Mengikuti suggestion n demands beberapa teman disini, sekaligus mengisi kekosongan schedule sebulan terakhir ;D
LIVE PEOPLE Ableton Courses is now OPEN for publics..
Ableton Live Based Private Course For DJ's , Live Performer, Producers & Entry Level Engineer..
Cocok untuk yang nyari all in one class dari mulai digital DJing, Live performance, Remixing , Producing lagu sampe Basic Engineering Technique nya.. One Software is & One Solution is all you need... LIVE *tepuktangan*
Ini basic Contents / Curricullum sebagai guideline besar topik bahasan yang di discuss selama kelas berlangsung :
World of Ableton Live :
Introduction to Live
Workspace / Session VS Arrangement / Basic Shortcuts
Hardware Integration
LIVE DJing Class :
Concept & WorkFlow ----> Session View
Basic Routing Concept
Track Warping For DJ's (Basic Beat Warping)
Triggering Methods ( Quantizing, loops n scrubbing, Follow action, etc )
FX ( Basic Routing, Macros & Mapping , Dummy clips trigger system, etc etc )
Creative Live Concept
Track n Database Management on LIVE
Concept, INTEGRATION & WorkFlow ----> Arrangement View VS Session View
Details on MIDI & WaveForms
Managing Live Clips ( MIDI & Audio waveforms) & External Loop Samples ( Wav / Rex / Exs)
Track Warping for Studio ( Complex Warping, Slicing & Transient mode )
Basic Sequencing & arrangement session ( tips/tricks, shortcuts technique, etc )
Ableton Live Basic Instruments ( Drum Rack, Sampler n Simpler ,Operator)
Working with external Plugins (VST/AU)
FX for Studio (Complex Routing, Send/Return Bus System, SideChain, MacroChain, etc)
Mixing Technique ( Balance, Pan, Reverb, EQ & Compressor, summing result, etc )
Basic Mastering 101 ( Headroom Definition, Loudness Limiter, Peak vs RMS, )
-Final Project-
Facilites sudah tersedia baik deck maupun studio spot :
Deck Facility :
Pioneer CDJ 100s-Pioneer CDJ 800-Pioneer DJM600-Pioneer EFX1000-M Audio Torq Connective Soundcard-SoundGraph DVinyl2020-M Audio Trigger Finger-Novation RemoteZeroSL-Behringer BCR2000
Studio Facility :
PC / Mac Based (Intel Core2Duo,Ram 4gb, HD 600gb )-FW AD/DA Phonic FireFly 808-Novation Xstation49-Korg Electribe EMX-Behringer BCR2000-Behringer T1952 Tube-ESI Near05 Xperience-Edifier c3-MBox2Pro / PT LE 7.3
(Also running on Logic Studio 8 & Protools LE upon special request)
jadi untuk yang belom ada hardware peripheral, ato masi considering untuk memilih mau beli apa sesuai kebutuhannya, ga usah ragu.. CUKUP BAWA LAPTOP aja dulu.. ;)
Courses Details :
1 minggu : 2x jadwal pertemuan. Durasi per kelas : +2 jam. Lama program : 8 s/d 10 pertemuan maks.
kelas akan berjalan Fast paced & efficient dengan project project yang telah disediakan (tidak bertele - tele/mengulur waktu) dengan live project yang telah disediakan atau sudah dipersiapkan murid.
Made upon agreement on Weekdays (Senin sampai Kamis / Waktu Flexibel from 10.00 - 20.00 )
2.200.000,- 4 all in one class sampai selesai final Project ;)
Apartemen Permata Eksekutif, Jl Raya Pos Pengumben (deket ITC Permata hijau / The Rich ), perbatasan antara jakbar en jaksel lah.. :P
Berhubung juga menyangkut schedule pribadi en menghindari agar course berjalan efektif en agar tidak ada yang keteteran.. maka dalam satu periode ( 1 bulan ). gw cuma mampu handle 2 murid / Applicant...
So Hurry Up if u want it.. *piss* *piss*
more infor please PM or call : 0856-9176-8846