
General Hype => Clubs / Venues => Topic started by: jazzylover on 30/01/09, 08:28

Title: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: jazzylover on 30/01/09, 08:28

mau tau donk pendapat kalian tentang X-LOUNGE VERTIGO yang sekarang...

terus kalo bisa kasih input an juga ya...

makasih...  :)
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: Andre Vus Lounge on 30/01/09, 08:54
kalo menurut gue sih sekarang X LOUNGE VERTIGO udah ok banget ya..
tempat nya makin cozy..
resident nya apa lagi.. huehehhe..
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: phetox86 on 02/02/09, 12:13
gw comment VERTIGO aja yah...hee,scara gak pnh main di xlounge... *piss*

VERTIGO : the best quality club in jakarta (all about sound,crowd etc..)

hee....walaupun satu management sm X2 (tp gw tetep provide dgn VERTIGO... *bgs*)

skedar saran,hee......VERTIGO kurang sdikit variatif (hee....)

::) andai aja sring2 dtengin DJ luar tp tetep dipasangin dgn talent local kita yg sbnrnya gak beda kualitasnya.
( just my opinion & sukses trz buat VERTIGO & XLOUNGE )
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: EETZ_Feelz on 02/02/09, 12:35
Vertigo??,, the best club in jakarta dah.....!!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: riz88 on 02/02/09, 13:00
Nice place nice crowd and nice quality sound
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: oneglove on 02/02/09, 13:16
Residentnya okeh2 bgt..ramah..
Atas bwh kren smuanya..
Sukses buat lt 16n17..
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: Andre Vus Lounge on 03/02/09, 14:14
tempat belajar banyak kayaknya deh
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: echaaaa on 03/02/09, 14:19
the best !

keep up the goodwork !
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: Syndromatic on 03/02/09, 14:42
Berhubung pilihan makin sedikit di jakarta, jd harus lebih di boost up the events ... Btw, klo mau bikin event Vertigo contact person nya siapa ya?

Cheers, Viva La Vertigo ...
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: key123 on 03/02/09, 18:13
the best club in jakartaa.....
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: MC IQBL Wazhtuffle on 03/02/09, 18:20
klo bicara suara udh ga diragukn lg,tmpat ini soundnya ok  *bgs*
mgkin hrus lbh variatif program2nya...  ;)

full support  *bgs*
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: *Penikmatmuzic* on 04/02/09, 00:12
Tempatnya gokil,soundnya gokil,crowdnya gokil nah tinggal eventnya aja nih perlu digokilin,support buat vertigo,,,peace..
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: oneglove on 04/02/09, 00:17
Bawa Dj2 Luar dnk ...

ayo dnk vertigo , gebrakan 2009nya
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: iaz_holic on 04/02/09, 00:24
apa yah...UUmmmm...best club in jakarta x yah..walaupun ada sodara sebelah yang namanya lebih mentereng hhee..tapi punya quality of place yang bagus banged...
sarannya c bikin lebih variatif aja eventnya...bawa dj luar ok juga tuh hhe.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: Potsy_Aulia on 09/02/09, 05:27
 *bgs* *bgs*

Crowd cwe na lucu-lucu . :P :-[ *piss*
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: dj arya on 09/02/09, 12:34
club dengan sound yang gokil pastinnya
bravo vertigo..
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: otherside production on 11/02/09, 13:16
x lounge vertigo..??

uhm..mantaaaablah pokoqna..

soundna okewh..residentna ramah2..

klo saran dr gw,,dr konsep eventna dbuat yg lebih variatif lg.

bw dj luar jg blh tuh..

sukses truz bwat x lounge vertigo..
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: boele 25hours on 11/02/09, 18:10
Konsep event nya sih yg perlu ditambah
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: uta reez on 05/05/09, 14:14
vertigo enak n keren tempatnya
tp sayang wlpun udh sering bw2 dj luar tp kurang promo .
ayo dong gencarin promo bwt event2 d vertigo


Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: ministerofsound on 05/05/09, 14:35
sudah lama nih ngga kesana? apa kabar ya tuh....
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: Find_me on 05/05/09, 14:54
mungkin harus sering adain in house event kali ya, sdikit bermodal jg utk ajak DJ2 first line..
itung2 promo besar2an gt, biar dilirik sama pihak sponsor&EO jg..
sekedar advice  ;)
Title: Re: What do You think about X-LOUNGE VERTIGO rite now???
Post by: uta reez on 06/05/09, 15:06
mkin ajip bro
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