
On Stage => Disk Jockey => Topic started by: dirtynumbangelboy on 23/10/07, 17:52

Title: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 23/10/07, 17:52
Fil & Jelly live set ...
what do ya'll think about Midway*78 ? ;D

pokoknya release debut single-nye dong buruan joooo
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: deejay_dq on 23/10/07, 17:57
Gokil !!! Gw udah denger di Indika.. Salut deeh buat Fil ama Jelly... Hehehehehe   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Maju terus DJ-DJ Indonesia !!!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: kc on 24/10/07, 10:05
kemaren gue denger di Indika keren deh..

udah ngga kenceeeeeeeeeengg yang gaspolremdol kayak dikejar bajay.. *piss*
udah ciamik lah pokoknya!!

keep up the good work guys..

Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: im_innu on 24/10/07, 10:08
ini yang di indika kmrn ya....
sukses broooo...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 24/10/07, 11:04
udah mulai makin manis nih setnya heheh
sukses bro ;)
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 24/10/07, 23:59
kalo gua bilang yg kmarin melodic/trippy banget set-nya
tapi imho flownya dapet kok cingg ...

tapi maenin yg nyetrum2 geli dong juoo, jangan yg gremet2 muluk hihihihi
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: RoniJoni on 25/10/07, 00:43
cool !!!!tambah ok kok..perpaduan yang sangat indah..!!maju terus ya om!!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: dj.pauL on 26/10/07, 00:08
support...support....,ayo maju teruz dj.2 indonesia...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 07/02/08, 20:11
wahhh gw baru baca niyhhh threadnya:) heheheh... makasih2 dah comment!!!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: F E R R E on 08/02/08, 22:02
wahh..jujur sih gw sama sekali belum pernah denger ato liat live nya...tapi percaya deh,
they got those chemistry, and the potential...maju terus ya brothers...jangan lupa ditunggu
undangan kolaborasinya...hehe...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: luthfi on 08/02/08, 23:38
gw liat sih belom,
soalnya pas waktu mereka main di phynn gk liat gw..

gw cuma denger di danceteria aja,
oklah mantep,
agak kalem yah fil skrng mainnya ?
john dhalback abis :P

hihihi, CMIIW

sukses ye jo !!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: bebebo on 09/02/08, 00:31

Mixingnya bagus kok, tinggal dibersihin aja.. Hehehe!
Inget apa yg gue bilang Filcuy, owkay?
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: tenshi on 09/02/08, 03:22
keren joo midway78, apalagi peralatannya -- canggih hehehe
Mungkin kalau lagi live set. jangan cuma mixing saja. dipadu dengan sampling, Effect atau laennya biar ada sesuatu yang berbeda.

Sukses buat midway78
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 09/02/08, 13:03
Quote from: tenshi on 09/02/08, 03:22
keren joo midway78, apalagi peralatannya -- canggih hehehe
Mungkin kalau lagi live set. jangan cuma mixing saja. dipadu dengan sampling, Effect atau laennya biar ada sesuatu yang berbeda.

Sukses buat midway78

@tenshi. thanks memang ada rencana buat kesitu siyhhh... ini lagi mencari event yang pas!!! tungguin yaaa gw bakal maen Drum Set:)

yang lain dungdungdung any comments???
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Chris.M on 09/02/08, 19:15
paketin sama vj & mc, kalo ada kumplit seru tuh!!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 10/02/08, 00:01
Quote from: ginalfyl on 09/02/08, 13:03
Quote from: tenshi on 09/02/08, 03:22
keren joo midway78, apalagi peralatannya -- canggih hehehe
Mungkin kalau lagi live set. jangan cuma mixing saja. dipadu dengan sampling, Effect atau laennya biar ada sesuatu yang berbeda.

Sukses buat midway78

tungguin yaaa gw bakal maen Drum Set:)

kayaknya doku lagi banyak ni beli alat mulu , traktir kek kampret
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 10/02/08, 03:12
@chris. bisa-bisa dikau germonya yaaa heheheh!!!

@DNAB. boleh2 traktirnya di pasar uler yaaaa... gmana??? hahahaha
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: bebebo on 10/02/08, 03:17

HAhaha! Sukses yaa beybehh..
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 10/02/08, 03:25
Quote from: bebebo on 10/02/08, 03:17

HAhaha! Sukses yaa beybehh..

Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: JESSY ECHY on 10/02/08, 23:53
jaga diri ya fil di dunia malam yang kejam ini.. gbu hihiii
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 10/02/08, 23:59
@jessy. emang gw buruk bnget apa??? lo tuhhhh kurang2in... hehee...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Adrian CC on 11/02/08, 09:03
M I D W A Y  78  *bgs*

Mau dong di ajak main sama MIDWAY 78.. ;)

Keep up the goodwork to   MIDWAY 78.. *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 11/02/08, 15:35
Quote from: Adrian CC on 11/02/08, 09:03
M I D W A Y  78  *bgs*

Mau dong di ajak main sama MIDWAY 78.. ;)

Keep up the goodwork to   MIDWAY 78.. *tepuktangan*

kita kan pernah maen bareng juga yaa:) hehehe tapi cuma gw sendirian....
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: sonique on 11/02/08, 22:07
huehehe... mulai menanjak nih midway... cenggihlaaaah! ;)
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 12/02/08, 01:43
Quote from: sonique on 11/02/08, 22:07
huehehe... mulai menanjak nih midway... cenggihlaaaah! ;)

doakan yauuuu:) and butuh dukungannya hehehe...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 21/02/08, 05:04
midway78 - 21 feb perform at loft25 (Campusnite LSPR)

midway78 - 23 feb on air @INDIKA 91.6fm Dancetaria Synan (intrdruce new single Midway78 - The Time)

Saksikanlahhhh.... hehehe...
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 12/03/08, 02:18
Midway78 - 19 March at Cleo:)
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Robbie on 14/04/08, 03:46
Hidup MIDWAY78  ;D

Mixtepnya MIDWAY78 GokiL !! gw udh denger semuanya  *bgs*

tapi pas di acara gw knpa maennya pelan yah... *piss*

@ FiL  hidupnya dikelilingi cewe mulu tapi itu juga klo lagi maen klo ga maen di cuekin abizzz sama tu cewe !! wakakakkkk... ;D ;D makanya jadi artis sinetron FiL  :P biar banyak groupiesnya juoooo  ;D
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Robbie on 14/04/08, 03:54
 *piss* *piss* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: flow embrio on 28/07/08, 05:59
buat fil.. kayaknya perlu beli Equipment baru tuh bro biar lebih Gokil... hehehe
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Diena Milashovic on 29/07/08, 17:19
tau bgt niy....
jelly.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
sukses ya sob dgn midway 78 nya...
fil... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
jgn lupa tar tgl 30 yaaa.
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 22/08/08, 02:18
@Flow.. hahahaha senior kampus gw mampir juga ke sini... siap atuhhhhh:)

@Diena.. hajarrrrr??? hehehehe ntar berdiri di depan speaker ya mbil pke kacamata item... hihihi
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Angelo on 22/08/08, 03:39
pendapat saya ttg midway 78 ....ok =) sikat terus fil..jel...jangan kalah ama duo maia... hehhehe... wah udah ada track sendiri nih bagi dong fil.. the time.. dukung abis dj sekaligus producer.. terusin aja apa yang lagi lu kerjain sekarang... pokonya MIDWAY 78 FIL N JELLY BGT DEH..POLLLLL !!!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Dj GITHA on 22/08/08, 04:03
good live set..:)
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: nickvan on 22/08/08, 04:13

great friends,,,and also good talented duo trance dj  *bgs* *bgs*

keep on rollin mate  :D
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 22/08/08, 16:29
@angelo... pendapat sy tntang anda lo lebih gokilllll sob apalgi itu tuhhhh track 2 "River spirit" hehehehe

@Githa... Muahhhhhhhh. hehehehe

@Nick... situ juga oke kok apalagi klo kita barengan lagi kayk di centro... hahahaa mpe parno kan lo!!!
Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: F E R R E on 24/08/08, 05:50

wah....muanteb...setnya damai..orang2 nya juga damai..
salah satu trademarknya adalah model rambut personilnya yang gonta-ganti..

Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: Dj GITHA on 25/08/08, 01:18
hehehehe  fill bisa ajwa............kpn perform lagiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

ach gituuu ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....gk pnah dateng kl gta maen..:(

Title: Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)
Post by: ginalfyl on 25/08/08, 01:27
@ferre. hehehe damai kyak slank aja!!!

@githa. walaupun aku ga dateng tp kan aku selalu ada klo km butuhin!!! hahahahayyyyy
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