
Special Board => 2008 => Special Event Archive => Heineken Thirst 2008 => Topic started by: ouch on 20/11/08, 23:48

Title: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 20/11/08, 23:48
Hi all,

44 DJs shows their best in front of the judges on 18 -20 November 2008.
1 candidate failed to show up at the preliminary round.
They have shown their skill and quality as a good DJs.

These are the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal in alphabetical order in the semifinal (HEAT) schedule:

Heat 1
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Barcode, Codefin Building, Kemang
10 PM onward

1. DJ Bagus (Yogyakarta)
2. DJ Irvan (Surabaya)
3. DJ Ri-V (Solo)

Heat 2
Friday, 5 December 2008
Blowfish, Surabaya
10 PM onward

1. DJ Adhel (Jakarta)
2. DJ Kono (Jakarta)
3. DJ Oki Koro (Jakarta)

Heat 3
Friday, 12 December 2008
Ocean Beach Club, Bali
11 PM onward

1. DJ Arie (Yogyakarta)
2. DJ Ivan Guih (Jakarta)
3. DJ Ruben (Jakarta)

Heat 4
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Mansion Club, PvJ, Bandung
10 PM onward

1. DJ Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
2. DJ Sonic (Sidoarjo)
3. DJ Vu (Jakarta)

Good luck to all. It's time to shine!

Heineken Thirst 2008
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Gober on 20/11/08, 23:52
Congratulations to all the semifinalist!!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: colis on 20/11/08, 23:53
Adheeeeelll.... mantabb sekali kamu
Oki Koro.... ayo kamu bisaaaa....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bless the child on 20/11/08, 23:55
congratss to all..give ur best..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: oneglove on 20/11/08, 23:56
Hebat2 yah mreka?

Suatu harh nanti , pasti..

Gudluck brota n sista

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Natasya on 20/11/08, 23:58
wwaawww selamat ya guyss...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Mentha on 21/11/08, 00:01
congrats to the semifinalist.. may the best win  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dree_ on 21/11/08, 00:04
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: wd j on 21/11/08, 00:06
 congratulations to all..

keren2, saluteeeee....


@ kono

akhirnya sob, congrats yah

makin kon aja nich nanti....  ;D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: djguruh on 21/11/08, 00:28
waa ivan guih goes to semifinal congratsssss buat yang lain congrats jg
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: okyhard on 21/11/08, 00:35
selamat ya guys....
semua keren-keren
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adhievizuale on 21/11/08, 00:37

maju terussssssssssssss...pantang mundur
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: popeye on 21/11/08, 00:53
  congratz to all semi finalist..... *bgs* *bgs*

  @ vu..maju trus bro..  ;D

  buat yg laen juga.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

give the best.... *bgs* *bgs*

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: chiefy on 21/11/08, 01:14
HohoO.. Congratz yuUph!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: r3ndy on 21/11/08, 01:39
gila lo sob...sukses

mangstab sobb....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: randybotak on 21/11/08, 02:07
Ruben, Vu, Oki koro !! great guysss!!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 21/11/08, 02:33
wah yang lolos hebat2 :o

memang menunjukkan kelas nya *bgs*

gut luck guys *tepuktangan* may the best win :)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: vindra on 21/11/08, 02:42

anyway, support to all !!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Teeyo on 21/11/08, 03:05
congrats to all semifinalis ..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: MC Rez_Q on 21/11/08, 03:13
Congratz to all the semifinalis,keep it up guyz you can do it....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Faaro on 21/11/08, 03:25
Gokil...congratz buat semifinalist...hayo gokil - gokilan
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: nickvan on 21/11/08, 03:45
congratz buat semua nya  *bgs* *bgs*

@kono , oki koro , ruben , vu : teruskan perjuangan mu  ;)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: vinodii on 21/11/08, 03:53
Wew congratz ya semuaa...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: MC Danz on 21/11/08, 04:00
 *tepuktangan* WEW!! CONGRATZ TO ALL SEMIFINALIST!!  *tepuktangan*

iVAN gUIH!! terus rajin berlatih ya!!  *bgs*

Succes 4 all heineken thirst semifinalist 2008
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: cristo on 21/11/08, 04:20
congratulation to all semifinalist..

Kono, Oki Koro emang gokil banget kemaren maennya... very nice talent
Support you guys..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 21/11/08, 04:24
Quote from: MC Danz on 21/11/08, 04:00
*tepuktangan* WEW!! CONGRATZ TO ALL SEMIFINALIST!!  *tepuktangan*

iVAN gUIH!! terus rajin berlatih ya!!  *bgs*

Succes 4 all heineken thirst semifinalist 2008

siap brother... brgkt kt ke Bali
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 21/11/08, 04:27
Quote from: djguruh on 21/11/08, 00:28
waa ivan guih goes to semifinal congratsssss buat yang lain congrats jg
Quote from: adhievizuale on 21/11/08, 00:37

maju terussssssssssssss...pantang mundur

Thanks abang2 without you guys i cant do anything....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: babyd on 21/11/08, 08:08
gw tnton d sby..jauh2de
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Insomnia Beat on 21/11/08, 08:16
Congratz for All Semifinalist *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: beyb on 21/11/08, 08:27
waaw, congrats to all semifinalist! *tepuktangan*

sialan, gw dboongin randy dong.. :-\
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: torcha on 21/11/08, 08:41
congratz to all semifinalist  *bgs* .. and go ri-v .... hehehehehe its getting hotter  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: starguitar7 on 21/11/08, 08:47
congratz ya to all the semifinalist..

utk teacher oki koro..!! semangat terus ya..
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dekra on 21/11/08, 08:50
Congratz to all semifinalist!!! 

Good luck man...
*tepuktangan* 2. DJ Ivan Guih (Jakarta) *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dedoSixteen on 21/11/08, 09:34
VU, RUBEN, SENOR KORO all the way !!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: phetox86 on 21/11/08, 10:21
 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

mannttaabbb semifinalistnya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

adhel2....smangat yah bu!!
yg lainnya....manntttaaabbzzzzz *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: kc on 21/11/08, 10:25
selameeeeeett.. selameeeeeeeeeettt..

ahhh pas banget heat 3 lagi di bali.. ahahah ketemu disana yaaaa.. ihiiiyyy..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bimzkee on 21/11/08, 10:31
congrats to all...
may the best wins!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: deefoundation on 21/11/08, 10:37
 Congratz ya guys.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
(Vu, Ruben, Oki Koro, Ivan Guih)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Vestax on 21/11/08, 10:48
Hajar terus Dj VU & Ruben !!!!!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adheel17 on 21/11/08, 10:54
makasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih mas coliiiisss hehehehehehehehe......gk nyangka msk semifinalist.....amiiiien
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Kono on 21/11/08, 11:16
@ wd j
thx ya dj wendang..akhirnya ya...he he he...support ya sobb..  :) :)

congrats & gudluck ya buat semua yg lolos juga  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ßßßÍ
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dimskie on 21/11/08, 11:22
Congratz to all ;)

@Vu  = wah traktir gratis nih harus.. ahahah2x... :D :D :D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: chestertoon on 21/11/08, 11:35
congrats t all of u guys *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: novaboi on 21/11/08, 11:36
Heat 1
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Barcode, Codefin Building, Kemang
10 PM onward

1. DJ Bagus (Yogyakarta)
2. DJ Irvan (Surabaya)
3. DJ Ri-V (Solo)

Wedewwww Ri-V.....Salute *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: spinach records on 21/11/08, 11:54
buat kono ku tersayang, teruskan perjuangan mu nak dan jangan lupa taruhannya ya 100 rb hahahaha
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Kono on 21/11/08, 12:31
Quote from: spinach records on 21/11/08, 11:54
buat kono ku tersayang, teruskan perjuangan mu nak dan jangan lupa taruhannya ya 100 rb hahahaha
hehehe support ya om rere..a.k.a dj reggy    :D :D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: luthfi on 21/11/08, 12:35
yow congrats !

okikoro maju terus
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: raphael on 21/11/08, 12:41
ri-V.... gut lack forever... wooyyoooooo *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: LosTSisKa on 21/11/08, 12:43

hahhahhahaa,..R-Vi woooooyoooooooooooo.....bener tho sms semalem?..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Vixen* on 21/11/08, 12:53
Sukses buat ruben & Vu,,, ;)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 21/11/08, 13:03
Quote from: LosTSisKa on 21/11/08, 12:43

hahhahhahaa,..R-Vi woooooyoooooooooooo.....bener tho sms semalem?..

ada yg gak percaya toooohhhh???

berarti congratulation note nya kurang meyakinkan ya???
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 21/11/08, 13:42
Quote from: Dekra on 21/11/08, 08:50
Congratz to all semifinalist!!! 

Good luck man...
*tepuktangan* 2. DJ Ivan Guih (Jakarta) *tepuktangan*

thanks once again Dek... Doain yakk....  :) :)

Quote from: deefoundation on 21/11/08, 10:37
Congratz ya guys.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
(Vu, Ruben, Oki Koro, Ivan Guih)  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

thank u bro... gud luck juga ntar di KL....  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: joey_30 on 21/11/08, 13:44
congrats to all semifinalists...

irfan, sonic, rivi.... congrats ya guys.... sukses d semifinal... ;)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Oki Koro on 21/11/08, 13:47

Thank you all for the support!!

Good luck to all semifinalists!!

:) :) :)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 21/11/08, 14:13
Meet the semifinalists  :)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 21/11/08, 14:14
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 21/11/08, 14:14
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 21/11/08, 14:15
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ICAL BH on 21/11/08, 14:17
yeah oki koro...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: osha on 21/11/08, 14:32
congratzz guyss...
otsu keep moving....

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: DJ Deny on 21/11/08, 14:33
good luck for the next level guys  *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: reza r on 21/11/08, 14:37
wow...udh keluar ya...yah ga msk kli ini,,,:'( :'(..support buat smua semifinalist...gudluck guys
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: EjhaNine on 21/11/08, 14:48
Fully support buat Ruben,Vu,Otsu aiko,Ivan guih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
yg lain goki2l juga... salutee... *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 21/11/08, 15:34
Quote from: EjhaNine on 21/11/08, 14:48
Fully support buat Ruben,Vu,Otsu aiko,Ivan guih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
yg lain goki2l juga... salutee... *bgs* *bgs*

Thanks Bro...........  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: novaboi on 21/11/08, 16:06
Quote from: joey_30 on 21/11/08, 13:44
congrats to all semifinalists...

irfan, sonic, rivi.... congrats ya guys.... sukses d semifinal... ;)

Sukses Yo Soooobbbb....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: RUMUS on 21/11/08, 16:22

TO ALL SEMIFINALS.... *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

SPECIALLY TO RUBEN & VU... *bgs* *bgs*

*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*


Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Teeyo on 21/11/08, 17:57
Oki Koro... support brooo
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: discoterror on 21/11/08, 18:02
 *bgs* *bgs* Congrat for all semifinalist!, especially For Irvan & Sonic....ayo rek maju terus! caiyo!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: popshell on 21/11/08, 18:19
kalo saya tuh yaaaa ...... DJ VUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU dooooonnnggggg aaaaaaaakkkkkhhhhh

bidiipp piiiipppppp ...

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Robbie on 21/11/08, 18:36
congratz to all semi finalis  *bgs*

otsu cayooo  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 21/11/08, 19:00
wah Otsu masuk semifinal!!


salute pada mu Tsuuuu!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: wedhus on 21/11/08, 23:39
congrats to all....
jogjakarta gk kebagian heat nya ya...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: anggarez on 22/11/08, 00:20
selamat ya
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: LaSoya on 22/11/08, 00:23
congratz to all semifinalist

Vu & Ruben...sukses terus bro... *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 22/11/08, 00:34
congratz and good luck
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bullebali on 22/11/08, 01:51
Quote from: wedhus on 21/11/08, 23:39
congrats to all....
jogjakarta gk kebagian heat nya ya...
Si Arie Jogja tuh.. tapi di Heat Bali ya..
Sukses deh..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: VageeL on 22/11/08, 01:53
selamat yg telah lolos dr semifinalist...

semoga menjadi yg terbaik selalu...

good luck guys
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: utha_greatz on 22/11/08, 02:44
good luck guys..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: FreddieThe13th on 22/11/08, 03:17
selamat ... selamat ...  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: deefoundation on 22/11/08, 04:21
 @ DJ Adhel : hayo kamu bisa...!!  :)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: uchabanget on 22/11/08, 06:09
VU, KONO, RUBEN, maju terus..... keep on spining and rock the floor guys... CHAIOOOOOOO
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dedoSixteen on 22/11/08, 09:13
setaun yang lalu DJ VU sebagai supporternya mas pur !! sekarang doi ada di semifinalist !!

perjuangan dit perjuangan, inget tulisan gw di papan tulisnya ilap? you gonna be no. 1 mate !!

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: applestereo on 22/11/08, 09:38
Quote from: joey_30 on 21/11/08, 13:44
congrats to all semifinalists...

irfan, sonic, rivi.... congrats ya guys.... sukses d semifinal... ;)

Waaaww thnx yaa broooo...

Quote from: discoterror on 21/11/08, 18:02
*bgs* *bgs* Congrat for all semifinalist!, especially For Irvan & Sonic....ayo rek maju terus! caiyo!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Abaaaannngggggg... berkat dirimuuuuuuuuuuuu......
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: DJFoo on 22/11/08, 10:58
Mantaaabbbb. . .
Semangat Brooo .  . . .   *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Kono on 22/11/08, 12:08
Quote from: uchabanget on 22/11/08, 06:09
VU, KONO, RUBEN, maju terus..... keep on spining and rock the floor guys... CHAIOOOOOOO
thx mc ucha..:)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: nightwolf on 22/11/08, 13:00
Adit Vu - Ruben - Kono..show them ur best brothers..!!!  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: iNsideR on 22/11/08, 13:45
congratulation for all....

keep the good work
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Gober on 22/11/08, 16:19
special congratz to Adhel...

gua bilang juga apa, cewe ga kalah ama cowo. mudah2an lo bakal jadi juara heineken cewe pertama...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: walasok on 22/11/08, 17:21
good luck for arie & irvan.. :)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 22/11/08, 17:34
Quote from: Gober on 22/11/08, 16:19
special congratz to Adhel...

gua bilang juga apa, cewe ga kalah ama cowo. mudah2an lo bakal jadi juara heineken cewe pertama...
cah, emang palbis lu ber
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dj russ on 22/11/08, 18:16
Congratulation 4 all.... *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: C_Bow on 22/11/08, 21:28
 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

bwt otzu....selamat ya?????
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: DiM DiM on 22/11/08, 22:32
support for all semifinalist... good luck.. ^__^
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bLacK daMAN! on 22/11/08, 22:35
support bt irvan groove inc srby!
*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
keep improving..

para pramugari mendoakanmu jg sobb :P
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: sssiiixxx on 22/11/08, 23:51
selamat ya buat 12 semifinalist...heeheee....

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: gary wi on 23/11/08, 00:54
guiihhh!!! lanjuttt!!!...hahahaha..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 23/11/08, 01:16
Thanks yah pak.... Siap!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: imbank!! on 23/11/08, 01:37
van, vu, ben conratz yo
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 23/11/08, 03:35

Thx for the support guy's.. i'll do my best in the semifinal.. *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Gober on 23/11/08, 05:18
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 22/11/08, 17:34
Quote from: Gober on 22/11/08, 16:19
special congratz to Adhel...

gua bilang juga apa, cewe ga kalah ama cowo. mudah2an lo bakal jadi juara heineken cewe pertama...
cah, emang palbis lu ber

*sht* *sht* *sht* ngasih semangat kok ga bole...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adheel17 on 23/11/08, 09:38
ya ampuuuunn thx bgd paman gobeeeeeeerrrrrr hehehehehe....waaaahhhh gk mgkinlaaaahhhh masi byk yg lebi jago2 skiiilllnya hikx....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: titosimon on 23/11/08, 12:57
congrats for irvan & sonic.. cihuuuuyyyy...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dj yuko on 23/11/08, 13:00
DJ otsu AM is the bestttt ... ;)
sukses beibz ....... ~,^
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Bhokero on 23/11/08, 13:34
wah...baru sempet baca semifinalistnya.... keren2....

Oki koro.... ure the man!! I bet on u bro.... godspeed.

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: boele 25hours on 23/11/08, 13:38
otsu mantaps
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: randybotak on 23/11/08, 13:54
oki is HOUSE MAN !!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: randybotak on 23/11/08, 13:55
oki is HOUSE MAN !!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: RyoKha on 23/11/08, 14:47
wah baru liat....

selamat buat peserta

JOGJA ada yang WAKILIN LAGI nihhhh...........wuuiihhhh
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Oki Koro on 23/11/08, 15:42
Guys... thanks once again for your support, will do my best!!!!! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJACKIN!!!!!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: D33 7/24 on 23/11/08, 15:53
 KONO  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Reds on 23/11/08, 15:59
Cuwanggeh,,, Gratz to semifinalist !!  *bgs* Go Heineken Thirst 2008. Gak sabar nunggu siapa jawaranya.  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 23/11/08, 16:03
Guys...for all people yg udah support me until today..trimz berrattttt....
mohon doanya buat semifinal yha....Deg2an abissssss..hehehhe....

:) :) :) ;) ;) ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: MC Danz on 23/11/08, 18:52
keep oN MOViN  *tepuktangan* OTSU AIKO!! *tepuktangan*  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dimskie on 23/11/08, 20:44
Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 23/11/08, 03:35

Thx for the support guy's.. i'll do my best in the semifinal.. *bgs*

Woyyyyy utang satu lo yeeeee.. huwakakakkakaak ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 23/11/08, 21:56
Quote from: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 23/11/08, 16:03
Guys...for all people yg udah support me until today..trimz berrattttt....
mohon doanya buat semifinal yha....Deg2an abissssss..hehehhe....

:) :) :) ;) ;) ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

akhirnya join rvlx jg km!


klo menang jng sombong ya 8)
chihuahua  *piss* *tepuktangan*

di antoz di bdg ;)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: club2club on 23/11/08, 22:20
ga seru ahhh..temen-temen maen futsal gw ga ada yang tembus.... :P

;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 24/11/08, 02:21
otsu & adhel... go make history...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: didi 1945mf on 24/11/08, 08:52
hebat2 nih... Support ya buat semua nya.. Transparan dan jujur itu penting dalam event seperti ini...
Love u...

@Sam lo harus semangat sam yaaa.... Heheheheee
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 12:03
Quote from: ¯­°·º· Dj R'AngeL ·º·°¯ on 23/11/08, 21:56
Quote from: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 23/11/08, 16:03
Guys...for all people yg udah support me until today..trimz berrattttt....
mohon doanya buat semifinal yha....Deg2an abissssss..hehehhe....

:) :) :) ;) ;) ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

akhirnya join rvlx jg km!


klo menang jng sombong ya 8)
chihuahua  *piss* *tepuktangan*

di antoz di bdg ;)

Trims yha RRaa.....hehehehe...nti pas semi final kan kbagiannya di bdg...di mansion tgl 20 december...dateng yha.... :):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 12:04
Quote from: guih on 24/11/08, 02:21
otsu & adhel... go make history...

And u too.. gambatte ne! ivan guihhhhh...hehehehehe....kita sami2 berjuangnya atuh akang....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 12:06
Quote from: MC Danz on 23/11/08, 18:52
keep oN MOViN  *tepuktangan* OTSU AIKO!! *tepuktangan*  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

TRimzzzz doain yha..... nervouse berratttt...hehehehe...

Gambatte ne!~

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 12:08
Quote from: dj yuko on 23/11/08, 13:00
DJ otsu AM is the bestttt ... ;)
sukses beibz ....... ~,^

doaIN yha bebz.....
god bless.....
xowy yg soal jadwal theraphy..akunya blum sempet..lagi ribet bgd..pkoknya aku pasti bantu..sebisa ku ya sayang..laf uuuu...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 12:11
Quote from: boele 25hours on 23/11/08, 13:38
otsu mantaps

Nuhhun pissannnn..hehehehe..
trims..and doain yha...:):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: applestereo on 24/11/08, 12:45
Quote from: titosimon on 23/11/08, 12:57
congrats for irvan & sonic.. cihuuuuyyyy...
Waaaaaahh Thx Tiesto Simon....
And to all Thnx yaaaaa...
4 Another Semifinalist... congratz yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Rakaz on 24/11/08, 12:47
Congrat for All semifinalist

seinget gw..baru kali ini ada semifinalis female dj.....salut!!!
you go girl!!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: 7 on 24/11/08, 13:19
Oki Koro *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 24/11/08, 13:23
Quote from: Rakaz on 24/11/08, 12:47
Congrat for All semifinalist

seinget gw..baru kali ini ada semifinalis female dj.....salut!!!
you go girl!!!

thn lalu DJ Resty satu2nya semifinalis cewek.
jgn dilupain dong :p
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 24/11/08, 13:50
@miss Otsu Aiko : Siap atuh neng...
You can make it!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 14:57
Quote from: guih on 24/11/08, 13:50
@miss Otsu Aiko : Siap atuh neng...
You can make it!!

And u too dear...u can make it as always.. :):):):):)
Gambatte ne!~guihhhh...:):):):):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:16
Quote from: osha on 21/11/08, 14:32
congratzz guyss...
otsu keep moving....

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
trimz osha......:):):) doain yha....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:20
Quote from: EjhaNine on 21/11/08, 14:48
Fully support buat Ruben,Vu,Otsu aiko,Ivan guih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
yg lain goki2l juga... salutee... *bgs* *bgs*

Ejhaaa......doakan saia..dan bagi2 ilmu lha klo sempet..hehehehehehe....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:22
Quote from: Robbie on 21/11/08, 18:36
congratz to all semi finalis  *bgs*

otsu cayooo  *tepuktangan*

Robbie...trimssss...yha darl.....doain bgd ya...:)pokok'e..hiduup tranceeeeee!!!!hehehehehehe.....:):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:26
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 22/11/08, 09:13
setaun yang lalu DJ VU sebagai supporternya mas pur !! sekarang doi ada di semifinalist !!

perjuangan dit perjuangan, inget tulisan gw di papan tulisnya ilap? you gonna be no. 1 mate !!


DJ OT????
itu maksudnya sopo toh??me???hehehehehehe :):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:28
Quote from: C_Bow on 22/11/08, 21:28
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

bwt otzu....selamat ya?????

C-BoW...Trimzzzz yhaaaaaaa.................doain yha..dtg dumz pas semifinal..hehehehehe....
GOD Bless..... :):):):):):):):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ouch on 24/11/08, 15:33
To know a bit more about this year semifinalists, visit www.heinekenthirstindonesia.com
click semifinalist's pictures on the competition for their info and listen to their demo tape
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 24/11/08, 17:01
Quote from: didi 1945mf on 24/11/08, 08:52
hebat2 nih... Support ya buat semua nya.. Transparan dan jujur itu penting dalam event seperti ini...
Love u...

@Sam lo harus semangat sam yaaa.... Heheheheee

Siap sam !!! ayoo semangat semua'nyaaaa.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adhievizuale on 24/11/08, 17:21
comment ah  ;D :

sepertinya jurinya maknyoss...tahu yg jago2 kudu main di mana... ;D ;D
kalau di liat dari komposisi heat yg paling panas adalah heat 3 di bali  ;D ;D
karena aslie ini jago2 semua...(menurut gw)  ;D

arie - jago live panya, semua jurusan dia main
guih - jago mancing penonton, progressive, house dll..
ruben - jago ngemixnya

sapa yach...binun...tapi gw tetep support IVAN GUIH !!!
HAJAR BLAY !!! santai kaya di kemang... ;D ;D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Inconnue on 24/11/08, 18:22
wahhh telat nihh gw....maju terus kudeeeelllllsss......let the force be with you.

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adheel17 on 24/11/08, 19:59
thx ajooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyy.....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dedoSixteen on 24/11/08, 20:10
Quote from: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 24/11/08, 15:26
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 22/11/08, 09:13
setaun yang lalu DJ VU sebagai supporternya mas pur !! sekarang doi ada di semifinalist !!

perjuangan dit perjuangan, inget tulisan gw di papan tulisnya ilap? you gonna be no. 1 mate !!


DJ OT????
itu maksudnya sopo toh??me???hehehehehehe :):):)

hahaha bukan OT itu alteregonya si DJ VU !!! hahaha, tanya aja klo ketemu adit, disuruh OT sama dedo !! hihihi
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 24/11/08, 21:23
Quote from: adhievizuale on 24/11/08, 17:21
comment ah  ;D :

sepertinya jurinya maknyoss...tahu yg jago2 kudu main di mana... ;D ;D
kalau di liat dari komposisi heat yg paling panas adalah heat 3 di bali  ;D ;D
karena aslie ini jago2 semua...(menurut gw)  ;D

arie - jago live panya, semua jurusan dia main
guih - jago mancing penonton, progressive, house dll..
ruben - jago ngemixnya

sapa yach...binun...tapi gw tetep support IVAN GUIH !!!
HAJAR BLAY !!! santai kaya di kemang... ;
Quote from: SUNSHINE on 24/11/08, 17:33
Quote from: adhievizuale on 24/11/08, 17:21
comment ah  ;D :

sepertinya jurinya maknyoss...tahu yg jago2 kudu main di mana... ;D ;D
kalau di liat dari komposisi heat yg paling panas adalah heat 3 di bali  ;D ;D
karena aslie ini jago2 semua...(menurut gw)  ;D

arie - jago live panya, semua jurusan dia main
guih - jago mancing penonton, progressive, house dll..
ruben - jago ngemixnya

sapa yach...binun...tapi gw tetep support IVAN GUIH !!!
HAJAR BLAY !!! santai kaya di kemang... ;D ;D

Benernya kurang tuh dhie, tambah lagi gw he he he  Jago Kampanye hie eu e
D ;D

mari kita saling quote2an hahahahahaha.........
Diusahakan santai dan serileks2nya....
@Sunshine: gw mau dong ikutan berpolitik... Gmn caranya???
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: toby on 25/11/08, 00:38
asik hunting deejay nih...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: anko on 25/11/08, 00:40
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: pierre_frederick on 25/11/08, 07:56
Good luck in the semifinals....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: White^^Horse on 25/11/08, 15:20
support bwt mas oki koro aja deh.

semoga juara ya mas....

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: wd j on 25/11/08, 16:25

persaingan ketat nich... *bgs*

masing2 heat sama beratnya.. layak utk diliat nich semuanya...

lets see who's the best from the best...

goodluck guys  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: adheel17 on 25/11/08, 21:21
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaa jago2 smuaaaaaaaaaa makiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn deg2an ajh hikx.......
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Oki Koro on 26/11/08, 13:44
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dj ungu on 26/11/08, 14:45
gokil nih om oki koro. support !! we are the house heads !!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 26/11/08, 15:45
Guiiiih.....bebiiii...semangat yha..!!chayoo dear.. itrust u can do'in well... ;D
buat semuanya...semangta juga yha..mari kita fight bersamo...hehehehehe...
;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Gober on 26/11/08, 15:51
buat yang mau dengerin gimana 12 semifinalis mainnya. klik foto mereka di halaman competition di www.heinekenthirstindonesia.com

nanti keluar popup didalemnya ada demo masing masing...
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 26/11/08, 16:03
Quote from: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 26/11/08, 15:45
Guiiiih.....bebiiii...semangat yha..!!chayoo dear.. itrust u can do'in well... ;D
buat semuanya...semangta juga yha..mari kita fight bersamo...hehehehehe...
;) ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *piss* *piss* *piss*

Thanks my dear........ And you too.. Keep on practicing... & Go trance up Bandung.... Go, go, go!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: down on 26/11/08, 16:53
 8) hebaaattttt...

anda layak dpt bintang... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: RoniJoni on 27/11/08, 13:40
sukses ya buat para semi finalis...cool..!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: mazday on 27/11/08, 19:04
Congrats to all finalist!!

Goodluck Otsu, Vu, and Ruben..!!!
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 03/12/08, 22:09
Quote from: mazday on 27/11/08, 19:04
Congrats to all finalist!!

Goodluck Otsu, Vu, and Ruben..!!!

Trimz Romeooo..mohon doa restunya yhaaa..... :):):)
ikut aja k bdg.....hehehehehe......:):):)
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: JakClubbers_Media on 03/12/08, 23:59
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan* OTSU AIKO ANDINIMIZUTANI *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Robby Ventura on 04/12/08, 19:49
Best support for DJ Ivan Guih...

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: guih on 04/12/08, 22:45
Quote from: Robby Ventura on 04/12/08, 19:49
Best support for DJ Ivan Guih...


thanks man!! dah eksis aja nih di ravelex...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 07/12/08, 18:50
Quote from: JakClubbers_Media on 03/12/08, 23:59
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan* OTSU AIKO ANDINIMIZUTANI *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Bebeb..oon bgd deh..itu nama aku,,jgn di satuin gt nulisnya..adoooooooooohhh....
kan harusnya Otsu Aiko Andini Mizutani tauuuuuuuuuuuuu....ckckckckckck... >:(

beb..trimz for always support me in good time and bad time... :-* :-* :-* *piss* ;D
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: JakClubbers_Media on 09/12/08, 18:56
Quote from: Otsu Aiko Mizutani on 07/12/08, 18:50
Quote from: JakClubbers_Media on 03/12/08, 23:59
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan* OTSU AIKO ANDINIMIZUTANI *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Bebeb..oon bgd deh..itu nama aku,,jgn di satuin gt nulisnya..adoooooooooohhh....
kan harusnya Otsu Aiko Andini Mizutani tauuuuuuuuuuuuu....ckckckckckck... >:(

beb..trimz for always support me in good time and bad time... :-* :-* :-* *piss* ;D

it's my job to support you dear  (muach) uhm .. sori bau mulut bis makan salad extra pete'
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: White^^Horse on 09/12/08, 21:05
gokil jagoan gw msk final.....

sukses ya mas oki koro.....
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: ilham on 10/12/08, 15:49
vu ( filter funk ) finish the game bro....!!!!!

Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: swing on 15/12/08, 12:47
support 4 adhel...

maju incon
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: dinar on 19/12/08, 17:46
OTSU AIKO good luck yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: boele 25hours on 21/12/08, 17:17
Congratz for VU
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bumy on 24/12/08, 19:06
maju trs inconnue..
full suport from mustica
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: bumy on 24/12/08, 19:07
dhel kl lu menang,kt bikin party ok..
Title: Re: And the 12 DJs who made it to the semifinal are...
Post by: zuzia on 11/01/09, 07:13
Dreamhouse devil!!!!! so good!
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