
General Hype => Main Talk => Bandung => Topic started by: vindra on 16/04/08, 09:41

Title: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 16/04/08, 09:41

as we know, AMARE (best bandung club 2007 by ozdiscoland award) now in renovation...

kalo tebak2an bakal ky gmn ya amare setelah renov....????

:) :) :) :)

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: RomeoKillJuliet on 16/04/08, 21:38
itu teras luar dijadiin bar...en otomatis dance ploor jd lebih guede...moga2 cdj-nya diganti...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Rafe on 16/04/08, 21:55
yaaa kaya gitu..hehehheh
didoain tambah asyik tempatnya
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: RAE on 17/04/08, 08:55
Kalo GW sih pengen nya selain Cdj nya ganti ama yg lebih bagus
sound nya juga mudah mudahan jd tambah keren..
1 lagi... jgn sampe ada lg yg lempar lempar sepatu (TUkeran sepatu Via Balkon)  ;D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: peakachu on 18/04/08, 14:31
mudah2an ga ada garden nya... jd tempatnya jadi satu aja...
terus bisa kaya dulu lg dech...
pokonya amare home sweet home bgt...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Discomfort on 18/04/08, 15:05
moga2 aer mancur yg di dalem dkt booth VJ (alias ac bocor ituuu) udh dibenerin. Ganggu sob, masa di club bechek2 gak ada ojhyek.. :D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Rafe on 18/04/08, 18:00
klo menurut gw sih garden harus ttp ada....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 21/04/08, 22:57
MuDaH"an DanCeFLooR LeBih LUas ,SouNd LebiH Woke, Cdj MaNtap pUNya, PoKoknyA HarUs Jd PAling The BEst lah hahah (gk penting y)
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: RomeoKillJuliet on 22/04/08, 10:58
Quote from: RAE on 17/04/08, 08:55
Kalo GW sih pengen nya selain Cdj nya ganti ama yg lebih bagus
sound nya juga mudah mudahan jd tambah keren..
1 lagi... jgn sampe ada lg yg lempar lempar sepatu (TUkeran sepatu Via Balkon)  ;D

huahahaha...moga2 lebih selektif memilih crowdnya,terutama invitation...hidup amare..!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: panji666 on 22/04/08, 16:45
cdjnya di rumah odot tuh...kyanya ganti deh cdj baru,hehehe
garden wajib lah kan ciri khas amare biar gak sumpek juga...support deh bwt amare...!!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 23/04/08, 20:54
wah ada yg tau kbr pak odot gk?

dy skrg suka maen dmn?
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: panji666 on 24/04/08, 19:56
mr.odot lagi di amerika...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 26/04/08, 19:18
damn, i must learn more scratch&mix...so hard in here.....btw, amare buka mei koq..Insya Allah...dan mudah2an jd tambah bgs biar org2 yg dateng pd betah+enjoy...salam buat anak2+Viva amare......-sorry mesti msk kelas lg nih, f*ck*n damn-
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 26/04/08, 19:35
hmmm jangan lupa yah pa seratonya??
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 26/04/08, 21:11
Quote from: dj odotto on 26/04/08, 19:18
damn, i must learn more scratch&mix...so hard in here.....btw, amare buka mei koq..Insya Allah...dan mudah2an jd tambah bgs biar org2 yg dateng pd betah+enjoy...salam buat anak2+Viva amare......-sorry mesti msk kelas lg nih, f*ck*n damn-

wiw pak odot nambah gokil aja niy nanti kyaknya dj r nb di indo gk ada yg bs nyaingin hehehehe
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: gothfather89 on 26/04/08, 21:51
amare renov?? wah...cdj nya emg knp yah?? kgn juga gw..gw stay di lampung. mudah2an tambah bagus dech ya! btw..odot itu dj hip hop bukan ?? kalo iya..gw pernah minta no tel nya sm cali tp kgk aktif2..:)

thx u!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj roellie on 26/04/08, 21:58
Moga moga tambah bagus donk...........
Pengen juga maen lagi di amare.......
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 26/04/08, 22:03
Idem sama atas gw...hehehe....support AMARE!!!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 27/04/08, 19:37
@dedo sixteen
serato?? siap...slnya saya msh ada 2 lg, ama sl 57
@dj dinar
wadoh wadoh,,,daku memang msti blajar lg koq, =D
huehehe...iya, no gw msh blum aktif, coz no halo pun ga aktif dsini, tp awal mei dah blik ke indo koq...tar tgl 10dah bs contactt lg, tanya no nya ke cali aja ok....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 27/04/08, 20:20
can't hardly wait to see the new face of amare !
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 27/04/08, 20:45
Quote from: dj odotto on 27/04/08, 19:37
@dedo sixteen
serato?? siap...slnya saya msh ada 2 lg, ama sl 57


siap !!!! di tunggu kabarnya !!

back to topic...anjrit amare baru tambah resident dengan SKILL yang makin ciamik !! ODOTTO FOR LIFE !!! *piss*
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 28/04/08, 17:00
huehehe...koq tau mau nmbh lg,,,tp "regenerasi versi odotto" a.k.a "she" not "he"....tar kalo dah pul ke indo, saya knalin pak......and i think more selling (skill,body,skin,face,and most important "attitude") than me 4this "product" 4sure...and i hope =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 28/04/08, 17:25
Quote from: dj odotto on 28/04/08, 17:00
huehehe...koq tau mau nmbh lg,,,tp "regenerasi versi odotto" a.k.a "she" not "he"....tar kalo dah pul ke indo, saya knalin pak......and i think more selling (skill,body,skin,face,and most important "attitude") than me 4this "product" 4sure...and i hope =D

damn !! i thought i was you, i wrote that to mentions it was you..but you've got a new one...yeah ATITUDE its most important pa guru..

and please one more time to reminded you,if you arrived in Indo, dont forget my Serato yah..please
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 28/04/08, 18:01
aight sir =D....pak, tlp aja ke +44(0)190522551 ,itu dj academy yg di birmingham, kalo ada minta instructure nya DJ PLUS ONE, he's da greatest dj frm UK....bout da cost? i dunno, coba aja langsung tanya ok, i think private more good, but more expensive....coz poundsterling...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Angelo on 28/04/08, 18:26
amare renov ..katanya sih boot dj nya mau di samain ama barnya ...candi2 dan stupa2nya..gitu.. (?).
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 28/04/08, 20:06
@ angelo

kata sapa lo..?

Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 28/04/08, 20:32
@ angelo
jgn sok tauuuu ahhhhhh heheheheheee...

@ odotto
heyyyy jelekk..
kangen juga berantem sama lo..
cepat pulang kita blm nyussuuunn eveennntt ni..
jgn lupa janji lo oleh2 buat guaa,,
heh..jgn dulu announce kaleee, farewell party lo di mansion parahh yaaa..???

@dedo sixteen
masih project rahaasia tuh doooo..
jgn diblg2 dulu ahhhhh..hehehehee

@ 2 ALL
AMARE will give u something new and fresh..
and REOPENING will be held may..
smua dtg yaaa,,
gua pengen smua orang masih ngerasa hommy..
karne smua tau ga ada club yg hommy se hommy amare ya kaaaannnn??
ayo smua mengakuiii !! hahahaa..

kapan tepat tanggalnya tar dikasi tau lg yaaaa,,,,duuuu
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 28/04/08, 20:47
Quote from: dj odotto on 28/04/08, 18:01
aight sir =D....pak, tlp aja ke +44(0)190522551 ,itu dj academy yg di birmingham, kalo ada minta instructure nya DJ PLUS ONE, he's da greatest dj frm UK....bout da cost? i dunno, coba aja langsung tanya ok, i think private more good, but more expensive....coz poundsterling...

THX pa..nanti saya kasih info lagi klo udah dapet !!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 28/04/08, 22:17
@ fia

kmana aja loooooo....???

kgn nih ama amare....

Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: anaktop on 29/04/08, 02:07
@ odotto

awas siah kalo lupa pesenan gw!! hahaha..
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 29/04/08, 13:35
@ vindra

ada aja ni booook..
sama gua juga kangenn..
gimana lulus sma ga lo?
ditunggu r-openingnya yaaawww....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 29/04/08, 15:23
@ fia

doain aje yeeeee.....


gw bikin thread ini jg krn ga sabar nunggu re-openingnya amare....


Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 29/04/08, 17:23
iye...i'll be back next weekend, coz i'm final step now....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Rafe on 29/04/08, 23:41
gosipnya bln mei dah buka lagi,bener ga nih??
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: BREAKS MAFIA on 30/04/08, 02:05

Dasar tukang gosip
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 05:34
Quote from: BREAKS MAFIA on 30/04/08, 02:05

Dasar tukang gosip

huahahahaha..pokoknya yang jelas amare baru bikin gw pengen cepet2 pulang !! sial !!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: bLacK daMAN! on 30/04/08, 05:41
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 05:34
Quote from: BREAKS MAFIA on 30/04/08, 02:05

Dasar tukang gosip

huahahahaha..pokoknya yang jelas amare baru bikin gw pengen cepet2 pulang !! sial !!
huahaha...urus dulu tu visa sobb baru mikirin lainya :P
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 05:46
^ ^ ^ ^

kampret !! bukan doian gw loe !! huahahaha !!

hidup amare !! hidup peyem2 bandung !!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 16:49
hidup kadal amare =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 16:59
Buat Fia and Amare2 boss  lain:

please nanti klo udah buka, tolong di tertibkan lagi siapa2 aja yang bisa dapet GL, jangan semua tlp ke odot..and satu Resident kalian ini skillnya udah nambah jadi jangan di biarkan sembarangan orang masuk..hihi

cape gw and kesian sama odot klo selasa sama rabu jam 7 sampe jam 10 malem hidupnya kaco gara2 di mintain GL mulu !! hihi

peace out
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: mongki on 30/04/08, 17:03
ohhh... odot lagi di amrik...

nitip karedok leunca dot...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:10
huehehe....akhirnya ada temanku yg sgt perhatian, mkshh bo =D......makanya saya bilang buka cabang aja diNYC, biar dpt gl gampang tp susah dpt visa nya.....huahahahahahahhhhh....Viva Serato with a new visual style"
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 17:14

huahahahaha..beneran asli pa, gondok juga denger pa haji di mintai GL mulu !! huahaha !! klo amare yg baru pokoknya harus FDC, gila kali yah resident nya jauh2 menuntut ilmu buat crowd, crowdnya gitu aja..huahaha

or atleast ada orang lain yang ngurus GL deh !! hihi

dont forget pa serato saya !! hihi
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:23
aight Sir.....
gmn UK td beres Champ league? ada imbas ke birmingham??? birmingham team bola nya peringkat brp pak ya??
-markodotto- =D (oldshool bgt ya?) =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:24
aight Sir.....
gmn UK td beres Champ league? ada imbas ke birmingham??? birmingham team bola nya peringkat brp pak ya??
-markodotto- =D (oldschool bgt ya?) =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: panji666 on 30/04/08, 17:28
pak guru...oleh2 ya,hehehe!!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:34
@dj jie
iyah.....gmn maennya skrg? makin bgs?? mudah2an tmbh bgs ya biar bs maen di Amare with new style....
thanks dj
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:36
aya ge karedok sosis, adeuk?? =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 17:36
Quote from: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:24
aight Sir.....
gmn UK td beres Champ league? ada imbas ke birmingham??? birmingham team bola nya peringkat brp pak ya??
-markodotto- =D (oldschool bgt ya?) =D

eitssss !! ada ASTON VILLA PA,,klo Birmingham city mah cupu..aston villa no 6 pa, lagi rebutan sama everton..

back to topic:
amare..openingnya harus gokil yah !!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:40
aduuuuhhh kgn soccer....disini yg idup cuma baseball/basket/football.....tp yg sgt lebih idup RNB =D
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 17:43
Quote from: dj odotto on 30/04/08, 17:40
aduuuuhhh kgn soccer....disini yg idup cuma baseball/basket/football.....tp yg sgt lebih idup RNB =D

nah nitip jerseynya NY knicks pa or jacket baseball yang biasa pa guru pake, nanti kirim sekalian serato yah !! hihi !!

back to topic:

wah meriah nih kayaknya AMARE baru !! seru2 !!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 30/04/08, 23:41
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 30/04/08, 16:59
Buat Fia and Amare2 boss  lain:

please nanti klo udah buka, tolong di tertibkan lagi siapa2 aja yang bisa dapet GL, jangan semua tlp ke odot..and satu Resident kalian ini skillnya udah nambah jadi jangan di biarkan sembarangan orang masuk..hihi

cape gw and kesian sama odot klo selasa sama rabu jam 7 sampe jam 10 malem hidupnya kaco gara2 di mintain GL mulu !! hihi

peace out

setuju bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 30/04/08, 23:44
@ odoto

emang bener y amare mw nambah resident cewe?
huhuy mantap

boleh kasih bocoran gk pak odot?
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: panji666 on 02/05/08, 18:14
siap pak guru,...cpt pulang pak!!!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: anaktop on 02/05/08, 22:51
@ odot

brader oke ga??
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Wira on 04/05/08, 23:06
wah ga sabar ni liat amare yang baru...alatnya baru juga ga ya???hehehe...oya sekedar masukan ni...(maap kalo sok tau...) monitor jangan dipasang di atas meja dj booth...mejanya bergetar banget...susah kalo lagi pake turntable...skip mulu kecuali kalo monitor dimatiin...hehehe....salam damai bwd smua....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 07/05/08, 20:30
ya pasti jadi kaya abis di renovasi laaah..............hehehehe

ya pasti lebih baik.....

lebih lebar....

lebih dingin....

dan, lebih, lebih, yang lainnya....hehehe
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 07/05/08, 20:31
@ dj odotto

kmana aja pak???

denger" udah pulang ya..???

koq nda ada kabar...??

see you on da new AMARE pak...!!!

miss u sooooo much .....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Errie on 08/05/08, 12:11
pas liburan kemaren lewat amare, balkon-nya ditutup kaca deh kayanya...
berarti :
1. balkon ilang...

Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: RomeoKillJuliet on 08/05/08, 15:15
balkon dijadiin bar....lanjut....
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 08/05/08, 19:08
holaaaa all....


line up nya dikasi tau lg blakangan yesss...

dateng ya smua, amare with new concept...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 08/05/08, 22:23
@ fia


waah kira" ada apaan nih???

jadi penasaran.....hehehehe
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: anaktop on 08/05/08, 22:58
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fitra Razab Brilliant on 09/05/08, 01:46
Quote from: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 08/05/08, 19:08
holaaaa all....


line up nya dikasi tau lg blakangan yesss...

dateng ya smua, amare with new concept...

dateng dung!!!

wahhh, pnasaran kayanya,,,,

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dizzylicious on 09/05/08, 13:56
aduh masuk line up ga ya ??
hahahha *harapan berlebiiihhhh,...*
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Rafe on 10/05/08, 17:41
ada gosip baru yah
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: yoggiesd on 10/05/08, 18:44
Semoga....dance area nya sama dinginnya ma suasana kotaBandung lah...hihihihih (suka yg dingin2)
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 11/05/08, 00:26
upload yah guys foto2 amare yang baru + resident yang baru + odotto dengan skill yang baru juga !!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: sapta on 11/05/08, 12:11
wah keren nie kyanyaa
kang odotto kumaha damang
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 12/05/08, 09:12
pokokna mah BANDUNG BERGOYANG lah di new AMARE !!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

hehehehehe.....  *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj roellie on 12/05/08, 10:36
Diusahakan hadir........
Pengen banget ngeliat perubahan Amare.....Penasaran......
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 12/05/08, 19:24

keren bgttttt dooonggg..







Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 12/05/08, 19:45
yang hiphopnya kapan nih fi? penasaran sama odotto dengan skill baru and amare resident yang baru !

foto2nya di upload disini yah !!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 13/05/08, 11:03
suppport doooongsss......
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Fia_Gtu_Lho on 13/05/08, 14:36
@ dedo

yg r n b nya masih di gojlok konsepnya...

gua jg blm liat odotto yg baru gmn heheheh


dateng ya smuaaaa
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: chestertoon on 13/05/08, 14:52
wuiiih kyanya amare tambah gokil ni *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

supporttt guys *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Bobby Never Die on 13/05/08, 21:45
@ fia

iya nih..kapan RnB party nya dengan concept Amare yang baru...????
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dj roellie on 13/05/08, 22:44
Siap pasti hadir di bandung.........
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dinar on 15/05/08, 02:23
iya ayo donk bantai lg sm r n b hahahaha
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: dedoSixteen on 15/05/08, 07:48

siap fie pokoknya gw tinggal terima report sama foto yah, si odot dengan skill baru dari states + resident yang baru !!
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: panji666 on 19/05/08, 17:17
semoga amare dgn new concept benar2 berbeda dan tambah sukses,...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 22/05/08, 19:25

Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: DOUBLE DEE on 25/05/08, 13:34
wiiih amare yg baru keren....lebih terang n lebih exlusive bangeeet...dancefloor lebih luas...djboothnya okee...
tadi malem seruuuu banget...kaya jaman amare baru buka....orang2 lamanya keluar semua
n pas alice norin maeeen..danfloor isinya dj bandung semua...hihihi...
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 25/05/08, 15:41

pengennya gw dateng!!

amare naik dauuun lg euyy!!

mantaaapp!! kangen amare..
Title: Re: amare abis renov kaya apa yaa.....???
Post by: vindra on 25/05/08, 16:35
@ deden..


we have already seen the new face of amare...

hope another big event there...

case closed !!

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