lights what is often a stunning visual feedback loop on whatever is being output by the device. The device is planned only to be sold in the UK presently with a list price of £599 (approx. $1200 USD)

cek info nya di sini :






widiiihhhh... :-X
*Image Removed*

asik mainan baru...ada yng punya...pinjem donk :P hehehhehe

11 juta?? mending beli leptop baru.. ya gak moc? ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: blank footage on 27/03/08, 00:05
asik mainan baru...ada yng punya...pinjem donk :P hehehhehe
idem nih... tiap ada maenan baru, cuma bisa ngarep ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

kyknya yg mampu beli cuman oom stormtroopers deh ;D ;D ;D


gua juga kog :( tiap ada maenan baru gua cuma bsa mimpi :(
gambar kegedean

gue cuma mampu membagi informasi, nggak pernah beli juga.. hehehe..

Siapa tau ada yang bisa beli, kan bisa membagi pengalamannya. Atau kalo perlu share alatnya alias PINJEM .. heheh

Quote from: maxxxmotion on 27/03/08, 13:07
11 juta?? mending beli leptop baru.. ya gak moc? ;D ;D ;D

itu juga udah dapet 2 ommm..... ;D ;D ;D
*Image Removed*

wah..... manteup pisan euy......

weleehweleeehhh apaan lg tuh..???

canggih daaah...!!!

wawwwww seru juga tuh..bisa main2 kayak svm seceng..kpn lagi wo dapet kesempatan coba2 svm?  ;D

waduh...waduh...untuk minjem aja saya belum berani ngarep... ;)

(mau minjem dimana kalo temen aja disini belum punya)

gaya banget nih klo pake ini yah...
compatible ama vj software blm ya? any news?
ato punya software bawaan???

lucu nih kaya mainan anak2...gambar2 di papan yg bisa hapus ;D

but mantaffpphh *bgs* *bgs*