

Started by bLacK daMAN!, 04/03/08, 19:34

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goodbye n gud luk as always,2 our beloved friend

aka lincoex

gw doain sukses cox n elo bs jd pilot yg handal kelak!
to many stupid n unforgetable memory we all had 2gether..
jgn lupain kita'ok..hehehe

btw: mang selama ini d'Jogja elo kurang "fly" yakk..ampe pgn jd pilot biar fly mulu.. :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

rupa'mu coxx...ahhahah
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

weittss,...jadi 'penerbang yak..

rupamu cuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkk........ ;D  ;D

jadi penerbang kan bwt "balas dendam" ya cuk??? hihihiiihiiiii

kalo g salah seh.......  *piss*  *piss*

good luck anyway, doaku menyertaimu.....halahhhhh......opoooo tooooo

wahhh jadi pilot?? good luck and safe trip... ;)
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

wooow pilot... canggih cink! goodluck yaaah! ;)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take


Besok" Aku Dipilotin Ye...

Sukses Ya Sob...

sing sms mau isuk ki kw coex?

selamat jalan & semoga sukses yooooo.. *bgs*
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

enak banget jd pilot!!!

sukses yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

*bgs* *bgs*
underground movements...

wihihihihi,,,, Good Luck Sob,,,, *bgs*
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

LNCX sekolah pilot nie? sukses2 ya bro... jd pilot yg handal ya.. ;)

walopun ga bgitu kenal tp id ym nya ada di list gw... ;D

Good Luck yah ... smoga jd pilot yg handal  ;) *bgs*

if u're gonna ride...ride white horse....
if u're gonna rich...u've got 2 be a bitcH

waahhh....trus pilotnya jogja sapa ni yang gantiin lncx...??

good luck, semoga bisa membawa kita terbang lebih tinggi lagi sob....
- freak.culture -

...Selamat...segeralah menerbangkan kami-kami ini....hehehehe...Sukses yoooohh...

sekolahnya dimana?

wish u all the best,sob.....

see u on the next flight bro !!!

hati2 dengan nafsu yg membara disana !! ahak !!!
get down for the get down ' that bug out sound ' ready for the dance

05/03/08, 14:55 #16 Last Edit: 05/03/08, 14:57 by acid029
selamat berjuang DATUK  Lncx  ;D semoga sukses.... *bgs* hati2 dengan polisi malaisya :P
Btw berarti kmaren2 ke club belajar terbang di darat yaaa.... ;D ;D sekarang belajar terbang di udara.. :P

@iNsideR : rupamu cuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkk........ Grin  Grin

jadi penerbang kan bwt "balas dendam" ya cuk??? hihihiiihiiiii

kalo g salah seh.......  peace  peace

good luck anyway, doaku menyertaimu.....halahhhhh......opoooo too

Saya tau bales dendam buat sapa
buat Mba N""""""""K""""""""""E ya???hohohohohoho

sep sep mas Lncx saya minta bagi2 pramugarinya aja nanti kalu dah jadi,hehehehehe

kamu lagi ada masalah ya cuk??? :o :o :o (?)

mbok udah... jangan frustasi gitu.. emang seh cara mu itu ga malu2in.. tapi... ::) ::)

hahahaha... ;D ;D ;D ;D

selamet deh... *tepuktangan*

Wah sukses ya mas Lncx.......

ciyeehhh...bird of pray......flyin high...flyin high...baek2 kokpit jadi tempat mesum...ntar sial tuh kapal...hau4...
I Still Love House

yaaah ko pergi? yaah? yah? ya? huhuhuhuhuu..
yaaah SUKSES deh yaa dhan!!  ;)
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

Goodbye my love...

wah semoga klo loe jadi pilot nanti loe ga suka ngeboongin para pramugarinya ya...
kenal2in ma kita nanti ya cux........hehe

MET Jalan Sob.........ketemu lagi lain waktu.........

SUKSES ............
It's Not Gonna Change