
Special Board => 2007 => Special Event Archive => HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 => Topic started by: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17

Title: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17
This year Heineken Thirst Senses  received more than 70 DJ registration.

The judges have worked hard and took time listening to all demos, to cut it to 35 DJs who are entitled to personally meet the judges for a preliminary round in Jakarta on 6 & 7 November.

Here are the lucky 35 DJ in alphabetical order (by DJ Name):

01. Andeij (Yogyakarta)
02. Andre (Jakarta)
03. Bimo (Jakarta)
04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
05. Dewa (Yogyakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
07. Dimitri (Yogyakarta)
08. Drto (Jakarta)
09. Eiger (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
13. Ferry (Reborn) (Yogyakarta)
14. Jeida (Jakarta)
15. Joey (Surabaya)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
17. Mike Yoshi (Jakarta)
18. Nico Awiekoholic (Jakarta)
19. Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
20. Ramon (Surabaya)
21. Rangga Raster (Jakarta)
22. Reggy (Jakarta)
23. Rejason (Jakarta)
24. Respati (Depok)
25. Resty (Jakarta)
26. Rhino (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
29. The Beginner (Yogyakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
31. Vickry (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
33. Wira (Bandung)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

See you all in Jakarta and Good luck!!!                       
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: kc on 05/11/07, 11:35

temen-temen kita banyak yang masukk.. selamat yaaaa..

bimzkee, dikaa, drto, ferre, NICO AWIECOHOLIC (!!!!!!!!), rangga, ronjon, tenshi, uchiel, vickry, wen'D, yudhi !!!

mantaaaaaaaaaaaaaap !!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Babeel on 05/11/07, 11:39
congrats2. ad si fere tuh yah? hehehehe. respati juga yah?
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: DJ Deny on 05/11/07, 11:46
Quote from: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17
This year Heineken Thirst Senses  received more than 70 DJ registration.

The judges have worked hard and took time listening to all demos, to cut it to 35 DJs who are entitled to personally meet the judges for a preliminary round in Jakarta on 6 & 7 November.

Here are the lucky 35 DJ in alphabetical order (by DJ Name):

01. Andeij (Yogyakarta)
02. Andre (Jakarta)
03. Bimo (Jakarta)
04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
05. Dewa (Yogyakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
07. Dimitri (Yogyakarta)
08. Drto (Jakarta)
09. Eiger (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
13. Ferry (Reborn) (Yogyakarta)
14. Jeida (Jakarta)
15. Joey (Surabaya)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
17. Mike Yoshi (Jakarta)
18. Nico Awiekoholic (Jakarta)
19. Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
20. Ramon (Surabaya)
21. Rangga Raster (Jakarta)
22. Reggy (Jakarta)
23. Rejason (Jakarta)
24. Respati (Depok)
25. Resty (Jakarta)
26. Rhina (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
29. The Beginner (Yogyakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
31. Vickry (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
33. Wira (Bandung)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

See you all in Jakarta and Good luck!!!                       

Dear friends,

It's was a hard choose..anyway,good luck for the next audition on 6th and 7th..we'll meet you there..please well prepare yah guys  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 05/11/07, 12:00
Wooowwww,,,, Congrats to our friends!!!! Good luck for the next round!!!!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: luthfi on 05/11/07, 13:04
gile bimzkee,
edan edan

banyak juga tmen2 rvlx yg masuk, hebat2 *bgs*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 05/11/07, 13:07
wahhh good luck yah...

btw, nico awiekoholic kayaknya kenal.. ;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bLacK daMAN! on 05/11/07, 13:11
JoGja byk jg'ne yg lolos..ho ho ho
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
bt andre,dewa,dimas..keep on struggling'sobb we'all support U *bgs*
show 2 all that u'r daMAN!!


bLaCk daMAN!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bimzkee on 05/11/07, 13:14
waduh... persaingan keras nampaknya nih  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 05/11/07, 13:27
wow..... mantaffff... sukses tuk semuanyaa
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: MkG on 05/11/07, 13:38
Wah...congrats, guys! Melesat yah semuanya...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 05/11/07, 13:44
BIMZKEE ..... AAKID ...........
akyu siap donggg jadi babe on the deck nya :-[ :-[

@ mbak uchi
anyway mbak list VJ nya belom direlease ya, penasaran ni hehehe
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 05/11/07, 13:49
congratulation to all ya....

good luck ;)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 05/11/07, 14:17

booooooooooo...... kenapaa boneka sapi gue dipajang diatas monitor gueee :-\ :-\
hadoohh, pake ada NOTE-nya pullaaaa....
hakhakahhaahkahakhakkhk.... see you on Tuesday yaa!! :-*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: daZed on 05/11/07, 14:38
kalo VJ yg lolos? (?) (?) mo tau dooongggg... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 05/11/07, 14:51
congratz buat temen2 yang masuk,terutama buat awie...... ;)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Mentha on 05/11/07, 15:22
Wow Congratzionale.. Sukses sampe final semuany,,,  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: KoJack on 05/11/07, 15:25
kok bandung nya cuma satu.....
kumaha ieu teh...bandung teh......
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: for.an.angeL on 05/11/07, 15:36

selamat ya buat temen2 yg masuk,,

@ awie
u're rocks!!!  :-*  :-*  :-*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Mario 78 on 05/11/07, 15:41
Support to Nico Awiecoholic  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: DJ Deny on 05/11/07, 16:20
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 05/11/07, 14:17

booooooooooo...... kenapaa boneka sapi gue dipajang diatas monitor gueee :-\ :-\
hadoohh, pake ada NOTE-nya pullaaaa....
hakhakahhaahkahakhakkhk.... see you on Tuesday yaa!! :-*

eeee..anu..ini..  :-X ::) ::)

abiss lutju sih pi..empuk2 gemes..jadi aja gw unyel_unyel.com.. ;D  ;D

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Rangga_ocean on 05/11/07, 16:38
Quote from: DJ Deny on 05/11/07, 16:20
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 05/11/07, 14:17

booooooooooo...... kenapaa boneka sapi gue dipajang diatas monitor gueee :-\ :-\
hadoohh, pake ada NOTE-nya pullaaaa....
hakhakahhaahkahakhakkhk.... see you on Tuesday yaa!! :-*

eeee..anu..ini..  :-X ::) ::)

abiss lutju sih pi..empuk2 gemes..jadi aja gw unyel_unyel.com.. ;D  ;D


perasaan emang demen sama boneka nih...di bawah kemaren juga maenan boneka sama mas edi...huehuehuehuehuehue ;D

btw congratz to ya all... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: BuNi on 05/11/07, 16:48
wah wah calon2 adhe & innerlight baru nihh..

selamat selamat !!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: iNsideR on 05/11/07, 16:57
selamat selamat yang maju ke babak selanjutnya.....

sukses bwt semuanya  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*

@andreij, rhino, dewa, dimitri, ferri

ayooooo...............jogja jangan kalah........ *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: beyb on 05/11/07, 17:35
penasaran dj nico nih.. katanya doi maen psy ya? support! ;D

dan selamat buat yg laen yaa!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dj russ on 05/11/07, 17:45
Wuih wuih... slamat yah buat smuanya....n gudluck  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Girindra on 05/11/07, 18:07
gila temen2 semua.. aseeekkkk!

congrats and good luck for all guys!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Dree_ on 05/11/07, 18:36
support buat temen2 yang lolos,,,,,sikaat terus
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 05/11/07, 18:42
awiecoholic !! dahsyat
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: kana_oksid on 05/11/07, 19:16
Quote from: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17
This year Heineken Thirst Senses  received more than 70 DJ registration.

The judges have worked hard and took time listening to all demos, to cut it to 35 DJs who are entitled to personally meet the judges for a preliminary round in Jakarta on 6 & 7 November.

Here are the lucky 35 DJ in alphabetical order (by DJ Name):

01. Andeij (Yogyakarta)
02. Andre (Jakarta)
03. Bimo (Jakarta)
04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
05. Dewa (Yogyakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
07. Dimitri (Yogyakarta)
08. Drto (Jakarta)
09. Eiger (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
13. Ferry (Reborn) (Yogyakarta)
14. Jeida (Jakarta)
15. Joey (Surabaya)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
17. Mike Yoshi (Jakarta)
18. Nico Awiekoholic (Jakarta)
19. Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
20. Ramon (Surabaya)
21. Rangga Raster (Jakarta)
22. Reggy (Jakarta)
23. Rejason (Jakarta)
24. Respati (Depok)
25. Resty (Jakarta)
26. Rhino (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
29. The Beginner (Yogyakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
31. Vickry (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
33. Wira (Bandung)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

See you all in Jakarta and Good luck!!!                       

its hard and kickin !!! :)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Bone on 05/11/07, 19:46
Wah, banyak teman2 yang masuk nih. Congrats ya. Big support for all

Godspeed my brothers & sisters :)

PS: Especially bigger support to my fellow Spinachers:
Reggy, Kono (Mr. Rusty Guitar he3) & Resty
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Bone on 05/11/07, 19:51
Lupa satu lagi... Andre from Subspinna :)
Special big support as well
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 05/11/07, 19:56
wah ada female dj otsu aiko!

support buat smuanya! ;)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 05/11/07, 20:10
congrats Fo all the DJ's...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: mantili on 05/11/07, 20:57
support for all !!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: wedhus on 05/11/07, 21:02
Jogja banyak juga....bandung cuman satu yah...??

Resty tu subspina bukan ya.....??
selamat ya...
setelah melewati Dj Squad biasanya Sukses lho....
wakakakakakaa....ga ngaruh ya...???

Congrats All....
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Mr Din on 05/11/07, 21:06

Nonton Heat ahh! seru nh pasti :D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Frico on 05/11/07, 21:22
Siaappp... waah jgn pake SMS VOTING yah.. soalnya klo ampe gitu gw bingung milihnya.. bnyk bgt temen" yg masuk nominasi hehehe..

Congrats yah guys..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 05/11/07, 21:41
Serahkan pada juri aja deh...

Congratz... Buat semua dj yg terpilih!! Ayo tunjukkan aksimu.

Cihuyy *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: im_innu on 05/11/07, 21:51
Quote from: ouch on 05/11/07, 11:17
This year Heineken Thirst Senses  received more than 70 DJ registration.

The judges have worked hard and took time listening to all demos, to cut it to 35 DJs who are entitled to personally meet the judges for a preliminary round in Jakarta on 6 & 7 November.

Here are the lucky 35 DJ in alphabetical order (by DJ Name):

01. Andeij (Yogyakarta)
02. Andre (Jakarta)
03. Bimo (Jakarta)
04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
05. Dewa (Yogyakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
07. Dimitri (Yogyakarta)
08. Drto (Jakarta)
09. Eiger (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
13. Ferry (Reborn) (Yogyakarta)
14. Jeida (Jakarta)
15. Joey (Surabaya)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
17. Mike Yoshi (Jakarta)
18. Nico Awiekoholic (Jakarta)
19. Otsu Aiko (Jakarta)
20. Ramon (Surabaya)
21. Rangga Raster (Jakarta)
22. Reggy (Jakarta)
23. Rejason (Jakarta)
24. Respati (Depok)
25. Resty (Jakarta)
26. Rhino (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
29. The Beginner (Yogyakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
31. Vickry (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
33. Wira (Bandung)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

See you all in Jakarta and Good luck!!!                       
sikkaaattt sob...sukses yaa pada2..
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: F E R R E on 05/11/07, 21:55
wah wah wau...saingannya edduunn tenan.....dag dig dug dhuer.....

mohon support ya teman2......
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: fallenangel on 05/11/07, 21:55
waaaawww banyak yang lolos!
congrats & suksessss!


eh eh.. ternyata stage namenya itu yah.. awiecoholic!

*sed dah gw mo post ga bisa2.. hihihi iya fer supporrrttt
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: F E R R E on 05/11/07, 22:50
tenkyuuu niss!

awiecoholic beneran awie?
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: joey_30 on 05/11/07, 22:51
wah seru2x.. br baca nie... sukses buat semuanya...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: discoterror on 05/11/07, 22:53
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* CONGRATS FOR SURABAYA FINEST DJ :




Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: wedhus on 05/11/07, 23:11
Rangga raster...waahh...lulusan Dj Squad juga nee.....hahahahaha....
ga ngaruh juga ya...hehehee....

Semangat sobb......!!!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bless the child on 05/11/07, 23:53
banyak juga good luck for all...

@ferre cewe lo juga masuk tuh bro...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dj ungu on 06/11/07, 00:58
support for DJ DIKAA 7/24 !!! sikat sooobbbhhhhhhh
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Gober on 06/11/07, 02:06
Wow... hebat hebat, good luck semua yang masuk preliminary round...

wah jakarta ama jogja banyaknya yah. bandung kok cuman satu? what happened aya naon???
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: ICAL BH on 06/11/07, 02:39
selamat yah guys...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: adhievizuale on 06/11/07, 04:13

04. Bimzkee (Jakarta)
06. Dikaa (Jakarta)
10. Eric NRG (Surabaya)
11. Fadlie (Jakarta)
12. Ferre (Jakarta)
16. Kono (Jakarta)
26. Rhino (Yogyakarta)
27. Roni Joni (Jakarta)
28. Tenshi (Jakarta)
30. Uchiel (Jakarta)
32. Wen'D (Jakarta)
34. Yudhi (Jakarta)
35. Zie (Jakarta)

pilihan gw...heuheuehuehue ;D ;D
mari yuu tebak2an.... *piss*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: deejay_dq on 06/11/07, 04:19
sukses yaa buat awie  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Maju terus bro sampe final  *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: unclejoy on 06/11/07, 05:31
congrats buat semua, selamat berjuang dan bersenang-senang,...menang ato kalah itu urusan belakangan...have fun it's a must!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: walasok on 06/11/07, 10:23
jogjaaa jogjaaa jooogggjjjaaaaa

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: wd j on 06/11/07, 13:33

Quote from: unclejoy on 06/11/07, 05:31
congrats buat semua, selamat berjuang dan bersenang-senang,...menang ato kalah itu urusan belakangan...have fun it's a must!

satuju !!!  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: fromkampus2selatan on 06/11/07, 13:47
busett .. banyak senior yang masuk  :-\ :-\


wish me luck


i wish u all get lucky  ;D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 06/11/07, 14:38
wew..... thanks for Juri, Abang Irwan, Koko Deny and Mas Ali.....

thanks Mbak Uchi, Bang Faried and Jujuk... hehehe special thanks for Indika..!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bimzkee on 06/11/07, 14:45
hehehe... baru kali ini gue ngerasain BPM ama Detak Jantung bisa bareng... :P

good luck 4 everyone else ya...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: kc on 06/11/07, 14:51
gimana nih gimana nih yang udah penjurian tadii?
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Archie on 06/11/07, 14:53

congrats yah all...

Gud luck buat yang masuk preliminary round... ;)

*bgs* *bgs*

jangan lupa cerita2nya yaaaa hehehe...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: jazzymike on 06/11/07, 15:25
gutlak buat semuanya.... he he...

persaingan cukup ketat nih....
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: mambana on 06/11/07, 15:37
gaspoll !
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: acid029 on 06/11/07, 16:15
Quote from: walasok on 06/11/07, 10:23
jogjaaa jogjaaa jooogggjjjaaaaa

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

full support buat jogja dan semua peserta.... *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: vindra on 06/11/07, 16:59
wira gokil soobb !!!

dukung abis dj wira from discover !!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 06/11/07, 18:14
Quote from: acid029 on 06/11/07, 16:15
Quote from: walasok on 06/11/07, 10:23
jogjaaa jogjaaa jooogggjjjaaaaa

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

tak ikut kah ke jakarta bang???

full support buat jogja dan semua peserta.... *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: jazzymike on 06/11/07, 19:17
any result info (?)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 06/11/07, 21:03
finally first round yaa hari ini selesai jugaaaa.... *tepuktangan*
tinggal besok nih sisanya!

asseelliii... ibarat kalo di american idol, ada peserta yang kocak"nya...
NAH ITU DIA AWIE !! hahahahaha... tapi salute buat awie *bgs*
jangan lupa ya pesenan wine kita ;D ;D

utk drto, rangga ocean, reggy, ronjon, dikaa, tenshi, yudhi, bimzkee,
fadlie, ferre, bimo dan yang lainnya... good luck yaa! *bgs*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Errie on 06/11/07, 21:04
good luck buat semuanya...
bandung kunaon ieu teh?
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: blank footage on 06/11/07, 21:27
gutlak buat semua peserta, jogja khususnya
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: im_innu on 06/11/07, 21:40
bimzkee...sukses ya...
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: NinBo on 06/11/07, 21:52
waaah, taun depan Bogor kudu masuk nih!  ;)

buat yg lolos, good luck ya guys..!!  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: spinach records on 06/11/07, 22:38
@ sapi ketjil
tx ya btw td tegang gila hahaha

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Bhokero on 06/11/07, 22:38
congrats to all contestant... it'll be a massive event!!!
Dateng yuk liat heat......
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: club2club on 06/11/07, 22:43
congratulation buat resty subspinna

full support buat awie! buatlah "mabok" para juri dengan kehandalanmu set2 lo...  ;D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: novaboi on 06/11/07, 23:24
Sukses Buat Semua....
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 07/11/07, 00:51
result nya gimana hari ini ? ::)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: DJ Deny on 07/11/07, 09:24
Dear friends,

1st day elimination udah selesai. Hari ini hari terakhir untul eliminasi.

Banyak jg yang bagus2.. hopefully hari ini ada juga yang surprising  ;)

Well, we'll see you guys today guys..good luck and have a good fair fight  *tepuktangan*

Deny, Remy Irwan, Ali The Beat Mag
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: ouch on 07/11/07, 10:34
from day 1. seruuu
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: unclejoy on 07/11/07, 10:46
wah seru ya, tegang ga sih dipelototin ama judges...hehehehe..btw buat vj kok ga ada kabar2 nih..ademayem aja tuh...any info guys??
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: stormtroopers on 07/11/07, 12:29
Quote from: unclejoy on 07/11/07, 10:46
wah seru ya, tegang ga sih dipelototin ama judges...hehehehe..btw buat vj kok ga ada kabar2 nih..ademayem aja tuh...any info guys??

ada di sini :
http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=10803.0 (http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=10803.0)

These are VJ name of 12 successfull candidates who will go directly to semifinal (Heat) round:

01. Blank Footage (Yogyakarta)
02. Digital Hallucination (Bandung)
03. Dreamotion (Jakarta)
04. Eyespinner (Jakarta)
05. Filiphosh (Yogyakarta)
06. Mocco (Jakarta)
07. Motioninja (Jakarta)
08. Q-Motion (Jakarta)
09. Raphael a.k.a Donknee (Yogyakarta)
10. SYNC (Jakarta)
11. Unclejoy (Bandung)
12. Yoghurt (Jakarta)

Congratulation to all and good luck!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bimzkee on 07/11/07, 13:11
Quote from: im_innu on 06/11/07, 21:40
bimzkee...sukses ya...

thank you nu.. :)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: andie_sanchez on 07/11/07, 13:39
aduh jadi ga sabar ngeliat siapa yang masuk.... ferre (pake laptop ga lu?) man.. semuanya gud luck keep fight.. SUKSES SEMUA>!!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: NonaDien on 07/11/07, 15:00
Yiiipiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...Go JOGJA Go...!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dj gills on 07/11/07, 17:19
DJ DEEKA  *bgs*
DJ VICKRY  *bgs*
DJ BIMA      *bgs*
                                                GOOD LUCK 2 ALL OF U
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Debon on 07/11/07, 17:22
Bimzkee, fadlie, and uchiels.. make me proud guys!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 07/11/07, 18:24
ayooo...dikaa 7/24 gw yakin loe bisa dik !!!!!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sendyoke on 07/11/07, 18:26
No matter what..... Gue tetep SUPPORT DJ AWIE ALCOHOL  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Itu Headphone apa yg elo pake?  :-* *piss*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 07/11/07, 19:39
hahkahkhakhakhakkk.... ga papa, semua juga gregori parah!
shaking all the way... wajar laaahh....
even uda kenal sama juri juga tetep aja dag dig dug dueerr ;D

hari ini tumben loh jurinya kalem, ga banyak makan ;D
tapi ujung"nya teteeeuuppp foto fotoo ;D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: wd j on 07/11/07, 19:41

@ sapi...

katanya mau guling2an..kok cmn ngasih unjuk gw waktu sisa doang sih, huekekekek...

btw thx u ya sapi...  ;)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: nickvan on 07/11/07, 20:03
congrats ya buat semua ny yg lolos  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
n selamat berjuang guys  *piss*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: 999 records on 07/11/07, 20:05
FULL SUPPORT FOR DJ BIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: DJ_Two_L_Three on 07/11/07, 20:12
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

asieeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk...gud luck guys....! tp sedeh nya dari bdg cuma dikit...tp kalo all the way to the top seh gpp heuheuehuehueh...... ;D ;D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 07/11/07, 20:13
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 07/11/07, 19:39
hahkahkhakhakhakkk.... ga papa, semua juga gregori parah!
shaking all the way... wajar laaahh....
even uda kenal sama juri juga tetep aja dag dig dug dueerr ;D

hari ini tumben loh jurinya kalem, ga banyak makan ;D
tapi ujung"nya teteeeuuppp foto fotoo ;D

bener tanteku yg manis..... liat muka tante aja dag dig dug der...
apalagi pas udah di itung terus ngulang...wew daku takut dikurangin nilai.... h
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 07/11/07, 20:22
wah situ berarti beneran siwer! wong sapi guling"an sambil jogedan kok...
hampir lupa ngasih liat sisa waktu ;D saking enaknya jogedan!
situ juga sik asik miksing sih,,, sama sik asik BERGAYA pas ada camera yang mau foto lo :-\

iyaaa hahahahaa,,, ngulang kan karena ada yang bermasyalaah..
ga fair atuh kalo terus diitung :D
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: didjeri on 07/11/07, 20:23
Congrats to all the DJs..Good luck with the battle! Support all the way!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bimzkee on 07/11/07, 21:37
mending ngadepin crowd 1000 orang drpd ngadepin juri yang cuman 3 orang..

seriously... :P
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: chiefy on 07/11/07, 23:09


support selaluuuw...

Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: F E R R E on 07/11/07, 23:11

setuju bro...kalo perlu 3000 sekalian deh...hahaha..tegang gila..


thanx yah pi...kemaren muke gw kenceng gila ya? hahahaha
mana audisi ndirian pula..untung ada nismul,ade bro,sapi, rejason dll...hehehe
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: F E R R E on 07/11/07, 23:14

tengkyu brooo...
support juga buat dreamotion yah!

doain gw  &  q-motion fy! hehehe


makasi bro...iya teteup my 360 (laptop gw) ikutan .
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: fromkampus2selatan on 07/11/07, 23:48
@ dj gills : thanks bro  :D

baru kali ini ikut heineken , entah kenapa nerves gila gue  :-\
beneran deh sama aja ama di yang di atas2 ini , mendingan maen di depan crowd dehh :-\

harap2 cemas nih  ;D :-\ :-\
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: joey_30 on 07/11/07, 23:50
baru balik nie dr jkt, kena musibah lg... kecopetan cd case di busway... :( ... thx u buat om deny, abang irwan, om ali, n semua yang ad di ruang audisi... nervous abis td... hehehehe
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dj ungu on 08/11/07, 00:07
@vicry : sukses sob .. giles terus semua nya. GO HITAM PUTIH prod.

@abriel " sekali lagi sukses broouuuwwww!!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: fromkampus2selatan on 08/11/07, 00:42
@ purple : thanks sob .. gileeesss .. gilees cuciannnyaaa  ;D  :-\

@ joey : walahh sabar2 ... musibah soobbb  :-\                     
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 08/11/07, 01:19
Quote from: joey_30 on 07/11/07, 23:50
baru balik nie dr jkt, kena musibah lg... kecopetan cd case di busway... :( ... thx u buat om deny, abang irwan, om ali, n semua yang ad di ruang audisi... nervous abis td... hehehehe

oalaaaah, apes tenan rek rek...! sabar yoo bro..  aku melok prihatin.!
wes gak usah di pikirin, tak dhongakno tambah akeh rezekimu.
sampe ketemu meneng yo00..
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 08/11/07, 01:20
Quote from: dj ungu on 08/11/07, 00:07

@abriel " sekali lagi sukses broouuuwwww!!!!

Siap... thanks for ur support
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: Rangga_ocean on 08/11/07, 01:22
support mas dika terusss ah.....  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: A B R I E L on 08/11/07, 01:24
Quote from: Rangga_ocean on 08/11/07, 01:22
support mas dika terusss ah.....  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*  *tepuktangan*

thanks brooo......
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: hengkystrawberry on 08/11/07, 02:43
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: vindra on 08/11/07, 07:08
*bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: joey_30 on 08/11/07, 09:28
@abriel : thx bro...hehhehe.. jd hikmah deh... see u
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: bimzkee on 08/11/07, 10:08
Quote from: joey_30 on 07/11/07, 23:50
baru balik nie dr jkt, kena musibah lg... kecopetan cd case di busway... :( ... thx u buat om deny, abang irwan, om ali, n semua yang ad di ruang audisi... nervous abis td... hehehehe

turut berduka atas ilangnya cd case lo sob... biar yang di atas yg bales...!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: joey_30 on 08/11/07, 22:08
@bimzkee : iya nie omm.. ga habis pikir cepet bgt copetnya ... aq ga ngerasa lagi  (?)... gpp deh, mudah2an cd2nya bermanfaat buat dia... hehehe
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: dedoSixteen on 08/11/07, 23:42

yang nyopet loe DJ juga kali !!!

Dj dikaa !!! maju terus yah !!!!
Title: Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!
Post by: F E R R E on 09/11/07, 11:10
ayo aakid!


enak tuh yang nyopet ..langsung nyepinn deh dia haha..
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