
Barbuk ELECTROCITY | in circuitry

Started by midijunkie, 08/01/09, 07:08

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09/01/09, 23:07 #1 Last Edit: 10/01/09, 01:20 by opik_ER
kurang youtube nya wul  ;)

setuju....cos midijunkie the real live p.a.

emang ada kategori live pa ?  (?)

tapi menurutku memang harus ada kategori live p.a gituu
because midi junkie(WVLW) termasuk the most inspiring performer for recent 14 year in jogja....
ofcourse we stil remember about
SKM,secondfloor,yelow gagarin,midi junkie, dan msh byk lg
he is man behind the electronic scene in jogja .......... "THE REAL MAN"


ari wvlv hiduppppppp !!!!!!!

eh hidup ari wvlv !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ak padamu.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get down for the get down ' that bug out sound ' ready for the dance

Keep da machines alive, bro!

album minggu ini.... !!!

hidup ari wvlv !!!

ayooooo.... ( ayo ayo tp diriku yg menghambat kreatifitas kalian nih..... jadi ga enak hati hehehehe )
get down for the get down ' that bug out sound ' ready for the dance

Yuk kita bareng2x usulin ada kategori Live P.A   *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

midijunkie the real live p.a....

live p.a??
ada kategorinya emang??

kategori clothes of the year wae pie?????

midijunkie emg TOP BGT SKL dah pokoknya...
Live P.A nya bow...ga ku ku dah..