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09/05/11, 14:39 #75 Last Edit: 10/05/11, 11:19 by Jhone

Gitar Digital Merek Kitara memiliki layar multi-touch yang menampilkan 6 jalur senar yang cukup disentuh tanpa perlu anda petik. Harganya diperkirakan sekitar $850. Gitar futuristik yang akan menjadi alat musik masa depan.

Kitara dapat dimainkan seperti gitar sewajarnya aja.. hanya gitar yang ini stringless dan cukup dengan menyentuhnya sudah bisa dimainkan, jadi tidak perlu pakai pick lagi deh..:)
Gitar ini memiliki 3 komponen utama : a full fretboard, an advanced multi-touch screen and an onboard polyphonic synthesizer loaded with sounds and effects. Kitara juga memiliki 24 fretz seperti gitar pada umumnya.Yang lebih menarik lagi, gitar ini memiliki fitur Kitara's library, dimana kita dapat memilih jenis efek suara dan tipe suara gitar yang akan kita mainkan. Jadi Anda dapat mengkreasikan jenis lagu yang Anda inginkan dengan sangat mudah. Asik kan?

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Seperti kita tahu layanan musik Cloud atau berbasis Cloud merupakan layanan streaming musik yang dapat memungkinkan pengguna dapat mengatur dan mengelola musiknya yang berada pada server penyedia seperti unggah file mp3 dan menikmati berbagai layanan musik secara online. Dan tampaknya pihak Apple akan segera menyusul Google dan Amazon yang telah lebih dulu meluncurkan hadirnya layanan musik berbasis cloud walaupun masih menanti kesepakatan kerjasama dengan pihak label.

Menurut Informasi yang dilaporkan Cnet, Apple sudah berhasil menggandeng dua label rekaman raksasa EMI dan Warner Music Group. " Apple telah menandatangani perjanjian lisensi musik Cloud dengan EMI Music dan dalam waktu dekat kesepakatan juga akan terjalin dengan dua perusahaan label lainnya seperti Universal Music Group dan Sony Music Entertainment" ungkapnya.

Lanjutnya lagi "Warner Music Group sudah memiliki kesepakatan dengan Apple sekitar bulan lalu. Perjanjian lisensi ini akan memungkinkan Apple untuk meluncurkan layanan musik cloud berlisensi penuh untuk menyaingi penawaran yang tidak berlisensi atau belum berlisesnsi di Amazon dan Google".

Sayangnya untuk masalah perilisan layanan ini masih belum ada informasi yang lebih lanjut mengenai itu, namun dapat dipastikan, dengan layanan ini konsumen akan dapat menemukan nilai tambah dalam kemampuan untuk mengakses lagu mereka dari mana saja, kapan saja, dan dengan perangkat yang akan terhubung ke Web servernya. Semoga akan semakin terlihat dalam waktu dekat ini..
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Ini dia SelfServ ATM, Sebuah mesin ATM terbaru dari perusahaan NCR yang hadirkan teknologi video confrence dalam sebuah mesin ATM. Sejak diperkenalkan pada 1960-an, Automated Teller Machines atau dikenal Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) telah menyediakan cara mudah layanan kepada nasabah bank dalam mengakses uang mereka selama 24 jam sehari atau tujuh hari dalam seminggu tanpa harus menunggu sampai jam operasional perbankan dan antrian untuk menuju teller.

Sekarang, penyedia ATM terbesar di dunia dan juga memegang pasar di tanah air bernama NCR asal Amerika Serikat telah berupaya 'memasukkan teller' ke dalam mesin ATM, namun dengan arti lain, yakni yang terhubung dengan layanan video conferencing dua arah secara terintegrasi yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat berbicara dan bertatap muka langsung dengan teller bank secara berjauhan. Mesin ATM ini diberinama SelfServ ATM, yang juga memungkinkan institusi perbankan secara terpusat dapat menempatkan teller di lokasi dari jarak jauh untuk menyediakan akses layanan ke teller selama 24 jam.

Seperti yang di katakan senior vice president, NCR Financial Services, Michael O'Laughlin yang dikutip Gadgetan.com via Situs Gizmag mengatakan "Konsumen tidak bisa selalu mengikuti jam operasional dari bank. Mereka menginginkan layanan kapanpun di manapun yang nyaman bagi mereka," ungkapnya. "Interaktif Teller di NCR SelfServ ATM akan menawarkan tekologi terbaik yang nyaman self-service sederhana, transaksi khas, dan yang dipersonalisasi untuk layanan yang bisa dikendalikan."  Tutupnya.

Perkembangan teknologi memang begitu pesat dan cepat, dan itulah salah satu buah 'kreatif teknologi' yang coba menghadirkan pemanfaatan teknologi yang sudah ada seperti Video Conference kesisi lainnya yang belum tersentuh.  Untuk komersialisasinya, NCR SelfServ ATM masih dalam tahap ujicoba untuk dibeberapa tempat di AS. Jika sudah selesai, semoga akan sampai juga yah ke Indonesia..
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Ini dia yang mungkin bisa menjadi Inspirasi dalam memadukan / mengubungkan mobil Anda dengan sebuah smartphone canggih keluaran dari RIM (terbaru) BlackBerry Bold 9900. Orang-orang di IntoMobile dalam videonya yang ditampilkan DailyMobile telah memamerkan bagaimana aksi dari Mobil Jaguar XJ mewah yang dapat di integrasikan atau dihubungkan dengan mudah ke smartphone terbaru RIM.

BlackBerry Bold 9900 yang dipilih untuk dihubungkan via navigasi dashboard di mobil mereka atau tepatnya di bagian sistem hiburan. Dengan melakukan demo sekitar 3 menitan itu, pihak dari IntoMobile menunjukan aksinya, mau lihat? videonya bisa dilihat dibawah ini !

Demo - Jaguar integrates BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone into dashboard system
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Sinergi Audiophile Dan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan

Headphone Ashcraft Aria merupakan kombinasi dari bahan-bahan daur ulang dan teknologi audio canggih yang diperuntukkan untuk para audiophile.

Headbandnya dibalut dengan kayu daur ulang dari gitar akustik. Satin yang melapisi ear cupnya terbuat dari aluminium daur ulang. Kulit yang dilapisi dengan kapas di sekitar ear cup diperoleh dari tas-tas, jaket-jaket bekas. Suaranya dihasilkan oleh driver yang berlapis titanium 40 mm yang menghantarkan kejernihan ekstrim. Ashcraft Aria ini memang benar-benar ditujukan untuk para mania tekno pecinta musik.
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06/06/11, 13:14 #80 Last Edit: 06/06/11, 13:15 by Jhone

Sering kali kita bosan dengan jam kita lalu kita membeli jam tangan baru. Kejadian itu terus terjadi berulang kali dan akhirnya kita memiliki koleksi jam tangan yang mana ini merupakan suatu pemborosan. Watch oNe hadir untuk menjawab kebutuhan itu. Cukup dengan satu jam tangan, para mania jam bisa memiliki tampilan beberapa jam tangan seolah-olah para mania tekno memiliki banyak jam tangan.

Jadi pada dasarnya Watch oNe menggunakan sebuah layar E-Ink yang merupakan LED back lit, tapi tampilan depannya bisa diubah-ubah, para mania jam bisa mengubahnya saat itu juga. Cukup sambungkan jam tangan ini ke internet dan unduh skinnya. Para desainer memiliki pilihan untuk mengunggah kreatifitas mereka ke toko online untuk dibeli orang lain. Jadi kemungkinan jam tangan ini tidak terbatas, digital, klasik, futuristik, sporty, tampilan apa pun bisa diunduh lewat microUSB port.


Jam tangan ini juga diganti-ganti secara fisik dengan suku cadang berbeda dengan warna dan materi berbeda. Terbuat dari plastik, kaca safir, stainless steel dan kulit; Watch oNe akan mulai dijual juli 2011 dengan $350 (sekitar Rp 3,16 juta dengan kurs $1=Rp 9030).
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Bersiaplah untuk menyambut kehadiran Playstation generasi terbaru yang akan membawa anda pada sebuah petualangan game 3D yang sempurna. Play Station telah mengumumkan akan segera menghadirkan PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ) kehadapan anda semua, khususnya para mania game console. Perubahan besar akan diusung oleh produk baru ini guna memberikan kepuasan tersendiri untuk para penggemar PS yang telah setia menemani dan menunggu perkembangan teknologi permainan paling favorit di dunia ini. Dari generasi ke generasi sejak tahun 1995 di luncurkannya Play Station 1, penggemar game console ini memang terus meningkat melebihi penggemar Game Online. Terbukti dengan larisnya PS2 di toko toko game di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2000 saat ia pertama kali di perkenalkan. Dan hingga kini, keberadaan Playstation tetap mendapat tempat di hati pecinta permainan yang mengasyikkan ini

Konsep game 3D akan diusung untuk generasi ke 4 Playstation kali ini. Kesempurnaan ini telah dilakukan sejak kehadiran PS3 ditahun 2006 yang lalu. Bahkan menurut rumor yang ada, pengembang telah melakukan riset untuk segera menghadirkan PS5 dan Playstation 6 guna memberikan kesempurnaan dan kepuasaan kepada penggunanya. Dengan kepastian ini, kita akan bisa membayangkan bagaimana asyiknya bermain Football Manager yang selama ini menjadi salah satu game favorit di playstation generasi sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan sistem penyimpanan game yang juga telah diperbesar pasti akan membuat kita bisa lebih leluasa memilih dan menikmati jenis permainan yang kita sukai. Menghabiskan waktu senggang dengan bermain PS bersama dengan teman atau orang terdekat kita memang masih menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang sangat menyenangkan

Lalu kapan pastinya Play Station 4 ini akan hadir dipasaran, khususnya di Indonesia. Dari beberapa sumber yang ada, tahun 2012 adalah rencana console ini akan diperkenalkan secara resmi, namun ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa 2011 bisa saja Playstation 4 ( PS4 ) ini ada. Dari Video yang bisa kita lihat di Youtube.com, bentuk fisik dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh PS 4 memang sangat menggoda. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan anda tunggu saja kehadirannya atau anda bisa intip perkenalan PS4 pada video yang ada dibawah ini :

Playstation 4 Announced

Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000??
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Quote from: Jhone on 08/07/11, 10:41

Bersiaplah untuk menyambut kehadiran Playstation generasi terbaru yang akan membawa anda pada sebuah petualangan game 3D yang sempurna. Play Station telah mengumumkan akan segera menghadirkan PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ) kehadapan anda semua, khususnya para mania game console. Perubahan besar akan diusung oleh produk baru ini guna memberikan kepuasan tersendiri untuk para penggemar PS yang telah setia menemani dan menunggu perkembangan teknologi permainan paling favorit di dunia ini. Dari generasi ke generasi sejak tahun 1995 di luncurkannya Play Station 1, penggemar game console ini memang terus meningkat melebihi penggemar Game Online. Terbukti dengan larisnya PS2 di toko toko game di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2000 saat ia pertama kali di perkenalkan. Dan hingga kini, keberadaan Playstation tetap mendapat tempat di hati pecinta permainan yang mengasyikkan ini

Konsep game 3D akan diusung untuk generasi ke 4 Playstation kali ini. Kesempurnaan ini telah dilakukan sejak kehadiran PS3 ditahun 2006 yang lalu. Bahkan menurut rumor yang ada, pengembang telah melakukan riset untuk segera menghadirkan PS5 dan Playstation 6 guna memberikan kesempurnaan dan kepuasaan kepada penggunanya. Dengan kepastian ini, kita akan bisa membayangkan bagaimana asyiknya bermain Football Manager yang selama ini menjadi salah satu game favorit di playstation generasi sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan sistem penyimpanan game yang juga telah diperbesar pasti akan membuat kita bisa lebih leluasa memilih dan menikmati jenis permainan yang kita sukai. Menghabiskan waktu senggang dengan bermain PS bersama dengan teman atau orang terdekat kita memang masih menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang sangat menyenangkan

Lalu kapan pastinya Play Station 4 ini akan hadir dipasaran, khususnya di Indonesia. Dari beberapa sumber yang ada, tahun 2012 adalah rencana console ini akan diperkenalkan secara resmi, namun ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa 2011 bisa saja Playstation 4 ( PS4 ) ini ada. Dari Video yang bisa kita lihat di Youtube.com, bentuk fisik dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh PS 4 memang sangat menggoda. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan anda tunggu saja kehadirannya atau anda bisa intip perkenalan PS4 pada video yang ada dibawah ini :

Playstation 4 Announced

Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000??
POLLLLLLLL kerennya...! bakalan kaya gimana yah grafik nya PES or Fifa di playstation 4

picture hosting

@ angga : udah seperti asli tampaknya .. kayak foto berjalan hahhaha
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We told you what Sony's PlayStation Vita felt like, but here it is in the glossy plastic flesh -- all five-inches of vibrant OLED display, two cameras, dual analog sticks, twelve buttons, two capacitive digitizers and a D-pad. Check out the gallery below for some close-up shots, and hop on past the break for some video footage of the quad-core handheld in action.

Update: Sony just answered a few burning questions for us -- mainly about those mysterious ports we spotted on the bottom and top. Apparently those top port covers will hold one slot for the official PSVita game cards, and another slot for regular removable media for downloadable content and saves, and the port that's occupying one of those places will be removed. Meanwhile, the large socket at the bottom is a "multiport" that provides power, connectivity and might do video-out. We couldn't get any firm details about the AT&T 3G partnership, by the way, but we're told that there will be a special cellular plan of some sort. As you'd expect, Sony's also not talking battery life, but a developer told us that -- with the exception of graphically intensive titles like Uncharted -- the company's shooting for parity with the original PlayStation Portable.
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Finger Drums Tabletop Electric Drum Set
Touch-sensitive light-up drums with recording capability


Finger Drums is a table top electric drum set. Smacking the top of the large tom tom, small tom tom, or snare drum causes Finger Drums to play the respective sound from its internal speaker. A cool light also flashes inside the drum. Press the foot pedal of the bass drum or slap the cymbal to activate their sounds.

If your skills permit, you can record your little ditty and play it back for your friends. Also includes a "demo" button which shows you how awesome the Finger Drums can be...and how much more practice you'll need to become the next Keith Moon of the Finger Drums.

Features & specs:

    * 7" wide x 5" tall x 3" deep
    * Requires 3 AAA batteries which are included
    * Auto-off power-save function
    * Record and save one of your phat beats

Rock out with the five touch-sensitive drums

The Finger Drums tabletop drum kit includes a snare drum, cymbal, bass drum with foot pedal, and small and large tom-toms. Hitting any of these drums produces their respective sound through the Finger Drums internal speaker.

If you think you're man (or woman) enough, you can try recording your own beats. Keep in mind that you can start rocking out as soon as your new Finger Drums set arrives. Batteries are included.

Finger Drums can record your sick beats

Just like real drums, it takes some skill to rock out on the finger drums. However, unlike real drums, you will not go deaf and drive away your neighbors in the process of learning on this tabletop drum kit. And because Finger Drums are so fun to play, practicing your Finger Drums won't be nearly as painful as all those childhood piano lessons.

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Caribbean Finger Drums
Touch-sensitive miniature electronic steel drum kit.


Bring a little of the islands to your desk with Caribbean Finger Drums. These miniature electronic steel drums feature eight touch-sensitive pads that make up one octave of a complete major scale. So, you'll be jamming your favorite songs in no time.

Includes a recording feature so you can play back your latest reggae riff. Requires 3 AAA batteries which are included.

Features & specs:

    * Dimensions: 6" wide x 3" tall x 2.5" deep
    * Touch-sensitive pads
    * Eight distinct notes deliver a complete major scale
    * Includes 3 AAA batteries
    * Auto-off power save function
    * Ages 5+


Touch-sensitive steel drum kit will make you mega awesome

Fact #1: Steel drums are cool. Fact #2: Playing life-sized steel drums in your office may get you fired. Solution? Caribbean Finger Drums.

With the miniature steel drum kit, you can create a Carnival-esque atmosphere nearly anywhere. The desk-sized Caribbean Finger Drums feature electronic pads that respond to your finger taps.

Get melodic with the steel drum kit's full major scale

Each drum on the Caribbean Finger Drums features four touch-sensitive pads that, when combined, give you one octave of a full major scale. This gives you plenty of notes to bust out a lot of fun songs.

Check out the video below to see some of the popular songs we've given a reggae makeover:

Caribbean Finger Drums Song Demo

Save your jams for posterity with the record feature

The Caribbean Finger Drums include three play modes: Freestyle, Demo, and Record. "Freestyle" mode simply lets you jam out for as long as you want.

The "Demo" mode plays a pre-recorded tune which highlights how awesome the Caribbean Finger Drums can sound if you practice night and day. It's like the demo mode on keyboards: you'll never be that awesome, but you can always hit the demo button and pretend like you're playing.

The "Record" mode allows you to save a 25-note jam. You may think that twenty-five notes isn't enough. Trust us, you can knock out some killer tunes (like "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie) in way less than 25 notes. To hear your last recording, hit the "Play" button.

Caribbean Finger Drums, like its table-sized rock drum kit brother, feature a power-saving auto-off feature.

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kalau ada yang keren-keren masukin aja :)
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HTC is supposed to announce something big tomorrow, but the details about it is already out in the open. The Taiwanese company has confirmed that it will be establishing a strategic partnership with Beats Electronics, which is best known for its Beats by Dr. Dre line of headphones.

The rest of details regarding this partnership, including how much at stake did HTC acquire, will be revealed on tomorrow's official announcement. Rumors circulate that HTC has most likely acquired a 51% share of Beats Electronics. Meanwhile, the actual size of investment varies from source to source, ranging between $300 million and $500 million.

HTC is expected to utilize this investment to integrate Beats technology, including the "Beats" branding, into their phones. The first batch of Beats smartphones are expected to go on retail sometime this fall.
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Flud Watches have been the purveyor of turntable inspired watches for a while now. Indeed, together we've made plenty of people happy with useful giveaways. But not they've turned their attention to a related element of DJing - making beats. And while we all wish that this really was a micro MPC, this is in fact the new BPM watch.

It comes in 5 colourways and aside from being a watch, it's a calculator too. Here's the word from Flud:

Beats per minute. Minutes per hour. Cents per Dollar. Introducing the BPM. The latest in addition to the FLuD Collection. Featuring a polycarbonate strap and Hot Rubber applications, the BPM helps keep track of whatever calculable conundrums the day throws your way with a fully functional calculator nestled onto the wearer's wrist. This faux drum-machine keeps the beats to your minutes on track... -Digital calculator watch with 12 or 24 hour time, day, date and alarm features. -44mm wide polycarbonate case with a contoured molded strap. -Bright screen and calculator button backlight. -Realistic laser rubber beat machine button and switch detailing.


Flud are also hooking up with a series of DJs and producers to promote these tasty wristwares to the doubtlessly hungry masses - the first of these videos comes from legendary Beat Junkies member DJ Babu.
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Tonspielzeug "Test 1"

Every now and again, something comes along that's hard to neatly pigeonhole in a bid to understand it better. Youtube's scratch professor  Alexander Sonnenfeld now has hardware that matches the name of his Youtube alias. Tonspielzeug literally translates as Tone Toy, and like the stunning  Scratchophone before it, is a custom built all in one scratch machine. But there's a little more to it than that.

I contacted Alex directly and got the following response:

i wanna give you some informations about this project. The translation of the word is correct. The idea of this musical instrument is to play "with" tones (basically the main idea of turntablism) - so this is the "Tonspielzeug".

Its kind a like a transformation from turntable and mixer to a self contained Instrument.

the technical preparation of this instrument is based upon a thesis (Bewegungslehre) about the music notation of turntablism (S-notation) from Alexander Sonnenfeld (release is August/September).

The Tonspielzeug is the summation of existing technical components and make it possible to transpose all contents of this music theoretical work from Alexander Sonnenfeld. Here are some facts for the moment:

Its a software controller (music stored in the computer system)
It contains at the moment the running gear of a Technics 1200 and the cross/linefader section of a vestax 07.

The platter is transparent and you can see some coloured areas thereunder. That makes is possible to indicate chronological positionings of the sample you can play.

This important principle is in accordance to the S-notation which includes also coloured notes (please look at the transcription). That make it possible to read which parts on the sample is to play.

The marker on the top disk is a position indicator and works like a sensor. The small screen will be planned for a control module and indication of pitch/volume/efx,...... The vertical use of the crossfader is in accordance with the idea of Deeznote but is subject of a different functional principle.

I hope you can work with this informations and please announce the notational indication in this article (16 bars of this performance).

The detail is still a little vague right now (I think Alex wants it that way), but we can work out that a 1200 and a Vestax 07 have been surgically grafted together, along with a few hidden goodies (namely how the hell does the thing work without a tonerm), but seems to be designed to work much more on a note basis than anything else. Indeed if you look at the notation provided by Alex, you can follow these 16 bars in the video, scratch for scratch with a visual colour cue on the clear platter.

Seems to be a number of things all coming together here - the old Clocktaves vinyl from Kypski, JohnBeez's Fretless fader idea as well as the now discontinued Vestax QFO - all in a new digital box. It's a cool idea that I hope progressed further. Good luck with this Alex.
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You'll recall Attigo's spiffing touch screen technology that essentially put DVS waveforms under your fingertips for a much more tactile manhandling of your digital music. Well sadly, this was all made rather redundant when the iPad came along, and doubtless sucked into the R&D lab of Native Instruments where Attigo creator Scott Hobbs now resides. And the nearest implementation I've seen since is the new Touch DJ Evolution - a complete DJ solution for your iPhone and iPad.

The first thing I like about this is the way it's sold - it's free from the app store, and gives you a solid experience of the main features such as EQ, effects, loops and cues - essentially a demo version (something that the app store needs more of) but with just a handful of demo songs. But if you like what you see, you can start to buy features via in-app purchases, up to a total of £6.99/$9.99 for the fully unlocked app plus all future yet to be added features.

About the app itself - quite impressive really. I'm really not a fan of the graphics - it feels like a video game. A degree more subtlety is in order here, or at least a colour scheme or skin option. Functionally however it's really clever. Much is made of the ability to not use headphones ever again... I beg to differ on that point. Even some of the optimised demo songs didn't always sync properly and required a touch of manual work, something I'd rather do without the audience hearing thanks. but sadly, this isn't an option as there's no split cueing in the demo. I haven't bought the full version, but a reviewer on the app store said it wasn't in the full version either.

Looking past the graphics, I do like how the features are implemented i.e. transparently overlaying the waveforms and working highly responsively with the touch screen. It's tidy selection of effects that do seem to work post fader as well...

Wait - this is turning into a review and that's not really necessary as you can grab it for free and have a dabble yourself. More info can be grabbed from the main Amidio site or alternatively go straight to the app store.
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Macbook Water
QuoteYunani mengusulkan konsep berabad-abad lalu bahwa dunia terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu Air, Bumi, Air dan Api. Yah MacBook Air sudah keluar di pasar sehingga yang mengatakan bahwa kita tidak boleh mengharapkan MacBook Bumi, Air dan Api juga. Dvice telah membuat konsep yang sangat baik dari 3, namun kami menyukai ide MacBook Air iFluid adalah perangkat iFluid yang memiliki waktu booting kurang dari ponsel. Tuangkan cairan pada permukaan datar untuk mendapatkan MacBook Air mulai dan untuk menutup itu hanya menghapus cairan dari permukaan. Menyimpannya di beriklim bawah 0 ° C void garansi produk. Tapi sayangnya tidak mungkin untuk membuat sekarang, mari kita berharap di abad mendatang. Via sizlopedia.

Macbook 3d
QuoteKami telah melangkah di dunia 3D-enabled teknologi. Bayangkan saja chatting rouletting dalam 3D! dan desain hingeless tulang belakang. Lihatlah ini 3D MacBook. Via yankodesign.

Foldable Macbook Touch
QuoteMemperkenalkan OLED pertama touchscreen fleksibel macbook pernah, laptop pertama Anda dapat model di akan. via tommasogecchelin

Virtual Macbook Air
QuoteBayangkan sebuah MacBook Air lebih ringan, dengan virtual keyboard bukan fisik. Penggunaan dua touchscreens membuat kebutuhan mouse sia-sia dan sekarang tidak ada keyboard nyata, laser proyektor kecil yang menampilkan keyboard virtual pada permukaan datar laptop, membuatnya jauh lebih tipis dari Dell 9,99 konsep dan tentu saja macbook udara lama yang jauh lebih gemuk di depannya melalui Petitinvention

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There seems to be a trend in the digital DJ realm - bring out an all singing and dancing box that is probably bigger than people need. And then realise somewhere down the line that it's actually something smaller that people really really want. Kontrol S4 becomes kontrol S2, Pioneer DDJs become "The Thingy". And now NI's Maschine becomes Maschine Mikro - a slimmed down version of the just-a-bit-too-big-for-your-average-DJ-setup Maschine groove box. At least it wasn't called Maschine Nano.

When I say slimmed down, Maschine Mikro still has all the important full sized pads and complete software, but for me is more about offloading more control to the software. So while the original Maschine gave you more features under your fingers in an MPC stylee, Maschine Mikro will probably benefit from having a laptop nearby for the finer points of operation.

But having less onboard controls doesn't seem to have hampered Jeremy Ellis. In the following clip, he delivers a jawdropping display of Matrix style hand movements to drop a funk filled beat that made me get up and scratch along - and also made me yearn for enough time to make music again. Maschine really is that inspiring and addictive.

Native Instruments Announces MASCHINE MIKRO

Compact groove production system sets entry-level price point; 1.7 software adds advanced KOMPLETE integration; iOS version upcoming

Berlin, September 5th, 2011 – Native Instruments today announced MASCHINE MIKRO, a highly affordable new entry into the world of its popular groove production system. By combining the full-featured MASCHINE software with a streamlined and compact controller, MASCHINE MIKRO makes the acclaimed tactile and intuitive music creation approach of MASCHINE available at a significantly reduced physical footprint and price. At the same time, the new 1.7 software version provides advanced integration with the instruments and effects in the KOMPLETE 8 and KOMPLETE 8 ULTIMATE bundle both for MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO users.

MASCHINE MIKRO is based on a highly portable controller that provides hands-on control of the central MASCHINE features at two-thirds of the size and weight of the full-sized hardware. Utilizing a single display and a dynamically assigned high-resolution master encoder to enable its compact footprint, the bus-powered MIKRO controller retains the distinctive full-sized 4x4 matrix of pressure-sensitive, dynamically backlit MASCHINE drum pads with their acclaimed response and feel.

MASCHINE MIKRO includes the full-featured MASCHINE software with its versatile pattern-based live and step sequencing, VST and AU plug-in hosting, real-time audio recording, sample editing and advanced multi- effects. The MIKRO version also contains the full 6 GB MASCHINE sound library, expandable with the series of MASCHINE EXPANSIONS, as well as the free KOMPLETE ELEMENTS sound collection. With the new 1.7 software version, both MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO now also benefit from advanced integration with KOMPLETE 8 and KOMPLETE 8 ULTIMATE, providing advanced sound browsing and parameter mapping for all instruments and effects contained in the bundle.

To further complement the growing MASCHINE product range, Native Instruments is also about to release iMASCHINE, an iOS software that brings intuitive groove creation to the iPhone and iPod touch platform. With four tracks, audio sampling, high-quality effects and an expandable arsenal of professional instruments and drum sounds from the regular MASCHINE library, iMASCHINE allows users to sketch grooves on the go, and later transfer them into the full MASCHINE software for detailed editing and arrangement. iMASCHINE is planned for release through the Apple App Store in October.

Pricing and availability

MASCHINE MIKRO will be available in October for a suggested retail price of $399 / 349 EUR.

Not wishing to sound like a moany old geezer NI, but you really need to start adding sterling prices to your press releases.
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12/09/11, 15:48 #96 Last Edit: 12/09/11, 15:50 by Jhone

Since the iOS revolution hit DJing, calls have been made upon the assorted software vendors to bring some sort of scaled down versions of their DJ products to the iPhone and iPad. But it's hard enough to cram your average DVS interface into a 13" laptop screen let alone one the size of a business card. So given the more suitable interface for such things, it should come as no surprise to see that NI's Maschine has been hacked into bite sized lumps and will soon be an iOS app. iMaschine is upon us.

Given the comparatively limited resources of an iPhone, NI have managed to shoehorn quite a lot into a small box:

The first ever Native Instruments iPhone® and iPod touch® App is an intuitive and powerful beat sketchpad based on MASCHINE's groove production studio concept. iMASCHINE is perfect for developing song ideas anytime, anywhere – Play and record drums on the 16 pads, jam a melody on the keyboard, sing on top of your loops via the built-in audio recorder or create your own unique sample banks from any source - With iMASCHINE the focus is always on the music. And when you're done, you can finalize your track in the full version of MASCHINE or MASCHINE MIKRO or directly upload it to SoundCloud and share with your friends.

iMASCHINE will be available at the iTunes App Store for $ 4.99 / 3.99 € from October 1st.

iMASCHINE is a professional instrument designed for beat producers of all levels - you don't need to have experience with MASCHINE to create spontaneous beats. With its intuitive threshold-based pad sampling, note repeat, auto-loop length feature, professional on-board mixer with six studio effects and the unique audio recording function, iMASCHINE makes it easy to instantly create grooves whenever the mood hits.

Use the included drum kits and melodic sounds, all in professional WAV-format, or expand your library with the iMASCHINE EXPANSIONS - available directly from your device via the in-app store.
System Requirements

iOS 4.3 or higher*
iPod touch® 3G or higher
iPhone® 3GS or higher
iPad® 1 or 2

*There is no iOS 4.3 for iPhone® 4 on the Verizon network. iPhone® 4 on Verizon will be supported with iOS 5 only.

Key Features

        16 pads for playing the included drums and one-shot samples
        Library includes 10 projects, 25 kits and over 400 individual samples (100 MB of WAV sounds)
        Pad sampling mode: record your own one-shot sample through the built-in iPhone® microphone
        Keyboard mode with two manuals for playing chords, bass and melodies
        Note repeat function with 4th, 8th, 16th, 16th triplets, 32th for keyboard and drum pad mode
        Audio recorder mode lets you record vocal ideas through the built-in iPhone® microphone
        Assign any of the 4 groups to pad, keyboard or audio recorder mode (e.g. use it as pocket 4-track recorder)
        Mixer page includes two send effects with Delay, Flanger, Chorus, LoFi, HP, BP and LP filters
        The live-mode sequencer automatically detects the recorded loop length
        Finished song idea can be exported with one touch as an audio file or uploaded to SoundCloud
        Project (including samples) can be exported to MASCHINE for finalizing in your studio environment
        Additional drum kits and instrument sounds can be easily purchased through the in-app store

So it would appear to be a pretty full and self contained Maschine experience (rather than remote) that can sample, compose and save out your compositions directly to Soundcloud, or back into the full Maschine environment on your computer. Nice.

While NI have gone to great lengths to make the environment as Maschine like as possible, time will tell if the experience is as fulfilling as you would want. It must be remembered that this isn't looking to allow Jeremy Ellis style performances, but is still a complete system for your pocket - for the price of a large coffee.

One last thing - at the time of writing, NI are being vague about an iPad version. To me this suggests they'll see how the iPhone version goes before devoting resource to an iPad one.
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nice inpo bro...
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Quote from: Gober on 12/09/11, 15:59
nice inpo bro...

sundul gan ckckckck
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Plectrum puncher!

For all guitar players and enthusiasts the plectrum is key to strumming out those chords and now you will never be short of your own supply. With the Pickmaster Plectrum, much like a hole puncher, you can punch out your own litle plastic plectrums from any bit of plastic.

We're thinking of old bank cards being resurrected as nifty picks, but you can have fun trying to find the next bit of plastic to punch - let us know what else works! Fling your picks into the crowd like a rockstar without worry! The Pickmaster Plectrum might become a favourite over even... dare I say it... your guitar!

Dimensions: 22 x 14 x 5.5cm

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