Special Board => 2008 => Special Event Archive => Heineken Thirst 2008 => Topic started by: ouch on 06/12/08, 08:58
Surabaya was raining last nite, but that didn't stop the crowd to come to Blowfish, to see DJ Adhel, DJ Kono, and DJ Oki Koro competing in Heat 2 to grab a spot in the final of Heineken Thirst 2008.
3 of them did great, yet the competition can only pick 1 winner.
And the winner is DJ Oki Koro with 69 points.
Congratulations Oki.
Best of luck Adhel and Kono.
Heineken Thirst 2008
The hunt is on
congratzz to oki koro.. *bgs*
adhel and kono jga pasti gokil performance nya, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
slamat to to oki koro,adhel,and kono ;)
okiiiiiii......sapa dlu yg ngjarinnnn
congratss to oki koro ... *bgs* *bgs*
yoooooo chicago lads !!! you deserved it mate !! jackin all the way !!!
good luck for the final bruv..house rules !!
congrats oki koro.... ;)
selamat / yg lolos ke final.. ;)
congrats ya bro... may the bless win
Congratz Mas Oki Koro!! *tepuktangan*
Cang Cing nh pasti td mlm,.adhel & Kono jg pasti.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
mr. chicago houso, niceeee..... congratulations Mr. Oki koro......
@ kono & adhel...
tetep keren pastinya... masih ada taun depan... ;D
nice, another chicago house set? congrats ;)
gila gilaan semalem... wahhhh semifinalistnya jago2 semuaaaaaaa... congratz for Oki Koro.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
OKI KORO nice HOUSE TUNE bro !! keep it HOUSE ALIVE !!!!
Selamat Oki koro >>>> pemenang Heat 2 ;)
Mantabbb Oki Koro *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Congratz to dj Oki Koro *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
congratz dj oki koro *tepuktangan*
congrats oki koro !
dulu gw diseleksi ama dia pas Digital 6 femme dj hunt :P
No doubts to the winner... Like I said bro I bet on u...!! :)
congratz oki koro!
Quote from: luthfi on 06/12/08, 13:47
congrats oki koro !
dulu gw diseleksi ama dia pas Digital 6 femme dj hunt :P
pake wig sama lipstik fhi?
Oki Koro, congrats soob,,,, good luck for the next round ;)
Hoi Oki...slamet ya broo dah lolos...
Kita dari Ears Prod + Solid House Community Full support to the next Round...
thanks all for the wishes and blessing.....
DJ KONO and ADHEL hebattt benerr.. salut!!
menangnya beda tipissss doang...
respect to the judges!!
congratulation 4 oki koro *bgs* *bgs*
congratz to dj Oki Koro...
kooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooo mank paliiiiiiiiiiiiiing toub daaaaaaaaaaaaagh housenyaaaaaaaaa.....cayooooooooooooooo difinal yaaaaaaaaaahhh klo bs 4cdj lags hajar soub hehehehehehhe....tar gwe nyontek yaaaaahhhh hehehehehehe....
bung OKI KORO..... manstabs
congrats,Senor Oki ;)
Quote from: adheel17 on 06/12/08, 19:22
kooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooo mank paliiiiiiiiiiiiiing toub daaaaaaaaaaaaagh housenyaaaaaaaaa.....cayooooooooooooooo difinal yaaaaaaaaaahhh klo bs 4cdj lags hajar soub hehehehehehhe....tar gwe nyontek yaaaaahhhh hehehehehehe....
wahahaha bisa aja loeee....! 3 aja dah kewalah kalo 4 gimana yaa?? bisa mencret gw kakaka....
congrats for oki koro ;)
yaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh koro slalu merendah neyh....tar bkn 4cdj mala lebi neyh kynya hehehehehehehe..........
mantab OKI KORO......tak di ragukan..hehehehe...sukses ya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@adhel...mantap del udah masuk semifinal..hehehehe..congrats ya....
ki... selamat yah....
Congratz to dj oki koro..
@ Oki
salut sooob..we really2 have fun that night !
i bet on you in the final heat..HARUS!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
salut jugaaa..the point is, kita bertiga udh usaha nunjukin yg terbaik *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ tutsq, MC Danz, wd j
thx for the support yaa :D :D
Quote from: Kono on 08/12/08, 08:53
@ Oki
salut sooob..we really2 have fun that night !
i bet on you in the final heat..HARUS!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
salut jugaaa..the point is, kita bertiga udh usaha nunjukin yg terbaik *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ tutsq, MC Danz, wd j
thx for the support yaa :D :D
BROOOOO.... wc nya gak bisa di flush neeh... call housekeeping!! hahaha!!!
Finally HOUSE is awaken.. among others genres hehehe..
BigSalute then..
Ki.. Congrats yah..
Oki....Congratzz yah juo...!!! ;)
selamat berjuang di tahap selanjutnya kii .. :)
congratz to the winner... *bgs*
congratz ya, teacher koro..!! ;)
i knew u can do it..hehehe
gud luck 4 the next round..
Selamat ya Oki Koro