
General Hype => Main Talk => Bogor => Topic started by: Andre Vus Lounge on 01/08/08, 22:33

Title: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: Andre Vus Lounge on 01/08/08, 22:33
Dear all,

We have new marketing

ICHAN (08179135453)

Please contact him for schedule event

Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: bless the child on 01/08/08, 22:47
thx..for the info.welcome ichan..
Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: Bagash_777 on 17/10/08, 15:15
Welcome Ichan...
full support buat Ichan dan VU's nya...
Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: NiNjaskoo1 on 17/10/08, 19:36
welcome Ichan...
support buat VU'S Lounge...
Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: sapta on 18/10/08, 22:07
welcome Ichan
Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: DVD on 18/10/08, 22:20
@ Ichan

Punten ya..kemaren jumat ga bisa dateng gw..ngurusin KISI DISCOLOGY euy..trus..rada ga enak badan gitu deh..hehehe..maap ya..next time dehhh... *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: New Marketing @Vu's lounge
Post by: rianomilano on 20/10/08, 19:13
well come ichan... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

support buat vus . *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
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