Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You

Started by djepie, 17/12/07, 19:22

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Another look of Dj Rika Devil DreamHouse  *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*
Mohon Supportnya guys...girls too...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

woowwww.... serem ahhh takuttt.. se devil apa sih jadi penasaran
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

Quote from: jesi on 17/12/07, 21:08
woowwww.... serem ahhh takuttt.. se devil apa sih jadi penasaran

Hehehehe...Devil yg ini ngga gigit kok...

Ready on Feb 2008 Guys....wait for our Dreams Come True on Feb 2008

fiuuuuuuhhhhhh.. fotonya.. ambyarrr
Jessi Septamirza R
Indonesian PR representative
Tour manager

Marc residence 10-11 Tower B Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Tebet timur 8. Jakarta, Indonesia

wuihh .. keren .. support Dreamhouse..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul."

support dream house,,  *bgs*

makin banyak nii female dj,,,, ayo2 label2 laen yg mau ikuttaann, marii marii  ;D
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


wuahhh indahnya mahluk Tuhan...  ;D

jadi pgn cepet2 liat "devil" nge spin...  :P

keren-keren......  *tepuktangan*

Quote from: club2club on 18/12/07, 09:46
Kita lihat nanti apakah set2nya akan sehoror namanya...

;D ;D ;D

mudah2an ngga "horor" ya set nya...... ( mksd nya horor ancur khan ??? )

    Thx loh guys buat support nya...................
Booking contact : 08111751313

hihihi !! mantab dj devil !!! hhihihihi support !!! *piss*
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo

ini rika cwnya epie kan ?
semoga sukses di lantai dansa ;)
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


Quote from: djepie on 17/12/07, 21:09
Anothernya lagi ( halaahhhh.... )  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

It's All About House Music ..................
Booking contact : 08111751313