
Special Board => 2008 => Special Event Archive => Heineken Thirst 2008 => Topic started by: ouch on 06/12/08, 08:58

Title: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: ouch on 06/12/08, 08:58
Surabaya was raining last nite, but that didn't stop the crowd to come to Blowfish, to see DJ Adhel, DJ Kono, and DJ Oki Koro competing in Heat 2 to grab a spot in the final of Heineken Thirst 2008.

3 of them did great, yet the competition can only pick 1 winner.

And the winner is DJ Oki Koro with 69 points.

Congratulations Oki.
Best of luck Adhel and Kono.

Heineken Thirst 2008
The hunt is on
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: tutsq on 06/12/08, 09:05
congratzz to oki koro.. *bgs*
adhel and kono jga pasti gokil performance nya, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
slamat to to oki koro,adhel,and kono ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: babyd on 06/12/08, 09:52
okiiiiiii......sapa dlu yg ngjarinnnn
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Mentha on 06/12/08, 10:06
congratss to oki koro ...  *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/12/08, 10:50
yoooooo chicago lads !!! you deserved it mate !! jackin all the way !!!

good luck for the final bruv..house rules !!
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: joey_30 on 06/12/08, 11:06
congrats oki koro.... ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Errie on 06/12/08, 11:30
selamat / yg lolos ke final.. ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Teeyo on 06/12/08, 11:51
congrats ya bro... may the bless win
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: MC Danz on 06/12/08, 12:24
Congratz Mas Oki Koro!!  *tepuktangan*
Cang Cing nh pasti td mlm,.adhel & Kono jg pasti....  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: wd j on 06/12/08, 13:00

mr. chicago houso, niceeee..... congratulations Mr. Oki koro......


@ kono & adhel...

tetep keren pastinya... masih ada taun depan...  ;D

Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 06/12/08, 13:02
nice, another chicago house set? congrats ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: applestereo on 06/12/08, 13:04
gila gilaan semalem... wahhhh semifinalistnya jago2 semuaaaaaaa... congratz for Oki Koro....  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: randybotak on 06/12/08, 13:07
OKI KORO nice HOUSE TUNE bro !! keep it HOUSE ALIVE !!!!
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: bullebali on 06/12/08, 13:07
Selamat Oki koro >>>> pemenang Heat 2  ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 06/12/08, 13:12
Mantabbb Oki Koro *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Dj KIMM on 06/12/08, 13:13
Congratz to dj Oki Koro  *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/12/08, 13:16
congratz dj oki koro *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: luthfi on 06/12/08, 13:47
congrats oki koro !

dulu gw diseleksi ama dia pas Digital 6 femme dj hunt :P
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Bhokero on 06/12/08, 14:02
No doubts to the winner... Like I said bro I bet on u...!! :)

Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: beyb on 06/12/08, 14:11
congratz oki koro!
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 06/12/08, 14:42
Quote from: luthfi on 06/12/08, 13:47
congrats oki koro !

dulu gw diseleksi ama dia pas Digital 6 femme dj hunt :P

pake wig sama lipstik fhi?
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 06/12/08, 16:32
Oki Koro, congrats soob,,,, good luck for the next round ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: SouLBreW on 06/12/08, 17:02
Hoi Oki...slamet ya broo dah lolos...
Kita dari Ears Prod + Solid House Community Full support to the next Round...
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Oki Koro on 06/12/08, 17:49
thanks all for the wishes and blessing.....
DJ KONO and ADHEL hebattt benerr.. salut!!
menangnya beda tipissss doang...
respect to the judges!!
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: chestertoon on 06/12/08, 18:32
congratulation 4 oki koro *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: guih on 06/12/08, 19:17
congratz to dj Oki Koro...
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: adheel17 on 06/12/08, 19:22
kooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooo mank paliiiiiiiiiiiiiing toub daaaaaaaaaaaaagh housenyaaaaaaaaa.....cayooooooooooooooo difinal yaaaaaaaaaahhh klo bs 4cdj lags hajar soub hehehehehehhe....tar gwe nyontek yaaaaahhhh hehehehehehe....
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: colis on 06/12/08, 20:54
bung OKI KORO..... manstabs
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: jazzymike on 06/12/08, 22:19
congrats,Senor Oki ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Oki Koro on 06/12/08, 22:32
Quote from: adheel17 on 06/12/08, 19:22
kooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooo mank paliiiiiiiiiiiiiing toub daaaaaaaaaaaaagh housenyaaaaaaaaa.....cayooooooooooooooo difinal yaaaaaaaaaahhh klo bs 4cdj lags hajar soub hehehehehehhe....tar gwe nyontek yaaaaahhhh hehehehehehe....
wahahaha bisa aja loeee....!  3 aja dah kewalah kalo 4 gimana yaa?? bisa mencret gw kakaka....
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Bopal on 07/12/08, 03:31
congrats for oki koro ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: adheel17 on 07/12/08, 11:56
yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh koro slalu merendah neyh....tar bkn 4cdj mala lebi neyh kynya hehehehehehehe..........
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: dj salero on 07/12/08, 12:58
mantab OKI KORO......tak di ragukan..hehehehe...sukses ya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@adhel...mantap del udah masuk semifinal..hehehehe..congrats ya....
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: ICAL BH on 08/12/08, 00:44
ki... selamat yah....
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: otherside production on 08/12/08, 07:10
Congratz to dj oki koro..
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Kono on 08/12/08, 08:53
@ Oki
salut sooob..we really2 have fun that night !
i bet on you in the final heat..HARUS!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

salut jugaaa..the point is, kita bertiga udh usaha nunjukin yg terbaik *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ tutsq, MC Danz, wd j
thx for the support yaa  :D :D

Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Oki Koro on 08/12/08, 14:29
Quote from: Kono on 08/12/08, 08:53
@ Oki
salut sooob..we really2 have fun that night !
i bet on you in the final heat..HARUS!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

salut jugaaa..the point is, kita bertiga udh usaha nunjukin yg terbaik *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ tutsq, MC Danz, wd j
thx for the support yaa  :D :D

BROOOOO.... wc nya gak bisa di flush neeh... call housekeeping!! hahaha!!!
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: Frico on 08/12/08, 22:11
Finally HOUSE is awaken.. among others genres hehehe..

BigSalute then..

Ki.. Congrats yah..
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: deefoundation on 08/12/08, 22:29
 Oki....Congratzz yah juo...!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: BuNi on 09/12/08, 01:13
selamat berjuang di tahap selanjutnya kii .. :)
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: down on 09/12/08, 10:02
congratz to the winner... *bgs*
Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: starguitar7 on 09/12/08, 11:10
congratz ya, teacher koro..!! ;)

i knew u can do it..hehehe

gud luck 4 the next round..

Title: Re: Heat 2 winner is...
Post by: olis on 08/01/09, 12:24
Selamat ya Oki Koro
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