General Hype => Music => Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) => Topic started by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 17:57
uci the former singer of kubik the band (www.myspace.com/kubik) and deena former member of homogenic formed a drum n bass project called TRANQUILITY ..
pasti uda ada yang tau dong?
i've heard about this tranquility but have never seen them perform nor hear their songs..
any mixtape / songs / youtube for reference ?
heheh waktu itu main di phunktion lho.....nggak dateng ya....
cek2x aja party Junglizta di bandung...sering main jg di sana
udah pernah liat di phunktion waktu masih ditempat yg lama,satu gedung ama jaya pub,.....keren sih..mirip2 kubik versi album terakhir...... *bgs*
canggih gak si?
kalo kubik sama homogenic si gua suka banget
tapi kalo mereka b2 in a jungle/dnb form kan belom pernah liat hehe
iya ya kalo gak salah sempet main di phunktion?
tp kaga dateng gua..
ada yang punya link buat lagu-lagu yang diproduksi/remix sama mereka ?
maen dnb nya tipe2 yang kaya gimana si ni tranquility?
ngebut apa nyantai ? hehehe ..
thanks :)
liquid DnB gitu sih, keren kok..
wah mantap tuh add ah... ;D
ini kok ngga bisa yah?
[mp3tube] http://www.mp3tube.net/musics/Tranquility-Northern-Highway/151386/ [/mp3tube]
[mp3tube] http://www.mp3tube.net/musics/Tranquility-Otherside/151401/ [/mp3tube]
enak sih nyantai2 gitu, kerasa banget stylenya kubik n homogenic, cool *bgs*
wah iya liquid2 gitu yha ternyata.. keren2 buat ngechill..
gua kirain cadas kayak kubik, ieiieieie ;D
For anybody that wants a demo from Tranquility or just wanted to have more info about them, please contact me (via PM) - This is limited though, we only plan to give 10 demo CDs for give-away :)
FYI Tranquility is under Junglizta's umbrella, and next month (June) they will perform at Jakarta. So for those of you that wanted to see them in action, watch this space ;)
ow cd ya om? gada direct link gitu?
yang judulnya Northen Highway krennnn nyantai.... *bgs*
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/04/08, 00:06
ow cd ya om? gada direct link gitu?
sebenernya sih MP3 diburn ke CD hehe :P...cuman emang dari pihak Tranquility mereka ngga published lagu2 mereka di internet, paling cuman satu dua aja biasanya ;D
o iya, di bawah label junglizta, pm sent ;)
goodluck tranquility! *bgs*
ps: uci, your voice's such a healing lights for me, hahaha
uci singing lage hehe bagus2 tp gw lum denger sii model gimana kompletna song dnb cairan na
di web itu di play ato didownload??