
guys... cuma pingin share ajah..

Started by Lncx, 19/09/06, 03:08

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 ;D ;D ;D ada yg udah buka ini : http://www.itsmemagz.com/gallery/page_gallery_event.html

hehehhe... gokil2 tuh poto2 na...... 

kayak yg ini neh :

ehauehuaheuhaeuhauehuaheuhae...... pissssssssssssssss  :D :D ;D ;D ;D

19/09/06, 11:14 #1 Last Edit: 19/09/06, 11:22 by LosTSisKa


loh,,,loh,,,loh....itu kok foto guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!....barbuk abiezzzzzzzz;D ;D

Quote from: LosTSisKa on 19/09/06, 11:14


loh,,,loh,,,loh....itu kok foto guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!....barbuk abiezzzzzzzz;D ;D

Manteppp.....matanya indah bener......... 8) 8) 8)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

tuh kan,,,bener aja kan jd barbuk,,,,ampunnnnn ;D [bs minta delete ga ya ama yg punya sitenya,huuhuuhuu...] kynya bukan cuman gua deh ya,,,,bukannya gua punya pic lo jg secret pas di K7 dan matanya lebih indah kalee. ::) ::)..hihihihi

@ lost siska

apa kabarnya sih???


state of | MIND | your own | MUSIC | is | MY LIFE | in a state of mind

ahuahuahuhauhauhahuauauhh.. banyak barbuk tuch..................

ayooo ayoooooooooo... tinggal pilihhh.. haallllaahhhhhhh.....

;D ;D ;D

Quote from: LosTSisKa on 19/09/06, 11:45
tuh kan,,,bener aja kan jd barbuk,,,,ampunnnnn ;D [bs minta delete ga ya ama yg punya sitenya,huuhuuhuu...] kynya bukan cuman gua deh ya,,,,bukannya gua punya pic lo jg secret pas di K7 dan matanya lebih indah kalee. ::) ::)..hihihihi

waduh ampyuuuunnn.....kanjeng ratu yg dipertuan agung ...........
Tuch kan ngambek dech.......hahahahahahhahahaha .....pake acara minta delete.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

hehehehehe pic gw khan dr jauh bu...jadi ga jelas banget.... ;) ;) tapi pic yg ini menurut gw bener 2x indah lho.....coz jelas banget.........manteppp dech salute..........bisa diikutsertakan di kontes mata indah tuch bu..... :D :D :D

ah udah ah gw takut didelete dari ravelex.......maafkan hamba apabila kurang sopan dan tidak pandai dalam merangkai kata ........ 8) 8) 8) 8)
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

baekkkkk bgt abangku....kapan ke jgj neh? ;D

awas lo ya,huh!! >:(.........lagian lo kok bs nemuin jg sih :D,,,btw last party ya djuoooo...TOKYO PROJECT ;D



crowd JOGJA selalu rockin' gt,

state of | MIND | your own | MUSIC | is | MY LIFE | in a state of mind

@secret admire
iyuu.. setelah diliat2 lagi picnya.... bener2 mata yg indah yakkk  8) 8)

@ lost siska
piisssssss  ;D iya kemaren gak sengaja nemu ajah.. ahuehahe.. okeeee.. mpe ketemu di TOKYO PROJECT YAKKk.....  ;D ;D

juuuoooooo.... ngapain lu pake masang itu site siy...??? maluuu dwoong ahh...
mi... kita akur banget yeee ame bang jay juga... hehehe...
btw closing party Tokyo Project musti HARAJUKU banget yeee... haik!

huehehehe... seu-seru picnya nih!!
kalo ada yang punya juga, bisa dishare ke www.discomate.com dunk yahh!!
moving forward to www.discomate.co.uk - and become our fans

@lil echy...

@lil echy
gomenasai.. gomenasaiii... ane cuma nemu webnya... abis pas bgt seh potona pas bduann gitu hauhaehuhuahuae.... pisssssssssssssssssss  ;D ;D

emang itu foto sapa sih?

wekekekkeke...gokil lho Incx....

gokil itu terlalu formal.....
Yg lbh cocok adalah "KOPLOHHHH..."

Pak.....closing nya gmn nih?????????????
.:up all night sleep all day:.

fotonya nyusul, mo bo2 dulu

hehehe ada fotonya yah... ;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

hmmm,,tapi yang mana yah fotonya??? hehehe,maklum blm pnah ktmu...;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

gokil abiz......TOKYO PROJECT in conjunction with Tokyo Drift
@siska : Dandanannya total abis.... kayak ce2 jepang di film Sailor moon hehehe...
@Om Ucox : Gokil sob ampe tidur di DJ booth
@translaticlab : Akhirnya ketemu juga sob.... sorry ninggal2 soalnya lagi on duty  :P :P

Thanks for all Embassy Friends
Aurellia,Ida Ayu,Stella
Ucoxz,Raden mas Tomo,X.B.O,DJ Nita,DJ Dewa,DJ Albert(ACID)
Siska (Magicbox)
Billy,Rudy,Tobi (IDMOC)
Roy (Freedom Community)
Ade (Jogja Jazz Club)
Wenfung (Option)
Afi (X-Perience)
Kiki (Psycho Auto Club)
Rio & Item (DUB City)
Endo,Abah,Bram,Penyo,Vika,Dita,Sonny (Energyroom)

sapa lagi ya...
wah pokokna banyak deh.........
see in the next Party guysssssss

keren2 fotonya sob... jadi pingin maen2 ke MBC Jogja... he3x..

dateng aja ntar malem terakhir biz itu tgl 28 oktober baru buka lagi... hehehe.....