
General Hype => Music => House => Topic started by: djepie on 26/06/07, 06:37

Title: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 26/06/07, 06:37
Guys....bener ngga sih ada genre Dream House ? Bisa di breakdown disini ? DJ2 nya siapa aja, judul2 lagu yg keren2 nya, dan seperti apa sih Dream House itu ???


Be a Dreamer

Epie DreamHouse
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: X i e t a on 26/06/07, 07:29
oooo ... ada yah .... beneran ada ? kaya gmana tuh ...
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: BlackBolt on 26/06/07, 07:44
iya kaya gmn sih...    (?) (?) 
gw juga baru denger klo ada genrenya..
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: luthfi on 26/06/07, 08:22
kaya gmn sih pi emang? coba deh lo kashi sample lagu jdi pada tau orang2.
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: sonique on 26/06/07, 13:31
yang gw tau ada warnet yang namanya dreamhouse tuh d daerah gandaria...wakakaka... ;D
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 26/06/07, 13:48
Dream house (also known as dream trance), was a short-lived dance music style which had a big success on the dance scene between 1995 and 1997. Its main feature is the importance of melody, usually a very dreamy one (hence its name), typically played on a piano, or in some cases a violin, saxophone, etc. And now, as of 2006, for most of the cases, synthesizer sounds.

The track that launched dream house to popularity was "Children" by Robert Miles, a melancholic piece of music, its debut album Dreamland was also an iconic Dream House record. Among the most popular dream house tracks were "Sky Plus" by Nylon Moon, "Celebrate the love" by Zhi-Vago, "In Africa" by Pianonegro, others include "Metropolis The Legend of Babel" by DJ Dado, "X-Files" by DJ Dado, "Moon's Waterfalls" by Roland Brant, "Dreamer" by Antico and "Space Ocean" by Daniele Gas.

Traces of dream house music can be found in today's progressive trance.

Dari Wikipedia...
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: andrydoqz on 26/06/07, 13:51
wih hebat nih om sepet pengetahuannya... eheheh pakabar sob??
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 26/06/07, 14:10
@andrydoqz: heheh baek baek.. 30 berangkat?apa tgl 7? ;D
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: andrydoqz on 26/06/07, 18:43

hehehe... insyaAllah kl ga ada halangan brgkt semua... hehe c u ya sobbb....
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: drto on 26/06/07, 19:05
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*

pecah gila komennya.. hahaha..
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Dree_ on 26/06/07, 19:18
Quote from: sonique on 26/06/07, 13:31
yang gw tau ada warnet yang namanya dreamhouse tuh d daerah gandaria...wakakaka... ;D

Huahauahuhaua,,,dateng dong ke warnetnya?
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Dree_ on 26/06/07, 19:21
Quote from: drto on 26/06/07, 19:05
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*

pecah gila komennya.. hahaha..

Drto apa kbr?
kangen nih sama kamu!!!
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Day Dreamer on 26/06/07, 23:02
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*

Maksud commentnya apa ya ?
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: BlackBolt on 26/06/07, 23:13
ternyata emang beneran ada oh genrenya...baru tau gw...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 27/06/07, 01:43
Gue juga baru tauuuu jeng...........
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 27/06/07, 16:43
Quote from: Day Dreamer on 26/06/07, 23:02
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*

Maksud commentnya apa ya ?
roots = house
sub genre = dream house ?

gue pribadi rada males dengan pengotakan musik
apa lagi sampe sub-genre yg klasifikasinya hampir sama dengan genre/sub-genre yg lain

clear enuf ?
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: dgital3xy on 27/06/07, 17:46
semua root's dance music sama sih , yang bikin beda element & karakter sound-nya aja

dream house : rumah impian ...
pesen kapling di daerah karimunjawa , keren tuh buat rumah impian ...  *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 27/06/07, 21:12
Quote from: sonique on 26/06/07, 13:31
yang gw tau ada warnet yang namanya dreamhouse tuh d daerah gandaria...wakakaka... ;D
Yahh...itu warnet gue juga kalii....hihihihihih  ( Warnet n Game Centre ) - n dibelakangnya ya kantor nya DreamHouse  *tepuktangan* *piss*
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 27/06/07, 21:14
Quote from: dgital3xy on 27/06/07, 17:46
semua root's dance music sama sih , yang bikin beda element & karakter sound-nya aja

dream house : rumah impian ...
pesen kapling di daerah karimunjawa , keren tuh buat rumah impian ...  *piss* *piss*

Yahh.....kok pesen property sama DreamHouse...hauhauhauhauahua ( tapi ada DreamHouse nya DreamHouse ya di cinere........)
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: F E R R E on 27/06/07, 21:28
wih gokil juga ya..bererti kalo dnegerin genre dream house, sampe kemimpi2 gitu ya..hehehe

prog trance ada elemen dream house nya juga...hmm..
kalo uplifting house ada ga ya?


maenin dream house dunks...hehehe
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Day Dreamer on 28/06/07, 02:32
Itu di mix tapenya epie awal2nya khan termasuk Dream House??? Bener ngga ya ?
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Dree_ on 28/06/07, 02:42
Quote from: F  E  R  R  E on 27/06/07, 21:28
wih gokil juga ya..bererti kalo dnegerin genre dream house, sampe kemimpi2 gitu ya..hehehe

prog trance ada elemen dream house nya juga...hmm..
kalo uplifting house ada ga ya?


maenin dream house dunks...hehehe

Tau nih dj epie!!!!
maenin dong?????

Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: didi 1945mf on 28/06/07, 04:22
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: X i e t a on 28/06/07, 19:13
sepet emank slalu membantu dalam segala hal ... cheers ... haha
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 29/06/07, 17:17
Quote from: X i e t a on 28/06/07, 19:13
sepet emank slalu membantu dalam segala hal ... cheers ... haha
hahaha.. i'll take that as compliment..
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: bimzkee on 29/06/07, 18:00
Quote from: Day Dreamer on 26/06/07, 23:02
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 26/06/07, 15:18
another pointless sub-genre-ism *sht*

Maksud commentnya apa ya ?

maksudnya, membahas perbedaan genre, sub genre, dan tetek bengeknya adalah suatu bahasan yang gak pernah habis, dan pointless untuk di bahas. Karena semakin lo gali sub genre itu, semakin pula lo pinter, tapi bisa juga semakin pula lo fanatik terhadap suatu genre tsb sampe2 lo tidak membuka mata terhadap EDM secara keseluruhan. Intinya jadi saling jelek2in. (Ada yang begitu ada yang nggak, n gue yakin anak2 RVLX sih gak ada yang begitu, HARUS!!) hehehe.. kalo nggak dimusuin nanti.. :P

Hal ini udah sering bgt di bahas di forum, dan memang gak pernah ada ujungnya, yang ada yah perpecahan, yang sama sekali bukan tujuan kita bangun komunitas ini. So bahas genre sih asik2 aja kali ya.. kalo emangh itu sesuatu yang baru atau edukatif...tapi kalo ujung2nya saling jelek2in satu sama lain... it will be POINTLESS, just like my fellow Bapur said earlier...

Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/06/07, 18:03
you got my point bim
kebanyakan ngebahas sub-genre/tetek bengek bukanya malah jadi pinter
yang ada keliatan sok pinter iyeee

fcuk the theory, let the music flow to your mind

Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: didi 1945mf on 29/06/07, 18:33
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 29/06/07, 18:38
Let's just call it house, shall we? ;)
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: BlackBolt on 29/06/07, 23:16
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/06/07, 18:03
you got my point bim
kebanyakan ngebahas sub-genre/tetek bengek bukanya malah jadi pinter
yang ada keliatan sok pinter iyeee

fcuk the theory, let the music flow to your mind


setujuuuu....  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: si mbo on 30/06/07, 01:04
Itu bukannya si epie nanya ya      ::)    Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????

(ato malah cenderung baru tau kalo ternyata ada genre DreamHouse yang sama kayak DJ Management nya dia. .)

PISS akh....  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 30/06/07, 13:37
Salah ya kalo ngga tau trus nanya ???? (?) (?) (?)
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: BlackBolt on 30/06/07, 13:49
ga salah kok..
malu bertanya kan sesat di jalan..   ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: djepie on 03/07/07, 19:05
Quote from: BlackBolt on 30/06/07, 13:49
ga salah kok..
malu bertanya kan sesat di jalan..   ;D ;D


Nah itu dia, jalannya liwat mana mas BlackBolt ????
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: BlackBolt on 03/07/07, 22:34
Quote from: djepie on 03/07/07, 19:05
Quote from: BlackBolt on 30/06/07, 13:49
ga salah kok..
malu bertanya kan sesat di jalan..   ;D ;D


Nah itu dia, jalannya liwat mana mas BlackBolt ????

nah itu dia gw juga bingung jalannya lewat mana... ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: jana on 03/07/07, 22:46
Quote from: djepie on 30/06/07, 13:37
Salah ya kalo ngga tau trus nanya ???? (?) (?) (?)

gpp nanya.

klo kata anak muda jaman skrg, gi pada "suram" aja kli mas djepie.....  *piss*

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/06/07, 18:38
Let's just call it house, shall we? ;)

no! let's call it TRANCE!!!!!!.....

HYEAH!.... metal metall...

*poser minta ditendang mode on
Title: Re: Ada toh Genre " Dream House " ??????
Post by: Day Dreamer on 05/07/07, 00:41
Quote from: jana on 03/07/07, 22:46
Quote from: djepie on 30/06/07, 13:37
Salah ya kalo ngga tau trus nanya ???? (?) (?) (?)

gpp nanya.

klo kata anak muda jaman skrg, gi pada "suram" aja kli mas djepie.....  *piss*

Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 29/06/07, 18:38
Let's just call it house, shall we? ;)

no! let's call it TRANCE!!!!!!.....

HYEAH!.... metal metall...

*poser minta ditendang mode on

GUBRAAAKKKKK !!!!! hauhauhuahauhauhauaaa
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