
Technical Board => Gears and Technology => Topic started by: lymbers on 12/07/07, 20:58

Title: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: lymbers on 12/07/07, 20:58
ada yg tau ga software buat producing lagu di mac yg paling bagus apa yg kira2... gw selama ini pake PC dengan software FLStudio... gw pengen coba pindah MAC tapi kok gw cari2 FLStudio versi mac ga ketemu2 apa emang ga ada apa gimn sih... and ada saran ga software bikin music apa yg paling bagus di mac?? soalnya kan kayanya dj2 top kebanyakan pake mac semua mereka pake software apa sih sebenernya?? (?) (?) mohon di bantu....
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: hogi on 12/07/07, 22:08
My personal favorite : Logic Pro 7 and Ableton Live 5.2 (ya sekarang sudah Live 6 tetapi belum punya).

Tetapi saya juga bisa menganjurkan untuk yang lebih all in one studio : Reason 3

Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: djrandom on 12/07/07, 23:00
mau pake mac ato pc, itu kan cuma alat.. ga terlalu penting lah..

kl di mac kenapa ga coba sequence pake garage band?  lumayan seru itu software  dan gratis pula...
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: audie_alb on 13/07/07, 02:25
Logic 7 gokil tuh. Reason 3 ati2 makenya, soundnya jelek, kalo di mixdown baru bagus, aneh.
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: 1945MF on 13/07/07, 02:52
In my experience is Protools , Logic Pro , Abelton , Cubase

Tapi kalo in budget ya Reason ato Garage band (resikonya soundsnya susah di tweak up)

So Far best sounds is Protools tapi third partynya banyak bgt.
Easy for use and all in one is Logic Pro

I use Protools 7.3 & Logic Pro 7.2

Cheers ,

Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: lymbers on 13/07/07, 16:04
mmm ok ok thx2 buat sarannya nah trus gw bisa dapetin tuh software kira2 dimn yah?? download dimn?? kalo beli dimn??
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: 1945MF on 14/07/07, 17:42
Protools & Digidesign Dealer di sini LAMESA
Logic Pro di setiap Apple store pasti ada
Cubase ato Nuendo di ChandraCom


Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: olis on 14/07/07, 17:45
Yang penting bisa makenya apa emgga?
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: lymbers on 15/07/07, 21:37
Quote from: olis on 14/07/07, 17:45
Yang penting bisa makenya apa emgga?

ya belajar donk hehe... makanya nih sebenernya gw nyari versi windows nya juga sih jadi sambil nabung mau bli mac book bisa sambil adaptasi ke software baru... mohon bimbingannya :) ...
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: Mr Din on 15/07/07, 21:45
Logic!!! tp mahalll hiks

Ableton ok lah.. beli sound card dpt software nya yg Live Lite... tingal upgrade deh 200US$ :P

tapi tetep... LOGIC!! huhu :P

Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: riekkon on 26/07/07, 06:01
software2x asli gini mahal-mahal yah..sayang klo beli bajakan featurenya ga komplit..
cuma emang sih klo udah niat mau creating music untuk idealis atau bisnis
emang harus beli...

klo buat MAC, tentunya software dari mrk sendiri yg paling diandalkan yaitu
LogicPro..LogicExpress juga ada yang cuma 3 jutaan..tp sayang aja..

haduh2x...udah MACnya mahal...softwarenya mahal pula...
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: djbobby_s on 26/07/07, 21:56
ablleton bagus juga.... *bgs*
FLS + Reason dan yang lainya bisa masuk lewat ableton ko *piss*
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: lymbers on 27/07/07, 03:25
iya sih yah serbasalah juga yah kalo mau pake MAC semua serba mahal2... mungkin nanti kali yah kalo gw udah kaya DJ Romy gitu baru pake MAC hehe... kalo sekarang sih pake PC aja deh hehe... pake pc aja gw blom bener pake sok2 pake MAC but by the way thx for the advice ;) ...
Title: Re: what is the best producing music software for MAC ??
Post by: kinzi on 11/03/08, 22:39
Maaf kawan2...

klo utk software2 tsb diatas (logic pro, abelton dsb.), di Jakarta ada tempat khusus utk les/belajarnya ga ya? especially yg utk MAC...

Mohon pencerahannya ya kawan2...

Zillion Thanx...

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