Misc. Talk => Life and Hobbies => Games => Topic started by: Jhone on 01/07/10, 19:43
KLIK : http://tinyurl.com/3x46oa2 (http://tinyurl.com/3x46oa2)
marii bermain dan jangan lupa share ya ;D
gw main nih,mampir mampir ya oscar mahendra *bgs*
wahhh keren2tempatnya...
nice one
yuk gabung banyak yang main ko,ada mr.din,osvaldo,dan banyak deh mantap ...
kapan lagi buat club bartender n guardnya : armin,tiesto,atau yg lainnya ;D ;D tingal ambil dari teman fb aja
gw br level 10 jhone.. ;D ;D
Quote from: EETZ_Feelz on 01/07/10, 22:23
gw br level 10 jhone.. ;D ;D
;D ;D lanjut brooooo *bgs*
oia teman kita hari ini ultah happy b'day ya bro wish u all the best GBU *tepuktangan*
daftar yang main Nightclub city facebook..
tadjudin, osvaldo, mul, ditter, bavo, rangga raster, dimdim, priast, dhion ( om gober ), ricky r'angel,
aska, khalid, oscar, pietro, eetz, berry, david, notis, dotix, iqbal, cristo, nickvan, feere, adieth
dan yang belum absen,absen dong terus taruh fotonya disini ada show studio ada show club juga ;D
Open your own hot spot in Nightclub City! Customize your nightclub with an assortment of decorative items, invite the hottest celebrities to boost your nightclub's popularity, and kick the jerks to the curb with your bouncer!
Read what the press is saying:
Inside Social Games: "We highly recommend Nightclub City."
Social Game Central: "It's just that much more fun to run a Facebook club than to be in an actual one."
Love our game? Help us with a 5 Star review:
http://bit.ly/a75ZLi (http://bit.ly/a75ZLi)
Have an idea for a new celebrity? Post it here!:
http://bit.ly/c0Wjh3 (http://bit.ly/c0Wjh3)
artisnya lucu lucu :
- Blob Zombie aka Rob Zombie
- Ozzy Ozcorn aka ozzy osbourne
- Jim Scary aka Jim Carrey
- Paula Abfool aka Paula Abdul
- Adam Lambfart aka Adam Lambert
- Robert Drowning Jr aka Robert Downey jr
- DJ Tiesto - DJ Fiesto
- Simon Cowell - Simon Frostwell
- Lars Ulrich - Wars Ulrich
- Kurt Cobain - Hurt Cobain
- Paul McCartney - Pow McCartney
Questions about the game? Check out our FAQ:
http://bit.ly/bcKlzR (http://bit.ly/bcKlzR)
Get ready to DJ some PROPER sets and party! By popular demand, we're bringing indie songs back -- we're excited to showcase cool, exclusive songs from around the world!
Play Nightclub City now!
http://apps.facebook.com/nightclubcity/ (http://apps.facebook.com/nightclubcity/)
absen! gw baru main!!
Quote from: Ijash on 02/07/10, 00:34
absen! gw baru main!!
ok berangkatttt
:P ;D ;D
bwahahaha jhone ada2 ajaaaaa......gw maen.....
Quote from: osvaldo1945MF on 02/07/10, 06:20
:P ;D ;D
mantappp saya sering berkunjung kesini,disaat residentnya gada saya suka main lumayan 2500 feenya 2jam ;D ;D
Quote from: nuqe on 02/07/10, 09:26
bwahahaha jhone ada2 ajaaaaa......gw maen.....
mana foto dong hahahaha *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
show club *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Jhone :
mr din aka altuna :
ijash :
eetz :
nuqe aka pietro :
oscar :
masi level 18 gw ;D ;D om pietro ngeri tuhhh level 35 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
jhone emang rajanya facebook
Quote from: Kimi on 02/07/10, 16:11
jhone emang rajanya facebook
raja dangdut ;D ;D *piss*
Absen gua jhone !!
gila da keren2 bgt.. gw masih standar2 bgt
add fb gw, trus send gift! hahahaa
@jhone: eh gw dah ga kayak gitu lg ya clubnya.. haha
@ billy : hahhahaha siap
@ khalid : ayo berjuanggggggggggggg
@ ijash : wah ia ntar gw ganti ya oke2 ;D ;D ajib keren loo tapi bangke gw jadi bartender di tempat lo :'( ;D ;D
INFO !!! klik gambar untuk zoom
nih lihat tanda panah usir 2 orang itu mereka suka berantem dan buat rusuh ...
1.( PARTY ANIMAL ) yg rambut biru gapake baju itu di usir kalo rambut biru pake baju jgn di usir ya
2. ( JERK ) anak punk baju pink itu jg di usir homo dan suka aneh2 deh
cara usirnya pake bouncer ( body guard baju hitam kaca mata hitam badan kekar tapi ga homo ya ;D )
klik worker terus diganti deh bartender jadi guard tingal di switch aja terserah kalian ....
cara usir mereka berduanya klik aja orangnya terus kan ntar keluar tuh profilenya di kiri bawah klik gambar sepatunya nanti ter usir deh di angkat sama bouncernya .. ok
* terusss cara buat clubers pada beli minum bass drop sama kasih mic buat yg kurang happy biar diah beli minum terus ...
* nah terus kalo minum kalian stocknya udah mau habis klik aja pas yg di unggu nya sampe full lagi gitu deh
yg ini nih klik
ada lagu baru biar ga bosan ;D ;D
wah nanti gw post SC nya..
baru lv 23.
mantap neh game! :D~~~
wah siap2 di tunggu nih,mana lagi yang lain pada somse deh maless *piss* *piss*
jhone :
Quote from: Dj jhone on 06/07/10, 17:57
wah siap2 di tunggu nih,mana lagi yang lain pada somse deh maless *piss* *piss*
jhone :
bused punya lu tu jon?
pasti cpet naek level tuh!!
tar gw post deh ah!!
baru nyoba.....
tips : kalo mo duit lu bertambah, kunjungi club punya temen, klik tempat isi minumannya sampe penuh....
sekali klik....duit lu tambah 2500
sory kalo re-post
Masih ucup :-[
@ ricky : ia punya gw tuh otak dagang sofa semua hahahahha biar banyak duit :P
Quote from: KoJack on 09/07/10, 11:02
baru nyoba.....
tips : kalo mo duit lu bertambah, kunjungi club punya temen, klik tempat isi minumannya sampe penuh....
sekali klik....duit lu tambah 2500
sory kalo re-post
yup benar kalo ga,ngedj aja 2 menit itu jg 2500 yg penting djnya lagi gada kita bisa main di tempat orang lain ;)
@sense : keren ntar juga penuh tuh club baca tips2 mainya biar tambah seru ;)
sense fb lo apa? sini gw add, biar bisa gw kirimin gift
Quote from: Ijash on 09/07/10, 17:33
sense fb lo apa? sini gw add, biar bisa gw kirimin gift
add fb ijash lalu kirim gift yaitu BOOM!!!! wkwkwkwkwkwk
Quote from: Ijash on 09/07/10, 17:33
sense fb lo apa? sini gw add, biar bisa gw kirimin gift
Klik dimari oom http://www.facebook.com/people/Erick-Gustianto/538458665 (http://www.facebook.com/people/Erick-Gustianto/538458665)
apdet hari ini ;D
ni pny gw jon!
banyakin bar spy cpt naik level!!
dan ini kl gw tidur, gw pake makro.. jd dya maen sndiri.. ;D ;D
wah thx ky,keren jo !!
makro apaan ki ?? bisa di DL dimana ?? lumayan tuhh bisa main sendiri
Quote from: Dj jhone on 10/07/10, 02:16
wah thx ky,keren jo !!
makro apaan ki ?? bisa di DL dimana ?? lumayan tuhh bisa main sendiri
via ym aja, macro ny gw bkin ndiri..
luxury makin gede mkin cpt naik lv jg!
Quote from: Dj R'AngeL on 10/07/10, 15:38
Quote from: Dj jhone on 10/07/10, 02:16
wah thx ky,keren jo !!
makro apaan ki ?? bisa di DL dimana ?? lumayan tuhh bisa main sendiri
via ym aja, macro ny gw bkin ndiri..
luxury makin gede mkin cpt naik lv jg!
waw oke siappp ntarrrrr gw ym oke
wah da pada level berapa ya??
lv 30 uda mulai bosen nih gw..
:( ada game seru lg ga ya?
biasa maen MRPG sih.. :P
ia awal2 doang .. :P ntar yg baru2 juga nyobain yuk semangatttt kalo lagi gada kerjaan main aja hehe
baru level 17 ..... silakan visit : Echa Anggara
Quote from: echaaaa on 24/07/10, 00:59
baru level 17 ..... silakan visit : Echa Anggara
ntar gw foto deh clubnya bang hehehe
dalama ga mampir,absen dulu ah .. btw sekarang makin keren ya lagu2 beatport ada sekarang hahahha mantapp
Salah kamar gak ya ::)
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http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity (http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity) ;D
@ sense : gaklah ini kompetisi ajib
Nightclub City is one of the hottest new games on Facebook. Over 10 million users are building their own virtual clubs, and spinning music from playlists within the game.
Nightclub City is looking for the hottest upbeat tracks to feature in a special Indaba playlist. Submit an original song in any genre that is appropriate for a club (electro, hip-hop, pop, etc). If your song is chosen, it will get heard by millions of potential fans, and you'll get a copy of Ableton 8. Previous music featured within the game has received millions of plays, so this is a chance for massive exposure.
The song that you submit can either be one that you have previously written, or an entirely new one. If you are working on an original composition, make sure to check out the sounds in the Indaba Clips Library for inspiration.
hadiahnya sih oke
1 Grand Prize Winner
Will have their submission featured within an Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application. They will also receive a licensed version of Ableton Live 8 Studio, 1000 Facebook Credits, and a year long Pro Membership to Indaba Music.
9 Runners-Up
Will have their mixes included on the Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application, and will also receive a licensed version of Ableton Live Intro.
Top 25 Popular Vote Winners
Will receive 3 month Pro memberships to Indaba Music and will have their submissions considered for inclusion in the Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application.
Note: The Grand Prize Winner and Runners-Up are selected by the judges from all of the submissions regardless of public vote. Only the Top 25 will be determined by public voting.
oia yang produce produce indonesia,ayo ikutan biar lagu nya bisa di dengar di 1dunia :D
web : http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity (http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity)
cliplibary: http://www.indabamusic.com/search/clips (http://www.indabamusic.com/search/clips)
rekomendasi : dari sense
daftarnya tingal enter contest terus sign up deh ,enjoy :)
wah gw masih level 14 nih..
jadi triknya harus banyakin bar ya?
makro tuh apaan sih?
mampir ya ke "disKotek" ;)
Quote from: walasok on 27/08/10, 14:50
wah gw masih level 14 nih..
jadi triknya harus banyakin bar ya?
makro tuh apaan sih?
mampir ya ke "disKotek" ;)
coba ke hal 1 mas kotek,cari yg bassdrop ada disitu tuh ...
makro itu kaya program yang on terus jadi dia kerja sendiri tanpa harus kita yg mainin lebih jelasnya mungkin r'angel bisa bantu,karena dia doang yg pakai makro ..hehe
visit "disKotek" ;)
update nih .. levelnya masi segini aja lagi jarang main hehehhehe
Quote from: sense on 27/08/10, 14:31
Salah kamar gak ya ::)
[ This attachment cannot be displayed inline in 'Print Page' view ]
http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity (http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity) ;D
Quote from: Jhone on 27/08/10, 14:35
@ sense : gaklah ini kompetisi ajib
Nightclub City is one of the hottest new games on Facebook. Over 10 million users are building their own virtual clubs, and spinning music from playlists within the game.
Nightclub City is looking for the hottest upbeat tracks to feature in a special Indaba playlist. Submit an original song in any genre that is appropriate for a club (electro, hip-hop, pop, etc). If your song is chosen, it will get heard by millions of potential fans, and you'll get a copy of Ableton 8. Previous music featured within the game has received millions of plays, so this is a chance for massive exposure.
The song that you submit can either be one that you have previously written, or an entirely new one. If you are working on an original composition, make sure to check out the sounds in the Indaba Clips Library for inspiration.
hadiahnya sih oke
1 Grand Prize Winner
Will have their submission featured within an Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application. They will also receive a licensed version of Ableton Live 8 Studio, 1000 Facebook Credits, and a year long Pro Membership to Indaba Music.
9 Runners-Up
Will have their mixes included on the Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application, and will also receive a licensed version of Ableton Live Intro.
Top 25 Popular Vote Winners
Will receive 3 month Pro memberships to Indaba Music and will have their submissions considered for inclusion in the Indaba Music playlist in the Nightclub City Facebook Application.
Note: The Grand Prize Winner and Runners-Up are selected by the judges from all of the submissions regardless of public vote. Only the Top 25 will be determined by public voting.
oia yang produce produce indonesia,ayo ikutan biar lagu nya bisa di dengar di 1dunia :D
web : http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity (http://www.indabamusic.com/featured_programs/show/nightclubcity)
cliplibary: http://www.indabamusic.com/search/clips (http://www.indabamusic.com/search/clips)
rekomendasi : dari sense
daftarnya tingal enter contest terus sign up deh ,enjoy :)
gada yang ikutan nih???
ijash ?? sense ?? ricky ?? mas erwien ?? ko oos ?? om piet?? ega?? dll
Gak ikut oom, gw main gamenya ajah ;D
wkwkwk ikut dongg .. lumayan iseng2 aja hahha
Udah Lama ga main,main ah ;)
NCC apa kabar, ada yg baru kah?
udah lama gak ngecek :D
@ sense : sama udah lama ga obrak abrik ini game hehehe
Wewwww sekarang bisa bikin club lebih dari 1
Quote from: sense on 13/01/11, 15:07
Wewwww sekarang bisa bikin club lebih dari 1
dah ga pernah maen jhoneeeee....akun gw pun di hack ...wasallam dah....
Quote from: Pietro Farrdel on 30/04/11, 12:17
dah ga pernah maen jhoneeeee....akun gw pun di hack ...wasallam dah....
ckckck dari awal lagi ga seru dong, sama gw jg gapernah maen lagi tadi iseng aja buka ternyata wasallam :D