
General Hype => Educations / School & Studio Rentals => Topic started by: AdaGio on 01/09/09, 18:02

Title: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: AdaGio on 01/09/09, 18:02
Mengikuti suggestion n demands beberapa teman disini, sekaligus mengisi kekosongan schedule sebulan terakhir  ;D

LIVE PEOPLE Ableton Courses is now OPEN for publics..
Ableton Live Based Private Course For DJ's , Live Performer, Producers & Entry Level Engineer..

Cocok untuk yang nyari all in one class dari mulai digital DJing, Live performance, Remixing , Producing lagu sampe Basic Engineering Technique nya.. One Software is & One Solution is all you need... LIVE  *tepuktangan*

Ini basic Contents / Curricullum sebagai guideline besar topik bahasan yang di discuss selama kelas berlangsung :

World of Ableton Live :
Introduction to Live
Workspace / Session VS Arrangement / Basic Shortcuts
Hardware Integration

LIVE DJing Class :
Concept & WorkFlow ----> Session View
Basic Routing Concept
Track Warping For DJ's (Basic Beat Warping)
Triggering Methods ( Quantizing, loops n scrubbing, Follow action, etc )
FX ( Basic Routing, Macros & Mapping , Dummy clips trigger system, etc etc )
Creative Live Concept
Track n Database Management on LIVE

Concept, INTEGRATION & WorkFlow ----> Arrangement View VS Session View
Details on MIDI & WaveForms
Managing Live Clips ( MIDI & Audio waveforms) & External Loop Samples ( Wav / Rex / Exs)
Track Warping for Studio ( Complex Warping, Slicing & Transient mode )
Basic Sequencing & arrangement session ( tips/tricks, shortcuts technique, etc )
Ableton Live Basic Instruments ( Drum Rack, Sampler n Simpler ,Operator)
Working with external Plugins (VST/AU)
FX for Studio (Complex Routing, Send/Return Bus System, SideChain, MacroChain, etc)
Mixing Technique ( Balance, Pan, Reverb, EQ & Compressor, summing result, etc )
Basic Mastering 101 ( Headroom Definition, Loudness Limiter, Peak vs RMS, )

-Final Project-

Facilites sudah tersedia baik deck maupun studio spot :

Deck Facility :
Pioneer CDJ 100s-Pioneer CDJ 800-Pioneer DJM600-Pioneer EFX1000-M Audio Torq Connective Soundcard-SoundGraph DVinyl2020-M Audio Trigger Finger-Novation RemoteZeroSL-Behringer BCR2000
Studio Facility :
PC  / Mac Based (Intel Core2Duo,Ram 4gb, HD 600gb )-FW AD/DA Phonic FireFly 808-Novation Xstation49-Korg Electribe EMX-Behringer BCR2000-Behringer T1952 Tube-ESI Near05 Xperience-Edifier c3-MBox2Pro / PT LE 7.3
(Also running on Logic Studio 8 & Protools LE upon special request)

jadi untuk yang belom ada hardware peripheral, ato masi considering untuk memilih mau beli apa sesuai kebutuhannya, ga usah ragu.. CUKUP BAWA LAPTOP aja dulu..  ;)

Courses Details :

1 minggu :  2x jadwal pertemuan. Durasi per kelas : +2 jam. Lama program : 8 s/d 10 pertemuan maks.
kelas akan berjalan Fast paced & efficient dengan project project yang telah disediakan (tidak bertele - tele/mengulur waktu) dengan live project yang telah disediakan atau sudah dipersiapkan murid.

Made upon agreement on Weekdays (Senin sampai Kamis / Waktu Flexibel from 10.00 - 20.00 )

2.200.000,- 4 all in one class sampai selesai final Project  ;)

Apartemen Permata Eksekutif, Jl Raya Pos Pengumben (deket ITC Permata hijau / The Rich ), perbatasan antara jakbar en jaksel lah..  :P

Berhubung juga menyangkut schedule pribadi en menghindari agar course berjalan efektif en agar tidak ada yang keteteran.. maka dalam satu periode ( 1 bulan ). gw cuma mampu handle 2 murid / Applicant...

So Hurry Up if u want it..  *piss*  *piss*

more infor please PM or call : 0856-9176-8846

Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: AdaGio on 01/09/09, 18:03
reserved.. (kaskus bgt hehehehe)
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: mahesautara on 01/09/09, 18:17
GREAT!! Big support mas! (ini bkn nyampah ya..) kpn lg blajar sm master ableton, hehehe
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: AdaGio on 01/09/09, 18:26
hehehe... engga lah... thx mahesa.. jadi mo maen maen kmari? kabari aja. tq
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: red panda on 01/09/09, 18:38
BIG support....keren ni baru namanya ableton fundamental course  ,ntar kalo k jkt kita mampir ya
support from jogja...
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: vans on 01/09/09, 18:43
Ableton Course.
nice mas adagio, big suproot!!
sayang diriku di jogja, padahal pengen bngt mendalami software yg ajib itu...  :'(
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: oneglove on 01/09/09, 18:50
Wah , akhirnya ..
Tmptnya asik , studio gokill..

Mas adagionya jg asik , and nice..

Kalo ada rejeki, mau nih..

Sukses yah bro
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: AdaGio on 01/09/09, 18:53
@red panda
door is always open for you..... ditunggu bro...

alo sob.. klo emg mau bgt, cari aja stay address di deket sini.. gw pernah kog bbrp kali handle murid daerah (medan n surabaya) kbetulan anak rvlx juga. jadinya advance course setiap hari selama seminggu dah kelar. jadi jadwalnya bisa gw arrange khusus. cheers
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: key123 on 13/09/09, 14:45
mantaf nih,,
dibookmark dl gan..
berminat cuma lg nabung2 dl bwt laptopnya
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: earthquake on 13/09/09, 22:30
pengen bgt.... sukses ya boss...
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: Ijash on 22/09/09, 17:41
SUKSESSS BANG!! waahhh... yang ngajarin langsung ahli no.1 indonesia lg.. hihihihi.. :P
Title: Re: LIVE PEOPLE.. Ableton Live EDM Private Courses (DJing, Producing, Mix n Master)
Post by: mekadanorga on 24/12/11, 07:39
hi, masi jalan kah kelasnya? mohon info. tx
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