ini nih yang di tunggu tunggu yihaaaa sainganya ipad :D
BlackPad Tablet RIM BlackBerry OS QNX. Kabar mengenai Blackpad tablet terbaru dari Research in Motion (RIM), yang seharusnya berfungsi sebagai smartphone utama terhubung ke Internet melalui BlackBerry. Hal ini diasumsikan bahwa namanya BlackPad, dengan konfigurasi teknis sebagai berikut: 9,7 inch layar, WiFi dan Bluetooth.
Menurut sumber, RIM BlackBerry BlackPad tablet merupakan OS khusus yang dirancang oleh QNX Software Systems. QNX adalah perusahaan yang diakuisisi oleh RIM pada bulan April 2010 dan spesialisasi dalam sistem komunikasi untuk navigator dalam mobil. (!
BlackBerry Tablet-BlackPad!! (
Namun, QNX dapat menciptakan sebuah merek OS baru dan asli, dalam upaya untuk membedakan Blackpad dari para pesaingnya. Kemungkinan untuk menciptakan aplikasi mobile, BlackPad tablet harus terkait erat dengan layanan RIM BlackBerry, terutama dengan pesan sistem, tetapi harus melengkapi Blackberry OS 7.
Menurut informasi, Research in Motion (RIM) akan memperkenalkan Blackberry BlackPad tablet terbaru ini pada bulan November 2010. Tapi sayangnya tidak menyebutkan secara eksplisit, kita tunggu info spesifikasi BlackPad Tablet RIM BlackBerry OS QNX lengkapnya. Sumber terkait RIM Blackberry BlackPad Tablet.
Tags : Blackberry BlackPad Tablet, Blackberry OS 7, BlackPad Blackberry, QNX Operation System, Research in Motion Blackberry, RIM Blackberry, RIM Blackberry BlackPad Tablet, Touch Screen 9.7 inci, Video RIM Blackberry BlackPad Tablet,
Want to get a MacBook Pro laptop? What about this 24-carat gold MacBook Pro. The case of the MacBook Pro is 24-carat Gold, including the keyboard, with the Apple logo filled with diamonds.
One more picture after the jump.
Created by Computer Choppers, this is 24kt Gold & Sapphires plated MacBook Air is claimed to be the first of its kind. The MacBook Air is the standard version with 1.6GHz CPU, 2GB RAM and 80GB HDD. Other than the gold plate, the Gold MBA has also a bejeweled rainbow Apple logo.
Pengen tau dan penasaran kira2 bentuk Handphone dimasa datang kayak apa??! Coba simak dan perhatikan dengan seksama bentuk2 HP berikut ini. Walaupun hp-hp ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan (Concept!) tapi kita harapkan pasti tak lama lagi akan masuk kepasaran.
Sebuah perangkat komunikasi pribadi selular yang memungkinkan Anda akan bebas dan menyenangkan. Nokia 888 ini ringan, sederhana dan santai. Anda dapat mengubah bentuk sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda setiap hari.
Ditujukan kepada konsumen muda yang kemungkinan besar akan aktif dan mengambil tempat di banyak kegiatan yang berbeda.
Teknologi yang digunakan menggunakan baterai cair, pengenalan suara, layar sentuh yang fleksibel, dan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan. Ia memiliki mekanisme tubuh yang sederhana diprogram sehingga perubahan bentuk dalam situasi yang berbeda.
Anda hanya perlu membawanya dalam saku baju atau di pergelangan tangan Anda. Anda bisa membawanya di mana saja. Anda dapat menggulungnya, menekuknya, mengenakan pakaian seperti klip. Hal ini juga membuat perubahan bentuk tertentu yang membuatnya lebih fleksibel, yaitu saat Anda ingin berbicara di telepon, bentuknya berubah menjadi bentuk telepon tua yang baik. Anda dapat mengubah bentuk-bentuk dan merekam. Fungsi yang telah juga menciptakan perasaan hewan peliharaan elektronik, karena indra bergerak, memahami apa yang Anda inginkan. Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima bentuk dari atau untuk teman-teman. Anda dapat mengirim bentuk hati untuk pacar Anda, jadi telepon dia berubah menjadi ikon hati. Atau Anda dapat mengirim formulir menari ke teman-teman Anda untuk memanggil mereka ke pesta malam ini. Ini adalah sisi menyenangkan dari produk ini . Jika kita melihat dari sisi fungsionalitas, nokia 888 cukup fleksibel.
Dengan adanya teknologi komunikasi Nokia 888 tentu ada dampak positif juga negatifnya, dampak positifnya dengan adanya teknologi canggih ini adalah para pengguna jadi semakin dimudahkan dengan teknologi yang semakin canggih juga pengguna semakin di manjakan dengan efisiensi penggunaan teknologi tersebut . Sedangkan dampak negatif dengan adanya teknologi yang semakin canggih adalah para pengguna jadi jarang untuk berkomunikasi secara langsung tanpa menggunakan perantara media dan pastinya membutuhkan dana yang cukup mahal untuk memiliki barang ini.
1. Interactivity
Interaksi yang berlangsung adalah manusia dengan manusia lainnya melalui media (human to machine), karena pada saat pengguna menyentuh layar maka secara otomatis akan terhubungkan dengan mesin pengguna lainnya
2. Demassified
Kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh Nokia 888 ini adalah pengguna dapat berkomunikasi secara mudah dengan efisiensi bentuk yang dimiliki oleh nokia 888.Misalkan pengguna ingin menerima telepon tanpa repot memegangnya , tapi nokia 888 ini cukup dikenakan dipergelangan tangan saja maka pengguna dapat dengan bebas menerima telepon tanpa gangguan teknis.
3. Asynchronous
Tidak terjadinya keserempakan dalam proses komunikasi massa , karena pengguna lebih interaktif dalam melakukan kegiatannya secara individual.
Dampak Sosial
Terjadinya kesenjangan sosial yang timbul di masyarakat, aka nada kelas sosial atau pengelompokkan sosial seperti kelas atas dan kelas bawah akan semakin jelas terlihat.
Dampak Ekonomi
Dengan adanya teknologi baru ini maka semakin banyak orang yang ingin membelinya , walaupun harga yang ditawarkan masih sangat tinggi, tetapi pasar akan tetap memburu barang seperti Nokia 888 ini yang banyak ditunggu, tetapi masyarakat yang tingkat ekonomi rendah akan semakin tetinggal seiring jaman dan kemajuan teknologi yang ada, dan mau tidak mau mereka harus berlomba dalam persaingan ekonomi dan teknologi masa kini.
Dampak Budaya
Dengan adanya Nokia 888 ini maka akan mengubah gaya hidup dari penggunanya ,pengguna lebih dimanjakan dengan fitur-fitur yang canggih dan juga efisien dlam pemakaiannya.
The earliest mobile phones models used to be as big as the cradle of landline phones. They used to be as heavy too, but technology evolves and at present mobile phones come is all shapes and sizes. The latest being the Nokia 888 communicator which is an amazing concept in itself. The phone works on liquid batteries and has a flexible touch screen. The sensitive body can be twisted to any shape. You can wear it as a wrist band or give it a three fold and slide it in your pocket. The phone was designed by Tamer Nakisci which won him the Nokia Design of the Year Award. This phones works like any other phone with an alarm clock, PDA, GPS, phone, push email receiver, digital wallet and is fully loaded to impress.
( (
Nokia 888 Design (
BB PAD maksa banget
Hpnya keren gilaa..
yg nokia tuh berapa duit ya.....:(
anjir ngiler abis gw liat yg nokia
nice thread! mau share juga apa gitu tapi besok aja harini nyimak dulu.. ;D
Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 07/09/10, 21:42
BB PAD maksa banget
ie biar mirip2 apple dikit ;D
Quote from: mahesautara on 07/09/10, 22:43
Hpnya keren gilaa..
ada 1 lagi mahe nokia aeron nanti gw masukin deh keren juga,tapi 888 yg mantap
Quote from: erwiengroovy on 07/09/10, 23:05
yg nokia tuh berapa duit ya.....:(
waduh gw aja belum tau,tapi ga mahal lah karena hp2 nokia seri 8 itu dari dulu emang gada fiturnya,tapi dia selalu lebih ke model
dari nokia 8210,8250,8310,8810,8850,8855,8800,dan seri 8 lain nya hanya menang di model yg ajibbb
Quote from: echaaaa on 08/09/10, 01:43
anjir ngiler abis gw liat yg nokia
pas ada telepon masuk kayaknya bisa di stel,mau jadi bentuk love juga bisa ;D ;D
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 08/09/10, 01:51
nice thread! mau share juga apa gitu tapi besok aja harini nyimak dulu.. ;D
*bgs* *bgs*
Sony launched new series of headphones with the MDR-Z1000 / MDR-ZX700 / MDR-ZX500 / MDR-ZX300 / MDR-ZX100.
The MDR-Z1000, targeting audiophiles, features 360KJ/m3 High power neodymium magnet dedicated to reproduce clear and high resolution midrange, as well as removable Jack Cable. It provides an impressive frequency response of 5Hz – 80 000Hz, with an impedance of 24 Ohms, and a sensitivity of 106dB/mW. According to the Japanese manufacturer, the MDR-Z1000 adopts nice ear pad that promises perfect noise isolation. Beside this MDR-Z1000, Sony also added to their catalog the ZX700 model that features Magnesium / Aluminum case. It provides a frequency response of 5Hz – 40 000Hz, with a sensitivity of 106dB/mW, an impedance of 24 Ohms. They respectively cost 61950 Yens (570€ / 735$) and 12390 Yens (115€ / 145$)
The first one will be release on November 10th, while the MDR-ZX700 will be available on October 10th.
The MDR-ZX500, comes with 40mm driver. Here again, we have a 360KJ/m3 High power neodymium magnet. Available in Black ou White, it offers a frequency response of 8Hz – 25 000Hz, as well as 104dB/mW sensitivity, an impedance of 70 Ohms.
The MDR-ZX300 adopts 360KJ/m3 Neodymium magnet and provides a frequency response of 10Hz – 24 000Hz, with a sensitivity of 102dB/mW, and an impedance of 24 Ohms (3675Yens / 35€ / 45$), while the MDR-ZX100 offers a frequency response of 12Hz – 22 000Hz, a sensitivity of 100 dB/mW, and an impedance of 24Ohms (2468 Yens / 23€ / 29$)
Motorola sedang mempersiapkan edisi spesial dari Droid 2 yang disebut Droid R2-D2. Edisi terbatas dari DROID R2-D2 Star Wars Special Edition ini direncanakan akan hadir 30 September.
In Addition to the phone you will also get exclusive: Empire Wallpapers, Star Wars Sounds, Exclusive Video, Jedi Training, Movie Stills, Original Artwork, Apps and Widgets,If your near Orlando there will be a special edition R2-D2 Motorola DROID 2 on show at the Star Wars Celebration V in Orlando, Fla.
The phone will only be available online and will be available in September. If your interested in getting a limited edition R2-d2 Droid 2 don't forget to sign up for email alerts on the Droid website Via TFTS
Produk ini akan memakai dock model seperti Star Wars yang mengubahnya menjadi jam alarm dan stasiun cuaca. Di bagian belakang dock juga terdapat logo timbul Star Wars untuk menampilkan kesan elegan. Edisi terbatas ini hanya dapat diperoleh secara online melalui operator Verizon di Amerika Serikat.
ATH-ANC27 QuietPoint® active noise-cancelling over-ear headphones offer an outstanding combination of performance, value, comfort and portability. The headphones provide up to 85% noise reduction, and deliver exceptional sound quality with powerful bass, a natural midrange, detailed treble and precise imaging in an immersive soundfield. A detachable cord enables their use as cordless noise-cancelling headphones; the audio functions even if the battery runs down. The headphones feature cushioned ear pads and a padded adjustable headband for total comfort even during extended wearing. The ATH-ANC27 is ideal for use with portable music and DVD players, in-flight entertainment systems, laptop and desktop computers and many other devices, and is compatible with the Apple® iPod®, iPhone™ and iPod touch®.
* Reduces environmental noise up to 85%
* Clear & impactful high-resolution audio
* On/Off Switch in ear cup – no external modules
* Audio continues to work even after battery depletes
* Detachable cable for cordless noise cancellation
* Also includes durable hard-shell travel case, ¼-inch plug adapter, airline adapter and AAA battery
Audio Technica ATH-ANC27 (
Type Active noise-cancelling
Driver Diameter 40 mm
Frequency Response 20 – 20,000 Hz
Quietpoint® Active Noise Reduction Up to 18 dB
Maximum Input Power 500 mW
Sensitivity 106 dB
Impedance 33 ohms
Battery AAA (alkaline)
Battery Life Up to 40 hours, typical (alkaline)
Weight 192 g (6.8 oz), without cable and battery
Cable Detachable 1.2 m (3.9') with 3.5 mm (1/8") stereo mini-plug output connector
Connector 2.5 mm
Accessories Included 6.3 mm (1/4") stereo adapter; airline adapter; AAA battery; carrying case with attached accessory pouch
ATH-ANC7B Quietpoint Active Noise Cancelling Headphones (
dipilih dipilih goceng 3 goceng 3 sayang anak sayang anak ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Dell Streak Android Tablet Preview (
We were afforded the opportunity to preview the new Dell Streak cellphone prior to release, and our early hands-on review is extremely positive.
Full specifications:
* 5-inch capacitive multi-touch WVGA (800x480) display
* Qualcomm1GHz Snapdragon ARM processor
* 5 MP rear camera, shoots 640x480 video
* 640x480 VGA front camera for video calls
* Replaceable battery! (yay)
* 3.5mm headphone jack
* 3G/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth 2.1 connectivity
* 2GB Internal storage, Micro SD slot expandable up to 32GB
Macbook Pro 24 Karat
kayak Rapper2 amrik aja tuh...
Nokia launched their new N-Series SmartPhone N8 on 27th April 2010. There are chances that this phone will be available in the markets in summer 2010. N8 is a cool smartphone which carries various cool features. It looks like N8 is one of the most advanced phone launched by Nokia so far.
When iPhone was launched with a cool Operating System, the sale of nokia phones decreased and the sale of iPhone increased just because of the OS. This time Nokia updated their OS from typical, i.e. Symbian OS to Symbian^3 Platform. The new features which comes with the Symbian^3 Platform includes gestures support (like pinch to zoom) and multi-touch. The phone is now more speedy, the UI is now faster and it responds more quickly. N8 comes with a task manager and it has better memory management system too.
Features of Nokia N8 SmartPhone:
Camera- Nokia N8 has got a 12 MegaPixels camera, so far the best camera as compared to any other nokia phone. The camera comes with Carl Zeiss Optical Lens and Xenon Flash. This phone can easily record High Definition Videos and can click HD Pictures too. It can record HD Videos 720p.
Display and Screen Size of N8- The approximate screen size will be 3.5′ (3.5 inches) and it will be running on WVGA.
Operating System (OS)- N8 comes with the new Symbian^3 Platform.
Storage Memory- The new Nokia SmartPhone has got 16 GB of inbuilt storage memory and one can use the microSD expansion slot to expand the memory upto 48GB, that means you can use a card upto 32 GB.
Connectivity- There are a plenty of connectivity options available for Nokia N8, it supports EDGE, GPRS, 3G with HSDPA, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.
Nokia N8 Tech Specifications:
It is one of the best SmartPhone so far, comes with tons of features, with this phone, one can easily connect to his facebook or twitter account too. One can access Ovi Store to download the best applications for Nokia N8.
Price of Nokia N8 SmartPhone:
Euros: 370
Dollar (USD): 494
To know more about this phone, check out the following videos:
Introducing The New Nokia N8
Introducing the new Nokia N8 (
Nokia N8 Media Wall
Nokia N8 - Media wall (
Nokia N8 Gaming
Nokia N8 - Gaming (
Nokia N8 Facebook
Nokia N8 - Facebook (
So if you are looking for the "Next Big Thing" you can have Nokia N8 in your pocket. It is a very cool new gadget which will be soon available in the markets, do remember to grab it out. :D
if you like the above post, then you can read more cell phone reviews. :)
Nokia N8 TV Commercial
Nokia N8 TV ad - It's not technology, it's what you do with it. (
The advertisement says – "it's not technology, it's what you do with it" and this tag line seems to have a good impact on the viewers.
Nokia N8 release date has been confirmed and I believe that it is one of the top 3 nokia phones of the year 2010.
You still have a chance to win Nokia N8, so don't miss it. If you are still not familiar with the features of Nokia N8, check Nokia N8 Features.
Do you like the advertisement of Nokia N8? Are you planning to buy this phone?
Most of the geeks are now familiar with the new gadget Apple iPad. Apple iPad is one of the most awaited Apple Gadgets, but the wait is over now. Apple iPad is now available, Apple did a great work on the marketing and promotion of Apple iPad, and here is the next step they took, a cool new iPad Commercial (also known as What is iPad?).
Have a look:
Apple - iPad - What is iPad? (
I personally love it, its just awesome. One can't explain any gadget better in just 30 seconds. What are your thoughts about the Apple iPad Commercial Advertisement... Do you like it? Share your thoughts with us.
Akhirnya Apple benar-benar merilis sebuah tablet komputer yang disebut dengan nama iPad. Dibekali dengan layar 9.7" dan bobot hanya 0.68 kg serta prosesor racikan Apple yang disebut A4, iPad hadir mengisi celah produk diantara iPhone dan MacBook.
Lalu apa keuntungan kita bila menggunakan iPad dibanding MacBook ataupun iPhone?
Tampilan sistem operasi yang digunakan iPad memang serupa dengan iPhone. Namun disini Apple memberikan sentuhan yang terasa istimewa, terutama pada beberapa aplikasi yang dapat diunduh gratis melalui AppStore seperti iBooks — dimana para penggunanya akan dimanjakan dengan tampilan yang menyerupai buku. Apple memang menghadirkan iPad untuk memberikan penggunanya kenyamanan sebagaimana saat kita membaca sebuah buku atau surat kabar.
Apple menawarkan iPad dalam dua versi, yaitu Wi-Fi dan Wi-Fi + 3G. Masing-masing memiliki tiga opsi kapasitas hard disk sebesar 16, 32, dan 64 GB dengan harga mulai US$ 499 untuk versi Wi-Fi 16GB.
Harga ini mungkin berbeda ketika iPad masuk pasar Indonesia nantinya.
Dimensi iPad memang cukup besar untuk dijinjing, yakni dengan lebar 189.7mm dan tinggi 242.8mm. Namun ketebalannya sangat menggiurkan. Hanya 13.4mm atau sekitar 0.5 inci!
Dengan dimensi tersebut, teks ataupun gambar yang ditampilkan pada resolusi maksimal 1024x768 pixels (132 ppi) justru sempurna dibandingkan netbook ataupun tablet lainnya yang terkadang sangat tidak nyaman untuk digunakan membaca berjam-jam.
Fitur & Aplikasi
Fitur iPad sangat lengkap layaknya notebook:
* Bluetooth 2.1 EDR
* Wi-Fi (802.11 a/b/g/n)
* 16-64 GB Flash memory
* Built-in Speaker
* Built-in Microphone
* Multi touch Interface
* aGPS dan HSDPA/EDGE untuk iPad 3G
Baterainya pun diklaim mampu bertahan selama 10 jam. Tentu ini hanya berlaku dalam kondisi penggunaan normal.
Aplikasi yang digunakan iPad dapat menggunakan aplikasi yang telah tersedia di AppStore untuk iPhone ataupun iPod touch dengan harga terjangkau per aplikasinya. Sedangkan untuk aplikasi bawaannya, iPad mengantongi: Safari, Mail, Photos, iPod, Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Maps, Movies, YouTube, iTunes Store, dan App Store.
Aksesoris yang disediakan Apple untuk iPad:
* iPad Dock
Untuk mengisi baterai iPad, menyambungkannya ke komputer, dan menghubungkan ke aksesoris lain seperti Camera Connection Kit.
* iPad Keyboard Dock
Serupa dengan iPad Dock namun dilengkapi keyboard dan port audio untuk speaker stereo.
* iPad Case
Sleeve yang dapat digunakan untuk sandaran iPad dalam berbagai posisi.
iPad Camera Connection Kit
Aksesoris yang memberikan Anda kemudahan untuk mentransfer gambar dari kamera digital atau secara langsung dari memory SD card.
iPad USB Power Adapter
10W Power Adapter dengan panjang kabel sekitar 1.8 meter.
* Waterwear – Waterproof Case for Apple iPad By Tunewear
* iCoat – Anti-Scratch Invisible Screen Protection for Apple iPad
* ClamCase- Bluetooth Keyboard, Flip Case, Stand for Apple iPad
Dengan ukuran yang sangat ergonomis, fitur yang lengkap, dan harga menarik, iPad merupakan solusi bagi Anda yang menginginkan komputer mini praktis dan dapat dibawa kemana saja. Konektivitasnya dengan Wi-Fi ataupun 3G juga sangat membantu Anda dalam mendapatkan informasi terbaru kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Tentu iPad ini sangat bermanfaat bagi Anda yang memiliki frekuensi mobilitas tinggi. Namun bila Anda saat ini bekerja kantoran ataupun telah memiliki MacBook, sepertinya iPad belum dapat menggantikan posisi notebook untuk menuntaskan pekerjaan Anda.
Tapi kalau untuk hiburan saat santai atau bersama keluarga, wah tampaknya iPad boleh dicoba :D
Have you ever heard of I Sobot or Isobot? Well I-Sobot is a powerful robot, this robot is popularly known as Tomy I-Sobot.
The inspiration behind this article came from a video posted by paxshikai.
Watch this video and I am sure that you will yourself get familiar with the power of Tomy I Sobot.
Gadget of i-SOBOT (
SAVE $20.99, BUY I-Sobot NOW ;D ;D
As you know, the rumors about the new Apple iTablet use different names for the upcoming device.
Add your own suggestions to the list:
iPhone Pro
iPad + iPen?
Quote from: Jhone on 12/09/10, 05:08
As you know, the rumors about the new Apple iTablet use different names for the upcoming device.
Add your own suggestions to the list:
iPhone Pro
iPad + iPen?
iPhone Pro *bgs*
Finally Samsung has officially confirmed its new Samsung Galaxy Tab, so far the only seven inch Android-powered tablet that can compete with the iPad.
The dedicated Galaxy Tab website features a teaser video on the new device from Samsung that confirms the company's new tablet that runs Android.
In the video you can see some of the features of the new tablet, including Swype text entry, a myriad of applications, HD video, e-book reading, augmented reality and video chatting.
It is possible that the display of Samsung Galaxy Tab will have the same high resolution as the iPad. However, Samsung really wants to launch a tablet that could push Apple's iPad aside, which is why some of the technical specifications could be better.
In Europe the Galaxy Tab is going to be officially launched on September 2. It will be presented at IFA 2010.
[GALAXY Tab] GALAXY Tab Teaser (
Rumors say that Sony Ericsson is currently working on a PSP Go-like smartphone that will be powered by Gingerbread (Android 3.0) gaming platform.
The slider phone looks like a fusion between Samsung Captivate and the PSP Go and the main target audience is the gaming fans.
It would be interesting to note that the new device from Sony Ericsson will include a WVGA resolution touchscreen display that will be between 3.7 and 4.1 inches. In addition, the handset will feature a landscape slide out game control panel.
A long touchpad will be used as a joystick, plus users will benefit from standard PSP buttons. The controls will be located where the QWERTY keyboard usually is. Besides, the phone will boast a 5 megapixel camera.
The new smartphone will be running a 1GHz Snapdragon CPU. It was said that the Android market will boast a separate section dedicated to the PSP Gaming device. The titles that are currently being mentioned include God of War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and LittleBigPlanet.
It is possible that the handset will be presented in October. However, the information has not yet been confirmed.
Sony Ericsson to introduce Android 3.0 gaming platform and PSP Go-like smartphone (Pics) (
PSP 2 Sony Android 3.0 (
SADIS KEREN BANGET.. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Capek dah klo ikutin jaman hiks.... gw bakal beli bukan buat gw , buat ponakan ato buat momongan gw..
Thread beracun ;D
Quote from: sense on 14/09/10, 02:06
Thread beracun ;D
kali aja ada yang nyantol tol tol tol hahaha
Clasic,Keren!!! Harganya Piro ni ??
Mix and scratch your iPod.
iDJ2 is the first mixing station that enables you to play two tracks simultaneously from the same iPod. iDJ2 is a powerful DJ performance device with a dual-deck layout, a professional Numark DJ mixer, Numark's exclusive Crate music-management system on a color LCD and a dock for iPod. You can perform with nothing more than iDJ2 and an iPod!
You can scratch and locate specific points within the track using iDJ2's large wheels. Create and integrate seamless loops in seconds. iDJ2 has Fader Start, which enables iDJ2 to automatically start playback when you move the crossfader. Numark's advanced Keylock feature enables you to shift the track's tempo while maintaining pitch. And exclusive Beatkeeper™ technology empowers you to beat-match visually, by simply lining up the lights so you spend less time working in headphones.
iDJ2 has a performance-ready, two-channel mixer. Each channel has three-band EQs, gain control, pitch and line faders, level metering, loop controls, a tap tempo button, and standard transport and cue controls. A rugged, smooth crossfader with adjustable slope completes iDJ2's mixer so you can mix between sources.
In addition to its iPod dock, iDJ2 has two sets of analog phono/line-switchable inputs with grounds so you can connect CD players, turntables, drum machines, and other analog music sources. It also has two USB ports for connecting digital devices and mixing them in.
iDJ2 has a complete cueing section with both 1/8" and 1/4" stereo jacks, independent cue level, tone, and cue-assign controls. iDJ2 also has a full-featured output section with balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA Master outputs and RCA Record outputs for recording your performance.
Numark's Crate system is an electronic approach to managing setlists and the music library designed around the way you work with your vinyl or CDs. You can prepare setlists ahead of time, build them as your performance unfolds, or combine the two approaches. You just select a track in your library and load it into the virtual crate for either Deck A or Deck B. Quickly text-search with iDJ2's click knob using artist, track or album name. For even faster track access, you can plug in an optional USB keyboard.
The Crate system is easy to view in any lighting conditions thanks to its color LCD screen. The screen also enables you to use Track Profile view for easy visual detection of energy changes in tracks. You'll be able to locate cue points without headphones!
You can perform with digital music files stored on iPods, USB hard drives and thumb drives thanks to iDJ2's dock and two USB inputs. You can even play two tracks from the same iPod at the same time.
You can work with a wide range of file types including stereo and mono MP3s, WAVs, AACs, and more. You can mix in AAC podcasts and even connect and play from discs in external USB CD and DVD drives. iDJ2 even supports music on data DVDs and multi-session CDs. You can rip audio-CD tracks to a writable wav library, edit the text tags on tracks and albums ripped from CD and copy tracks from one drive to another. The possibilities are virtually limitless!
iDJ2 is the powerful, professional solution for performing with the music on your iPod.
Complete performance system for iPod
Two-channel DJ mixer with analog I/O and USB
Exclusive Crate music-management system
Color LCD for brilliant views of Crate and Profile View
Integrated dock for iPod
Scratch and locate using large wheels
Create and integrate seamless loops on each deck
Fader Start enables iDJ2 to automatically start playback when you move the crossfader
Keylock enables you to shift tempo while maintaining pitch
Beatkeeper™ technology empowers you to beat-match visually
Connect CD players, turntables, drum machines, iPods, USB hard drives, and thumb drives
Mix and scratch stereo and mono MP3s, WAVs, AACs, and more
Balanced XLR Master, unbalanced RCA Master, and RCA Record outputs
Cueing section with 1/8" and 1/4" stereo jacks, cue level, tone, and cue-assign controls
Two pairs (RCA) phono/line switchable
Dock for iPod
Mic (1/4" TS)
Balanced Master (XLR, pair)
Unbalanced Master (RCA, pair)
Record (RCA, pair)
Headphones (1/8" TRS, 1/4" TRS)
Power supply
Software CD
Quick start guide
Numark IDJ2 IPOD Mixing Console Overview PSSL.COM (
FOR iDJ 3 : (
Hercules Mobile DJ wireless MP3 mixer
I love technology, but when it comes to the art of the DJ, I'm very old fashioned - I want vinyl records and proper decks. But not everyone is as anal as I am - and there's probably a good market for playing DJ with something like the Hercules Mobile DJ wireless MP3 mixer.
And in truth, it's likely to go down a storm at a party. What you get is a battery-powered two deck controller, allowing you to mix, scratch and synchronise CDs, MP3 tracks and WAV files. And there's an integrated double screen showing the details of the tracks, plus cross fader, pitch and volume.
But here's the clever part - unlike similar devices, this one doesn't need a permanent attachment to your PC, being a wireless (radio frequency) set-up. So you can control your music and choose your tracks without having to sit in front of a screen. Which means everyone can have a go at playing their favourite tunes - and when everyone is bored of that, there's an auto feature to keep the music playing as a mix.
The Hercules Mobile DJ wireless MP3 mixer is available now from Amazon, priced at £59. (
wah dari hercules dan murah...
keren tuh herculesnya.. hehe
parah2 si jhone bikin BM aja
Bagaimana anda dapat mendengarkan musik sekeras mungkin tanpa headphones dan juga tidak membuat orang lain di sekitar anda terganggu? Bila itu salah satu impian anda, cobalah pengeras suara ultrasonik dari Klang.
Apa istimewanya? Speaker ini menggunakan frekuensi 30 ribu hertz untuk menghantamkan gelombang audio yang bisa didengar dalam satu titik tunggal. Didesain sebagai sebuah proyek yang digagas oleh Bang & Olufsen (merek produk digital terkemuka dunia termasuk sistem audio) , Klang menggunakan sebuah satelit dalam bentuk piring dan fisik untuk memfokuskan gelombang suara ke satu titik spesifik.
Ketika piranti menunjuk satu titik, suara yang muncul berada di luar rentang pendengaran manusia, namun gelombang ultrasonik terpecah menjadi tiga. Satu menghasilkan gelombang audio alias yang bisa didengar, diselubungi dua lagi gelombang inaudible--yang tak bisa didengar..
Suara hanya bisa dikenali ketika ia menyentuh halangan. Dan karena itu kuping kiri anda hanya akan mendengar suara yang datang dari speaker kiri dan telinga kanan hanya dapat mendengar suara dari speaker kanan, menciptakan pengalaman stereo sangat intens.
Apa artinya ini bagi anda para pengguna? Jika suatu saat speker ini lebih dari prototip alias sudah diproduksi massal, anda dapat menikmati musik atau film apapun, sekeras yang anda suka bahkan tanpa membuat orang tua atau teman satu kost anda tahu. Dijamin.
anjir ni speaker keren abis (
You own a best tablet device and you have paid a hefty amount for it. But do you know you may actually get a good looking stable stand just from 13 Chopsticks(they are absolutely free or cost very little).
The stand is a beautiful gift from Human imagination. If you are planning to watch a movie along with your friends or family members then you actually need a desktop cradle that may hold your tablet.
It is made using the 13 Chopsticks, a drill (to make a small hole), a bolt(to keep these sticks stable and intact) and some wooden glue(to stick them together). That's all. All these stuff are really very cheap.
So you have to perform just 6 steps and instructions are easier to follow. Well its good piece of creativity. Anyway you may buy other cheap stands available in the market start as low as just $2.
BlackBerry PlayBook akan menandai kehadiran Research In Motion (RIM) di dunia tablet, dan diharapkan sesukses smartphone BlackBerry. Dari berbagai kemunculannya, PlayBook tampak stylish dengan jeroan menjanjikan. Sebut saja prosesor dual core, sistem operasi baru dan dukungan pada aplikasi jika dilihat dari segi Spesifikasi Blackberry Playbook ini sudah sangat menggiurkan untuk dibeli, namun dari sisi harga Blackberry Playbook sepertinya harus keluarin kocek yang lumayan banyak.
Research In Motion (RIM) memperkenalkan secara resmi produk tablet bernama BlackBerry PlayBook. Berikut adalah beberapa fitur BlackBerry PlayBook yang telah diungkap oleh RIM dalam Developer Conference 2010 (DevCon10) di San Francisco, Dari sisi piranti lunak, PlayBook akan menggunakan sistem operasi BlackBerry Tablet OS berdasarkan arsitektur micro-kernel QNX Neutrino. Neutrino telah banyak digunakan pada perangkat kesehatan, otomotif hingga router internet.
Piranti lunak PlayBook mendukung Flash 10.1, WebKit dan HTML 5, OpenGL (untuk grafis 3D seperti pada game), Adobe Mobile AIR, Adobe Reader, Java, POSIX dan BlackBerry WebWorks. Media yang bisa diputar di PlayBook termasuk video hingga resolusi 1080p High Definition. Formatnya, mencakup H.264, MPEG, DivX dan WMV. Sedangkan audionya mencakup MP3, AAC dan WMA.
Nah, dari sisi perangkat kerasnya, berikut adalah beberapa spesifikasinya:
* Layar sentuh capacitive LCD berukuran 7" WSVGA dengan resolusi 1024 x 600
* Dukungan penuh pada multi touch dan gesture
* Prosesor 1 GHz Dual Core
* RAM 1 GB
* Kamera High Definition 3 Megapixel (depan) dan 5 Megapixel (belakang)
* Kamera bisa merekam video hingga resolusi 1080p HD
* HDMI Output (microHDMI)
* WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n dan Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
* Konektor microUSB
* Ukuran 130mm x 193mm x 10mm
* Berat sekitar 400 gram
Spesifikasi Blackberry Playbook
* 7-inch LCD, 1024 x 600, WSVGA, layar sentuh capacitive touch screen juga multi-touch dan support gesture (gerakan)
* BlackBerry Tablet OS with support for symmetric multiprocessing
* 1 GHz dual-core processor
* 1 GB RAM
* Dual HD cameras (3 MP front facing, 5 MP rear facing), supports 1080p HD video recording
* Video playback: 1080p HD Video, H.264, MPEG, DivX, WMV
* Audio playback: MP3, AAC, WMA
* HDMI video output
* Wi-Fi – 802.11 a/b/g/n
* Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
* Connectors: microHDMI, microUSB, charging contacts
* Open, flexible application platform with support for WebKit/HTML-5, Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Adobe Mobile AIR, Adobe Reader, POSIX, OpenGL, Java
* Ultra thin and portable:
* Measures 5.1″x7.6″x0.4″ (130mm x 193mm x 10mm)
* Weighs less than a pound (approximately 0.9 lb or 400g)
* RIM intends to also offer 3G and 4G models in the future.
Harga Blackberry Playbook
Pada peluncuran tablet Blackberry PLaybook pihak RIM tidak menyebut soal harga PLaybook, hal ini dapat dimengerti disamping belum tersedianya barang untuk di suply ke pasaran tablet, RIM juga ingin mempelajari pasar 2011 nanti setelah Apple meluncurkan iPad terbaru dan tablet Android diperjual belikan saat itu. Sehingga belum masuk daftar harga BlackBerry.
Nintendo DS versi mendatang akan memiliki kemampuan memory yang lebih ditingkatkan serta kemampuan grafis yang lebih baik dari versi sebelumnya. Sayangnya tidak ada informasi Harga Nintendo 3DS dan ketersediaan dari perangkat game konsol portabel ini. Nintendo 3DS adalah salah satu varian baru dari perangkat konsol game Nintendo dengan bentuk yang sangat portable namun memiliki keunggulan tersendiri karena fitur Nintendo DS 3D yang diusungnya.spesifikasi Nintendo DS ini:
* 2 CPU ARM11 266 MHz
* GPU Pica200 133 MHz (maksimum 200 MHz)
* 64MB RAM
* Memori penyimpanan internal 1,5GB
* Mendukung kartu SD sebagai media penyimpanan eksternal.
Nintendo DS terdahulu telah menampilkan sepasang prosesor ARM dengan kemampuan 67 MHz dan 33 MHz dengan RAM 4MB. Pada Nintendo DSi, Nintendo telah meningkatkan clock speed CPU hingga dua kali lipat dan melipatgandakan hingga empat kali sistem RAM. Selain itu, Nintendo juga menambah kapasitasnya dengan menggunakan 256MB flash-based.
Apabila hal-hal tersebut dibandingkan dengan spesifikasi Nintendo DS seperti di atas, coba gamers bayangkan saja akan seperti apa jadinya ??.
Setelah Apple Inc. meluncurkan iPad generasi kedua pekan lalu, kini giliran iPhone 5 yang ditunggu-tunggu. Akan seperti apakah bentuk iPhone generasi kelima itu?
Situs teknologi Cnet melaporkan rumor yang berkembang menyatakan bentuk iPhone 5 hampir sama seperti iPad 2. iPhone 5 nantinya tak lagi menggunakan bahan kaca melainkan menggunakan bahan aluminium. Ponsel penurus iPhone 4 itu juga tidak lagi memakai antena eksternal yang selama ini diduga menjadi penyebab buruknya penerimaan sinyal apabila ponsel digenggam terlalu erat.
Untuk mensiasatinya, antena pada iPhone 5 akan dipasang persis di belakang logo Apple sehingga sinyal telepon selular dan Wi-Fi dapat ditembus dengan mudah. Apabila antena dan bahan kaca ini dihilangkan, maka bentuk iPhone 5 akan mirip seperti iPad 2 atau iPod Touch baru.
Selain mirip seperti iPad 2, isu yang beredar seputar iPhone 5 adalah harganya yang lebih murah ketimbang iPhone generasi sebelumnya.
Apple berencana mengganti panel kaca belakang dari iPhone 4 dengan bahan alumunium. Bahan alumunium ini akan dipakai pada iPhone 5 yang akan datang.
Apple termotivasi oleh fakta perusahaannya tak puas dengan masalah goresan dan berat. Artinya, jika Apple menggantinya dengan alumunium maka antena bisa dimasukkan ke dalam logonya seperti pada iPad.
Selain itu, hal ini bisa 'mengoreksi' masalah antena tahun lalu yang disebabkan rangka besi luar iPhone 4. Macotakara melaporkan, Apple akan menggunakan damar khusus untuk logo Apple untuk mentransmisikan Wi-Fi dan data mobile.
Kabarnya, iPhone 5 akan didukung sistem chip A5 yang ada pada iPad 2. Namun sulit mempercayai Apple akan mengganti rancangan iPhone 5 tiga bulan sebelum peluncurannya di ajang WWDC.
Mengganti kaca dengan alumunium dan menghilangkan antena besi bukanlah sesuatu yang tanpa konsekuensi. Ini akan menjadi pembicaraan bagi pada pemasok. Mari kita lihat seperti apa ke depannya.
Ditambahkan juga dalam rumor ini bahwa iPhone 5 kemungkinan besar akan memakai prosesor A5 dual-core, sama seperti pada iPad 2. Diperkirakan iPhone 5 akan diumumkan Juni atau Juli 2011 mendatang.
Smartphone garapan Apple: iPhone, nampaknya bakal segera memasuki generasi ke-5. Yang paling bungsu adalah iPhone 4. Rumor Apple sedang mengembangkan iPhone 5 memang masih sekadar kabar burung. Namun, beberapa perusahaan perangkat keras sudah memperkirakan rancangan yang bakal diterapkan Apple ke iPhone 5. Bahkan, salah satu perusaan tersebut: Item Studio, telah merilis rancangan Spesifikasi iPhone 5. Kabarnya iPhone 5 akan hadir dengan Sebuah desain baru dengan body lebih ramping, Berikut Spesifikasi iPhone 5
Layar OLED
Wireless sync dengan iTunes.
Memori internal 32Gb dan External 64GB memori,
Extended baterai = 14 jam waktu bicara pada 3G dan 7 jam di 4G.
Standby 600 jam.
terdapat High audio Definisi
Pesan lampu indikator.
GPS built in.
Kamera Digital Sony Dengan koneksi 3G; Satu lagi kabar gembira untuk Anda para penggemar fotografi. Kabarnya, salah satu pabrikan elektronik penghasil kamera digital asal Jepang, Sony bakal meluncurkan sebuah Kamera Digital Sony Dengan koneksi 3G. Jadi Anda bisa langsung upload foto ke internet dari kamera digital karena sudah ada kamera digital dengan koneksi 3G, sayangnya ini tidak berguna bila tidak ada sinyal Wi-Fi saat akan meng-upload.
Sebagaimana informasi yang dikutip dari Engadget, Jumat (11/3), sebuah laporan terbaru menyebutkan bahwa Sony akan kembali meluncurkan sebuah kamera digital jenis kompak terbaru yang lebih menarik dari pendahulunya. Sony sedang merencanakan kamera digitalnya dilengkapi dengan koneksi 3G alias di kamera digital ada slot kartu SIM nantinya. Tapi itu bukan berarti kalau kamera digital jenis kompak terbaru besutan Sony itu bisa digunakan untuk menelepon, tetapi kamera digital itu hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengupload hasil jepret langsung ke situs jejaring sosial atau situs lain dengan menggunakan koneksi 3G tanpa perlu mentransfernya terlebih dulu ke perangkat komputer. Memang hampir tidak mungkin kita berarti bisa menggunakannya untuk telpon tetapi jika anda termasuk orang yang tidak sabar untuk memamerkan foto anda maka fitur ini sangat berguna.
Sama seperti sebuah ponsel, berarti kita bisa meng-upload foto langsung dari kamera dengan koneksi 3G tanpa harus melalui komputer.
Bedanya dengan ponsel? Tentu soal kualitas, kamera digital jauh lebih baik tetapi hanya masalah waktu juga yang akan membuktikan bahwa suatu saat ponsel kamera punya kualitas yang sama baiknya dengan kamera digital.
Selain itu, Anda pun tak perlu repot lagi mencari sinyal ataupun koneksi WiFi saat akan mengupload foto ke situs jejaring sosial atau situs lain kesayangan Anda. Tinggal pilih foto dan tentukan alamat situsnya, maka foto yang akan diupload tersebut sudah akan langsung terupload ke alamat situs yang dituju.
Tapi sayang, sampai sejauh ini belum ada informasi mengenai waktu peluncuran dari kamera digital jenis kompak terbaru besutan Sony itu. Jadi belum jelas, kapan kiranya kita bisa menikmati fasilitas terbaru berupa koneksi 3G langsung dari kamera digital.
Jadi untuk lebih jelasnya, kita tunggu saja informasi selanjutnya. (
mantabs bener itu iphone 5 *bgs*
pm super nettnya gan ;D
Quote from: padang3 on 17/01/11, 13:55
parah2 si jhone bikin BM aja
tp gokil2 ya barangnya. ASLI!
jamnya keren... apa tuh namanya?
Quote from: Knowhow on 24/03/11, 17:01
pm super nettnya gan ;D
wah bukan pedagang
Quote from: Gober on 24/03/11, 21:15
jamnya keren... apa tuh namanya?
ora namanya, ya, "ORA" namanya.
Konsep jam tangan super canggih dan futuristik, simple, desain oleh Alexandros Stasinopoulos. Konsep jam tangan Ora ini sangat unik dengan desain yang menakjubkan.
Satu set ada 3 kaset pita yang menunjukkan 3 fungsi, tanggal, jam, dan menit. Casingnya yang berbentuk unik, memberi kesan elegant pada jam tangan ini.
Alexandros Stasinopolous adalah desainer pemenang penghargaan (reddot design award, iF design award). Berpengalaman Internasional, dia telah belajar di Italy, Belanda, dan Hongkong.
dan yang paling keren adalah warna hitam menurut saya :)
Window Phone, Gaya untuk Prediksi Cuaca
Teknologi zaman sekarang memang maju pesat, menuntut penemuan-penemuan yang menakjubkan untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan manusia zaman sekarang. Satu langkah menuju "The Future" / Masa Depan yang konon apa pun pada zaman itu serba canggih dan serba mudah dilakukan.
Untuk memudahkan prediksi cuaca yang akurat, Seunghan Song merancang sebuah handphone yang bisa dengan akurat mendeteksi keadaan iklim sekitarnya, sehingga dapat meramalkan cuaca (lebih gampang diucapkan begitu). WindowPhone namanya, handphone ini diasumsikan sebagai jendela kaca. Perubahan cuaca ini bahkan ditampilkan dengan sangat pintar oleh sang designer, yaitu seolah-olah handphone itu adalah jendela kaca yang dapat memperlihatkan efek cuaca.
Mari kita lihat WindowPhone ini :
Tidak cuma itu kehebatan WindowPhone ini, jika ditiup, WindowPhone ini berubah fungsi menjadi "Handwriting Mode".
Alexei Lyapunov dan Lena Ehrlich ini mungkin bisa membantu para mania tekno yang sering meminjamkan flashdisk namun tidak dikembalikan lagi. Sungguh mengesalkan bukan?
Konsep yang terlihat di Art Lebedev, dirancang oleh Alexei Lyapunov dan Lena Ehrlich ini bisa memberikan solusi bagi kita, flashdisk 8 atau 16 GB dicetak di kertas karton sehingga ongkos produksinya sangat murah. Jadi para mania tekno cukup merobek satu, lalu memberikannya pada teman. Sejauh ini masih dalam tahap konsep.
Jika dilihat dari bentuk dan kecanggihannya memang teknologi yang akan datang benar – benar sangat fantastis. TriBook dengan tiga konsep layar ultra lebar. Ia juga memiliki sebuah 8x SuperDrive, 1TB harddisk, dan MacBook Pro-calibre CPU, plus sebuah keyboard multitouch trackpad.
Generasi laptop masa depan.
dibuat oleh industri desainer Jerman Felix Schmidberger, model classy, elegan, futuristik laptop yang menggunakan OLED touchscreen.
Barangkali lebih tepat disebut Paper PC karena bentuknya yang seperti lembaran kertas berupa layar sebagai antar muka dan dilengkapi pena untuk mengoperasikannya dengan cara touch screen.
Didesain oleh Avery Holleman.
Laptop yang mempunyai dua layar dengan desain mirip buku, saya lebih suka kalau barang itu disebut Digital Book. Prototipe dari XO-2 dan One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).
Layar lipat 3-in-1 merupakan inovasi yang cukup menawan pada produk konsep ini.
Pertanyaannya: Apakah pengguna Mac memang memerlukan layar selebar itu ?
The Future of DJ-ing ..... The Emulator
Emulator Multi-Touch Midi Controller by Smithson Martin (
The Future of DJ'ing is here (
Quote from: echaaaa on 01/04/11, 04:32
The Future of DJ-ing ..... The Emulator
Emulator Multi-Touch Midi Controller by Smithson Martin (
The Future of DJ'ing is here (
Super cool!
btw kalo ini apa yah? *gak ngerti
2011_0212 KO-MATSUSHIMA (4/4) (
nemu di FX senayan..
Over a decade ago, Korg changed the DJ/music scene with its first-generation Kaoss Pad, a touchpad-based effect controller. Since then, the popular X-Y touchpad has appeared in many Korg products. Now, Korg is taking effects control one step further with the new Kaoss Pad Quad, which employs new effects, functions and features that let users create their own combination of Kaoss effects with simultaneous control of up to four effects in real-time using a single fingertip on its touchpad. Any audio source can be processed: an MP3 player, a mixing board, an instrument or even vocals via the unit's mic input.
As users tap, slide or move their finger across the intuitive X-Y touchpad interface, the effect parameters will change, producing dramatic real-time transformations in the sound. The brilliant, colorful LED touchpad illuminates in an intense variety of colors, which change depending on the state of the effects, the BPM setting and hand motions on the touchpad.
Designed to be both usable and highly playable as an effect processor, the Kaoss Pad Quad allows the user to simultaneously control up to four effects from the touchpad. Each of the four effect modules – Looper, Modulation, Filter and Delay/Reverb – contains five options (plus a module kill), for a total of 1,295 combinations. Effects are chosen directly from the front panel for easy access during live performance. By rhythmically adding successive effects, or switching effects on and off as a song progresses, the Kaoss Pad Quad can add variation and development to the structure of any song. Even the simplest beat can be creatively affected to produce something entirely new.
Another unique feature is the Freeze button, which offers even more versatile control of effects. For each of the four effect modules, Freeze memorizes the position at which the user was last touching the touchpad, effectively "freezing" the state that effect was last in, even after release of the finger. By touching the touchpad again while Freeze is enabled, only the "unfrozen" effects will be controlled.
In addition to more traditional effects (flanger, low/high-pass filter, delay and reverb), the Kaoss Pad Quad offers many new types of effects:
Multi-Mode Looper for looping a part of a song; the number of beats is controlled by the location touched. Three types of looping are provided: the standard Looper, the Rev Looper (Reverse Looper which plays the looped phrase backward) and the Loop Slicer, which divides the phrase and lets the loop-play only a specific portion. Additionally, users can switch between the different looper types by sliding their finger up and down the touchpad as the loop plays, producing radical new beats on a whim.
Vinyl Break turntable effects, which allow users to create all the standard turntable rotation effects, including scratching, slow-down/speed up, stop and more.
Ducking Comp, creating effects of a "ducking compressor," which has become a staple in music production.
Additionally, the proprietary Auto BPM engine automatically detects the tempo/BPM of the song that's playing or the audio source. Users can also use the BPM knob to make fine adjustments. Alternatively, the BPM can be set manually using the Tap Tempo function.
Korg Kaoss Quad Pad (
Love them or loathe them (I frequently do at the same time), laptops have become as important as any other part of your DJ setup these days. But for 99.99% recurring of people, laptops are an off-the-shelf purchase with very little leeway for customisation. But enter OOVJ - the ultimate in computer in a box DJ specific functionality. Andrew Unsworth positively giggled like a schoolgirl when Valeway said yes to a demo unit. What follows is another Unsworth epic review.
It's fair to say that the OOVJ isn't going to appeal to everyone, but it definitely does have a market. If it didn't, the OODJ before it wouldn't have stuck around long enough to become the OOVJ. For the super busy mobile DJ running weddings, private parties, corporate events etc for a living, OOVJ is likely to be a perfect hardwearing jack of all trades box of tricks that you know will just work and probably keep on working too.
Sadly, I didn't get a chance to fondle this particular unit for myself, so the photography is supplied by Valeway as well as a scattering of Andrew's own pictures. But it's the words that matter really, and he's certainly got enough of those to go round. The review is right here.
And if you want an instant info hit, watch this video:
00VJ - rugged DJ playback system DJ laptop - OOVJ (
Life is full of coincidences. Yesterday, I was finishing a headphone review where I described my really totally normal ears that are blessed with a lack of the antitragus to keep basic earphones in place. And bugger me if Allen & Heath decided that now would be a good time to bring out their Xone XD-20 bud types that'll just push right into my ears without the need for that pointless fleshy bit. Having thought about it, I feel fairly bad for all you freaks who have that deformity. I'm sure there's a support group for all you ear mutants. Not me though - hell no. My ears are just fine.
Official words and all that stuff:
Allen & Heath has unveiled the latest offering from its range of Xone headphones, the XD-20 in-ear monitors. Complementing Xone XD-53 and XD-40 professional DJ headphones, the XD-20s provide a set of quality, lightweight headphones designed for track browsing and replay.
The XD-20s' acoustic properties have been optimised for electronic music reproduction, providing extended bass and crisp, detailed highs. They are also designed for comfort, with lightweight construction, soft ear seals, and excellent noise isolation.
Xone design manager, Andy Rigby-Jones, comments:
"Our professional Xone monitoring headphones have earned the respect of some of the world's most renowned DJs. With the XD-20s, we wanted to offer off duty DJs - or any user – a pair of quality compact headphones designed for electronic music reproduction. We were determined to create an in-ear design that delivers meaty bass to get a sense of how a track will work on a club PA system."
The XD20 headphones are available immediately. SRP: £49 + VAT. (
• Type: Closed back Dynamic
• Driver Diameter: Ø13.6mm
• Frequency Response: 20~20,000Hz
• Maximum Input Power: 100mW
• Sensitivity: 105dB/mW
• Impedance: 17ohms
• Weight: 12g
• Cable: 1.2m (Y-Type)
Having spent more time than necessary with endless pairs of headphones in the last year, I realised that my not in any way freakish lugs may be in need of some inner ear love. So I've decided to do an inner ear group test this year. Ideally this will cover a range of off-the-shelf models, as well as trying to persuade a specialist to squirt goo into my ear canal in the name of providing reviews. More on that later in the year.
Having spent many years wondering through the foggy audio wasteland of home hifi loudspeakers, you can imagine just how Dolbyfied my life became when I finally got a pair of proper studio monitors. And I suspect that many of you reading this will still be linking your expensive DJ setup to some crappy 80s MIDI system, but blaming the resulting muffled mess on your mixer right? Go on... treat yourself to a pair of real monitors, like these S-DJ05s from Pioneer. Your ears will thanks you for it. Once again, Andrew Unsworth steps into the breach and offers his opinions.
It probably goes without saying that these are all about audio fidelity rather than filling a large room full of intestine rupturing bass. And while the S-DJ05s do offer a degree of audio adjustment, but you still have to make sure that what goes into them is still good.
Anyway, here's the review.
Pioneer S-DJ05 Monitors & Pioneer DDJT-1 on Demo @ DJKIT®COM (
REVIEW UPDATE: The hiss issue Andrew has highlighted is being proactively investigated by Pioneer. It is though to be isolated to the review units supplied to us and not the norm. Pioneer will obviously update us in due course as to whether we have identified something of concern, of if as suspected the review units will be humanely destroyed for their own good. Respect due to Pioneer for not throwing their considerable weight around and demanding that the review be taken down. Transparency is important with such things.
Build Quality
Built like a Bentley and just as sleek.
Sound quality
Crystal clear and loud enough for a home studio. Only 'problem' is a conspicuous hiss when nothing is playing through them.
Features and Implementation
There are plenty of inputs, EQs and informative LEDs on each monitor. Also worthy of praise is the cleverly designed remote control.
Value for Money
You're going to pay a premium for the Pioneer logo, but when the product is this good, why not?
Bottom Line
Not only are the S-DJ05s exceptionally pretty, they possess a build quality and feature set that is at once luxurious and practical. The sound quality – to my ears – is first-rate. There are plenty of inputs and the remote control makes using the S-DJ05s a joy. £500 is a lot of cash, but you get your money's worth.
Allen & Heath Xone:DB4
Allen & Heath Xone:DB4 (
Demo: Allen & Heath Xone:DB4 (
innoFader (
Demo: innoFader (
Shuttle sudah memperlihatkan desktop kecil barebone yaitu J1 dan G2 dan baru-baru ini telah hadir model ketiga yaitu Shuttle J3 yang memiliki spesifikasi sangar yang tipe lengkapnya adalah Shuttle XPC SX58J3.
Jangan meremehkan si kecil ini, karena model ini dilengkapi dengan prosesor Intel Core i7-980X Gulftown, yang merupakan prosesor tercepat saat ini dan berdampingan dengan NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480. Shuttle tidak menjelaskan dengan detil mesin yang tersedia, namun di video dapat dilihat bahwa terdapat stack USB ports dan sistem pendingin pada produk ini. Komputer kecil ini memang sangat bertenaga karena didukung oleh banyak peripheral yang canggih.
SX58J3 - 360° product video [HQ] (
Anda sudah tahu barebone PC? yaitu PC kecil kotak yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana dengan mudah. Tapi apakah Anda bisa memasukkannya ke dalam kantong? Wow, kali ini ada CPU PC Desktop yang kecil dan mini banget karena ukurannya hanya 2 x 2 x 2.2 inci menjadikannya PC Desktop yang bisa dimasukkan ke kantong Anda. PC desktop super mini ini pun bisa menjalankan sistem operasi Linux.
Wah cukup ringkas ya, tidak perlu untuk membawa cpu yang besar dan berat. Dengan spesifikasi yang masih rendah ini diharapkan ke depannya akan terus dilakukan penelitian dan pengembangan dari komputer ini. Bila anda pernah melihat komputer apple yang berbentuk seperti kotak makan maka ini hanyalah 1/4 nya. Dengan tampilan yang mirip suatu terminal usb, mmc dan inputan lain maka komputer ini lebih terlihat seperti memory card reader. Tidak heran pada nantinya kita hanya butuh rental monitor saja dengan membawa kompi masing-masing
Inilah spesifikasi PC super mungil ini:
300 mhz atom
external video connector
supports 1280 x 1024 resolution.
Flash memory card slot
USB port
serial port.
Dan inilah kira-kira rangkaian dari PC super mungil tersebut
Inilah bagian penampang dalamnya
Dalam satu genggaman tangan saja
Anda ingin beli?
Silakan ke (
Sumber: (
Traffic light di masa depan mungkin akan seperti ini. Hanyoung Lee sang pembuatnya menawarkannya dengan nama Virtual Wall. Sistem ini memakai laser plasma yang ditempatkan dimana orang biasa menyebrang dan memproyeksikan bayangan orang yang menyebrang ke dinding cahaya sehingga bisa langsung terlihat oleh pengemudi.
Hal ini bisa jadi alternatif solusi di kawasan dengan penerangan buruk, cuaca buruk ataupun rawan kecelakaan. Ditempat seperti itu, pengemudi sulit mengenali zebra cross atau persimpangan, lebih-lebih dimalam hari. Dengan menggunakan laser untuk menciptakan dinding cahaya, yang menerangi zebra cross, sistem ini akan benar-benar terlihat dan terkesan sangat futuristik.
Ada peluang bisnis yang menarik pula. Sudah ada pembicaraan untuk menggunakan sistem ini untuk iklan. Bayangkan seperti baliho cahaya yang tepat di depan mata pengemudi yang berhenti di lampu merah.
Terlepas dari itu, keuntungan bagi pejalan kaki jelas lebih besar. Tidak ada lagi alasan bagi pengendara yang menyerobot dengan alasan tak melihat lampu merah menyala, karena ukurannya yang besar dan jelas.
Virtual Wall masih dalam konsep dan belum ada kepastian kapan diproduksi.
Kehadiran BlackBerry Baru dari keluarga Storm nampaknya mulai mendekati kenyataan, ini setelah beredar video penampakan ponsel Storm 3 oleh situs teknologi CrackBerry.
Di dalam situs tersebut, Storm 3 yang disebut dengan kode nama Monaco itu akan menjadi perangkat genggam Research in Motion yang menggunakan prosesor 1.2 Ghz yang dibesut oleh Qualcomm. Disebutkan juga, nama lengkap BlackBerry adalah, BlackBerry Monaco Touch. selain mengguna prosesor 1.2 Ghz, Monaco juga hadir dengan kapasitas memori RAM 768MB, dengan tambahan memori 4GB, termasuk memori eksternal yang mampu menampung hingga 32GB.
Belum ada kepastian mengenai kapan kehadiran Monaco ini, namun di video itu disebutkan bahwa BlackBerry ini akan muncul di kuartal ketiga bulan september sampai dengan November 2011.
Berikut spesifikasi BlackBerry Monaco:
- 1.2GHz Qualcomm CPU
- 768MB RAM, 4GB internal memory and expandable with up to 32GB SD
- BlackBerry OS v6.1, BlackBerry Evolution
- Dual band CDMA, EV-DO Rev A, RX Diversity, Quad band EDGE/Single-band UMTS
- Layar 3.7-inch capacitive touchscreen display dengan 800x480 resolution, 15:9 aspect ratio and 253dpi
- 5 megapixel camera with Flash and 720p HD Video Recording
- Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, GPS, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
- Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Proximity Sensor
- Dimensions: 120x62x11.5 mm
BlackBerry Storm 3 (
Blackberry Storm 3 9860 quick look - (
Quote from: luthfi on 01/04/11, 13:09
Quote from: echaaaa on 01/04/11, 04:32
The Future of DJ-ing ..... The Emulator
Emulator Multi-Touch Midi Controller by Smithson Martin (
The Future of DJ'ing is here (
Super cool!
btw kalo ini apa yah? *gak ngerti
2011_0212 KO-MATSUSHIMA (4/4) (
Itu Ableton live yang di connect ke mixer pake soundcard (untuk mixing), dan pake iPad untuk controller effect nya.
Quote from: Jhone on 20/04/11, 15:57
Traffic light di masa depan mungkin akan seperti ini. Hanyoung Lee sang pembuatnya menawarkannya dengan nama Virtual Wall. Sistem ini memakai laser plasma yang ditempatkan dimana orang biasa menyebrang dan memproyeksikan bayangan orang yang menyebrang ke dinding cahaya sehingga bisa langsung terlihat oleh pengemudi.
Hal ini bisa jadi alternatif solusi di kawasan dengan penerangan buruk, cuaca buruk ataupun rawan kecelakaan. Ditempat seperti itu, pengemudi sulit mengenali zebra cross atau persimpangan, lebih-lebih dimalam hari. Dengan menggunakan laser untuk menciptakan dinding cahaya, yang menerangi zebra cross, sistem ini akan benar-benar terlihat dan terkesan sangat futuristik.
Ada peluang bisnis yang menarik pula. Sudah ada pembicaraan untuk menggunakan sistem ini untuk iklan. Bayangkan seperti baliho cahaya yang tepat di depan mata pengemudi yang berhenti di lampu merah.
Terlepas dari itu, keuntungan bagi pejalan kaki jelas lebih besar. Tidak ada lagi alasan bagi pengendara yang menyerobot dengan alasan tak melihat lampu merah menyala, karena ukurannya yang besar dan jelas.
Virtual Wall masih dalam konsep dan belum ada kepastian kapan diproduksi.
ini keren banget! mindf*ck!!! *bgs* *bgs*
Some of us spend the boring hours just tapping on the desk and turn it into an improvised drum. Imagine if that leisurely activity can be turned into the next musical genius.
Korg introduces the Wavedrum Mini drum synthesizer, consisting of a singular digital drum pad and a built-in 1.3W speaker. It features an extensive list of sounds that include strings, synth tones, and percussion instruments. The Wavedrum Mini is also packed with 100 present rhythms, as well as a loop function to build multiple layers of beats.
The highlight of the Wavedrum is its clip-on sensor that can be attached to almost anything; tables, paper cups, the sneaker you are wearing, name it.
Expect the Korg Wavedrum Mini to become available on the third quarter of 2011. Pricing is still unavailable.
WAVEDRUM Mini紹介映像 (
KORG WAVEDRUM MINI video demo [Musikmesse 2011] (
Konsep video 3D memang sedang naik daun, dan hal tersebut dimanfaatkan benar oleh para produsen kamera dengan membuat kamera yang mampu merekam gambar format 3 dimensi. GoPro salah satunya, lewat karya mereka 3D Hero Camera System. Didasari ide untuk menggabungkan dua buah lensa HD 1080p dalam satu perangkat, membuatnya mampu merekam video dan foto untuk format 3D dan 2D sekaligus. Adanya sinkronisasi kabel penghubunglah yang membuat hal itu menjadi mungkin.
3D Hero bisa mengantarkan penggunanya mencapai standar profesional. Kamera ini juga sudah memiliki 'rumah anti air' sehingga bisa tetap digunakan sambil menyelam. Pada paket pembeliannya, disertakan pula software 3D-Studio-GoPRo Cineform untuk memudahkan pengguna mengkonversi hasil gambar 3D dan menontonnya di layar laptop atau untuk sekedar diunggah ke YouTube.
Quote from: JhoneLike it or not, 3D video is the way of the future and GoPro decides to catch on with the 3D trend as it introduces its 3D Hero System. It is basically a mounting system that straps two of its 1080p HD Hero action cameras onto a special housing made from polycarbonate material. The system syncs the two cameras together and the images captured are turned into 3D video with the help of an included software in post-production.
The GoPro 3D Hero System costs just US$99, and that is without the cameras. Aspiring 3D filmmakers would have to supply their own HD Hero cameras or buy them separately for $259 each. Note that only the 1080p HD Hero works with the system and nothing else.
Go Pro Hero Camera on a Parkzone Typhoon 3D (
GoPro 3D HERO System: How it Works (
Thanko camera
Dunia teknologi memang semakin 'gila', disaat produsen kamera lainnya berlomba menyajikan berbagai fitur terlengkap di produk terbaru mereka, Thanko, produsen kamera asal Jepang ini malah sibuk 'mengecilkan' ukuran kamera buatannya.
Thanko Mini Megapixel Camera adalah sebuah kamera mini dengan berat hanya 14 gram.Jika dilihat sekilas, kamera ini tampak seperti mainan atau sebuah aksesoris.
Walaupun kecil dan terlihat murahan, kamera mini ini bisa mengambil foto dengan resolusi mencapai 8 MP dan merekam video dalam format AV dengan resolusi 1280×960 px @ 30 fps.
Sebagai tempat penyimpanan, kamera mungil ini bisa menggunakan microSD dengan kapasitas maksimum 32 GB. Baterai yang digunakan pun sudah lithium yang bisa diisi ulang melalui kabel USB atau AC Adapter.
Disainnya sendiri juga dibuat semirip mungkin dengan bentuk kamera digital yang sering kita lihat sehingga menambah kesan unik. Selain untuk foto dan video, Thanko Mini Megapixel Camera juga bisa digunakan sebagai audio recorder.
Kabarnya, Thanko Mini Megapixel Camera dijual dikisaran harga Rp. 800 ribuan. Anda berminat?
Quote from: Jhone on 20/04/11, 15:57
Traffic light di masa depan mungkin akan seperti ini. Hanyoung Lee sang pembuatnya menawarkannya dengan nama Virtual Wall. Sistem ini memakai laser plasma yang ditempatkan dimana orang biasa menyebrang dan memproyeksikan bayangan orang yang menyebrang ke dinding cahaya sehingga bisa langsung terlihat oleh pengemudi.
Hal ini bisa jadi alternatif solusi di kawasan dengan penerangan buruk, cuaca buruk ataupun rawan kecelakaan. Ditempat seperti itu, pengemudi sulit mengenali zebra cross atau persimpangan, lebih-lebih dimalam hari. Dengan menggunakan laser untuk menciptakan dinding cahaya, yang menerangi zebra cross, sistem ini akan benar-benar terlihat dan terkesan sangat futuristik.
Ada peluang bisnis yang menarik pula. Sudah ada pembicaraan untuk menggunakan sistem ini untuk iklan. Bayangkan seperti baliho cahaya yang tepat di depan mata pengemudi yang berhenti di lampu merah.
Terlepas dari itu, keuntungan bagi pejalan kaki jelas lebih besar. Tidak ada lagi alasan bagi pengendara yang menyerobot dengan alasan tak melihat lampu merah menyala, karena ukurannya yang besar dan jelas.
Virtual Wall masih dalam konsep dan belum ada kepastian kapan diproduksi.
gokil keren bgt deh ini..
It's all too easy to criticise Gemini paying just a little too much homage to Pioneer's last set of CDJs. But it isn't anything that hasn't been done before by other manufacturers over the years - just perhaps a tad sooner than most would dare. But looking past this all too obvious fact, there is one stroke of genius in this CDJ-700 that whilst deliberate, could also be unintentionally clever.
This very much relates to modern day habits. Many of us own iPhones or similarly specced touch screen smart phones and MP3 players. And if we pick up a non-touch screen model, it feels like we've stepped back a decade to the pre-touch era. We're all about touching and swiping for pretty much anything on our phones these days, so it makes blindingly obvious sense to replicate this for track searching and loading on DJ gear too. If it were me, I'd have put a circular home button right beneath the screen just to reinforce this way of working.
From my short play, Gemini haven't tried to be too clever with the screen. Because it's a touch interface, you can't be too detailed as your fingers need to make solid contact and first time as well. So while the song lists to look a little big print than your phone, it does make perfect sense to me.
It could well be that adding a touch screen just felt like a cool thing to do. And maybe it was deliberately designed to replicate our modern methods of playing music. But either way, Gemini have done a good thing. When I get to play for longer than 2 minutes, I'll be able to say if it does really work in a DJ environment.
The future? With iPads coming along, the whole top end of the deck could easily become a touchscreen. First laptops, now small touchscreens so logically a large touchscreen to replace simple buttons and other controls. This in turn can mean that features can be upgraded and the user interface tweaked or totally reconfigured to suit different uses. And once the price of larger touch screens comes down, I think this will happen.
Inspired by the latest technological trends, the CDJ-700 literally puts professional features and innovative design right at your fingertips.
Multi-Format playback of MP3, AAC, WAV and AIFF audio files on CD, SD card, and USB memory devices
Fast-loading Slot-in CD-ROMs compatible with Audio CDs, CD-Rs, MP3 CDs
Large touch-sensitive platter with LCD display and three selectable modes: search/pitch bend/scratch
effect w/ SLIP mode and reverse
Six DSP-powered effects
MIDI control allowing assignment of all buttons of the CDJ-700 to trigger other devices, such as DJ software with MIDI mapping capability
Industry's first full-color TFT touch screen
Pristine audio quality with a 24-bit/192 kHz soundcard across its line outputs and digital output (S/PDIF)
Master Tempo up to +/-24%
High-resolution pitch fader with range of +/- 4, 8, 16, 24, 50, 100%
Three BPM options: Auto, Manual Tap, and BPM Lock
Spec :
Type : Compact Disc Player & USB/SD Reader
USB Output Type : Type B
Disc Type : Standard Compact discs (12 cm & 8 cm)
Power Supply : AC 115/230V, 60/50 Hz
Dimensions : 13.3" x 12.00" x 4.07" (337 x 305 x 103.5 mm)
Weight : 8.6 lbs. (3.9 kg)
Quantization : 1 Bit Linear/Channel, 3 Beam Laser
Oversampling Rate : 8 Times
Sampling Frequency : 44.1 kHz
Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Total Harmonic Distortion: Less Than 0.05%
Signal to Noise Ratio: 85 dB
Dynamic Range : 85 dB
Channel Separation : 85 dB (1 KHz)
Output Level : 1.0 +/- 0.2V R.M.S.
Output Type : Coaxial Digital (S/PDIF)
Output format : 44.1 kHz, 16-bit (
Last week saw a whatthehellisthat frenzy caused by Novation's teaser for their next DJ focussed product, followed by certain individuals pooling their hive minds to come up with an idea of what Novation's new thingy could possibly be. Well it's finally here and we pretty much nailed it - Twitch for ITCH (no I'm not kidding) dispenses with any kind of jog wheel or platter and focusses on new features in ITCH. Yes - I said Twitch and no jog wheels.
Twitch has been developed in collaboration with Serato to be a DJ controller with a difference. It comes with Serato ITCH, DJ software that can automatically beat-match tracks to let you get creative with your DJ sets, and it has unique Touchstrip controls that enable you to do amazing things with ITCH's new performance tools. It can also be MIDI-mapped to other DJ software such as Traktor or Ableton Live.
Twitch provides a completely new perspective on DJing. The Twitch control surface — with two banks of eight large Triggerpads, professional cross-fader and per-channel Fader FX — opens up awesome possibilities for digital DJs and the new breed of controllerists. The two LED-backlit Touchstrips let you manipulate your tracks using gestures as you would on a multi-touch trackpad or touchscreen. Now, you can grab, pinch, tap and nudge to navigate, perform and improvise with your tunes.
It has four performance modes (Hot Cues, Slicer, Auto Loop and Loop Roll) that interact seamlessly with ITCH, so you can mash up your tracks and mix them back together, totally on the fly. Hot Cues mode lets you instantly jump to markers in your tracks, and re-trigger up to eight hits, just like you can with a sampler. Slicer mode allows you to do something completely new, and re-arrange your tracks while they're still playing using a step sequencer-style user interface. Twitch's Auto Loop and Loop Roll modes allow you to further manipulate tracks and, in combination with the Touchstrips, change loop lengths in the mix to create glitch effects — all without falling out of time. Further expanding your creative potential, effects can be assigned to the channel faders at the touch of a button, so you can perform tricks with fader movements as well as with the knobs of the Master Effects section.
Twitch is rock solid: designed for life on the road and on stage. It's robust and compact, ready to slot into tight spaces in the DJ booth, and can be carried away from the gig in a laptop bag. Twitch is also bus-powered — simply plug in the USB and audio cables and you're ready to play. It includes a high-quality 2-in 4-out USB audio interface with balanced, high-level master and booth outputs, which can be connected directly into any PA system or home setup with excellent audio quality. Quarter-inch and mini-jack headphone outputs supply a loud and clear signal to any set of headphones. There's also a Mic/Aux channel with mono jack and stereo RCA inputs so vocalists and MCs can be blended with an external audio source, such as an MP3 player, and routed through Twitch's effects and master outputs.
"It has been exciting to work with Novation; their expertise with controller design combined with our leading DJ software has made for some really incredible possibilities," says Sam Gribben, General Manager of Serato Audio Research. "Twitch is the result and we think it will be an instrument for the next generation of musicians and performers."
Comes With Serato ITCH Professional, comprehensive DJ software.
Versatile Touchstrips Tactile, multi-function control.
Unique Slicer Mode Chop up beats and create new grooves on the fly.
Compact & Portable Slots anywhere in the DJ Booth and is easily transportable.
1-to-1 Control In ITCH Dedicated controls for all ITCH performance functions.
Robust Build Quality Solid case with Aluminium top plate.
2-in 4-out Audio Interface High-quality, loud headphones output. Balanced master connections.
High-quality Cross-fader Hard-wearing, sensitive and replaceable.
Software Effect Control Blend per-channel Fader FX with assignable master effects.
Bus-powered USB connection provides all the power needed.
Mic/Aux Input Route a mic and an external audio device through the effects and master outputs.
Switchable Booth Outputs Choose between master and cue feeds.
MIDI Compatible To control any DJ software, such as Traktor or Ableton Live.
Twitch will be available worldwide in early July 2011, priced:
USA: $599.99 MSRP / $499.99 at dealers.
UK: £399.99 inc. VAT typical street price.
DE: €529.00 inc. Tax UVP (MSRP)
Soooo... is it what you thought it would be? In the rush to nail the feature set, I think I actually lost sight of what it was really all about. ITCH has largely always been about the regular DJ metaphor, and in particular giving superior jog wheel or platter performance from a controller. But it didn't really occur to me that ITCH could actually also be just about loops, cues and beat grids. For this style of DJing, spinny wheels and largely irrelevant.
These touchstrips will be the creative core of your performance, and all but eliminates the need for even a crappy jogwheel. It looks to me like the key to this is preparation. Sure you'll be able to do a lot of really nice tricks on the fly, but having cues and loops set up already will make Twitch a lot more sensible.
Slicer (the leaked but not accurate name for Twitch) appears to be some sort of remix as you go mashup construction kit for your tracks. Sounds a little convoluted without seeing it, but given the target market for this i.e. not DVS users, the scope for mixing, remixing and mashing up quickly and easily seems good.
What is missing is any mention just yet of which version of ITCH this will work with. Screenshots have been leaked that show a new ITCH that looks much more SSL-like in appearance (a whole thesis in itself), which hopefully and logically means the new version will be the one that drives Twitch. Looking at the features in the above press release, the ITCH I know doesn't do much of this right now. Fingers crossed for more word on that later today or tomorrow.
But it's not just about ITCH users. Being a MIDI unit too, I imagine that all DVS users and possibly Ableton Live users will also be able to make good use of such a thing. Those pads certainly are a draw. And if it's anything like Vestax's VFX1, I imagine we'll see direct Scratch Live support for Twitch sometime soon.
I did pick up on something - well 2 things actually. It does appear to me that Twitch needs to be sat between a pair of decks or V7 style units. And this does also lead me to think that the "high quality crossfader" points to much more hands on deck style usage than the pad bashing and loop slicing might imply.
Anyway, I'm sat on Huddersfield station finishing this piece off, but no doubt I'll more for you tomorrow. More than you might expect hopefully.
Wah Sony akhirnya menceburkan diri dalam dunia tablet Android setelah sejumlah smartphone Android mereka telah muncul di pasaran. Sony meluncurkan 2 tablet sekaligus bernama sony S1 dan S2 di mana Sony S1 memiliki layar 9.1 inci dengan bentuk yang umum sedangkan Sony S2 menambah variasi dalam dunia tablet dengan dual screen di mana masing-masing berukuran 5.5 inci serta dapat dilipat. Masing-masing display mendukung resolusi 1024x480px yang bisa dikatakan meminjam ide dari Nintendo DS.
Fitur lain dari tablet Sony adalah dukungan Wifi, DLNA, 3G dan 4G serta Playstation Certified yang berarti tablet ini dapat terhubung dengan Sony Qriocity Media Store untuk ebook, musik dan film.
Spesifikasi Sony S1:
9.4 inch display
NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core processor
Infrared port lets you use the tablet as a remote control for Sony media devices
Front and rear cameras
DLNA support for streaming media from the tablet to other devices on your home network
Off-center, wedge-style design which Sony says makes the S1 easier to hold
Spesifikasi Sony S2:
Two 5.5 inch displays which can be used together as one screen, or to display separate apps
Each screen has a resolution of 1024 x 480 pixels
Folds up into a cylinder for easy storage
NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core processor
Anda bisa melihat video Sony S1 & Sony S2 berikut:
Gizmo - Sony S1 & S2 Tablets (
Sony S1 + S2 Tablet First Look (
Quote from: Jhone on 28/04/11, 14:21
Last week saw a whatthehellisthat frenzy caused by Novation's teaser for their next DJ focussed product, followed by certain individuals pooling their hive minds to come up with an idea of what Novation's new thingy could possibly be. Well it's finally here and we pretty much nailed it - Twitch for ITCH (no I'm not kidding) dispenses with any kind of jog wheel or platter and focusses on new features in ITCH. Yes - I said Twitch and no jog wheels.
Twitch has been developed in collaboration with Serato to be a DJ controller with a difference. It comes with Serato ITCH, DJ software that can automatically beat-match tracks to let you get creative with your DJ sets, and it has unique Touchstrip controls that enable you to do amazing things with ITCH's new performance tools. It can also be MIDI-mapped to other DJ software such as Traktor or Ableton Live.
Twitch provides a completely new perspective on DJing. The Twitch control surface — with two banks of eight large Triggerpads, professional cross-fader and per-channel Fader FX — opens up awesome possibilities for digital DJs and the new breed of controllerists. The two LED-backlit Touchstrips let you manipulate your tracks using gestures as you would on a multi-touch trackpad or touchscreen. Now, you can grab, pinch, tap and nudge to navigate, perform and improvise with your tunes.
It has four performance modes (Hot Cues, Slicer, Auto Loop and Loop Roll) that interact seamlessly with ITCH, so you can mash up your tracks and mix them back together, totally on the fly. Hot Cues mode lets you instantly jump to markers in your tracks, and re-trigger up to eight hits, just like you can with a sampler. Slicer mode allows you to do something completely new, and re-arrange your tracks while they're still playing using a step sequencer-style user interface. Twitch's Auto Loop and Loop Roll modes allow you to further manipulate tracks and, in combination with the Touchstrips, change loop lengths in the mix to create glitch effects — all without falling out of time. Further expanding your creative potential, effects can be assigned to the channel faders at the touch of a button, so you can perform tricks with fader movements as well as with the knobs of the Master Effects section.
Twitch is rock solid: designed for life on the road and on stage. It's robust and compact, ready to slot into tight spaces in the DJ booth, and can be carried away from the gig in a laptop bag. Twitch is also bus-powered — simply plug in the USB and audio cables and you're ready to play. It includes a high-quality 2-in 4-out USB audio interface with balanced, high-level master and booth outputs, which can be connected directly into any PA system or home setup with excellent audio quality. Quarter-inch and mini-jack headphone outputs supply a loud and clear signal to any set of headphones. There's also a Mic/Aux channel with mono jack and stereo RCA inputs so vocalists and MCs can be blended with an external audio source, such as an MP3 player, and routed through Twitch's effects and master outputs.
"It has been exciting to work with Novation; their expertise with controller design combined with our leading DJ software has made for some really incredible possibilities," says Sam Gribben, General Manager of Serato Audio Research. "Twitch is the result and we think it will be an instrument for the next generation of musicians and performers."
Comes With Serato ITCH Professional, comprehensive DJ software.
Versatile Touchstrips Tactile, multi-function control.
Unique Slicer Mode Chop up beats and create new grooves on the fly.
Compact & Portable Slots anywhere in the DJ Booth and is easily transportable.
1-to-1 Control In ITCH Dedicated controls for all ITCH performance functions.
Robust Build Quality Solid case with Aluminium top plate.
2-in 4-out Audio Interface High-quality, loud headphones output. Balanced master connections.
High-quality Cross-fader Hard-wearing, sensitive and replaceable.
Software Effect Control Blend per-channel Fader FX with assignable master effects.
Bus-powered USB connection provides all the power needed.
Mic/Aux Input Route a mic and an external audio device through the effects and master outputs.
Switchable Booth Outputs Choose between master and cue feeds.
MIDI Compatible To control any DJ software, such as Traktor or Ableton Live.
Twitch will be available worldwide in early July 2011, priced:
USA: $599.99 MSRP / $499.99 at dealers.
UK: £399.99 inc. VAT typical street price.
DE: €529.00 inc. Tax UVP (MSRP)
Soooo... is it what you thought it would be? In the rush to nail the feature set, I think I actually lost sight of what it was really all about. ITCH has largely always been about the regular DJ metaphor, and in particular giving superior jog wheel or platter performance from a controller. But it didn't really occur to me that ITCH could actually also be just about loops, cues and beat grids. For this style of DJing, spinny wheels and largely irrelevant.
These touchstrips will be the creative core of your performance, and all but eliminates the need for even a crappy jogwheel. It looks to me like the key to this is preparation. Sure you'll be able to do a lot of really nice tricks on the fly, but having cues and loops set up already will make Twitch a lot more sensible.
Slicer (the leaked but not accurate name for Twitch) appears to be some sort of remix as you go mashup construction kit for your tracks. Sounds a little convoluted without seeing it, but given the target market for this i.e. not DVS users, the scope for mixing, remixing and mashing up quickly and easily seems good.
What is missing is any mention just yet of which version of ITCH this will work with. Screenshots have been leaked that show a new ITCH that looks much more SSL-like in appearance (a whole thesis in itself), which hopefully and logically means the new version will be the one that drives Twitch. Looking at the features in the above press release, the ITCH I know doesn't do much of this right now. Fingers crossed for more word on that later today or tomorrow.
But it's not just about ITCH users. Being a MIDI unit too, I imagine that all DVS users and possibly Ableton Live users will also be able to make good use of such a thing. Those pads certainly are a draw. And if it's anything like Vestax's VFX1, I imagine we'll see direct Scratch Live support for Twitch sometime soon.
I did pick up on something - well 2 things actually. It does appear to me that Twitch needs to be sat between a pair of decks or V7 style units. And this does also lead me to think that the "high quality crossfader" points to much more hands on deck style usage than the pad bashing and loop slicing might imply.
Anyway, I'm sat on Huddersfield station finishing this piece off, but no doubt I'll more for you tomorrow. More than you might expect hopefully.
ini nih yg gw pengen hehehe......kayanya goshkil
cuman 5jt an,untuk memperlengkap koleksi studio om piet :P
Gitar Digital Merek Kitara memiliki layar multi-touch yang menampilkan 6 jalur senar yang cukup disentuh tanpa perlu anda petik. Harganya diperkirakan sekitar $850. Gitar futuristik yang akan menjadi alat musik masa depan.
Kitara dapat dimainkan seperti gitar sewajarnya aja.. hanya gitar yang ini stringless dan cukup dengan menyentuhnya sudah bisa dimainkan, jadi tidak perlu pakai pick lagi deh..:)
Gitar ini memiliki 3 komponen utama : a full fretboard, an advanced multi-touch screen and an onboard polyphonic synthesizer loaded with sounds and effects. Kitara juga memiliki 24 fretz seperti gitar pada umumnya.Yang lebih menarik lagi, gitar ini memiliki fitur Kitara's library, dimana kita dapat memilih jenis efek suara dan tipe suara gitar yang akan kita mainkan. Jadi Anda dapat mengkreasikan jenis lagu yang Anda inginkan dengan sangat mudah. Asik kan? ( (
Seperti kita tahu layanan musik Cloud atau berbasis Cloud merupakan layanan streaming musik yang dapat memungkinkan pengguna dapat mengatur dan mengelola musiknya yang berada pada server penyedia seperti unggah file mp3 dan menikmati berbagai layanan musik secara online. Dan tampaknya pihak Apple akan segera menyusul Google dan Amazon yang telah lebih dulu meluncurkan hadirnya layanan musik berbasis cloud walaupun masih menanti kesepakatan kerjasama dengan pihak label.
Menurut Informasi yang dilaporkan Cnet, Apple sudah berhasil menggandeng dua label rekaman raksasa EMI dan Warner Music Group. " Apple telah menandatangani perjanjian lisensi musik Cloud dengan EMI Music dan dalam waktu dekat kesepakatan juga akan terjalin dengan dua perusahaan label lainnya seperti Universal Music Group dan Sony Music Entertainment" ungkapnya.
Lanjutnya lagi "Warner Music Group sudah memiliki kesepakatan dengan Apple sekitar bulan lalu. Perjanjian lisensi ini akan memungkinkan Apple untuk meluncurkan layanan musik cloud berlisensi penuh untuk menyaingi penawaran yang tidak berlisensi atau belum berlisesnsi di Amazon dan Google".
Sayangnya untuk masalah perilisan layanan ini masih belum ada informasi yang lebih lanjut mengenai itu, namun dapat dipastikan, dengan layanan ini konsumen akan dapat menemukan nilai tambah dalam kemampuan untuk mengakses lagu mereka dari mana saja, kapan saja, dan dengan perangkat yang akan terhubung ke Web servernya. Semoga akan semakin terlihat dalam waktu dekat ini..
Ini dia SelfServ ATM, Sebuah mesin ATM terbaru dari perusahaan NCR yang hadirkan teknologi video confrence dalam sebuah mesin ATM. Sejak diperkenalkan pada 1960-an, Automated Teller Machines atau dikenal Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) telah menyediakan cara mudah layanan kepada nasabah bank dalam mengakses uang mereka selama 24 jam sehari atau tujuh hari dalam seminggu tanpa harus menunggu sampai jam operasional perbankan dan antrian untuk menuju teller.
Sekarang, penyedia ATM terbesar di dunia dan juga memegang pasar di tanah air bernama NCR asal Amerika Serikat telah berupaya 'memasukkan teller' ke dalam mesin ATM, namun dengan arti lain, yakni yang terhubung dengan layanan video conferencing dua arah secara terintegrasi yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat berbicara dan bertatap muka langsung dengan teller bank secara berjauhan. Mesin ATM ini diberinama SelfServ ATM, yang juga memungkinkan institusi perbankan secara terpusat dapat menempatkan teller di lokasi dari jarak jauh untuk menyediakan akses layanan ke teller selama 24 jam.
Seperti yang di katakan senior vice president, NCR Financial Services, Michael O'Laughlin yang dikutip via Situs Gizmag mengatakan "Konsumen tidak bisa selalu mengikuti jam operasional dari bank. Mereka menginginkan layanan kapanpun di manapun yang nyaman bagi mereka," ungkapnya. "Interaktif Teller di NCR SelfServ ATM akan menawarkan tekologi terbaik yang nyaman self-service sederhana, transaksi khas, dan yang dipersonalisasi untuk layanan yang bisa dikendalikan." Tutupnya.
Perkembangan teknologi memang begitu pesat dan cepat, dan itulah salah satu buah 'kreatif teknologi' yang coba menghadirkan pemanfaatan teknologi yang sudah ada seperti Video Conference kesisi lainnya yang belum tersentuh. Untuk komersialisasinya, NCR SelfServ ATM masih dalam tahap ujicoba untuk dibeberapa tempat di AS. Jika sudah selesai, semoga akan sampai juga yah ke Indonesia..
Ini dia yang mungkin bisa menjadi Inspirasi dalam memadukan / mengubungkan mobil Anda dengan sebuah smartphone canggih keluaran dari RIM (terbaru) BlackBerry Bold 9900. Orang-orang di IntoMobile dalam videonya yang ditampilkan DailyMobile telah memamerkan bagaimana aksi dari Mobil Jaguar XJ mewah yang dapat di integrasikan atau dihubungkan dengan mudah ke smartphone terbaru RIM.
BlackBerry Bold 9900 yang dipilih untuk dihubungkan via navigasi dashboard di mobil mereka atau tepatnya di bagian sistem hiburan. Dengan melakukan demo sekitar 3 menitan itu, pihak dari IntoMobile menunjukan aksinya, mau lihat? videonya bisa dilihat dibawah ini !
Demo - Jaguar integrates BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone into dashboard system (
Sinergi Audiophile Dan Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan
Headphone Ashcraft Aria merupakan kombinasi dari bahan-bahan daur ulang dan teknologi audio canggih yang diperuntukkan untuk para audiophile.
Headbandnya dibalut dengan kayu daur ulang dari gitar akustik. Satin yang melapisi ear cupnya terbuat dari aluminium daur ulang. Kulit yang dilapisi dengan kapas di sekitar ear cup diperoleh dari tas-tas, jaket-jaket bekas. Suaranya dihasilkan oleh driver yang berlapis titanium 40 mm yang menghantarkan kejernihan ekstrim. Ashcraft Aria ini memang benar-benar ditujukan untuk para mania tekno pecinta musik.
Sering kali kita bosan dengan jam kita lalu kita membeli jam tangan baru. Kejadian itu terus terjadi berulang kali dan akhirnya kita memiliki koleksi jam tangan yang mana ini merupakan suatu pemborosan. Watch oNe hadir untuk menjawab kebutuhan itu. Cukup dengan satu jam tangan, para mania jam bisa memiliki tampilan beberapa jam tangan seolah-olah para mania tekno memiliki banyak jam tangan.
Jadi pada dasarnya Watch oNe menggunakan sebuah layar E-Ink yang merupakan LED back lit, tapi tampilan depannya bisa diubah-ubah, para mania jam bisa mengubahnya saat itu juga. Cukup sambungkan jam tangan ini ke internet dan unduh skinnya. Para desainer memiliki pilihan untuk mengunggah kreatifitas mereka ke toko online untuk dibeli orang lain. Jadi kemungkinan jam tangan ini tidak terbatas, digital, klasik, futuristik, sporty, tampilan apa pun bisa diunduh lewat microUSB port.
Jam tangan ini juga diganti-ganti secara fisik dengan suku cadang berbeda dengan warna dan materi berbeda. Terbuat dari plastik, kaca safir, stainless steel dan kulit; Watch oNe akan mulai dijual juli 2011 dengan $350 (sekitar Rp 3,16 juta dengan kurs $1=Rp 9030).
Bersiaplah untuk menyambut kehadiran Playstation generasi terbaru yang akan membawa anda pada sebuah petualangan game 3D yang sempurna. Play Station telah mengumumkan akan segera menghadirkan PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ) kehadapan anda semua, khususnya para mania game console. Perubahan besar akan diusung oleh produk baru ini guna memberikan kepuasan tersendiri untuk para penggemar PS yang telah setia menemani dan menunggu perkembangan teknologi permainan paling favorit di dunia ini. Dari generasi ke generasi sejak tahun 1995 di luncurkannya Play Station 1, penggemar game console ini memang terus meningkat melebihi penggemar Game Online. Terbukti dengan larisnya PS2 di toko toko game di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2000 saat ia pertama kali di perkenalkan. Dan hingga kini, keberadaan Playstation tetap mendapat tempat di hati pecinta permainan yang mengasyikkan ini
Konsep game 3D akan diusung untuk generasi ke 4 Playstation kali ini. Kesempurnaan ini telah dilakukan sejak kehadiran PS3 ditahun 2006 yang lalu. Bahkan menurut rumor yang ada, pengembang telah melakukan riset untuk segera menghadirkan PS5 dan Playstation 6 guna memberikan kesempurnaan dan kepuasaan kepada penggunanya. Dengan kepastian ini, kita akan bisa membayangkan bagaimana asyiknya bermain Football Manager yang selama ini menjadi salah satu game favorit di playstation generasi sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan sistem penyimpanan game yang juga telah diperbesar pasti akan membuat kita bisa lebih leluasa memilih dan menikmati jenis permainan yang kita sukai. Menghabiskan waktu senggang dengan bermain PS bersama dengan teman atau orang terdekat kita memang masih menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang sangat menyenangkan
Lalu kapan pastinya Play Station 4 ini akan hadir dipasaran, khususnya di Indonesia. Dari beberapa sumber yang ada, tahun 2012 adalah rencana console ini akan diperkenalkan secara resmi, namun ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa 2011 bisa saja Playstation 4 ( PS4 ) ini ada. Dari Video yang bisa kita lihat di, bentuk fisik dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh PS 4 memang sangat menggoda. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan anda tunggu saja kehadirannya atau anda bisa intip perkenalan PS4 pada video yang ada dibawah ini :
PS4 - PlayStation 4 - Leaked Launch Trailer (
Playstation 4 Announced (
Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000?? (
Quote from: Jhone on 08/07/11, 10:41
Bersiaplah untuk menyambut kehadiran Playstation generasi terbaru yang akan membawa anda pada sebuah petualangan game 3D yang sempurna. Play Station telah mengumumkan akan segera menghadirkan PlayStation 4 ( PS4 ) kehadapan anda semua, khususnya para mania game console. Perubahan besar akan diusung oleh produk baru ini guna memberikan kepuasan tersendiri untuk para penggemar PS yang telah setia menemani dan menunggu perkembangan teknologi permainan paling favorit di dunia ini. Dari generasi ke generasi sejak tahun 1995 di luncurkannya Play Station 1, penggemar game console ini memang terus meningkat melebihi penggemar Game Online. Terbukti dengan larisnya PS2 di toko toko game di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2000 saat ia pertama kali di perkenalkan. Dan hingga kini, keberadaan Playstation tetap mendapat tempat di hati pecinta permainan yang mengasyikkan ini
Konsep game 3D akan diusung untuk generasi ke 4 Playstation kali ini. Kesempurnaan ini telah dilakukan sejak kehadiran PS3 ditahun 2006 yang lalu. Bahkan menurut rumor yang ada, pengembang telah melakukan riset untuk segera menghadirkan PS5 dan Playstation 6 guna memberikan kesempurnaan dan kepuasaan kepada penggunanya. Dengan kepastian ini, kita akan bisa membayangkan bagaimana asyiknya bermain Football Manager yang selama ini menjadi salah satu game favorit di playstation generasi sebelumnya. Apalagi dengan sistem penyimpanan game yang juga telah diperbesar pasti akan membuat kita bisa lebih leluasa memilih dan menikmati jenis permainan yang kita sukai. Menghabiskan waktu senggang dengan bermain PS bersama dengan teman atau orang terdekat kita memang masih menjadi salah satu aktifitas yang sangat menyenangkan
Lalu kapan pastinya Play Station 4 ini akan hadir dipasaran, khususnya di Indonesia. Dari beberapa sumber yang ada, tahun 2012 adalah rencana console ini akan diperkenalkan secara resmi, namun ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa 2011 bisa saja Playstation 4 ( PS4 ) ini ada. Dari Video yang bisa kita lihat di, bentuk fisik dan fasilitas yang diberikan oleh PS 4 memang sangat menggoda. Dan untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan anda tunggu saja kehadirannya atau anda bisa intip perkenalan PS4 pada video yang ada dibawah ini :
PS4 - PlayStation 4 - Leaked Launch Trailer (
Playstation 4 Announced (
Playstation 4 And X Box 720 And Wii 2 And PSP 4000?? (
POLLLLLLLL kerennya...! bakalan kaya gimana yah grafik nya PES or Fifa di playstation 4
@ angga : udah seperti asli tampaknya .. kayak foto berjalan hahhaha
We told you what Sony's PlayStation Vita felt like, but here it is in the glossy plastic flesh -- all five-inches of vibrant OLED display, two cameras, dual analog sticks, twelve buttons, two capacitive digitizers and a D-pad. Check out the gallery below for some close-up shots, and hop on past the break for some video footage of the quad-core handheld in action.
Update: Sony just answered a few burning questions for us -- mainly about those mysterious ports we spotted on the bottom and top. Apparently those top port covers will hold one slot for the official PSVita game cards, and another slot for regular removable media for downloadable content and saves, and the port that's occupying one of those places will be removed. Meanwhile, the large socket at the bottom is a "multiport" that provides power, connectivity and might do video-out. We couldn't get any firm details about the AT&T 3G partnership, by the way, but we're told that there will be a special cellular plan of some sort. As you'd expect, Sony's also not talking battery life, but a developer told us that -- with the exception of graphically intensive titles like Uncharted -- the company's shooting for parity with the original PlayStation Portable.
Finger Drums Tabletop Electric Drum Set
Touch-sensitive light-up drums with recording capability
Finger Drums is a table top electric drum set. Smacking the top of the large tom tom, small tom tom, or snare drum causes Finger Drums to play the respective sound from its internal speaker. A cool light also flashes inside the drum. Press the foot pedal of the bass drum or slap the cymbal to activate their sounds.
If your skills permit, you can record your little ditty and play it back for your friends. Also includes a "demo" button which shows you how awesome the Finger Drums can be...and how much more practice you'll need to become the next Keith Moon of the Finger Drums.
Features & specs:
* 7" wide x 5" tall x 3" deep
* Requires 3 AAA batteries which are included
* Auto-off power-save function
* Record and save one of your phat beats
Rock out with the five touch-sensitive drums
The Finger Drums tabletop drum kit includes a snare drum, cymbal, bass drum with foot pedal, and small and large tom-toms. Hitting any of these drums produces their respective sound through the Finger Drums internal speaker.
If you think you're man (or woman) enough, you can try recording your own beats. Keep in mind that you can start rocking out as soon as your new Finger Drums set arrives. Batteries are included.
Finger Drums can record your sick beats
Just like real drums, it takes some skill to rock out on the finger drums. However, unlike real drums, you will not go deaf and drive away your neighbors in the process of learning on this tabletop drum kit. And because Finger Drums are so fun to play, practicing your Finger Drums won't be nearly as painful as all those childhood piano lessons.
Finger Drums Tabletop Electric Drum Set (
Caribbean Finger Drums
Touch-sensitive miniature electronic steel drum kit.
Bring a little of the islands to your desk with Caribbean Finger Drums. These miniature electronic steel drums feature eight touch-sensitive pads that make up one octave of a complete major scale. So, you'll be jamming your favorite songs in no time.
Includes a recording feature so you can play back your latest reggae riff. Requires 3 AAA batteries which are included.
Features & specs:
* Dimensions: 6" wide x 3" tall x 2.5" deep
* Touch-sensitive pads
* Eight distinct notes deliver a complete major scale
* Includes 3 AAA batteries
* Auto-off power save function
* Ages 5+ (
Touch-sensitive steel drum kit will make you mega awesome
Fact #1: Steel drums are cool. Fact #2: Playing life-sized steel drums in your office may get you fired. Solution? Caribbean Finger Drums.
With the miniature steel drum kit, you can create a Carnival-esque atmosphere nearly anywhere. The desk-sized Caribbean Finger Drums feature electronic pads that respond to your finger taps.
Get melodic with the steel drum kit's full major scale
Each drum on the Caribbean Finger Drums features four touch-sensitive pads that, when combined, give you one octave of a full major scale. This gives you plenty of notes to bust out a lot of fun songs.
Check out the video below to see some of the popular songs we've given a reggae makeover:
Caribbean Finger Drums Song Demo (
Save your jams for posterity with the record feature
The Caribbean Finger Drums include three play modes: Freestyle, Demo, and Record. "Freestyle" mode simply lets you jam out for as long as you want.
The "Demo" mode plays a pre-recorded tune which highlights how awesome the Caribbean Finger Drums can sound if you practice night and day. It's like the demo mode on keyboards: you'll never be that awesome, but you can always hit the demo button and pretend like you're playing.
The "Record" mode allows you to save a 25-note jam. You may think that twenty-five notes isn't enough. Trust us, you can knock out some killer tunes (like "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie) in way less than 25 notes. To hear your last recording, hit the "Play" button.
Caribbean Finger Drums, like its table-sized rock drum kit brother, feature a power-saving auto-off feature.
kalau ada yang keren-keren masukin aja :)
HTC is supposed to announce something big tomorrow, but the details about it is already out in the open. The Taiwanese company has confirmed that it will be establishing a strategic partnership with Beats Electronics, which is best known for its Beats by Dr. Dre line of headphones.
The rest of details regarding this partnership, including how much at stake did HTC acquire, will be revealed on tomorrow's official announcement. Rumors circulate that HTC has most likely acquired a 51% share of Beats Electronics. Meanwhile, the actual size of investment varies from source to source, ranging between $300 million and $500 million.
HTC is expected to utilize this investment to integrate Beats technology, including the "Beats" branding, into their phones. The first batch of Beats smartphones are expected to go on retail sometime this fall.
Flud Watches have been the purveyor of turntable inspired watches for a while now. Indeed, together we've made plenty of people happy with useful giveaways. But not they've turned their attention to a related element of DJing - making beats. And while we all wish that this really was a micro MPC, this is in fact the new BPM watch.
It comes in 5 colourways and aside from being a watch, it's a calculator too. Here's the word from Flud:
Beats per minute. Minutes per hour. Cents per Dollar. Introducing the BPM. The latest in addition to the FLuD Collection. Featuring a polycarbonate strap and Hot Rubber applications, the BPM helps keep track of whatever calculable conundrums the day throws your way with a fully functional calculator nestled onto the wearer's wrist. This faux drum-machine keeps the beats to your minutes on track... -Digital calculator watch with 12 or 24 hour time, day, date and alarm features. -44mm wide polycarbonate case with a contoured molded strap. -Bright screen and calculator button backlight. -Realistic laser rubber beat machine button and switch detailing.
Flud are also hooking up with a series of DJs and producers to promote these tasty wristwares to the doubtlessly hungry masses - the first of these videos comes from legendary Beat Junkies member DJ Babu.
Tonspielzeug "Test 1" (
Every now and again, something comes along that's hard to neatly pigeonhole in a bid to understand it better. Youtube's scratch professor Alexander Sonnenfeld now has hardware that matches the name of his Youtube alias. Tonspielzeug literally translates as Tone Toy, and like the stunning Scratchophone before it, is a custom built all in one scratch machine. But there's a little more to it than that.
I contacted Alex directly and got the following response:
i wanna give you some informations about this project. The translation of the word is correct. The idea of this musical instrument is to play "with" tones (basically the main idea of turntablism) - so this is the "Tonspielzeug".
Its kind a like a transformation from turntable and mixer to a self contained Instrument.
the technical preparation of this instrument is based upon a thesis (Bewegungslehre) about the music notation of turntablism (S-notation) from Alexander Sonnenfeld (release is August/September).
The Tonspielzeug is the summation of existing technical components and make it possible to transpose all contents of this music theoretical work from Alexander Sonnenfeld. Here are some facts for the moment:
Its a software controller (music stored in the computer system)
It contains at the moment the running gear of a Technics 1200 and the cross/linefader section of a vestax 07.
The platter is transparent and you can see some coloured areas thereunder. That makes is possible to indicate chronological positionings of the sample you can play.
This important principle is in accordance to the S-notation which includes also coloured notes (please look at the transcription). That make it possible to read which parts on the sample is to play.
The marker on the top disk is a position indicator and works like a sensor. The small screen will be planned for a control module and indication of pitch/volume/efx,...... The vertical use of the crossfader is in accordance with the idea of Deeznote but is subject of a different functional principle.
I hope you can work with this informations and please announce the notational indication in this article (16 bars of this performance).
The detail is still a little vague right now (I think Alex wants it that way), but we can work out that a 1200 and a Vestax 07 have been surgically grafted together, along with a few hidden goodies (namely how the hell does the thing work without a tonerm), but seems to be designed to work much more on a note basis than anything else. Indeed if you look at the notation provided by Alex, you can follow these 16 bars in the video, scratch for scratch with a visual colour cue on the clear platter.
Seems to be a number of things all coming together here - the old Clocktaves vinyl from Kypski, JohnBeez's Fretless fader idea as well as the now discontinued Vestax QFO - all in a new digital box. It's a cool idea that I hope progressed further. Good luck with this Alex.
You'll recall Attigo's spiffing touch screen technology that essentially put DVS waveforms under your fingertips for a much more tactile manhandling of your digital music. Well sadly, this was all made rather redundant when the iPad came along, and doubtless sucked into the R&D lab of Native Instruments where Attigo creator Scott Hobbs now resides. And the nearest implementation I've seen since is the new Touch DJ Evolution - a complete DJ solution for your iPhone and iPad.
The first thing I like about this is the way it's sold - it's free from the app store, and gives you a solid experience of the main features such as EQ, effects, loops and cues - essentially a demo version (something that the app store needs more of) but with just a handful of demo songs. But if you like what you see, you can start to buy features via in-app purchases, up to a total of £6.99/$9.99 for the fully unlocked app plus all future yet to be added features.
About the app itself - quite impressive really. I'm really not a fan of the graphics - it feels like a video game. A degree more subtlety is in order here, or at least a colour scheme or skin option. Functionally however it's really clever. Much is made of the ability to not use headphones ever again... I beg to differ on that point. Even some of the optimised demo songs didn't always sync properly and required a touch of manual work, something I'd rather do without the audience hearing thanks. but sadly, this isn't an option as there's no split cueing in the demo. I haven't bought the full version, but a reviewer on the app store said it wasn't in the full version either.
Looking past the graphics, I do like how the features are implemented i.e. transparently overlaying the waveforms and working highly responsively with the touch screen. It's tidy selection of effects that do seem to work post fader as well...
Wait - this is turning into a review and that's not really necessary as you can grab it for free and have a dabble yourself. More info can be grabbed from the main Amidio site or alternatively go straight to the app store.
Macbook Water
QuoteYunani mengusulkan konsep berabad-abad lalu bahwa dunia terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu Air, Bumi, Air dan Api. Yah MacBook Air sudah keluar di pasar sehingga yang mengatakan bahwa kita tidak boleh mengharapkan MacBook Bumi, Air dan Api juga. Dvice telah membuat konsep yang sangat baik dari 3, namun kami menyukai ide MacBook Air iFluid adalah perangkat iFluid yang memiliki waktu booting kurang dari ponsel. Tuangkan cairan pada permukaan datar untuk mendapatkan MacBook Air mulai dan untuk menutup itu hanya menghapus cairan dari permukaan. Menyimpannya di beriklim bawah 0 ° C void garansi produk. Tapi sayangnya tidak mungkin untuk membuat sekarang, mari kita berharap di abad mendatang. Via sizlopedia.
Macbook 3d
QuoteKami telah melangkah di dunia 3D-enabled teknologi. Bayangkan saja chatting rouletting dalam 3D! dan desain hingeless tulang belakang. Lihatlah ini 3D MacBook. Via yankodesign.
Foldable Macbook Touch
QuoteMemperkenalkan OLED pertama touchscreen fleksibel macbook pernah, laptop pertama Anda dapat model di akan. via tommasogecchelin
Virtual Macbook Air
QuoteBayangkan sebuah MacBook Air lebih ringan, dengan virtual keyboard bukan fisik. Penggunaan dua touchscreens membuat kebutuhan mouse sia-sia dan sekarang tidak ada keyboard nyata, laser proyektor kecil yang menampilkan keyboard virtual pada permukaan datar laptop, membuatnya jauh lebih tipis dari Dell 9,99 konsep dan tentu saja macbook udara lama yang jauh lebih gemuk di depannya melalui Petitinvention
Quote from: Jhone on 13/08/11, 14:58
anjiiiiiing :D
Quote from: Knowhow on 19/08/11, 19:05
Quote from: Jhone on 13/08/11, 14:58
anjiiiiiing :D
uuk uuk uuk
There seems to be a trend in the digital DJ realm - bring out an all singing and dancing box that is probably bigger than people need. And then realise somewhere down the line that it's actually something smaller that people really really want. Kontrol S4 becomes kontrol S2, Pioneer DDJs become "The Thingy". And now NI's Maschine becomes Maschine Mikro - a slimmed down version of the just-a-bit-too-big-for-your-average-DJ-setup Maschine groove box. At least it wasn't called Maschine Nano.
When I say slimmed down, Maschine Mikro still has all the important full sized pads and complete software, but for me is more about offloading more control to the software. So while the original Maschine gave you more features under your fingers in an MPC stylee, Maschine Mikro will probably benefit from having a laptop nearby for the finer points of operation.
But having less onboard controls doesn't seem to have hampered Jeremy Ellis. In the following clip, he delivers a jawdropping display of Matrix style hand movements to drop a funk filled beat that made me get up and scratch along - and also made me yearn for enough time to make music again. Maschine really is that inspiring and addictive.
Jeremy Ellis performs on Maschine Mikro (
Native Instruments Announces MASCHINE MIKRO
Compact groove production system sets entry-level price point; 1.7 software adds advanced KOMPLETE integration; iOS version upcoming
Berlin, September 5th, 2011 – Native Instruments today announced MASCHINE MIKRO, a highly affordable new entry into the world of its popular groove production system. By combining the full-featured MASCHINE software with a streamlined and compact controller, MASCHINE MIKRO makes the acclaimed tactile and intuitive music creation approach of MASCHINE available at a significantly reduced physical footprint and price. At the same time, the new 1.7 software version provides advanced integration with the instruments and effects in the KOMPLETE 8 and KOMPLETE 8 ULTIMATE bundle both for MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO users.
MASCHINE MIKRO is based on a highly portable controller that provides hands-on control of the central MASCHINE features at two-thirds of the size and weight of the full-sized hardware. Utilizing a single display and a dynamically assigned high-resolution master encoder to enable its compact footprint, the bus-powered MIKRO controller retains the distinctive full-sized 4x4 matrix of pressure-sensitive, dynamically backlit MASCHINE drum pads with their acclaimed response and feel.
MASCHINE MIKRO includes the full-featured MASCHINE software with its versatile pattern-based live and step sequencing, VST and AU plug-in hosting, real-time audio recording, sample editing and advanced multi- effects. The MIKRO version also contains the full 6 GB MASCHINE sound library, expandable with the series of MASCHINE EXPANSIONS, as well as the free KOMPLETE ELEMENTS sound collection. With the new 1.7 software version, both MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO now also benefit from advanced integration with KOMPLETE 8 and KOMPLETE 8 ULTIMATE, providing advanced sound browsing and parameter mapping for all instruments and effects contained in the bundle.
To further complement the growing MASCHINE product range, Native Instruments is also about to release iMASCHINE, an iOS software that brings intuitive groove creation to the iPhone and iPod touch platform. With four tracks, audio sampling, high-quality effects and an expandable arsenal of professional instruments and drum sounds from the regular MASCHINE library, iMASCHINE allows users to sketch grooves on the go, and later transfer them into the full MASCHINE software for detailed editing and arrangement. iMASCHINE is planned for release through the Apple App Store in October.
Pricing and availability
MASCHINE MIKRO will be available in October for a suggested retail price of $399 / 349 EUR.
Not wishing to sound like a moany old geezer NI, but you really need to start adding sterling prices to your press releases.
Since the iOS revolution hit DJing, calls have been made upon the assorted software vendors to bring some sort of scaled down versions of their DJ products to the iPhone and iPad. But it's hard enough to cram your average DVS interface into a 13" laptop screen let alone one the size of a business card. So given the more suitable interface for such things, it should come as no surprise to see that NI's Maschine has been hacked into bite sized lumps and will soon be an iOS app. iMaschine is upon us.
Given the comparatively limited resources of an iPhone, NI have managed to shoehorn quite a lot into a small box:
The first ever Native Instruments iPhone® and iPod touch® App is an intuitive and powerful beat sketchpad based on MASCHINE's groove production studio concept. iMASCHINE is perfect for developing song ideas anytime, anywhere – Play and record drums on the 16 pads, jam a melody on the keyboard, sing on top of your loops via the built-in audio recorder or create your own unique sample banks from any source - With iMASCHINE the focus is always on the music. And when you're done, you can finalize your track in the full version of MASCHINE or MASCHINE MIKRO or directly upload it to SoundCloud and share with your friends.
iMASCHINE will be available at the iTunes App Store for $ 4.99 / 3.99 € from October 1st.
iMASCHINE is a professional instrument designed for beat producers of all levels - you don't need to have experience with MASCHINE to create spontaneous beats. With its intuitive threshold-based pad sampling, note repeat, auto-loop length feature, professional on-board mixer with six studio effects and the unique audio recording function, iMASCHINE makes it easy to instantly create grooves whenever the mood hits.
Use the included drum kits and melodic sounds, all in professional WAV-format, or expand your library with the iMASCHINE EXPANSIONS - available directly from your device via the in-app store.
System Requirements
iOS 4.3 or higher*
iPod touch® 3G or higher
iPhone® 3GS or higher
iPad® 1 or 2
*There is no iOS 4.3 for iPhone® 4 on the Verizon network. iPhone® 4 on Verizon will be supported with iOS 5 only.
Key Features
16 pads for playing the included drums and one-shot samples
Library includes 10 projects, 25 kits and over 400 individual samples (100 MB of WAV sounds)
Pad sampling mode: record your own one-shot sample through the built-in iPhone® microphone
Keyboard mode with two manuals for playing chords, bass and melodies
Note repeat function with 4th, 8th, 16th, 16th triplets, 32th for keyboard and drum pad mode
Audio recorder mode lets you record vocal ideas through the built-in iPhone® microphone
Assign any of the 4 groups to pad, keyboard or audio recorder mode (e.g. use it as pocket 4-track recorder)
Mixer page includes two send effects with Delay, Flanger, Chorus, LoFi, HP, BP and LP filters
The live-mode sequencer automatically detects the recorded loop length
Finished song idea can be exported with one touch as an audio file or uploaded to SoundCloud
Project (including samples) can be exported to MASCHINE for finalizing in your studio environment
Additional drum kits and instrument sounds can be easily purchased through the in-app store
So it would appear to be a pretty full and self contained Maschine experience (rather than remote) that can sample, compose and save out your compositions directly to Soundcloud, or back into the full Maschine environment on your computer. Nice.
While NI have gone to great lengths to make the environment as Maschine like as possible, time will tell if the experience is as fulfilling as you would want. It must be remembered that this isn't looking to allow Jeremy Ellis style performances, but is still a complete system for your pocket - for the price of a large coffee.
One last thing - at the time of writing, NI are being vague about an iPad version. To me this suggests they'll see how the iPhone version goes before devoting resource to an iPad one.
nice inpo bro...
Quote from: Gober on 12/09/11, 15:59
nice inpo bro...
sundul gan ckckckck
Plectrum puncher!
For all guitar players and enthusiasts the plectrum is key to strumming out those chords and now you will never be short of your own supply. With the Pickmaster Plectrum, much like a hole puncher, you can punch out your own litle plastic plectrums from any bit of plastic.
We're thinking of old bank cards being resurrected as nifty picks, but you can have fun trying to find the next bit of plastic to punch - let us know what else works! Fling your picks into the crowd like a rockstar without worry! The Pickmaster Plectrum might become a favourite over even... dare I say it... your guitar!
Dimensions: 22 x 14 x 5.5cm
App shoot and fire
The world's first interactive gun for gaming! This is a gun which houses the iPod/iPhone in your viewfinder, giving you the best in viewing and gaming experience.
Using the free app and the camera on your device, change your lounge, office or anywhere you are into a battleground. Play in augmented reality and single handedly halt the alien invasion. Fire at the aliens that come towards you with your AppBlaster – keep a sharp look out, they could be behind you!
The AppBlaster has a unique trigger to touch screen technology and a double trigger allowing 2 interactions with the game. It is easy to set up and securely locks the iPhone/iPod in place. Tilt back to reload and play in 90, 180 or 360 degrees.
The AppBlaster offers the very latest in mobile gaming platform. Combining unique trigger technology as well as augmented reality the aliens will just keep attacking you wherever you are. With many more games in the pipeline this is the start of bringing apps to reality.
About AppToyz:
AppToyz is a new concept in fun. Using all the genius of the iPhone and the iPod Touch 4th generation and combining them with physical toys to create an amazing gaming experience - the ultimate device becomes the ultimate toy. The launch range includes the AppBlaster, AppCopter, AppRacer and the AppWheel.
Use applications to enjoy the toy
Trigger to allow touch screen play and 2 interactions with the game
The viefinder dock holds the iPhone/iPod securely
No batteries required
Check out our range of AppToyz
Please note: iPhone or iPod Touch required to play the AppToyz
Dimensions: 28 x 51 x 8cm
Weight: 790g
appToyz AppBlaster for Iphone/Itouch (
AppToyz AppBlaster (
Quote from: Jhone on 12/09/11, 15:44
MASCHINE MIKRO will be available in October for a suggested retail price of $399 / 349 EUR.
Mahal amat :-\
edit: kirain kecil kayak di gambar pertama ;D
Quote from: Jhone on 12/09/11, 17:52
kreatif bgt nih :o
Quote from: sense on 12/09/11, 18:34
Quote from: Jhone on 12/09/11, 15:44
MASCHINE MIKRO will be available in October for a suggested retail price of $399 / 349 EUR.
Mahal amat :-\
edit: kirain kecil kayak di gambar pertama ;D
Quote from: Jhone on 12/09/11, 17:52
kreatif bgt nih :o
MASCHINE MIKRO = namanya juga gambar awas tertipu ya :P
kalau harga nego lah, situ orang boleh bandingin sama toko sebelah
kalau ane lebih mahal ane ganti 2x lipat hahahhahaha :P
Pioneer SEP C1
Professional Software Entertainment controller
Touch-sensitive jog wheel
Industry's first Area-Color OEL display
Instant change: Mix tracks by simply pushing one button
Price: $1,400.00
Quote from: For Overview, Specifications, Firmware, Manual & Brochures Visit :
QuoteFor more info, tips and tricks, demo videos and forums visit : (
MEP-7000 : Tips / Tricks
Professional Multi-Entertainment Player
Center Display
Controller Layout
External Monitor
How To Make A Playlist
One Source, Both Sides
USB Drive
Watch the video : (
DJ Automix function ...... yeap looks like well be out of job soon LOL
The Vestax PAD-One is a solid robust MIDI pad controller, compatible with various DJ & DAW software and can be used to control any kind of MIDI device, including synthesizers, samplers, drum machines, and electronic drums.
The aluminum chassis will never warp or crack, ensuring you long life durability and stability.
The PAD-One can individually assign pads on the fly, and shows you each pads MIDI value on the 7seg indicator.
Compact, solid and reliable, the PAD One is the ideal item to your DJ arsenal.
*Functions, designs and system requirements are subject to change without notice.
Have you ever experienced starting a mix and having no sound coming out? Restart your laptop, check connections and all and then figure that the audio level of the driver software's control panel was set to 0? With regular audio interfaces, it has been necessary to rely on the driver software to control audio levels.
"THE TANK" has taken away that uneasiness, making it speedier and simpler for the user. "THE TANK" (VAI-80) is a compact and stylish digital audio interface capable of multi channel playback and recording. Each input has GAIN & EQ (hi, low) control to enable flexible adjustments for live recording and can free up the DJ from relying on the software control panel.
Also loaded with XLR output for direct connection with club PA systems, "THE TANK" is an excellent tool with high sound quality for any DJ or DAQ software.
HMX-1(Heart Shaped Headphone)
Japans top female DJ MAYUMI has collaborated with Vestax to create a headphone never seen before. This heart shape headphone is not only stylish and cute, but has everything that it needs to be in the club used by the professional.
- Cute & pop crystal decorated heart shaped cabinet design
- Professional large diameter unit for Powerful bass sound
- Gold plated 1/4inch & mini headphone jack
- Original carrying case
The five bullet shape balance weights placed on the platter and rim hover spaciously around the round compact body, setting you off to the relaxing world of analog audio with superb crisp sound.
*Left : 7 inch record Right : LP record
Quote from: Jhone on 13/09/11, 21:55
ini yang putih temen gw udah pake.. FDJ hehhe ;D *piss*
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 13/09/11, 23:51
Quote from: Jhone on 13/09/11, 21:55
ini yang putih temen gw udah pake.. FDJ hehhe ;D *piss*
Kalo Pria yang pake ini Headphone gimana yah pet? *piss*
Quote from: anggabc on 14/09/11, 11:05
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 13/09/11, 23:51
Quote from: Jhone on 13/09/11, 21:55
ini yang putih temen gw udah pake.. FDJ hehhe ;D *piss*
Kalo Pria yang pake ini Headphone gimana yah pet? *piss*
luncang deh bo'
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 14/09/11, 11:41
Quote from: anggabc on 14/09/11, 11:05
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 13/09/11, 23:51
Quote from: Jhone on 13/09/11, 21:55
ini yang putih temen gw udah pake.. FDJ hehhe ;D *piss*
Kalo Pria yang pake ini Headphone gimana yah pet? *piss*
luncang deh bo'
kan lo suka co yg begitu" hhaaa..
mau tanya dong..kalo kaya i touch or i phone gt bs di jadiin controller buat traktor or serato gt ga sih..??
iaz ini ada :
Using Iphone as A Midi Controller for Serato (
Demo itouch midi sur serato avec l iphone 3G (
WOW! iPhone + Rane Serato Scratch Live (
TrakProDJ - iPad/iPhone Controller for Traktor (
iPod Touch as wireless controller for Traktor Pro (
iPhone DJ - Control Traktor with your iPhone and TouchOSC (
Tonetable is an application for DJs who want to control their digital vinyl system from their iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. It produces a control tone that is compatible with most digital vinyl systems such as Serato's Scratch LiveTM, Native Instruments' Traktor ScratchTM, M-Audio's TorqTM, Image-Line's DeckadanceTM and many more.
Tonetable iPhone App from Inklen (
Tonetable features a large scratching platter that allows you to scratch and throw the virtual vinyl similar to using a real turntable. To use Tonetable with your DJ software simply connect an audio cable from the line out of your iPhone or iPod Touch to your audio interface's line in.
Scratch, throw and pitch bend.
Pitch slider capable of fine pitch control.
Configurable control tone (1 kHz - as used by Scratch LiveTM, 1.2 kHz - as used by TorqTM, 1.3 kHz - as used by MixVibesTM, or 2 kHz as used by Traktor ScratchTM).
33 or 45 RPM modes.
Keyboard for manipulating the control tone in semitone intervals.
Tonetable - What's new in 1.1 (
Tonetable - What's new in 1.2 (
Minimum Requirements
iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch
Audio cable
Audio interface1
iPhone OS 3.1.2
Digital vinyl system (e.g. Scratch LiveTM, Traktor ScratchTM, etc)
1 Several digital vinyl systems require specific hardware for control tone input. For example, the Native Instruments Audio 8 DJ for Traktor Scratch Pro.
Available on the I Phone APP Store Price: $7.99 USD
MixList is a small "plug-in" application to intelligently record and export your playlist from Scratch Live.
Export your playlists
MixList can export your playlist as either a CSV or XML file for quick and easy sharing between applications.
Intelligent playlisting
An intelligent algorithm lists only the tracks that you've played and not those which you have only previewed.
Transparent interface
MixList's interface can be transparent and can float over other application windows so you can easily monitor them.
Minimum Requirements
Mac OS X 10.4.10
Scratch Live 1.8
MixList Release Notes
Version 1.0.3
Bug fixes
Fixed problems when MixList was started before Scratch Live.
The button to pin the MixList window above all other windows now correctly indicates the button state.
Version 1.0.2
Added support for Scratch Live 1.9.
Version 1.0.1
Added BPM column.
Bug fixes
Playlists were not saved when Clear List on Open was not set in the preferences.
Quote from: download software
Standing back as I do to observe trends in the DJ scene, I have witnessed a growing impatience - a hunger for a constant stream of advanced new shiny. Indeed, with increasing regularity, internet commenters lambast manufacturers for a disappointing lack of innovation in whatever new box they unleash into the market. But do manufacturers really need to keep pushing that envelope with every single new release?
It's been a decade since the Pioneer CDJ-1000 was released to both rapturous applause and fear masquerading as hate. Subsequently DVS software took hold of the haters as the more palatable side of digital DJing. And then the scene embraced controllers with a passion - to the exclusion of media players and DVSs. So in a decade, we have seen 3 major technologies supplant vinyl and make it the DJ equivalent of the unwanted smelly old uncle at the Christmas table.
So that's 10 solid years of rapid and diverse evolution. And for the majority of that time, we've seen some giant steps in moving things forward. So it's quite understandable that the masses have an insatiable technolust for the next new thing that makes last week's old thing look positively prehistoric.
Remember The Rake?
It is also important to remember that new ideas are risky. We're in an age where industry standards are a thing of the past, and this year's hotness is last year's old hat. So whether it's some sort of R&D crazy talk that might just work, or listening to the masses who absolutely must have (insert essential product here), nothing is a sure fire winner. Remember hybrid decks? Exactly.
Manufacturers must still have solid safe sellers aka the products that aren't too different from the existing market leaders that will keep the revenue coming, and will hopefully bring in enough cash to finance some frivolous new idea that may well be the shape of things to come. It's also worth noting that today's safe products were once those risky innovative ones that sometimes scare more conservative manufacturers away.
45 King (
But sometimes, isn't it just a matter of addressing the market that already exists rather than endlessly trying to redefine it and create new ones? Isn't the basic principle of DJing for the majority of people exactly the same as it has been for decades? I use this a lot, but A to B and back again fits most of the market without recourse to bells, whistles and flashy lights.
So I put it to you dear reader that a great many of you need nothing more than the basics, but you definitely want more. Now the basics are a moving target these days, and there is again an expectation that successive generations of gear will have older features as standard. Loops and hot cues are the current expectation, and something we never had on vinyl. But now it seems that samples are the latest must have.
DJ Sound Control
I totally understand that having a constant stream of new gear on a virtual conveyor belt month after month will give you great expectations, and indeed a craving to be constantly impressed. But I urge you to remember that sometimes, it's about topping up the existing market to keep the cash rolling in. This allegedly crap gear IS fit for purpose and works more or less perfectly for the intended market. Just don't dismiss it because it doesn't smash design rules, defy the laws of physics or even nudge the envelope just a tad. it's still solid serviceable equipment worthy of your attention, and importantly gear that manufacturers need to sell to make the next generation possible.
The bottom line - I promise that an endless slew of gear that you can only dream of is coming. It just doesn't have to be every single new product.
Quote from: Jhone on 27/09/11, 20:32
DJ Sound Control
I totally understand that having a constant stream of new gear on a virtual conveyor belt month after month will give you great expectations, and indeed a craving to be constantly impressed. But I urge you to remember that sometimes, it's about topping up the existing market to keep the cash rolling in. This allegedly crap gear IS fit for purpose and works more or less perfectly for the intended market. Just don't dismiss it because it doesn't smash design rules, defy the laws of physics or even nudge the envelope just a tad. it's still solid serviceable equipment worthy of your attention, and importantly gear that manufacturers need to sell to make the next generation possible.
The bottom line - I promise that an endless slew of gear that you can only dream of is coming. It just doesn't have to be every single new product.
Here is a quick vid of the DSC in action at the NYC Lenovo event. Great to see people giving it a go! I was not able to make it, but it looks like they had a lot of fun.
DJing is Richard LaBennett, who is the WW ThinkPad Product Manager at Lenovo. He DJs on the side!
DSC at NYC Lenovo event (
Dalam waktu dekat Disney mobile akan meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi yang cukup menarik untuk iPad. Aplikasi bernama Appmates tersebut dapat mengubah sebuah iPad menjadi sebuah papan permainan yang sangat menarik.
Dengan menggunakan sebuah mobil mainan khusus buatan Disney, yang menggunakan karakter di film Cars 2, iPad akan menjadi sebuah papan game yang sangat interaktif. iPad yang sudah terpasang aplikasi ini akan dapat merespon setiap gerakan atau tindakan dari mobil mainan khusus tersebut.
Tidak ada perangkat tambahan lain untuk dapat memainkan permainan ini. Tidak dibutuhkan wifi maupun bluetooth, permainan ini sepenuhnya memanfaatkan layar sentuh di iPad.
General Manager Disney Mobile, Bart Decrem, mendemonstrasikan permainan ini secara langsung kepada allthings. Dia menunjukkan bahwa setiap gerakan mobil akan mempengaruhi layar iPad. Misalnya saat mobil membunyikan klakson, sapi-sapi akan secara otomatis menyingkir karena ketakutan.
Sebagai langkah awal, Disney Mobile menyediakan karakter Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater, Finn McMissile dan Holley Shiftwell. Setiap karakter akan memiliki efek tersendiri dalam permainan.
Mainan dan aplikasi ini akan diluncurkan pada 1 Oktober di Apple Store dan Disney Store. Aplikasinya dapat didonwload secara gratis, namun untuk mainan mobil-mobilannya, harus dibeli seharga 20 USD atau sekitar 160 ribu rupiah.
Panasonic kini tengah menyiapkan robot yang mampu mengikuti lomba triathlon. Tak kurang tiga jenis robot kini tengah mereka siapkan untuk mengikuti Ironman Triathlon Circuit yang diadakan di Hawaii.
Lomba ini akan menempuh jalur sejauh 230 kilometer. Termasuk diantaranya adalah arena berenang di lautan terbuka sepanjang 3.8 kilometer, arena bersepeda sejauh 180.2 kilometer dan yang terakhir adalah arena lari sejauh 42.2 kilometer.
Robot dengan nama Mr Evolta ini sebelumnya telah melakukan aksi yang hampir sama pada tahun lalu. Menempuh jalur jalan raya sepanjang 500 kilometer dari Tokyo menuju Kyoto. Namun bedanya pada tahun lalu robot ini belum dapat berenang.
Sang desainer robot mengatakan, berenang menjadi salah satu hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan. Untuk membantunya, robot ini dilengkapi dengan buoy yang membantu robot agar tetap mengambang.
Digital photo Frame (bingkai foto digital) yang dilengkapi dengan Pemutar DVD PRoduk dari LG ini diberi nama DP889. Layarnya yang berukuran 8-inch dengan teknologi LCD memang kurang lega untuk menonton film. Tapi untuk seukuran bingkai foto, ukuran ini sudah lumayan besar.
Tak dari DVD player berada dibalik layar foto frame ini. Seperti layaknya kaset tape pada walkman jaman jadul dulu. Anda bisa menonton isi DVD ini sampai 3,5 jam sebelum batereinya habis. Jika menginginkan suara yang lebih dahsyat, Anda bisa menambahkan extra sound pada DVD player ini melalui slot yang tersedia.
DP889 juga memiliki slot MMC 3in1, kompatibilitas dengan USB flashdisk dan MSRP (Message Session Relay Protocol) Bingkai foto dengan teknologi terbaru ini Akan dijual dengan harga $ 279.95.
You can pretty much depend on Numark to have some controller or other ready to roll at a big trade show, and BPM is no exception. The Numark N4 looks like a budget NS6, but this time however, it's ready to roll with Serato's new DJ Intro package as well as Virtual DJ LE.
The N4 is a 2/4 channel controller and standalone mixer, and Numark go to great lengths to tell us that is can also handle timecode too. It seems to be pretty fully specced despite it's somewhat candybar appearance. The image doesn't tell me much about what control does what, and to be honest I've been looking at images all day long and am a little control weary.
Here's what Numark have to say, along with a short video from Mike Hoska:
Numark N4: Coming Soon (
Numark Announces N4, a New Four-Channel
DJ Controller with Mixer
The N4 DJ controller delivers four channels of control plus the ability to use time-coded vinyl.
Cumberland, R.I. (Sept. 29, 2011) – Numark, the world's leading manufacturer of DJ technology, introduces N4, a four-channel DJ controller with built-in mixer. Numark will unveil N4 at booth F3 at BPM 2011 in Birmingham, England from October 1st – October 3rd.
Featuring 4-decks of software control plus a built-in mixer that can be used with or without a computer, N4 is designed for DJs who want powerful capability in a lightweight, portable package. This complete 4-channel controller has everything DJs need to perform at their highest level: large, touch-sensitive platters, 4-decks of software control with loop and effects controls, a built-in USB audio interface and a comprehensive mixer section with EQ and gain. N4 will come with both Serato DJ Intro software and a 4-deck version of Virtual DJ LE.
The N4 DJ controller with a mixer is built for flexible control of virtually any music source. Its built-in DJ mixer allows DJs to mix any external source including turntables, CD players and MP3 players. DJs are able to instantly switch from controlling 4 decks of software to controlling 2 decks of software plus 2 channels of external source.
With the ability to use time code, N4 sets a new standard for 4-channel DJ controllers in its class. In addition to 4-decks of MIDI software control, N4 gives DJs the ability to use their CD player or turntable to control advanced DJ software by employing turntables with time-coded vinyl or CD players with time-coded CDs.
"N4 is going to be an incredible instrument in the hands of DJs everywhere," said Chris Roman, Numark Product Manager. "We're packing innovation, capability and control into a design that looks and feels great."
And an overview - more marketing spiel but best to have all the info right?
Four Decks of Control. Are you ready?
Featuring four decks of software control plus a built-in mixer that can be used with or without a computer, N4 is designed for DJs who want powerful capability in a lightweight, portable package. N4 is a complete DJ controller that has everything you need to perform at your highest level: large, touch-sensitive platters, four decks of software control with loop and effects controls, a built-in USB audio interface and a comprehensive mixer section with EQ and gain controls. N4 comes with both Serato DJ Intro software and a 4-deck version of Virtual DJ LE.
Built-In Mixer
N4 is built for flexible control of virtually any music source. You can use its built-in mixer to bring virtually any external source into your mix including turntables, CD players and MP3 players. You can choose in an instant to switch from controlling 4 decks of software to controlling 2 decks of software plus 2 channels of external source.
Timecode Capability
With the ability to use time code, N4 sets a new standard for 4-channel controllers in its class. In addition to its four decks of MIDI software control, you get the ability to use CD players or turntables to control your advanced DJ software by employing turntables with time-coded vinyl or CD players with time-coded CDs.* Turn N4 into a four-platter controller by adding on two controllers or two turntables like the NDX900 Controller or two TTXUSB turntable.
Essential Elements
Of course, N4 comes equipped with an intuitive layout of faders, knobs and buttons that feel great, provide the right amount of resistance and are built withstand abuse. Each deck is outfitted with standard DJ tools including a pitch fader with key-lock control, looping controls, and effect and sampling controls. Four Video Fade selectors are also on-board to give you video mixing capability when using Virtual DJ Pro (available separately).
Built-in USB Audio Interface
N4 is Class Compliant: plug it in to your laptop, load the software and you're ready to go. N4 enables USB recording of all your analog and digital sources. Whether you're using four decks or software or combining software and externals sources from N4's mixer section, your entire performance can be recorded, saved and posted to your website or social media. For your live audience, N4 has balanced XLR outputs, giving you a solid, professional connection to virtually any sound system.
Start taking control with N4 from Numark.
The only thing I'll point out at this time is that Serato DJ Intro offers only 2 channels, whereas Virtual DJ LE is 4.
This is priced at £349/€399 and should ship in December.
Not announced, but I got it - the Numark NSP6
As I alluded to earlier, I arrived chez BPM so I could mooch, potter and generally get a head start on the crowds. I'm not one for pulling the press card and having the common folk ejected from my place in front of the gear, so I've scooped out a few early doors things for you, one of which hasn't even been announced yet, and nobody else has this either. Check out the SP-6 sample friendly prototype Numark NSP6.
It's obviously extremely targeted towards SSL and ITCH. But given that ITCH 2 lacks MIDI, and works simply on keystrokes and mouse control, what use would such a thing be to an ITCH user? Well next week, I'll have a whole article about the Bome MIDI translator and how it can translate MIDI messages into keystrokes. Jared Helfer has written a solid how-to as well a downloadable starting block to get you going. We don't have an NSP6, but will be using Vestax's offensive weapon the Pad One. It's coming on Tuesday.
More on this NSP6 - if I can get more of course.
After a tiny degree of teasing seeing the image put under the photoshop microscope but not really yielding the info people wanted, Vestax have take the wraps off of their next big thing. The VCI-400 is an interesting controller, not least because it goes out of it's way to be as software agnostic as possible.
Here's a brief video:
Vestax VCI-400 Preview (
And some words:
Serato? check. Virtual DJ? check. Traktor Pro? check.
Torq, Mixvibes,Mixx, Deckadance, djDecks? check!
The Vestax VCI-400 works with any DJ software that has a MIDI learn function. Having more than 200 assignable parameters (knobs, faders and buttons), you will have plenty of room to fit in all necessary controls of the software you use. Although, we understand creating a MIDI map from scratch can be time consuming. Thata's why Vestax will have basic MIDI maps for a variety of DJ software available on ( If it's the first time for you to buy a DJ controller or if you're seeking for other DJ software, the VCI-400 comes with bundles of Serato DJ Intro and Virtual DJ LE 4 Decks, both designed for immediate plug&play DJ experience.
The biggest advantage of using a controller to DJ is regardless its compact size, having all necessary controls in one unitand being able to transport/ play all your songs from a laptop. But VCI-400 brings you another advantage that is often overlooked: the great ability to customize how the controller works with software. The customize capability of the VCI-400 is nothing like any other and provides options that will spark your imagination. The wide and highly versatile control surfaces will map just to your style, and the multi-mode transport button allows great finger drum skills. Whatever your style is, whatever control function it is that you want to assign, the VCI-400 will have the best options for you.
The sound quality of a DJ controller is determined by its D/A conversion capability. There were no compromises when Vestax designed the new audio system built-in to the VCI-400, which uses a studio-grade asynchronous USB streaming system and provides a low-latency, bit-perfect audio at
24-bit / 48 kHz resolution, with high level output. On the road or in the studio, the VCI-400 simply sounds awesome.
We provide optional overlay and appropriate mapping files to map your software! Available overlays for Traktor Pro 2, VirtualDJ and Serato.
Check out the mapping files on (
Vestax got inspired by the king synthetizers. The VCI-400 is supplied with a high density blank overlay set out of the box. Stick the overlay to the VCI-400 facepanel and write your the function names of your unique function mapping.
In a nutshell, it's a 4 channel controller with built in audio interface that builds upon the industry foundation of the VCI-100. Like the Numark N4, it comes with Serato DJ Intro (so not just for entry level eh Serato?) and Virtual DJ LE for 4 deck and video madness. Clearly, there's a definite move away from Traktor right now.
But Vestax will supply Traktor mappings for this too, but have gone a step further and will offer support for just about any damned piece of software they can find from the start. The VCI-100 aims to play nice with everything on any platform.
Everything is there that you might expect, but for me, the interesting thing is the unmarked controls. As software develops and offers new features, it's becoming much harder to make a one controller fits all scenario. So Vestax have to a degree decided to hand the control over to you.
Above and below the decks as well as between the channel are unmarked pads and a fader, deliberately unlabeled so that you can do what you want with them, and simply write on the supplied overlays what they do.
The build is stellar, from the thick metal faceplate to the metal pots. The jogwheels have been upgraded as well with a better centre adjuster and a nicer finish. The base is plastic, but given that this is a bigger controller, the weight has to be kept down. There must be a trade off as more features are added to software with a increasing amount of real estate and controls.
Anyhow, I took a handful of quick pictures yesterday, but will be back to grab a load more too - hopefully out of the vivid orange aura of the NEC's overhead sodium lamps. And I'll get clarification on price too. $999 is being thrown around but when I asked yesterday, there was uncertainty.
Me prefer this one rather than NI S4. Long Live VCI 8)
Seringkali dalam melakukan aktifitas berbau komputer, meja kerja kita acapkali dipenuhi beberapa perangkat pendukung PC, semisal keyboard atau mouse. Terkadang ingin kita merasa lebih nyaman, dengan kondisi meja yang bersih dari beberapa perlengkapan tersebut. Terlebih dari kabel-kabel yang menjuntai tak karuan, yang semakin membuat meja kerja tak enak dilihat.
Nah, kini mulai ada solusi baru, yang setidaknya bisa mengurangi hal-hal tak nyaman tersebut. Salah satunya dengan hadirnya Bluetooth laser virtual keyboard, dimana selain mampu menciptakan dinamisme baru dalam melakukan aktivitas komputerisasi juga mengefisiensikan meja menjadi lebih bersih. Termasuk pula saat tak ada aktifitas.
Piranti ini beberapa waktu lalu sempat dikomersilkan pada beberapa film bernuansa futuristik seperti "space 1999", "startrek next generation". Dan, memang terkesan bahwa perangkat ini bakal cocok menghiasi meja kerja kita, sebagai keyboard masa depan.
Bluetooth laser virtual keyboard dilego dengan harga 150 US dollar (Rp 1,36 juta-an). Banderol tersebut relatif masuk akal, yang mana selain memberikan edukasi teknologi virtual, komposisi bentuknya pun ringkas hingga hemat ruang. Perlu diketahui, perangkat ini memiliki dimensi tergolong mungil, tak lebih dari sebuah ponsel.
Dimensi 35 x 92 x 25mm (1.38" x 3.6" x 1")
Red diode laser (biru/merah)
Keypad full QWERTY flat
Diameter keypad virtual 295 x 95 mm
Sensor keypad 400 karakter/menit
Bluetooth v1.1 class 2
Frekuensi 2.4 GHz Spectrum
Jarak jangkau 9 meter
Password support : 5 digit
3.6V rechargeable lithium-ion battery
120 minutes continuous typing
Included 100-240V AC Wall Adapter
PDA/PC koneksi
Compatible with PalmOS 5, PocketPC 2003, Windows Smartphone, Symbian OS, and Windows 2000/XP. Limited Mac OSX Support.
Director's Cut: Jamie Lidell performing with iMaschine (
Oh dear. I have just witnessed the collapse of productivity for ever. Or is the rebirth of creativity? As you'll know, I was somewhat enamoured with Maschine when it came out. And up to now, I've been thankful that I've never had a unit to lure me away from my work. But I believe I've just found the perfect partner for my new iPhone. Behold the majesty of iMaschine courtesy of Jamie Lidell.
This one-take clip is totally inspiring to a dabbling music creator like myself. I'll have the tools to create something wherever I am, and will finally have solid use for the expensive paperweight that is the iPhone - other than Fragger of course.
Like many DJs, I've dabbled in music making, and did almost complete an Acid House album as well as a solid selection of old school Hip Hop beats. All gone now of course, but iMaschine could be the very thing to get me making music again.
As I'll be making an increasing amount of videos in the future, I need music to go with them, and borrowing other people's tracks is kind of frowned upon for some reason, and generally incurs the wrath of the Youtube police. At least if I'm using my own backing tracks, I won't be looking over my online shoulder all the time.
Will it be good enough to use without a full blown Maschine? For my purposes (making beats rather than subjecting you to my singing voice), I suspect it will. But the big question is this - dare I install it? Dangerous move if it's as good as it looks. This will however be a classic case of technology not providing skills or creativity.
It's in the iTunes store now for $4.99/€3.99/£2.99. And... ooops... I downloaded it. There goes the weekend.
DJ Dummy cuts it up on Traktor Kontrol S2 (
You can hardly fail to notice that Native Instruments' Kontrol S2 is upon us. It's in the shops now, and to show that it's not just some me too controller, they commissioned personal fave DJ Dummy to knock out a short set to show off its abilities.
There's a perception that MIDI controllers can't handle Hip Hop, as if the only things that can play such music are turntables. Well DJ Dummy proves that to be totally wrong in this clip. He shows that it's more than just the gear, and delivers stage presence and swagger, as well solid technique - all because he's a great DJ and nothing to do with the gear. How many of you throw decks and mixers into a car every week trying to keep it real, when clearly you could be using gear like this?
In shops now, the Kontrol S2 will cost £499/$599/€579. Review coming soon.
Quote from: Jhone on 10/10/11, 05:51
lho? ini udah lama banget keluar jamannya pocket pc, palm, o2 dkk
ia pet gw baru tau, kan emang buat o2 dan kawan2 ya .. ntar gw cari lagi ya thanks pet ;)
VCI 400 kayanya sabi sih...cuma kalo soal harga sepertinya yg ga sabi hhaaa..
Quote from: Jhone on 28/09/11, 21:28
versi cinanya udah lama keluar ga sampe 1jt, bedanya cuma di slot aja :P
Quote from: iaz_holic on 19/10/11, 15:27
VCI 400 kayanya sabi sih...cuma kalo soal harga sepertinya yg ga sabi hhaaa..
ah kk bisa aja deh ...
Quote from: Jhone on 10/10/11, 05:51
@Rico.sepet : oia yg virtual keyboard itu emang lama sih, tapi ada yg keluaran baru nya dan mirip2 seperti digambarnya , katanya buat i phone 5 tuh keyboard dan bisa dipakai di pc jg, teman gw bilangnya gitu, gw jg belum lihat ...
oo gitu.. itu emang bisa di pc, via usb, klo di hp apa aja bisa kok, dia via bluetooth.. jaman dulu temen gw udah pake soalnya, gw udah nyobain hahaha
This just in... after extensive field testing, the popular 4 channel misconception has been disproved, as it seems that you do only need 2 channels to mix 2 tracks together. And American Audio are leaping all over this new found industry science in the shape of the DV2 USB mixer.
Yes indeedy - let it be heard far and wide that 2 channels really is enough for most DJs out there, especially when you get a full audio interface, USB inputs, full crossfader controls and MIDI mapping. American Audio have a solid rep for budget 2 channel mixers, and the DV2 looks to continue building on that solid foundation.
Here's the spec:
2 Phono, 2 Lines, 2 Aux & 1 Microphone input
Balanced Outputs
Midi Input to control "Midi Learn" software
Built-in 4x4 Sound Card
Fader "Q" Start
Long-life Optical Fader (Crossfader)
Cross Fader curve knob (short to long crossfade) with reverse crossfade button
Independent curve for channals 1 & 2 (short to long curve) with reverse button
3-Band Rotary EQ with push Kills
DJ Mic with Volume + 2-Band EQ (Treble & Bass)
Talkover button (-15dB)
Multi-voltage operation: AC 100V~240V 50/60Hz- IEC socket
Power Draw: 9W max
Dimensions (LxWxH): 12.25"x10"x 3.25" / 320.6x254x100.3mm
Weight: 7 lbs. / 2.77 kg.
And here are the words:
KERKRADE, THE NETHERLANDS – (For Immediate Release) – The new DV2 USB from American Audio is a "mixer" in more ways than one. This groundbreaking 2-channel pre-amp DJ mixer features a built-in 4x4 Sound Card and MIDI Output, allowing you to play and mix music from any DJ software, yet still keep hands-on hardware control over faders, cueing, scratching and other effects. You can also use the DV2 USB as a mixer for analog inputs such as CDs or even vinyl turntables -- which means this versatile, compact unit will "mix" with whatever way you choose to DJ!
Regardless of the type of input you use – MIDI or analog -- the DV2 USB makes it easy to give a stellar DJ performance. The affordable mixer was designed by DJs for DJs with all the controls and features laid out intuitively, bringing the familiar feel and touch of DJ-ing to today's digital world.
Equipped with 2 Photo, 2 Lines, 2 Auxiliary Inputs and 1 Mic Input, the DV2 USB offers a full range of professional features such as: Balanced Outputs, Fader Q Start, 3-Band Rotary EQ with Kills, and Channel Faders with adjustable curve. Its high-quality Optical Crossfader is reversible and has an extremely long life – it was tested for over 1 million crossfades and never quit working! DJs and emcees will also appreciate the DV2 USB's Talkover Button, which reduces volume by 15 decibels, and the DJ Mic input, which has Volume + 2-Band EQ (Treble & Bass).
The DV2 USB's light weight (7 lbs./2.77 kg.) and trim size (12.25"L x 10"W x 3.25"H/ 320.6 x 254 x 100.3mm) make it ideal for mobile use. It's also priced well within the range of DJs and mobile entertainers.
"The DV2 USB is one of the most compact and affordable DJ mixers for controlling both analog and MIDI inputs," said Dirk Kast, General Manager for American Audio Europe. "Because a Sound Card is built right into it, you can start mixing right out of the box, with no extra equipment required.
"Plus, it's so versatile – you can use it with anything from DJ software to a laptop to CD players to turntables," Freret added. "If you want the ultimate in music media options, hook up the DV2 USB with a couple of American Audio's Radius 3000 CD/MP3 players, which also have multiple types of inputs. With this type of system, the possibilities for controlling and playing music are almost limitless."
DV2 3000 System: 1 x DV2 USB + 2 x Radius 3000
Because the DV2 USB mixer and Radius 3000 media player work so well together, American Audio is now offering them bundled together as a complete system. The DV2-3000 System includes: 1x DV2 USB, 2x Radius 3000, 1x hard case and all required component cables.
Like the DV2 USB, the Radius 3000 was designed for the multitude of ways that DJ-ing is being done today. It is a professional CD/MP3/WAV player with MIDI capabilities, so it can control DJ software. For even more playing options, it also has SD Card and USB inputs.
This versatility makes the DV2 3000 System the perfect combo for today's mobile entertainers, who may often "DJ" differently at different types of gigs or situations. "With the multiple inputs on the Radius 3000, you're covered no matter what the situation," said Freret. "Say you arrive at a gig and don't have your laptop or even a CD ready. You can pop in a USB stick and control that with the Radius 3000. Or if you have music on an SD Card, you can use that. You can download your DJ software into the Radius 3000 and then scratch and add effects using the software. Whatever the situation calls for, the DV2 USB/Radius 3000 combo is a great solution for analog or MIDI playback and mixing."
Like the DV2 USB, the Radius 3000 offers premium professional features that will enhance DJ performances, such as Advanced Track Search, Seamless Loop, Tempo Lock, Instant Start, AntiShock Memory (10 seconds), Digital BPM Counter, and Digital Output (S/PDIF). It includes a 6-inch Jog Wheel and 9 on-board FX: Scratch, Filter, Echo, Trans, Skid, Phase, Flanger, Pan and Bop. There are 2 Scratching modes: Digital Scratch and Beat Juggle.
The Radius 3000 is also designed for easy portability, measuring 10.5"L x 14"W x 4.25"H/265 x 356 x 106mm, and weighing 8 lbs./ 3.6 kg.
American Audio DV2 USB (
The last few days have been all about iOS5, and in my case, donning my time served Apple tech support hat and updating the numerous devices scattered around skratchworx HQ. So it comes as no surprise that the Apple-centric guys over at algoriddim have been very busy too. So to compliment all the clever things that iOS5 brings, the various flavours of djay for iOS have been updated accordingly.
djay for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch - Enhanced for iOS 5 (
djay for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch enhanced for iOS 5
October 13, 2011
We just released djay 1.4 for iPad, djay 1.2 for iPhone, as well as djay – David Guetta Edition 1.1. This is a cutting-edge update that takes full advantage of the brand-new iOS 5 and brings you the feature you have been waiting for: Audio FX! Check out a video of the Audio FX in action.
Feature highlights include:
Manual FX: Flanger, Phaser, Echo, Gate, Bit Crusher, Filter (High Pass, Low Pass)
Instant FX: Absorb, Drift, Sway, Crush, Punch, Twist
2D FX Pad
iOS 5 iCloud integration: backup and sync your song settings such as cue points, edited BPM, etc. over the air, across all of your iOS devices running djay
iOS 5 enhanced AirPlay integration
iOS 5 lock screen integration: displays currently playing song info including artwork
Audio Copy & Paste: load sounds from other music apps onto the turntables
Load recordings onto turntables
Sort library by BPM
You can get the free update in the App Store right on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch or via iTunes.
We're looking forward to your continued feedback via the djay Facebook page or @algoriddim on Twitter.
Enjoy? Yes I did. I'm not so bothered about the cloud features, but the new effects are nice to play with.
So all that's left are Siri commands. I wonder if we'll be able to load tracks just by telling the iPhone to do it? Will we even have to touch the phone at all? Is touch tech dead thanks to Apple and Siri? I doubt it, but knowing Apple, Siri is quite possibly the start of something else. I can imagine discreet voice commands being spoken into an iPad or iPhone to fulfil particular functions while your attention is on your music.
But what of djay for Mac? Algoriddim haven't forgotten - far from it. In the dying embers of The BPM Show, I had an all too brief glimpse of the next incarnation. And all I can say is that you should be happy with how things are shaping up.
MIDI is everywhere in the DJ scene right now, but is on the whole generally confined to all in one DJ systems, mixers or button laden boxes. But this doesn't always work for everyone, so the desire to create more targeted devices becomes necessary. And this is exactly what the tkrworks PICratchBOX is all about - mixer meets pads in a highly focussed small format controller. We've got some exclusive info, not seen anywhere else.
Like so many products with a potentially small market, the economies of scale simply do not apply, thus tkrworks is a tiny team dedicated to providing you with a unit that adopts a turntablist friendly narrow format, with buttons right in the important workspace area.
A quick demo:
PrB quick demo by tatsuki* (
Basically, it's a small mixer style controller. No audio interface, but all hand built to ensure quality. This also includes Infinium faders throughout. But it's under the hood where the tech magic happens. As well as supporting MIDI, it also runs with OSC - a MIDI-like protocol that apparently offers far more flexibility. Not really my thing to talk knowledgeably about, but I'm sure Jared Helfer will come along and fill in the gaps if necessary.
Anyway, Tatsuki from the tkrworks team provided me with this exclusive information, which hopefully will wet your appetite for more:
What is PICratchBOX?
PICratchBOX is a USB powered DJ / MIDI / OSC controller
with 24 pads and Infinium faders installed on both X fader and Volume faders.
Currently only supports Traktor Scratch Pro / Pro 2 when used as USB /MIDI mixer.
If you are familiar with Max/MSP, Max for Live or Reaktor using Open Sound Control protocol then, PICratchBOX would be a perfect device for you.
Why PICratchBOX?
Majority of hardware DVS-USB controllers on the market right now are huge and not travel friendly at all. And most of the time, you need to step away from your mixer in order to reach your controllers.
We also know some venues got a limited space for all the extra gears you have. So we have combined with pad controller and 2ch mixer in one. So you can really focus on what you do without walking around to reach your controllers. It's also really nice to have volume faders and 8 pads next to each other therefore you can do fader + pad actions at the same time. (This is where I was really excited about!!)
And of course for the programming heads, we will be releasing OSC firmware (will be available on the same day we release PICratchBOX) which includes all the related informations with manual. OSC is more flexible than MIDI. So we strongly believe that people can come up with some crazy ideas using PICratchBOX.
And of course, most importantly we wanted to keep the product design as simple/small as possible.
What do you need when using PICratchBOX and Traktor Scratch.
NI Traktor Scratch Pro or Pro2.
NI Traktor AUDIO 6 or 10 (we also tested with AUDIO4 DJ and it works.)
NI Traktor vinyl
TKR fader curve adjustment program. (will also be downloadable from TKR site.)
At this point, you might have few questions like these below. here's the answers.
Only for Traktor Scratch? No SERATO?
Yes, only Traktor Scratch, considering SERATO versions but not right now.
Why no sound card?
Most people already have Audio Interfaces.
Why no headphone inputs?
We take advantage of using headphone inputs on the Audio Interface.
Why no VU meters?
We take advantage of using Autogain on Traktor Scratch. There is VU meter on Traktor Scratch so we didn't bother having it on the top panel.
I can only see USB connected in the demo clip. how do you connect PICratchBOX?
Here's how. It's dead simple.
As we all know that you can do pretty much everything with a Traktor's MIDI mapping functions. This is what we have come up with for my quick demo.
To break down these MIDI mapping. 4x4 pads has 4 layers, mainly assigned with effects and deck controls.
For the 2x4 pads, they are mapped with cue points. 2x4 pads has 2 layers so. Layer 1 for cue points 1 to 4 and layer 2 for cue points 5 to 8. Just by pressing either Shift A or B, you can quickly switch the layers for each channels.
X-fader and Volume fader curves can be changed using our fader curve adjustment program.
Real vinyl record can be used by changing your Deck setting to Live Input.
You can have Traktor effect running on the real vinyl record.
Release dates / Price
Release date TBC. hopefully in December 2011 Price will be 49800 Yen
Limited amount will be released may be 20 at a time. May be every few month.
We are small company and there is only 1 person doing all the fabrications one by one and considering having 3 Infinium faders built in... we think it's very good price.
As a rough conversion, that's £413/€475/$649 - not too bad for a hand made niche product at all, especially given the use of Infinium faders, and the versatility of having MIDI and OSC in one box.
Now I know that some will complain about the lack of audio interface. But to use this with Scratch Live or Traktor Scratch, you have to use dedicated interfaces anyway. So adding one inside to cater for the smaller market would only add to the cost.
This is nothing new of course - all sorts of mixers have been MIDI mappable, from the Vestax 05ProIV right up to the 4MIDILoop. But this is the first time that the most basic of mixer functions have been combined with a faceplate full of buttons in one highly compelling product. As nobody seems to be in a hurry to put out a turntable with buttons, it makes sense to add them to a mixer, especially as it's likely to sell considerably more than turntables ever would these days.
For some, pure controllerism is a difficult thing to enjoy, as It does seem to be more about hitting buttons and twisting rotary encoders rather than DJing. What the PICratchBOX does is merge the old with the new, in a product which for me provides just enough controllerism and turntablism to keep most people happy.
Hopefully I'll have more soon, and perhaps can even persuade trkworks to let us have a unit to test out.
Bila Anda mengenal radio tape piringan hitam pada zaman dahulu, tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan perangkat yang satu ini. Sebuah perangkat yang mirip dengan radio tape piringan hitam.
Ion Profile LP USB Turntable adalah sebuah perangkat unik menyerupai piringan hitam, yang dihubungkan ke port USB pada PC yang dilengkapi Audicity.
Selain bisa memutar disc, perangkat ini bisa merekam dengan format MP3 atau WAV dengan mudah Anda bisa menyalin file-file rekaman atau musik ke iPod/iPhone Atau pun burning file ke CD.
Audacity pada Ion Profile LP USB Turntable merupakan software untuk mengekspor file ke WAV dan MP3. Perangkat ini mampu memutar disc dengan kecepatan 45 RPM. Tak hanya itu Ion Profile LP USB Turntable mendukung perekaman mencapai 78 RPM melalui software output RCA yang sesuai dengan built-in pre-amp. Dan, terkoneksi langsung ke sistem audio Anda.
Ion Profile LP USB Turntable dibanderol dengan harga $70 (Rp.610.000)
Seiring perkembangan tehnologi memang iPad merupakan suatu perangkat yang diminati banyak orang. Mungkin selain mudah dibawa kemana saja tetapi penggunaan iPad memang menyenangkan.
Bagaimana jika penggunaan iPad dengan cara yang berbeda?
Nah ini dia sebuah tehnologi baru yang canggih, adalah Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard, merupakan keyboard laser untuk iPad yang unik dan canggih. Selain iPad perangkat lain yang bisa menggunakan keyboard laser ini adalah iPhone, tablet dan smartphone lainnya.
Cara menggunakannya pun cukup mudah hanya stel perangkat kecil yang merupakan laser dan terhubung dengan bluetooth ke iPad untuk memunculkan keyboard dengan ukuran yang besar disetiap permukaan datar.
Selain itu, cara menggunakan mouse-nya dengan menggunakan jari Anda dengan menyentuh layar dari iPad tersebut.
Hal unik lainnya, jika Anda sedang mengetik maka akan keluar suara klik tombol. Dan keyboard ini dilengkapi dengan 63 kata kunci dengan urutan keyboard umumnya yakni bentuk QWERTY.
Selain itu kelebihan dari Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard ini Anda juga dapat mengetik lebih cepat dari mengetik dengan menggunakan keyboard umumnya.
Kekuatan baterai dari perangkat ini mencapai 150 menit atau 2,5 jam dengan pemakaian terus menerus.
Harga dari gadget ini adalah kisaran $170 (Rp.1.490.000)
The iTable- And you thought the iPad was big!
The iTable- And you thought the iPad was big! (
anjrit tuh imachine's
Quote from: Jhone on 01/11/11, 21:00
The iTable- And you thought the iPad was big!
Quote from: Jhone on 01/11/11, 21:00
The iTable- And you thought the iPad was big!
The iTable- And you thought the iPad was big! (
giloooo ... bs jadi controller tuh kalo kaya gt...
makin canggih aja nih dunia soobb..
EWI scratch (
Dicking around with gear is how scratching was invented. And from time to time, the venerable art has been emulated in less that conventional ways. Who amongst us hasn't done the zip scratch at some point? But this is the first time I've seen a wind instrument actually pull off something DJ like.
The instrument in question is the Akai EWI - an electronic wind instrument that operates like a synth. Watching the demo video, my mind wandered off into all sorts of controllerist type areas, using breath control to play expressive samples. Imagine if each note on the EWI could play a sample, and with clever double tongue techniques and breath variations, you could soon have something quite special going on. Perhaps a beatboxer could get hold of one of these and see what could be done too.
It's not DJing, but it's still a clever and unconventional approach. And no - we won't be getting EWI in for a review.
Check this clip for some more after the 1:10 mark.
Thanks to DJ Cheeba for posting this on Facebook
Gadgetan-Honda telah memulai debut versi upgrade dari robot humanoid Asimo terbaru mereka yang lebih cepat, gesit dan lincah dari model sebelumnya. Dalam videonya dibawah ini, ASIMO humanoid dapat bergerak/bernavigasi cukup bebas, dipermukaan yang datar ataupun miring.
Informasi dari TGDaily menyebutkan, ASIMO humanoid telah dilengkapi dengan kontrol yang lebih canggih, memungkinan robot untuk bergerak dengan berbagai sekenario tanpa operator. Selain itu robot Asimo Humanoid terbaru ini lebih lentur, halus dan terlihat cepat dalam berlari. Hal lainnya yang dipamerkan Honda ialah kemampuan ASIMO untuk menuangkan minuman, membedakan suara dari 3 orang yang berbeda, serta bermain bola.
Pada saat acara demonstrasi robot ASIMO humanoid di Tokyo, pihak Honda mengharapkan dapat membawanya tidak hanya sekedar menjadi robot mainan yang canggih saja, melainkan dapat berguna untuk kehidupan manusia. Salah satu rencana dari tim Honda yang mengembangkan robot ini ialah membawa robot ASIMO untuk membantu pemulihan di PLTN Fukushima Dai-ichi dari kemampuan navigasi dan bergeraknya.
Berikut adalah video demo dari robot ASIMO humanoid baru
Robot 'Asimo' takes the stage in new gear (
Bagaimana? Lebih lincah bukan?
It's a lovely feeling - breaking the seal on new vinyl, taking in the factory fresh smell and playing it for the first time. But in time, a darker reality sets in, one that just vividly displayed itself on my almost white copy of Kings Breaks. So it seemed like the ideal opportunity to gross you out with my macro lens.
Handruff is that microscopic layer of grime that after time builds up inside the grooves of your vinyl. These grooves act like a mini-scraper, ensuring that the buildup of dirt on your fingertips ends up on your shiny records. But also spare a though for jog wheels, buttons and all those other controls you routinely fondle in your daily DJing life. They'll be equally grimey, and if you share gear in a club... well let's just say that you shouldn't really be licking your fingers mid set.
Being breaks vinyl, this is an extreme example, built up by cueing the same part of the record. Periodically I'll run my most used ones under the needle at maximum weight to clean the grooves out. But it neatly illustrates just how dirty DJing is. Next time you play in a club, remember to get your shots. And I don't mean alcoholic ones either.
hahaha unik tuh yg scratch tiup! :D (
keren nih .....
Yesterday, Akai learned a harsh modern day lesson - put your secret sauce on a web server and someone will find it, and share it. So today it comes as no surprise that Akai have released details about the new MPC Studio, which unlike the MPC Renaissance is the real Maschine head on competitor.
First the video:
Introducing MPC Studio (
MPC Studio offers the most streamlined MPC experience yet. At under one-inch thin, with low-profile controls and a brushed aluminum body, it's made to move. MPC Studio merges real MPC pads, iconic workflow, and the same MPC Software used by MPC Renaissance to give you a fully integrated portable production solution.
Welcome to production anywhere. The world is now your studio.
And some specs:
Fuses legendary MPC production with the processing power of your computer
Compact design is less than 1" thin and fits easily into a laptop bag
MPC SOFTWARE for Mac & PC with 64-track sequencing capability
16 backlit genuine MPC pads, legendary MPC workflow & MPC Swing
USB-powered with low-profile knobs and brushed aluminum body
Large LCD screen allows you to make tracks without having to look at your computer
Four touch-sensitive knobs provide enhanced MPC software control
64-track sequencing capability
Massive 6GB+ sound library, including all of the sounds of the classic MPC3000
Instant mapping and real-time adjustment of VST plug-ins
Record each track as an MPC drum program, Keygroup program or VST plug-in
Works alone as your main DAW or works seamlessly with your current studio as a VST/AU/RTAS plugin
Supports WAV, MP3, AIFF, REX and SND
Supports samples and sequences from any MPC ever made
Mac and PC-compatible
So what do we know about the MPC Studio? I hereby dub the name MPChine, for that is what it is. Cosmetically, it's a good fit for the current range, with an emphasis on having solid pads and a truly portable experience. In the video, the MPC Studio is just USB powered if you need it to be, but has the option of power (something Maschine doesn't have). But like Maschine, it doesn't have audio outputs either.
I expect to see a bazillion threads about "Maschine vs MPC Studio", which will most probably become this decade's "Technics vs Vestax", but the devil will be in the detail of usage, of which I'm no expert. And before people go off on one about price, Akai would be mad to pitch this any higher than Maschine. Literally clinically insane.
This will be the unit that sells by the containerload for beatmakers. It'll certainly be more attractive than being tied to the MPC Renaissance - that is until MPC Fly officially appears, which I think will see Akai redefine beatmaking for the masses. If it's what I saw yesterday, I may even buy an iPad again.
Hoover... Sellotape... Jacuzzi... all actual brand names that have become the generic name for the product. And in our scene, the same could be said for the ubiquitous MPC. Akai have more or less had the monopoly on beat making for years, all in a self contained experience. But with NI making an assault on their territory with Maschine, Akai have rethought their offer and come back with something that will perhaps stop heads turning towards Berlin. The aptly named Akai MPC Renaissance, MPC Studio and MCP Fly are a rallying cry to retain the faithful and to update the classic brand for today's beat makers.
Introducing MPC Renaissance (
The beast of an MPC that is the Renaissance clearly treads on familiar territory so as not to alienate fans, but is obviously inspired by the Maschine approach of having a large laptop based window as well as the pokey LCD one in the unit. The yet to be seen MPC Studio controller however is probably more like Maschine than MPC, but only time will tell on that one. But there's also the very up to date approach of having iPad support too. I wonder why Fly wasn't called iMPC though?
Details are thin on the ground until NAMM, but Akai say this of the MPC Renaissance:
Fusing Akai Professional's legendary MPC layout and workflow with the power of your computer, MPC Renaissance is an unrivaled instrument for music production. The new flagship is a fully integrated hardware/software system: MPC Renaissance allows you to create using classic hardware controls and an integrated pop-up display, while its exclusive MPC Software empowers you with unprecedented, expandable production capabilities on your Mac or PC.
QuoteYeah - not much really. They do however give a little more detail in the specs:
Fuses legendary MPC production with the processing power of your computer
Vintage Mode changes output sound character to MPC3000, MPC60 and more
16 backlit genuine MPC pads, 16 Q-Link controls, and adjustable backlit LCD screen
Classic MPC Note Repeat, MPC Swing and MPC transport controls
MPC SOFTWARE for Mac or PC with 64-track sequencing capability
Two XLR-1/4" combo inputs and dedicated turntable input
Four-channel US B 2.0 audio interface and two-port US B 2.0 hub built in
Up to eight pad banks―more than any other MPC ever
Two MIDI inputs and four MIDI outputs
Stereo 1/4" out, stereo assignable mix 1/4" out & S/PDIF I/O
64-track sequencing capability
Massive 6GB+ sound library, including all of the sounds of the classic MPC3000
Instant mapping and real-time adjustment of VST plug-ins
Record each track as an MPC drum program, Keygroup program or VST plug-in
Works alone as your main DAW or works seemlessly with your current studio as a VST/AU/RTAS plugin
Supports WAV, MP3, AIFF, REX and SND
Supports samples and sequences from any MPC ever made
Mac and PC-compatible
No word however on just what MPC Fly has going for it.
So what's to be made of this? Aside from Akai seeing market share take a sudden Maschine induced nosedive in recent years? Hard to say without more detail, the key detail being price. Within reason, the MPC Renaissance can be whatever it wants to be, because there's nothing quite like it, but hopefully sanity will prevail and Akai won't get too greedy. With rumoured pricing between £499 and £2K, it's clearly too early to nail a price, but expect it to be more in the realm of high quality MIDI controller than dedicated hardware MPC.
One thing that has already annoyed MPC users about Renaissance - it needs a laptop to run. In the video, a laptop isn't in evidence but it's there somewhere. Obviously, depending on the spec of your laptop, this might effect responsiveness, but this just doesn't happen with Maschine so Imagine it won't with the new MPCs either. And who doesn't have a computer close by these days anyway? Likely users will always have a laptop, so personally I'm not concerned about reliance on one. Just keep that laptop free of anything likely to induce a crash and you're good to go. Ultimately, if you want standalone, Akai still do a wide range of MPCs that work just as good as they did before this new batch came along.
To be honest, while it's easy to make comparisons with NI's Maschine, essentially the MPC Renaissance as a lump of classic looking hardware is for MPC fans, but simply has a separate Maschine like workflow in the software. The real NI comparisons should be made with MPC Studio and MPC Fly. Well... when the info arrives anyway. But it's the software that is key here. Having kept MPC owners happy for years, it's certain that as lumps of beat making hardware, the new boxes will do a great job. And looking at how Maschine's software has developed, if Akai don't get it right from day one, then it can be updated - a key benefit of using a laptop.
Keep an eye on the Akai MPC site for more info, which will no doubt be leached out first via Twitter and Facebook anyway.
Slightly teased earlier this week with a cup on a button icon image, Reloop have decided to shoot their NAMM load a little early by unveiling their new Terminal MIX 4 controller. Looks like the Jockey 3 went to a full 4 channels.
Reloop certainly have a house style, and the Black and Red theme continues through to the Terminal Mix 4 too, almost venturing into Numark NS6/7 image territory. And if it's anything like the Jockey 3, it'll be equally well built too.
So to get the obvious comparisons out of the way - Terminal Mix 4 is an obvious competitor to Vestax's just released VCI-400. It's a big meaty 4 channel lump with a very similar layout and comes complete with Serato DJ Intro and Virtual DJ LE. Unlike the VCI however, it appears to be geared towards the supplied software rather than the agnostic approach to try and fit all software packages. That said, it does come with a Traktor Pro 2 map so that's the big 3 covered.
Anyway, here's the word from Reloop HQ:
4-Deck performance controller for Serato with integrated interface
Reloop is proud to present it's first digital mixing controller designed especially for Serato: Terminal Mix 4.
By introducing the Terminal Mix 4, Reloop have broken new ground once again with this fully integrated 4-channel mixer* offering a wealth of features, including 3-fold EQ with intelligent kill technique* and filter modulation capabilities per channel. Any of the 4 channels can be easily assigned to the crossfader via the controls on the front panel, where you will also be able to adjust the curve of the crossfader.
In addition to the popular Trax Encoder, the master section is now equipped with four convenient management buttons which allow direct access to playlists, crates, or further layout views without the need to touch your laptop. This means a desired track can be located and loaded instantly into any deck via the designated load buttons – a fader start* function can also be activated if desired.
As a further highlight, Reloop have developed brand new ultra-flat aluminium jog platters which, at an impressive XXL diameter of 15.5cm, have also been enhanced by a non-slip vinyl-grip coating for even more control over your tracks. With a total of 3 modes (Pitch Bend / Vinyl / Quick Search) it's possible to easily switch between pitch correcting, scratching, or browsing through tracks on the fly.
Trigger Action Deluxe: The entire transport section is fully equipped with rubberised buttons, which offer a comfortable pressure point whilst also being extremely durable.
The performance section* features an extensive 8 button layout which can be utilised over 2 separate layers for true versatility. On the first layer, 4 hot cues can be fired off and 4 sample decks can be triggered simultaneously. Depending on the software used, other creative possibilities are available, for example the option of accessing hot cues / samples 5-8 on the second layer – or with future software updates, this section can be enhanced even further with brand new performance modes (Cut 'n' Slice) for live remixing.
The extensive FX section is equipped with 4 buttons, 3 rotary knobs, and 1 endless encoder to provide even more creative possibilities in the mix. The smart loop section also features 4 independent controls allowing users to quickly set beat-precise loops, adjust the size of the loops, and even move the loops whilst in a live situation.
Reloop also listened to the requests of many DJs, and for the first time have integrated a 14 bit pitch fader with 100mm increments, allowing for ultra-precise mixing and blending.
Power House Interface: The audio section offers a vast array of connecting possibilities for your master PA (including balanced output jacks), a zone function, and a DJ booth system. Also very practical are the 2 headphones connections (6.3 mm & 3.5 mm), which can be adjusted with a 1- band equalizer. A microphone connection with a 1-fold EQ for MCs, hosts, or singers has also been integrated and can be adjusted via a flexible routing switching system. Furthermore, it's possible to connect a turntable, CD/MP3 player, or iPhone/iPod to the Aux input which can routed to the master or even software!
Terminal Mix comes 'plug and play' ready with Serato DJ Intro and a Virtual DJ 4-Deck LE (Reloop edition). Traktor Pro 2 mappings are also available.
Check in at Terminal Mix 4.
*Some features are only available with a software Pro version.
4-Deck SERATO DJ Performance controller
Integrated 4 channel USB audio interface
Plug and play: Connect your computer and mix your MP3s
Designed for world's leading mixing software developer SERATO
Large Transport section with all-new smooth touch rubber buttons
Newly developed ultra-flat XXL Jog Platters with Vinyl-grip surface
Ergonomically arranged mixer/CD player design for quick and easy access
4-Channel Club Mixer design with dedicated Filter knobs and Fader start
Cross fader curve & assign switches on the front
Large 14-bit 100mm Pitch fader with Range and Keylock functions
Mouse-less Playlist Management Control
Versatile controls for Effects, Smart Looping, Hot Cues and Sampler
Performance Section prepared for individual live remixing updates (Cut & Slice)
Stereo RCA input (with phono pre-amp) for hooking up a CD player or turntable with flexible routing
control (into the Software or to the Master)
6.3 mm microphone input jack with volume and equalizer control
Power House Interface: Boost your PA with balanced 6,3mm jack outputs or unbalanced
Stereo RCA outputs
Stereo RCA Booth outputs for extra DJ monitors
2 headphone connections: 3.5 mm & 6.3 mm stereo for which ever plug is convenient including equalizer
Shift buttons for second layer controls including Shift lock feature
All controls in club size and quality
Altogether 111 MIDI controllers (60 buttons, 7 faders, 7 push encoders, 31 turning knobs, 4 switches, 2
touch-sensitive jog wheels)
Controller is compatible with every MIDI-Learn capable software
USB bus powered: Terminal Mix 4 can be powered via USB only (power supply optional) Anti-theft device:
Kensington safety slot
CORE / ASIO drivers with minimum latency and high quality audio characteristics (Mac / PC) Mac OSX and
Windows XP/Vista compatible
4-Deck Mapping available for Traktor PRO 2
Comes 'plug and play' ready with Serato DJ Intro & 4-Deck Virtual DJ 7 LE (Reloop Edition)
technical datas
Mixer section:
Classic 4 channel design
1 x PRO Longlife crossfader with adjustable crossfader curve - 4 x volume controllers with PRO Longlife
line faders
4 x 3 band equalizer knobs
4 x gain turning knob
4x Filter knob
Player section:
2 x 15,5cm touch-sensitive, two-part jog wheels for scratching, cueing, etc. - different jog modes
(Scratch & Pitch Bend, Quick Search)
2 x high resolution 100mm 14-bit pitch faders without locking position
1 assignable encoder, 3 assignable knobs, 4 buttons for effect control
Unicoloured, glistening red illumination
Master section:
Cue mix, headphones volume, sampler volume and master controllers
Extra large Trax Encoder for quick and easy music library browsing (with 4 load buttons) - 2x 8bar LED
chain (master L+R)
Dimensions: 515 x 44 x 320 mm - Weight: 4.65 kg (netto)
Incl. Serato DJ Intro & Virtual DJ LE 4-Deck Reloop Edition and USB cord[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I know you're all wanting to know about the cool big stuff at NAMM (and it'll come), but for this headphone junkie, when word hit me of an upgrade to the current DJ favourite HD25 cans, I was obliged to investigate. Behold the Sennheiser Amperior - the oddly named superior DJ headphones.
First seen at CES, these are the HD25s with knobs on. Picking them up yields a heavier more solid feel. They come with metal cups and trim to cover the hinge screw, as well as thicker round cable instead of flat 2 core cables and a detachable iPhone control. The covers and headband are upgraded to a velour material too.
I like the extra weight. The HD25s can feel flimsy because of the super lightweight construction, but the added cups and heavier cable add to the perceived quality. But all these extras cost. The Amperior cans come in at an eye watering $350. That's a serious amount of anyone's cash, but people are prepared to drop large cash for such things.
They come in Blue and Silver. I'd have liked Black over both of those. Do you like the Blue ones?
Some real words:
The trusted sound and reliability professionals rely upon day in and out... remixed. Introducing the Amperior series from Sennheiser.
From the moment you lift the lid of the meticulously packaged gift box you are welcomed to an exclusive, elite family of Sennheiser owners. The precision workmanship, impeccable detail and emphasis on quality, reliable materials leave no doubt in your mind that this is what sound should embody....and you have not even pressed play yet.
Razor-accurate percussion instigates head-bobbing. Soaring mids and trebles get you closer to the original studio mix. Full-bodied bass lines are effortlessly lifted out of the mud and placed deep within your conscious. This is what it was like to be there when the song was finished. This is what it is like to be Sennheiser.
Some headphones make their biggest statement around one's neck. The Amperior series makes its namesake on your ears.
Legendary, trusted Sennheiser acoustics
Impeccable durability and build-quality
Rotatable ear cup for single-sided monitoring
Detachable smart remote and mic for Apple devices
Completely modular components for nearly infinite operating life
Single-sided cable
Delivery Includes
Amperior headphones
Detachable Smart Remote
Quick start guide[/spoiler]
For DJs, the iPad is the new laptop. Please allow to explain. Like laptops before them, rather than thump around on a touch screen with little in the way of decent tactile feedback or control, people are craving physical controllers. And slowly but surely there have been some iOS devices that worked with algorridim's djay app. But Numark's new iDJ Pro is the first to build the iPad with into the controller itself.
At first glance, it's a tough thing to get to grips with. It appears like the whole important middle section has been lopped off leaving potentially more touch screen unpleasantness. But instead, controls have simply been moved to new places where there is space for them. The channel volume control for example has been replaced by for chunky aluminium knobs found on the new MPC.
With djay, the intention is to reduce the need to touch the iPad, except where necessary. It's the off the shelf version that recognises that the iDJ Pro is plugged in and acts accordingly. An area where the touch screen really does come into play is with the effects, and the cool XY functionality. But outside of that, a physical control exists to make it much easier to use. It also has a heap of ins and outs including proper balanced XLRs to suit most DJs.
So you see that the iPad 2 is certainly powerful enough to serve the needs of many DJs, and the obvious trend is not DJ entirely on an iPad, but to use its processing power to play the music and to have a bloody great window into the belly of the beast for your library. I do hope that the deck view can be turned off for a larger and more informative display.
In use, the performance is great. The iDJ Pro displays little in the way of physical latency apart from on-screen. It was hard to gauge much more than that as the show unit is prototype to the point of not charging the iPad.
At $499, this is prices to sell hard, and almost certainly will do too. I'd tell you more, but a press release has yet to make it my way.
My good mate Phil Morse over at Digital DJ Tips made the trade show stalwart Chris Roman do one of his now famous product demos. Saves us a job. Good work Phil!
Numark IDJ PRO iPad DJ Controller - NAMM 2012 (
Quote from: Jhone on 24/01/12, 01:15
[spoiler]I know you're all wanting to know about the cool big stuff at NAMM (and it'll come), but for this headphone junkie, when word hit me of an upgrade to the current DJ favourite HD25 cans, I was obliged to investigate. Behold the Sennheiser Amperior - the oddly named superior DJ headphones.
First seen at CES, these are the HD25s with knobs on. Picking them up yields a heavier more solid feel. They come with metal cups and trim to cover the hinge screw, as well as thicker round cable instead of flat 2 core cables and a detachable iPhone control. The covers and headband are upgraded to a velour material too.
I like the extra weight. The HD25s can feel flimsy because of the super lightweight construction, but the added cups and heavier cable add to the perceived quality. But all these extras cost. The Amperior cans come in at an eye watering $350. That's a serious amount of anyone's cash, but people are prepared to drop large cash for such things.
They come in Blue and Silver. I'd have liked Black over both of those. Do you like the Blue ones?
Some real words:
The trusted sound and reliability professionals rely upon day in and out... remixed. Introducing the Amperior series from Sennheiser.
From the moment you lift the lid of the meticulously packaged gift box you are welcomed to an exclusive, elite family of Sennheiser owners. The precision workmanship, impeccable detail and emphasis on quality, reliable materials leave no doubt in your mind that this is what sound should embody....and you have not even pressed play yet.
Razor-accurate percussion instigates head-bobbing. Soaring mids and trebles get you closer to the original studio mix. Full-bodied bass lines are effortlessly lifted out of the mud and placed deep within your conscious. This is what it was like to be there when the song was finished. This is what it is like to be Sennheiser.
Some headphones make their biggest statement around one's neck. The Amperior series makes its namesake on your ears.
Legendary, trusted Sennheiser acoustics
Impeccable durability and build-quality
Rotatable ear cup for single-sided monitoring
Detachable smart remote and mic for Apple devices
Completely modular components for nearly infinite operating life
Single-sided cable
Delivery Includes
Amperior headphones
Detachable Smart Remote
Quick start guide[/spoiler]
wow HD-25s 8)
Quote from: anggabc on 24/01/12, 10:58
Quote from: Jhone on 24/01/12, 01:15
[spoiler]I know you're all wanting to know about the cool big stuff at NAMM (and it'll come), but for this headphone junkie, when word hit me of an upgrade to the current DJ favourite HD25 cans, I was obliged to investigate. Behold the Sennheiser Amperior - the oddly named superior DJ headphones.
First seen at CES, these are the HD25s with knobs on. Picking them up yields a heavier more solid feel. They come with metal cups and trim to cover the hinge screw, as well as thicker round cable instead of flat 2 core cables and a detachable iPhone control. The covers and headband are upgraded to a velour material too.
I like the extra weight. The HD25s can feel flimsy because of the super lightweight construction, but the added cups and heavier cable add to the perceived quality. But all these extras cost. The Amperior cans come in at an eye watering $350. That's a serious amount of anyone's cash, but people are prepared to drop large cash for such things.
They come in Blue and Silver. I'd have liked Black over both of those. Do you like the Blue ones?
Some real words:
The trusted sound and reliability professionals rely upon day in and out... remixed. Introducing the Amperior series from Sennheiser.
From the moment you lift the lid of the meticulously packaged gift box you are welcomed to an exclusive, elite family of Sennheiser owners. The precision workmanship, impeccable detail and emphasis on quality, reliable materials leave no doubt in your mind that this is what sound should embody....and you have not even pressed play yet.
Razor-accurate percussion instigates head-bobbing. Soaring mids and trebles get you closer to the original studio mix. Full-bodied bass lines are effortlessly lifted out of the mud and placed deep within your conscious. This is what it was like to be there when the song was finished. This is what it is like to be Sennheiser.
Some headphones make their biggest statement around one's neck. The Amperior series makes its namesake on your ears.
Legendary, trusted Sennheiser acoustics
Impeccable durability and build-quality
Rotatable ear cup for single-sided monitoring
Detachable smart remote and mic for Apple devices
Completely modular components for nearly infinite operating life
Single-sided cable
Delivery Includes
Amperior headphones
Detachable Smart Remote
Quick start guide[/spoiler]
wow HD-25s 8)
yg lama aja rasanya empuk banget gimana yg baru yah..??
300$ kalo ga salah ... uummm ... worth ga sih menurut lo..??
headphone sih tergantung masing" dj menurut gw..
Quote from: iaz_holic on 24/01/12, 12:27
yg lama aja rasanya empuk banget gimana yg baru yah..??
300$ kalo ga salah ... uummm ... worth ga sih menurut lo..??
headphone sih tergantung masing" dj menurut gw..
hd 25 worth it banget... bandel dan enak dipake, sudah terbukti.. s ini juga seharusnya lebih baik lagi
@iaz & @sepet : selama ini gw pake hd 25 sih nyaman bgt hahaha, yah kalo yang S sih bener kata sepet seharusnya bisa lebih mewah lagi di kuping, gak kaya perbedaan addidas dan hd 25 biasa cuman beda di warna design :P, kali ini tambahan S nya mungkin ke spesifikasinya kali ya ;D
Algoriddim Vjay for iPad
apa ini dirancang untuk live jg ??? apa ga repot tuh kalau untuk live ?? (
read on for our complete review. (