General Hype => Main Talk => Bogor => Topic started by: Andre Vus Lounge on 01/08/08, 22:33
Dear all,
We have new marketing
ICHAN (08179135453)
Please contact him for schedule event
thx..for the info.welcome ichan..
Welcome Ichan...
full support buat Ichan dan VU's nya...
welcome Ichan...
support buat VU'S Lounge...
welcome Ichan
@ Ichan
Punten ya..kemaren jumat ga bisa dateng gw..ngurusin KISI DISCOLOGY euy..trus..rada ga enak badan gitu deh..hehehe..maap ya..next time dehhh... *piss* *piss* *piss*
well come ichan... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
support buat vus . *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*