
General Hype => Design and Promotions => Topic started by: tuta on 26/07/06, 04:15

Title: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 26/07/06, 04:15
buat designer2 flyer (event party) jkt silahkan posting karya2 nya ya... paling ngga saran sm kritik2 nya jg blh.
smoga flyer2 party di jkt seperti dulu lagi, ciamik.  hehehe gih taro.
Title: showcase - dmakaveli
Post by: tuta on 26/07/06, 04:31
gw prawanin dulu pake barang lama
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: ModusOperandi on 27/07/06, 16:47
cuma jakarta aja yah????
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: Silent_Rave on 27/07/06, 18:35
ini showcase flyer2 party yang udah ada ato termasuk yang fiktif juga kah..???
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: ar on 28/07/06, 11:32
ikutan yah :)

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 28/07/06, 13:26
Quote from: Silent_Rave on 27/07/06, 18:35
ini showcase flyer2 party yang udah ada ato termasuk yang fiktif juga kah..???
silent_rave> yah, bro. jgn yg fiktif. ditunggu posting nya okay.
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 01/08/06, 08:35
ini ada beberapa...cupu siyyy...jadi malu...hehehehehe
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: sin.AD on 01/08/06, 11:28
2006 fave design....made by Lawrence...

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: raphael on 14/11/06, 03:04
fuiiih setelah dilembur jadi juga deh..... :P :P :P :P :P
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: raphael on 14/11/06, 03:07
ini sengaja biar mirip kang obey hehehehehe..... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: cuzzy on 11/01/07, 18:02
xixixi ngiklan gratis,,mo dong?!(http://"D:%5Ccuzz%5Cchez_.jpg")
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: djakrabbit on 01/03/07, 12:27
gokill .....

keren abis
pay.... salut sob


Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: sluwsluw on 12/04/07, 01:06
sadist2 euy.... ::)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mazday on 13/04/07, 07:14
Bagus2 semua! Menambah inspirasi gw bgt! Gokil Brur..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: wd j on 13/04/07, 09:19

keren, keren desainnya....ckckckckck....

a trip to hell...mantaaaapppppppp.... detailnya padet, komposisinya tetep fokus,. lay outing utk logo sponsornya juga ok....

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mocko on 23/04/07, 01:54
Quote from: wd j on 13/04/07, 09:19

keren, keren desainnya....ckckckckck....

a trip to hell...mantaaaapppppppp.... detailnya padet, komposisinya tetep fokus,. lay outing utk logo sponsornya juga ok....



posting dong hasil design2 flyers lo... ;D ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: adhievizuale on 28/04/07, 05:33
iya nih........ayooooo 16 pixels....mana nih??? ;) ;) ;) ;)..jangan malu2 atuh kang nikih...heuheuheuheuhe *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: sluwsluw on 02/05/07, 14:35
mana lagi negh..mayan buat onani ide..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: chiefy on 18/05/07, 02:00
wiedyyyyyh gokil ne desaindesainnya...!!!!!!
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: LSD on 22/05/07, 12:42
Kemaren gw dapet invitationnya dari temen gw, print adnya di freemag dan flyernya gw temuin weekend kemaren di aksara. flyernya pake bahasa jerman segala, dibuat kaya cd case dilipet bolak balik. and invitationnya dibuat kaya duit gobanan sob! nih gw scan-in, kayanya concrete sounds deh yang buat, secara doi yang jadi promoternya.
Dan kayanya ni design kaga ada film yellow-nya deh, gw peratiin hasil cetakannya kaya cuman pake film cyan magenta & black doang. waktu itu di aksara masih segepok sih, ngga tau deh sekarang...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: vinoonsky on 02/06/07, 15:19
Dengan segala hormat ... sadis-sadis euy flyer nyaaa ... hebat! detail habis, ayo sobs keluarkan semua jurus-jurus handal mu ... btw, gw suka koleksi flyer & disain org indonesia keren2, gw lg nyoba2 juga seh bikin flyer secara ... gw bukan org disain & gw cuma nyoba2 aja.
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: jelly on 03/06/07, 23:02
turut meramaikan........
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: 3v3y4kuz4 on 27/06/07, 04:14
ini baru mantab
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: riekkon on 22/07/07, 06:57
ikud ikudd...lil bit of my flyer design..

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: BLACKmafia on 01/03/08, 13:46
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 01:36
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 01:38
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 01:44
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 01:45
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 03:17
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 03:27
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 22/03/08, 03:37
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: jazzymike on 23/03/08, 00:02
cenggih lo,mbi... ;)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: massivewhat? on 27/03/08, 18:12
flyernya ame keren deh. nice2
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: flicker_screen on 23/04/08, 02:38
wuih.... Gokil nih..... Embi..... iya lah...... designer handal........
Oya s'lamat yach design lo maren menang REDMA yach.......

design Ican juga gak kalah gokil.....

For all mantabhs2 semuanya..........
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: djepie on 23/04/08, 14:11
GUE NGE FANS SAMA EMBI !!!!!!!!  :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: bang_ben on 23/04/08, 18:28
Ada ga yang ngoleksi flyer acara2

kalo dikumpulin terus dijadiin buku keren banget tuh,

bisa buat inspiration bahkan bisa dijual,

Designnya keren2 banget, saluut
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: DJ Jerin on 24/04/08, 13:05
@tuta support :)

maen2 donk ke trinity lagi :D
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: vinodii on 27/05/08, 23:50
kok ga da yg posing flyer lagi ?
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 28/05/08, 04:09
semuanya keren2.. *bgs*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: vjzephir on 29/05/08, 22:31
wah embi gokil...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 30/05/08, 04:18
Tambah siip aja designer indonesia yaa... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 02/06/08, 13:16
Quote from: EMBI on 22/03/08, 03:37
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
bro ky wave lab.... gw suka... keren
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: NiNjaskoo1 on 02/06/08, 17:02
keren-keren flyernya......
canggih bener dah..... *bgs*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: Prinze_devilz on 02/06/08, 21:46
tob markotob semua..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 13/06/08, 23:39
...... ikutaaaan ........ *piss*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 14/06/08, 00:21
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 14/06/08, 00:23
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 14/06/08, 00:26
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 08/07/08, 19:49
Quote from: EMBI on 22/03/08, 03:37
r u talkin' about differentiation and neat composition?contact EMBI1945MF - embi15@yahoo.com (YM) - embi15@hotmail.com (MSN)
im your #1 fans
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: oneglove on 16/07/08, 21:15
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ikutan yah ? gk bagus c , tp yah lumayan , dr pd lumanyun ...
sapa tau aja iseng2 berhadiah

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 17/07/08, 11:24

hehe... numpang nampang.... jg
aduh vinaaa....
kembangnya bagi dooong....
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 17/07/08, 11:26
btw maap ni pa' admin gober pd aga2 melenceng dikit
kan topic nya flyer design posting.... prett
lama bet nunggu yg post2.. jd iseng deh... peace!!!
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: oneglove on 17/07/08, 13:27
@Tuta ...

hmmm , tr di bagi deh ...


tr gw salamin ...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: wisnu spinach on 17/07/08, 16:53
Numpang yah oom
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: wisnu spinach on 17/07/08, 16:58
numpang lagi..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: wisnu spinach on 17/07/08, 17:06
hehehe  ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 18/07/08, 01:33
ayo ayo ayo saatnya penetrasi flyer........... mana2 lg

to EMBI...... yours???
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 18/07/08, 01:53
narsis lg...


dan lagi...

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: im_innu on 18/07/08, 02:23

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: im_innu on 18/07/08, 02:24

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: bullebali on 18/07/08, 03:21
Keren2 nih Flyernya..
mau ikut jadi Dropppp kwakwakwawa..
jadi penonton aja deh..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 18/07/08, 17:41
tapi mix buat dj bee-nya ok kok om...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: djepie on 19/07/08, 14:52


*piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: djepie on 19/07/08, 14:52

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: chiefy on 19/07/08, 18:44
hoohoooow kereeeeeeenn...!!

sungguuuh kreaaatiipp..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: mahardickass on 21/07/08, 07:12
top markotop...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 24/07/08, 05:41
sip pos hansip..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: dedoSixteen on 25/07/08, 09:19
@mr. tuts

flayer2 jaman dulu lagi dong aw !!! hihihi
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 25/07/08, 20:02
dedo pakabr lo... kgn geela makaveli jmn dulu....huheuheue

ngepost ahh..
content katanya blm blh d exposed... jd design doang hehehehehehehe

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: BLACKmafia on 26/07/08, 11:50
ikutan ya sob, thanks
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: BLACKmafia on 28/07/08, 15:46
numpang lagi ya
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 29/07/08, 00:21
Quote from: BLACKmafia on 28/07/08, 15:46
numpang lagi ya
GOOD WERKZ dude.... hehehee lg dong jo'.
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: BLACKmafia on 31/07/08, 10:56
yg paling gress dan besok tuh eventnya
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: BLACKmafia on 31/07/08, 11:04
other pic flyers....
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 01/08/08, 14:16
Quote from: BLACKmafia on 31/07/08, 11:04
other pic flyers....
mantabs... lg dongs...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 28/09/08, 07:33
om admin link image nya ada yang rusak tu...
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: sinners_inc on 21/01/09, 12:48
support aja deh
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: Ijonk on 31/01/09, 21:19
Wah gokil2. tapi gw gak bisa ikut buat flyer. kerjaan Skin VirtualDJ dah numpuk.

Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: digital hallucination on 05/02/09, 02:39

ikutan yah..

<a href="http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/?action=view&current=thriller.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/thriller.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/?action=view&current=january09-monthly-front.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/january09-monthly-front.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: digital hallucination on 05/02/09, 02:48
nah lho, kog rumus nya doang yg keluar?
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 24/02/09, 13:41
Quote from: digital hallucination on 05/02/09, 02:39

ikutan yah..

<a href="http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/?action=view&current=thriller.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/thriller.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/?action=view&current=january09-monthly-front.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll126/sunnyspeakinz/january09-monthly-front.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

pake www.imageshack.us aja bro...

jadi setelah you upload pilih kolom ke 5 dari 8 (yg ada tulisan.. hotlink for forum (1)... copy paste deh di text box forum ini)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 26/03/09, 17:11
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: chimunx666 on 05/04/09, 12:59
Mantab sob.... !
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: dj ungu on 05/04/09, 15:37
gw support buat mas tuta he3
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: nain_design on 07/04/09, 15:54
@embi :
design lo kren" bnget dah ..
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: vibe_blue on 09/04/09, 10:51
EMBI1945MF!!! YOU RULES BRO!! Canggih lu mbi! ;)
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: EMBI on 21/04/09, 19:17
ah..  :-[
Title: Re: Flyer design posting
Post by: tuta on 01/08/09, 03:47
ah dije ungu bisa aje.. hihihi
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