
General Hype => Music => Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) => Topic started by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 17:57

Title: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 17:57
uci the former singer of kubik the band (www.myspace.com/kubik) and deena former member of homogenic formed a drum n bass project called TRANQUILITY ..

pasti uda ada yang tau dong?
i've heard about this tranquility but have never seen them perform nor hear their songs..
any mixtape / songs / youtube for reference ?

Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: Jerome on 25/04/08, 19:10
heheh waktu itu main di phunktion lho.....nggak dateng ya....
cek2x aja party Junglizta di bandung...sering main jg di sana
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: Mario 78 on 25/04/08, 19:18
udah pernah liat di phunktion waktu masih ditempat yg lama,satu gedung ama jaya pub,.....keren sih..mirip2 kubik versi album terakhir...... *bgs*
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 20:17
canggih gak si?
kalo kubik sama homogenic si gua suka banget
tapi kalo mereka b2 in a jungle/dnb form kan belom pernah liat hehe

iya ya kalo gak salah sempet main di phunktion?
tp kaga dateng gua..
ada yang punya link buat lagu-lagu yang diproduksi/remix sama mereka ?
maen dnb nya tipe2 yang kaya gimana si ni tranquility?

ngebut apa nyantai ? hehehe ..

thanks :)
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: Discomfort on 25/04/08, 20:46
liquid DnB gitu sih, keren kok..
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: olis on 27/04/08, 08:48
wah mantap tuh add ah... ;D

ini kok ngga bisa yah?

Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 27/04/08, 10:31
[mp3tube] http://www.mp3tube.net/musics/Tranquility-Northern-Highway/151386/  [/mp3tube]

[mp3tube] http://www.mp3tube.net/musics/Tranquility-Otherside/151401/ [/mp3tube]

enak sih nyantai2 gitu, kerasa banget stylenya kubik n homogenic, cool  *bgs*
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 28/04/08, 11:56
wah iya liquid2 gitu yha ternyata.. keren2 buat ngechill..
gua kirain cadas kayak kubik, ieiieieie ;D
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: cosmiek on 28/04/08, 18:19
For anybody that wants a demo from Tranquility or just wanted to have more info about them, please contact me (via PM) - This is limited though, we only plan to give 10 demo CDs for give-away  :)

FYI Tranquility is under Junglizta's umbrella, and next month (June) they will perform at Jakarta. So for those of you that wanted to see them in action, watch this space  ;)

Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/04/08, 00:06
ow cd ya om? gada direct link gitu?

Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: ginalfyl on 29/04/08, 03:54
yang judulnya Northen Highway krennnn nyantai.... *bgs*
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: cosmiek on 29/04/08, 15:23
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/04/08, 00:06
ow cd ya om? gada direct link gitu?


sebenernya sih MP3 diburn ke CD hehe  :P...cuman emang dari pihak Tranquility mereka ngga published lagu2 mereka di internet, paling cuman satu dua aja biasanya  ;D
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 29/04/08, 15:58
o iya, di bawah label junglizta, pm sent ;)
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 00:24
goodluck tranquility! *bgs*

ps: uci, your voice's such a healing lights for me, hahaha
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: NEUROLAB on 13/08/08, 02:05
uci singing lage hehe bagus2 tp gw lum denger sii model gimana kompletna song dnb cairan na
Title: Re: TRANQUILITY ? uci (kubik) & deena (homogenic)
Post by: NEUROLAB on 13/08/08, 02:15
di web itu di play ato didownload??
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