
The terrible "17 saturday 09 BOSHE Vvip CLUB

Started by juno, 15/01/09, 13:10

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asli nih dua org keren.. *bgs*
hopefully they can play wid there own Idealism like da other day they played at d'Hardrock bali, a blend of mixed sound from tech house, funk, hip hop, dub, soul, till break beat. Bw'annya pgn dance n sing all night long, hadir lg ah!
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

setahu gw nich dj mainin lagu2 .jazz,reggaeton,hiphop ma electronica, mudah2an flyernya ma kenyataannya sama .

ngga bisa keluar lagi....SIAL
padahal pengen nonton
It's Not Gonna Change

ngga bisa keluar lagi....SIAL
padahal pengen nonton
Kpn elu bisa kelar malam.................he2