

Started by bLacK daMAN!, 06/10/09, 14:19

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To all
RAVELEX  Jogja - Solo - Semarang and others

as u all know Embassy Playground Annual Music Festival well be held again this year
November 14th, 2009 @Carnaval Beach, Ancol Bay.

with some Internationals talent such as

Sasha, Franz Ferdinand, Chicane, The Thrillseekers, Novak 3D disco, Kevin yost, Drum connection, Mixhell and others...
dont forget, this event will be supported also by our Best local Djs performances

If u all a true ravers, if u all a true die hard clubbers, if u all love this scene very much  ;D  or just wanna have roadtrip n share fun together with friends....
u dont wanna miss the Journey to this legendary annual music festival,  dont you?

Now, i need all of ur support and voice, I'm planning to arranges road trip for you that had a plan to go there.  Same with last years, i'm thinking we all go there again by bus (mureh, meriah, memorable, mantab). Or any other idea?

Klo banyak peminatnya, nanti gw bantu ngurusin mslh transport dan ini sangat sangat tergantung dr animo dan partisipasi kalian. Gw ga bisa apa" jg tanpa kalian, sebagai awal gw bantu ngelempar opini ini kali aja byk yg mau brkt kesana. Bottom line selain partisipasi gw jg butuh bantuan, opini dan masukan dr kalian semua untuk mslh lain"nya. Akomodasi and other crucial things.

Mari kita ulang kembali perjalanan penuh kenangan kita seperti tahun yang laluuu...luu...lu...luuu


you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

btw, ini sifatnya terbuka kok...ga harus rvlx member, newbie, anak ini anak itu, atopun istilah" lainnya. Pokoknya plg utama guyup n kalian asyik n punya jiwa yg seru untuk berpetualangan....(sedaaapp bahasa gw...hahaha). Well atleast kalian cukup asik bt roadtrip ramean brg. Bagi yang ga asik boleh juga ikut kok.., cmn mungkin ditengah perjalan kita turunin ditengah" perbatasan jawa tengah - jawa barat  :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

ayooo podo koyo thn lalu wul...
nonadien jg khan? ojo ilang" meneh lohh neng kono koyo thn lalu  ;D
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

gabung dong kloter bali nih
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


tgl 14 nov lek, iseh iso nabung" siti-stik...hehe
sek saiki kowe karo siska ra usah neng duwur deck, melu neng ngisor neng padang dansa, pemandanganne luwe jelas,,

kowe yo iso delo n berintraksi dgn para spg" langsung  :P hahahaha

ayoo do brkt dr jogja,  tiket pswt bali - jogja brkt/tiba pagi hari. skalian mampir bntar "kuliner" di jogja seperti yg dulu di cita citakan,,,hihihihihi
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

siap blek..kebali dulu lah tapi loe
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 06/10/09, 14:43
ayooo podo koyo thn lalu wul...
nonadien jg khan? ojo ilang" meneh lohh neng kono koyo thn lalu  ;D

blek...yg ngilang tuh sapa ??? kamu kaliii bleeeeeekkkkkk... :-\ :-\ :-\

Quote from: midijunkie on 06/10/09, 15:07
nonadien sepertinya ga bisa merapat je.. mbok kono blek dibujuki..

weh..midijunkie mencari massa  :P :P :P

wakakakakakak...afuuuu....berati peluang kowe mangkat 30% - 70% ki? 85% tergantung nonodien melu/ngijinke kowe....15% ne wani kowe colongan mangkat dwe  :D

hehe...jd ngganya tergantung kebykan jg kok jon. akan tambah seru jika kali ini tman" smrg bs join.

iyee, minggu-3 oct cuy, skalian obrolin planing kita waktu itu, ciyu

ayoo din mangkat merapat, rame"an koyo thn lalu  ---> lg bujuki nona din  :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

weeeeeeehhh...abot kie diskusi ne...ihihihihihihii...wis ah aku ra melu dan ra melu-melu...hihihhihhiii...saya nitip salam aja ama yg jaga tiket yah...

maniss kowe wul...mlh akuu sek jd sasaran tembak....afuuuu, wes ra sido buka kantin..hihi
kui wul, nitip salam karo sek jaga tiket  ;D
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

Quote from: midijunkie on 06/10/09, 14:29
Mangkratzzz.. (limang krat) ;D

le tuku lapen kali ini rodo akeh wul.. paling ora ben stok lapene iso bertahan sampai melewati wates.. ;D
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 06/10/09, 14:19
To all
RAVELEX  Jogja - Solo - Semarang and others

as u all know Embassy Playground Annual Music Festival well be held again this year
November 14th, 2009 @Carnaval Beach, Ancol Bay.

with some Internationals talent such as

Sasha, Franz Ferdinand, Chicane, The Thrillseekers, Novak 3D disco, Kevin yost, Drum connection, Mixhell and others...
dont forget, this event will be supported also by our Best local Djs performances

If u all a true ravers, if u all a true die hard clubbers, if u all love this scene very much  ;D  or just wanna have roadtrip n share fun together with friends....
u dont wanna miss the Journey to this legendary annual music festival,  dont you?

Now, i need all of ur support and voice, I'm planning to arranges road trip for you that had a plan to go there.  Same with last years, i'm thinking we all go there again by bus (mureh, meriah, memorable, mantab). Or any other idea?

Klo banyak peminatnya, nanti gw bantu ngurusin mslh transport dan ini sangat sangat tergantung dr animo dan partisipasi kalian. Gw ga bisa apa" jg tanpa kalian, sebagai awal gw bantu ngelempar opini ini kali aja byk yg mau brkt kesana. Bottom line selain partisipasi gw jg butuh bantuan, opini dan masukan dr kalian semua untuk mslh lain"nya. Akomodasi and other crucial things.

Mari kita ulang kembali perjalanan penuh kenangan kita seperti tahun yang laluuu...luu...lu...luuu


bowo enggres e blek apik banget siiih :P

SEru jg nehh anak jogja pd mo road tripp...

well,dtunggu di jakarta....

@walasok : Yoi tek... bw lapen yg bnyakan.. aku jaluk.. he..
......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

Semoga ada tiud....jadi bisa dtg
It's Not Gonna Change

http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=11986.0 --> 1st Roadtrip - Jogja & Solo Invasion

sekedar untuk merefresh dan mengingat kembali cerita" yg terjadi setahun yang lalu..

btw,  buka treat dulu ini jd inget gw dendam luka lama, anjritt gw byr mknan plg mahal dibanding yg laen pd! bahkan dibanding pak koco n yogie.......restoran pantura ga beres!!!!!  *sht*
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

seru banget nih pasti kalo jogja - solo - semarang bisa gabung semua.. :)

yo ayooooo..

boleh kak boleh..

Quote from: midijunkie on 06/10/09, 17:43
kwe melu to tek..  ;) ga ada artinya dance scene tanpamu..

apalah artinya dance scene tanpa budayawan sepertimu.. ;D

suwi ra ketemu ki.. kapan ayo ngebir2?
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn