
Special Board => 2008 => Special Event Archive => Heineken Thirst 2008 => Topic started by: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30

Title: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30
Hi all,

This year, Heineken Thirst committee recieved 116 demo tapes.
20 participants are disqualified because they either did not submit all the requirements or did not meet the age limitation.

The judges, DJ Hogi, DJ Iman dan Faried Arifin, had carefully listened and reviewed all 96 demo tapes qualified two days in a row.

And as promised, these are 45 DJs who make it to the preliminary round that will take place in Jakarta on November 18 - 20, 2008, in alphabetical order:

01. DJ Aco, Jakarta
02. DJ Adhel, Jakarta
03. DJ Adi, Yogyakarta
04. DJ Andhie, Bandung
05. DJ Ardigo, Jakarta
06. DJ Arie, Yogyakarta
07. DJ Art, Bali
08. DJ Bagus, Yogyakarta
09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
10. DJ Bima Isman, Jakarta
11. DJ Boedy 999 Records, Jakarta
12. Cristo & Teeyo, Jakarta
13. D'Soltice Duo, Jakarta
14. DJ Danny B, Bali
15. DJ David, Jakarta
16. DJ Dimitri, Yogyakarta
17. DJ Dyles, Bekasi
18. DJ Echa, Jakarta
19. DJ Endra, Yogyakarta
20. DJ Helmy, Bali
21. DJ Imbank, Jakarta
22. DJ Irvan, Surabaya
23. DJ Ivan Guih, Jakarta
24. DJ Kono, Jakarta
25. DJ Lorenz, Jakarta
26. DJ Nason, Bali
27. DJ Nickboy, Jakarta
28. DJ Nickvan, Jakarta
29. DJ Oggy, Jakarta
30. DJ Oki Koro, Jakarta
31. DJ Otsu Aiko, Jakarta
32. DJ Paul, Jakarta
33. DJ Raditz, Bandung
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
35. DJ ReJason, Jakarta
36. DJ Respati, Depok
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta
38. DJ Ri-V, Solo
39. DJ Ribon, Bogor
40. DJ Ruben, Jakarta
41. DJ Six, Jakarta
42. DJ Sonic, Sidoarjo
43. DJ Vu, Jakarta
44. DJ Yudha, Yogyakarta
45. DJ Yuri, Jakarta

Congratulations and good luck for the above.

Thank you for all who participate, wish you all the best of luck as well.

The HUNT is ON

Committee - Heineken Thirst 2008
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round
Post by: colis on 16/11/08, 22:00
go echa,adhel,randyboy,david,otsu aiko,berry
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: erwiengroovy on 16/11/08, 22:17
support buat semua semangat.......
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: luthfi on 16/11/08, 22:17
DJ REYHAN rustyman

sembah sujudddd

;D ;D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: imbank!! on 16/11/08, 22:21
waw deg dig deg duar...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Robbie on 16/11/08, 22:24
reyhan ikutan juga !! wow mantafff bro  *bgs* ayo semangatt  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Tya on 16/11/08, 22:31
Go Echa,Berry,n Rejason.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Gudluck buat smua yaa.. ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: dhAnty on 16/11/08, 22:36
;D ;D

bnyk jg yah, dan tnyata udh di announce ajaaaa

congrats deh buat yg lolos
good luck yak! ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 16/11/08, 22:54
wah... udah keluar aja...banyak nama2 berpotensi.. good luck guys
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: bless the child on 16/11/08, 23:00
uihhhh..kompetisi bakalan ketat..wish me luck guys..thanks
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 16/11/08, 23:13
congrats buat semua........... persaingan yg sehat yah demi EDM indonesia

FYI: gile ada salah satu yg lolos dikabarin seneng bgt dan ternyata lg di kampus skrg main, hehee...

@bless the child: itu dj berry loe ya??? siapp selamat yaa
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 16/11/08, 23:15
wettssss gokil,,,,,,,, good luck Guyss,,,, *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: osvaldo1945MF on 16/11/08, 23:19
mantabbbssss..wahh..bisa nonton ni..hehehe..goodluck ya teman2..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: echaaaa on 16/11/08, 23:25
wew ........ goodluck all. . . .
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: deefoundation on 16/11/08, 23:28
Wah, selamat buat yg masuk 45 besar yah!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
yg belum sempat msk, jgn patah semangat yah.... ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Rakaz on 16/11/08, 23:37
congrat and goodluck semua...maen yg bagus hehehehehe
@nickvan, cristo,berry...support!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: dj salero on 16/11/08, 23:48
support for all....
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: guih on 17/11/08, 00:09
 :) :) :) :)
Masuk list ternyata 
Support bwat semua kontestan  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: rejason on 17/11/08, 00:55
allhamdullillaahhh... support 4 all..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Mr Din on 17/11/08, 00:58
Gilaaaaa SADIS2 nh yg masuk!!!!

Wah ikutin ah turnamen nya.. pasti seru abis!

Supporttt to all the KONTESTAN! \m/
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: MC Rez_Q on 17/11/08, 01:10
Support for cristo,Teeyo,nickvan,Reyhan,Six,Randyboy,Echa,Ardigo,n Ruben  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Goodluck guyz  *bgs*  *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: jazzymike on 17/11/08, 01:25
ada gelong resident ;D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: PsChoTheRaPHy on 17/11/08, 01:47
wheew ...
selamat berjuang kawan kawan *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

dari bdg cuman 2 yah..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: vinodii on 17/11/08, 02:57
Wah otsu masuk.. Sukses yak..
Btw dtunggu party nya heineken
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 17/11/08, 03:21
ALHAMDULLIAH :'( :'( :'(

daku tak menyangka bisa masuk.. :'( :'( beruntung banget bisa sampai disini :'( :'(

terharuuuuw :'( :'(

@tomy : hueee makasih ya udah ngasih tau via SMS :'(

@roby : thx ya... gw ga ada pulsa buat bales sob :)

@mike,rezq,dhanty,lutfhi : makasiiiiih support nyaaaa :'( :'( :'(

SPECIAL THX : To Irdan buat arahannya.. malah lo yg ga masuk sob :'(
                       n albert buat tempat bikin mixtapenya :'( :'( tanpa kalian berdua gw ga bisa sampe sini :'( :'(

maaf ya aga lebay :-[

ayoo semangattt semuanyaa *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: randybotak on 17/11/08, 04:08
Btw mao nanya donk ini kapan aja ya seleksi nya ? dan kapan kira2 dapat jadwal seleksi nya thanks..

AYO KITA MAJUKAN DANCE MUSIC TANAH AIR !!!! Semangattttttttt.......

@wd j
suhu siap maen ke rumah neh minta petuah hehehe
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Vestax on 17/11/08, 06:01
Congrat'z to all.. *tepuktangan*

btw tgl 18-20 november dimana seleksi'nya ? ada info kah ?
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ouch on 17/11/08, 07:53
Quote from: randybotak on 17/11/08, 04:08
Btw mao nanya donk ini kapan aja ya seleksi nya ? dan kapan kira2 dapat jadwal seleksi nya thanks..

AYO KITA MAJUKAN DANCE MUSIC TANAH AIR !!!! Semangattttttttt.......

@wd j
suhu siap maen ke rumah neh minta petuah hehehe

all 45 DJs sudah dan akan dihubungi via telefon dan email, paling lambat pagi ini (17 Nov).
jadi utk yang masuk ke dalam list, dan belum check emailnya, mungkin bs check emailnya skrg. selama email yang di provide di form pendaftaran benar, pasti sudah terima email pemberitahuannya.


Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Mentha on 17/11/08, 07:53
wah selamat nih buat semua peserta yang masuk ...

selamat berjuang teman2 ... may the best win  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Adrianbeats on 17/11/08, 07:58
Good luck to all talents..!! *tepuktangan*

@ Nickvan, Cristo, Teeyo : Congrats to all of you..!! *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: RUMUS on 17/11/08, 07:59
Congratz...!!!!. Buat yang udah masuk 45 besar.....!!!

Salute....!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Selamat berjuang..... *bgs*

Buat yang belum masuk, tetap semangat....!!  *piss*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Insomnia Beat on 17/11/08, 08:34
All Congratz for the 45 Djs *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@Especially to My Boy Cristo , Nickvan , Teeyo *bgs* *bgs*

@Speciallt Rustyman *bgs* top abis kgk di nyangka diam2 bertapa dia  ;D

btw tuh dj ruben itu dj ruben aka beben kan ? :D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: PaketBegadangRp10000 on 17/11/08, 08:38
Quote from: jazzymike on 17/11/08, 01:25
ada gelong resident ;D

;D ;D ;D

eh support !

salute all... (esp to Rehan )  8)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: adheel17 on 17/11/08, 08:53
woooooww masuk list.....makin deg2an neyh.....support bwt yg laennya....cheeeeeers
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: phetox86 on 17/11/08, 09:53
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

seddddaaaappppp.....semangat yah tman (45 besar) *bgs* *bgs*

echa : mantaabbbbzzzzzzzzzz......
adhel : wuuiiihhhh.........
om berry : support om !!!
rustyman : ciiieee...........
nickvan, cristo, teeyo : maju tyuz bro...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: beyb on 17/11/08, 10:01
weits gilak Reyhan M.!
Luthfi M. kapan menyusul?? ;D

congrats & support to all rvlx crew ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: cristo on 17/11/08, 10:15
Congrats to all finalist... and Many thx for your support guys...

Cheers  :)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: endoety on 17/11/08, 10:34
Quote from: PsChoTheRaPHy on 17/11/08, 01:47
wheew ...
selamat berjuang kawan kawan *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

dari bdg cuman 2 yah..
Biar cuman dua tapi kudu juara  *bgs* AMIEN  Support ahhh  ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: atari on 17/11/08, 10:40
smangaat ya para finalis... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

semoga apapun yg terjadi,siapapun yg menang atau kalah, semuanya demi majunya EDM kita..!! *bgs* *bgs*

Slamat berjuaanng..!!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: imbank!! on 17/11/08, 11:04
serem serem 45 besarnya... hiii
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: 69* on 17/11/08, 11:12
support for Dj Respaty... show the skill *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

semangat om  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: guih on 17/11/08, 12:09
Dj ACO!! You will surprized everybody *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D ;D ;D
4 The other participant, good luck...

You guyz Rockz!! *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: luthfi on 17/11/08, 12:15
Quote from: beyb on 17/11/08, 10:01

Luthfi M. kapan menyusul?? ;D

congrats & support to all rvlx crew ;)

belom tau dit, taun depan mungkin

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ryanmarloon on 17/11/08, 12:56
kasian yg di eliminasi karena tdk cukup umur  :'( :'(
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: PsChoTheRaPHy on 17/11/08, 13:03
Quote from: ryanmarloon on 17/11/08, 12:56
kasian yg di eliminasi karena tdk cukup umur  :'( :'(

sabar .. namanya jg peraturan internasional. drinking age : 21+

mrk mana tau klo perut situ udh buncit saking seringnya ngebir ;D ;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: bimzkee on 17/11/08, 13:06
good luck for all contestants...
berry & six .. may the force be with you guys!

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: f_madness on 17/11/08, 13:15
oki koro?? buset...bakal "brantakan" nih lantai dansa..:D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: b on 17/11/08, 13:53
support buat Nickboy,Vu.... *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Dekra on 17/11/08, 14:01
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30
23. DJ Ivan Guih, Jakarta
09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta
41. DJ Six, Jakarta

Congratulations and good luck guys... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: djguruh on 17/11/08, 14:32
hahah akan ada kejutan dari dj aco hahahahhahahahahaha gokil dj aco kita liat aja....
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: RoniJoni on 17/11/08, 15:10
selamat ya buat 45 besar.....maju terus...!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Oki Koro on 17/11/08, 15:22
Congrats and good luck! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: wd j on 17/11/08, 15:24
 wuooooowwwwwww.... bahaya2 nich listnya... gokilllll  *tepuktangan*

goodluck to all, tingkatkan mental, tunjukan skillnya...

hajarrrr, buat jurinya geleng2 tercengang..  ;D

@ dj art

bahaya nich musiknya... waspada, weleh2...  ;D

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Embassy on 17/11/08, 16:31

selamat untuk semua kontestan,


Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Errie on 17/11/08, 16:47
selamat buat para kontestan yg lolos...  *tepuktangan*

gokil nih reihan punya bakat terpendam rupanya...  *bgs* *bgs*  congrats sob..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: nickvan on 17/11/08, 17:14
thx all buat support nya ... lets begin the journey

@rakaz , res q, adrianbeats , baba , pheotox86 :  thx for the support, i really appreciate it * ^ :) ^ *
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: vindra on 17/11/08, 17:28
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Natasya on 17/11/08, 17:53
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30
Hi all,

This year, Heineken Thirst committee recieved 116 demo tapes.
20 participants are disqualified because they either did not submit all the requirements or did not meet the age limitation.

The judges, DJ Hogi, DJ Iman dan Faried Arifin, had carefully listened and reviewed all 96 demo tapes qualified two days in a row.

And as promised, these are 45 DJs who make it to the preliminary round that will take place in Jakarta on November 18 - 20, 2008, in alphabetical order:

01. DJ Aco, Jakarta
02. DJ Adhel, Jakarta
03. DJ Adi, Yogyakarta
04. DJ Andhie, Bandung
05. DJ Ardigo, Jakarta
06. DJ Arie, Yogyakarta
07. DJ Art, Bali
08. DJ Bagus, Yogyakarta
09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
10. DJ Bima Isman, Jakarta
11. DJ Boedy 999 Records, Jakarta
12. Cristo & Teeyo, Jakarta
13. D'Soltice Duo, Jakarta
14. DJ Danny B, Bali
15. DJ David, Jakarta
16. DJ Dimitri, Yogyakarta
17. DJ Dyles, Bekasi
18. DJ Echa, Jakarta
19. DJ Endra, Yogyakarta
20. DJ Helmy, Bali
21. DJ Imbank, Jakarta
22. DJ Irvan, Surabaya
23. DJ Ivan Guih, Jakarta
24. DJ Kono, Jakarta
25. DJ Lorenz, Jakarta
26. DJ Nason, Bali
27. DJ Nickboy, Jakarta
28. DJ Nickvan, Jakarta
29. DJ Oggy, Jakarta
30. DJ Oki Koro, Jakarta
31. DJ Otsu Aiko, Jakarta
32. DJ Paul, Jakarta
33. DJ Raditz, Bandung
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
35. DJ ReJason, Jakarta
36. DJ Respati, Depok
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta
38. DJ Ri-V, Solo
39. DJ Ribon, Bogor
40. DJ Ruben, Jakarta
41. DJ Six, Jakarta
42. DJ Sonic, Sidoarjo
43. DJ Vu, Jakarta
44. DJ Yudha, Yogyakarta
45. DJ Yuri, Jakarta

Congratulations and good luck for the above.

Thank you for all who participate, wish you all the best of luck as well.

The HUNT is ON

Committee - Heineken Thirst 2008

Huaaaa ayo Echa, Ardigo,Berry,Respaty,Cristo-teeyo,nickvan, eeh ada Rutyman juga....hayooo pada berjuang yaa sayang....oh iya..aiko chan semangat yaahh...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: spinach records on 17/11/08, 18:03
Kono,Lorenz,ReJason tunjukkan kemampuan kalian...ayo kamu bisa
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: kiki^munky on 17/11/08, 18:17
Support buat semuanya ya......... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Bravo Bandung!!!  ;D  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Dimskie on 17/11/08, 18:40
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30
Hi all,

This year, Heineken Thirst committee recieved 116 demo tapes.
20 participants are disqualified because they either did not submit all the requirements or did not meet the age limitation.

The judges, DJ Hogi, DJ Iman dan Faried Arifin, had carefully listened and reviewed all 96 demo tapes qualified two days in a row.

And as promised, these are 45 DJs who make it to the preliminary round that will take place in Jakarta on November 18 - 20, 2008, in alphabetical order:

01. DJ Aco, Jakarta
02. DJ Adhel, Jakarta
03. DJ Adi, Yogyakarta
04. DJ Andhie, Bandung
05. DJ Ardigo, Jakarta
06. DJ Arie, Yogyakarta
07. DJ Art, Bali
08. DJ Bagus, Yogyakarta
09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
10. DJ Bima Isman, Jakarta
11. DJ Boedy 999 Records, Jakarta
12. Cristo & Teeyo, Jakarta
13. D'Soltice Duo, Jakarta
14. DJ Danny B, Bali
15. DJ David, Jakarta
16. DJ Dimitri, Yogyakarta
17. DJ Dyles, Bekasi
18. DJ Echa, Jakarta
19. DJ Endra, Yogyakarta
20. DJ Helmy, Bali
21. DJ Imbank, Jakarta
22. DJ Irvan, Surabaya
23. DJ Ivan Guih, Jakarta
24. DJ Kono, Jakarta
25. DJ Lorenz, Jakarta
26. DJ Nason, Bali
27. DJ Nickboy, Jakarta
28. DJ Nickvan, Jakarta
29. DJ Oggy, Jakarta
30. DJ Oki Koro, Jakarta
31. DJ Otsu Aiko, Jakarta
32. DJ Paul, Jakarta
33. DJ Raditz, Bandung
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
35. DJ ReJason, Jakarta
36. DJ Respati, Depok
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta
38. DJ Ri-V, Solo
39. DJ Ribon, Bogor
40. DJ Ruben, Jakarta
41. DJ Six, Jakarta
42. DJ Sonic, Sidoarjo
43. DJ Vu, Jakarta
44. DJ Yudha, Yogyakarta
45. DJ Yuri, Jakarta

Congratulations and good luck for the above.

Thank you for all who participate, wish you all the best of luck as well.

The HUNT is ON

Committee - Heineken Thirst 2008

Nomer 40 berat bgt tuh cinkkkk... lanjut terus Dj Ruben *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: adhievizuale on 17/11/08, 18:41
Weksssssssssssssssssss !!!
DJ ganteng Masuk....... ;D ;D

Hidup DJ Ivan Guih  ;D ;D
Hidup DJ Echaa... ;) ;)

prediksi gw : DJ Acho, DJ Echa dan DJ Ivan Guih Masuk !!!
heuehuehueuh ;D ;D

ayooo semangat !!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Gober on 17/11/08, 18:47
lo ga ikutan juga di? ngedj juga dong... :)

semoga sukses bagi yang udah masuk ke babak penyisihan.
banyak2 latian dan berdoa. sebelum tanding jangan minum krating daeng atau kopi, ntar makin gemeteran.
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: iaz_holic on 17/11/08, 19:06
wahhhh....DJ Rubenn....DJ Vu.....aq mendukungmu hhaaaa,,,,,, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
wah...hebat hebat hhee...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: wedhus on 17/11/08, 20:46
congrats all...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: LaSoya on 17/11/08, 21:49
Go...reyhan,,ruben,,nickboy,,imbank,,six,,vu,,lorenz,,semuanya... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
selamat bertanding,hehe... ;) *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: acid029 on 17/11/08, 22:35
DJ Ardigo, Jakarta
DJ Endra, Yogyakarta
DJ Dimitri, Yogyakarta

yuuuhuuuuu..... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: arya doank on 18/11/08, 01:16
Gooo....DJ Adhel,  DJ Echa, DJ Oki Koro, DJ Randy Boy n DJ sick..
Support guys... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Buat tmn2 yg dah lolos 45 besar, congrats yach.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: djp on 18/11/08, 02:26
alhamdulilah masuk... ga salah baca gw??? congrats buat yang laen  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: eric_NRG on 18/11/08, 03:00
CONGRATZ.................................. yach 2 all 45 Djs

do your Best....................
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: DJ flow on 18/11/08, 03:09
Mantab NIh udah 45 Besar... Pengen liat nih Performnya .. apalagi ada dj2 langganan kompetisi..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: MC Danz on 18/11/08, 07:01
Quote from: adhievizuale on 17/11/08, 18:41
Weksssssssssssssssssss !!!
DJ ganteng Masuk....... ;D ;D

Hidup DJ Ivan Guih  ;D ;D
Hidup DJ Echaa... ;) ;)

prediksi gw : DJ Acho, DJ Echa dan DJ Ivan Guih Masuk !!!
heuehuehueuh ;D ;D

ayooo semangat !!!

yeeeiiii,..ikutan bg adhie ah...support bg DJ Aco  *bgs* hihihihi

ayooo DJ Ivan Guih.. *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: humzie on 18/11/08, 07:35
asiikk ada RandyBoy....

maju terus sob...  *bgs*

bikin berantakan dahhhh  *piss*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: riekkon on 18/11/08, 10:20
congratulation to 45 finalist, support all of you..

@ cristo & teeyo, nickvan, ardigo yada, dimitri : give your best dude
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: DeWa on 18/11/08, 12:25
Selamat bwt semua yg udah lolos....

semangat semuanya....

DJ Dimitri>>>>>BAHAYA......Hehehehe

Maju terus JOGJA.... aku padamu....

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: achosarap on 18/11/08, 12:38
dj paul,ivan guih n dj aco majuu teruussss huehuehuehe

@guruh,adhi,danz and ivan guih helooooo huehuehuehue
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Vixen* on 18/11/08, 13:11
congratz all,,, maju terus guy's...;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Teeyo on 18/11/08, 14:55
many thx for  support guys.. i'll do ma best :)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: BLACKmafia on 18/11/08, 16:26
Quote from: eric_NRG on 18/11/08, 03:00
CONGRATZ.................................. yach 2 all 45 Djs

do your Best....................

lho katanya ikut mas?
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: MC Danz on 18/11/08, 21:12
Quote from: achosarap on 18/11/08, 12:38
dj paul,ivan guih n dj aco majuu teruussss huehuehuehe

@guruh,adhi,danz and ivan guih helooooo huehuehuehue

hello jg!!! ini bg acho yg beneran atau yg a.k.a yahh??!! hahahaah  ;D

*tepuktangan* SUCCES 4 HEINEKENTHIRST!!!  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: mantili on 18/11/08, 22:46
vote for DIMITRI (YOGYAKARTA)....rocksss !!!!!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: trancebeatz on 18/11/08, 23:27
Quote from: mantili on 18/11/08, 22:46
vote for DIMITRI (YOGYAKARTA)....rocksss !!!!!!
SETUJU!!!....gud luck dimitri!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: opik_ER on 19/11/08, 00:23
ikut support buat

dimas aka dimitri yogyakarta

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Beyzade on 19/11/08, 12:22
Reyhan ?? diem2 ni rey ga taunya masuk 45 besar

Good luck yeee my friend ..
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: walasok on 19/11/08, 14:01
temen2 dari jogja..

ora sah wedi, ora sah ndredeg.. show them what you are made of.. ;)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: beyb on 19/11/08, 14:07
rehan, randy, berry, six lolos..

siapa lg yg laen??

congrats guysss!! *tepuktangan* *bgs* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Gober on 19/11/08, 14:09
Hari kedua ... dimualai...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: club2club on 19/11/08, 14:25
si reyhan bilangnya waktu itu ngirimnya taon depan aja ga taunya udh colongan taon ini..good luck bro!  *bgs*

Astari ga lolos nih ?  :P ;D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: acid029 on 19/11/08, 15:02
Quote from: walasok on 19/11/08, 14:01
temen2 dari jogja..

ora sah wedi, ora sah ndredeg.. show them what you are made of.. ;)

kekekekkeee...bener banget tex...tetep FOKUS... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: guih on 19/11/08, 16:11
Quote from: Dekra on 17/11/08, 14:01
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30
23. DJ Ivan Guih, Jakarta
09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta
41. DJ Six, Jakarta

Congratulations and good luck guys... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Thanks Bro!! Doain yah
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: raphael on 19/11/08, 17:47
dimitri, ardigo, yudha, ri-V, hajarrr bleehhh ... gut lak
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: LosTSisKa on 19/11/08, 18:10
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30

16. DJ Dimitri, Yogyakarta
38. DJ Ri-V, Solo
44. DJ Yudha, Yogyakarta

keep support ! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* , semangat yak!...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: White^^Horse on 19/11/08, 22:54
support local dj.....
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 19/11/08, 23:30
Quote from: ouch on 16/11/08, 21:30

09. DJ Berry, Jakarta
28. DJ Nickvan, Jakarta
34. DJ RandyBoy, Jakarta
37. DJ Reyhan, Jakarta

goodluck me mates :)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: flab on 19/11/08, 23:30
berry....six....ribon....congrats and sukses ya joooo!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: torcha on 19/11/08, 23:39
38. DJ Ri-V, Solo  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs* sukses bro !

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: adhievizuale on 20/11/08, 02:44
@paman gober
engga ah sob...DJ dah banyak banget....lg sayah engga model jadi DJ, mau jadi MOdel aje..heuheuheu

heuheuheuhue...mana nih DJ Makassar kok kaga ikutan......mizz u bro...ke jkt dunk..

AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Dejay...ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..., dejay Ivan Guih2...dan dejay echaaaa.....HAJAR BLEH !!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: guih on 20/11/08, 03:12
Quote from: adhievizuale on 20/11/08, 02:44
@paman gober
engga ah sob...DJ dah banyak banget....lg sayah engga model jadi DJ, mau jadi MOdel aje..heuheuheu

heuheuheuhue...mana nih DJ Makassar kok kaga ikutan......mizz u bro...ke jkt dunk..

AYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Dejay...ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..., dejay Ivan Guih2...dan dejay echaaaa.....HAJAR BLEH !!!

si achosarap di jakarta lagi bang kemaren ketemu di indika. Dah 2 minggu tp ga nongol2 ke komando station... Payah gila...

Mohon doanya aje ye abang...
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: guih on 20/11/08, 03:19
Quote from: achosarap on 18/11/08, 12:38
dj paul,ivan guih n dj aco majuu teruussss huehuehuehe

@guruh,adhi,danz and ivan guih helooooo huehuehuehue

helooo BRO!!! ditunggu kehadiranmu di tempat langganan... (maksudnya??)
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 20/11/08, 08:46
wah ternyata lumayan banyak juga tuh ada beberapa nama yang taun lalu ikutan,
trus skarang ikutan lagi dan masuk 45 besar !!

good luck ya boookkk,,,, *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: iNsideR on 20/11/08, 11:18
yang dari jogja tuh ENDRA sapa yak? baru tau.

btw good luck bwt semua yang kepilih.

*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: dev_16bit on 20/11/08, 12:27
@ Chisto,Teeyo,Nickvan....:ayo kalian pasti bisa.. big support buat kalian, do the Best guys *tepuktangan**tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ Reyhan : Jadi DJ skrang..ga nyangka... :D  Support *tepuktangan*

@ Randyboy : Support bro...  *piss**tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 20/11/08, 13:17
@all : thx alot.. gw jg ga nyangka bisa sampai sini.. :) thx supportnya :'( :'(

gw udah lakukan yang terbaik di penjurian.. semoga keberuntungan tetep bersama gw :)

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Vestax on 20/11/08, 13:34
dah hari ketiga aja neh... penasaran siapa aja yg lolos...

ayooo semangaatttttt... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: acid029 on 20/11/08, 14:02
Quote from: iNsideR on 20/11/08, 11:18
yang dari jogja tuh ENDRA sapa yak? baru tau.

btw good luck bwt semua yang kepilih.

*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

silahkan di cek kesini :   http://www.myspace.com/endradjawanai   
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Funk on 20/11/08, 14:03
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* Otsu Aiko, Paul, Ruben  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: dgital3xy on 20/11/08, 14:49
Quote from: walasok on 19/11/08, 14:01
temen2 dari jogja..

ora sah wedi, ora sah ndredeg.. show them what you are made of.. ;)

monggo dipun support konco-konco ............... u RAWK !!!
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ano08 on 20/11/08, 15:14
for all sukses ya........
eh ya David ntu yang david trinity bukan ya????
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Vixen* on 20/11/08, 19:03
Siapa aja nih yg lolos ??? hehe2x... ;D
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: ouch on 20/11/08, 19:33
from 96, to 45, to 12.
the semifinalists will be contacted via email and phone the latest by tomorrow morning.

all 45 djs had shown their talent and quality as a good DJ

good luck to all!

Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: colis on 20/11/08, 20:09
feeling gue sih kira2 : echa,oki,reyhan,dimitri,cristo,endra,ruben,adhel dan lain lain....
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: diskoboy on 20/11/08, 23:22
penasaran nich siapa aje yg lolos??ada reportnya kagak yahh  ;D ;D

anyway support dah buat yang lolos  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: 45 DJs to meet the judges @ preliminary round of Heineken Thirst 2008
Post by: Natasya on 20/11/08, 23:38
Hasilnya dong...penasaran amataaann
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