::: Clubhoppers Essential Mix #05 Innerlight Album :::

Started by FreddieThe13th, 31/01/08, 15:50

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*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

As part of the revolution in dance music industry, it has been our commitment to prolong this installment of Clubhoppers's highly acclaimed series.
With the emerging new talents, we are proud to welcome the forefront of Indonesia's leading DJ/ Producer as our mix master in this ever devoted compilation album.

A Jogjakarta origin, Edi Triana A.K.A INNERLIGHT has garrenered attention for his production skill in the development of Trance music. His tracks have won praise of some of the industry's highest players. Famously known for his genre-defying productions right from 2004's first album release "Take Me To The Blue Blue Sky" which was reflected by his gig diary thru out the nation to current single releases like "Believe" a joint production with BT, had find support right across the scene.
His amazing Live Performance Act even entitled him as the Hineken Thirst 2006 winner. Where he then worked along side many popular International Artists such as Solar Stone, Reece Elliot, Scot Bond, Niklas Harding, Gareth Emmery and many more.

Eventhough majority of his musics are still released under 1945MF & his SOUNDSCAPE imprint, where he's a co-owner and A&R, one thing for sure, when Innerlight stamps his hallmark of quality records, people listen.
Clubhoppers Essential Mix #05 has been essentially produced, compiled and mixed by Innerlight especially for the dance music lovers. As you will hear a brilliant production in a definitive sound of trance...

So, don't miss Clubhoppers Essential Mix #05 Innerlight Launching parties in your city..

X2 Club Jakarta,8th February 2008 featuring : Winky (Junko/Embassy), Agoose (Clubhoppers), Naro (Original Naro), Romy (1945MF), Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA Featuring Quenfirework A.K.A Syaharani

DeeJay Club Bali, 9th February 2008 featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Georgia (1945MF/Deejay Club), Ion, Noldi, James Hendrik

Embassy Jogjakarta, 16th February 2008 featuring  : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Jovan (1945MF), Dewa (Acid)

Mansion Bandung, 22nd February 2008 featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Iman (1945MF)

V6 Surabaya, 1st March 2008 Featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Redy (1945MF)

SEMARANG koq dilewatin yah ...  :'( :'( :'(

SEMARANG koq dilewatin yah ...  ket mbiyen lah ;D ;D

bikin ndiri lg aja ...  ;D ;D ;D ... INNERLIGHT + SPARKLING SAINT ...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Hayuuuuukkkk ... sponsor !!! sponsor !!! ... keren niey ... !!!  *piss* *piss* *piss*

kamu yaa john yang bikin event+promotor-nya......tak bantu team hore aja *piss*

kok kayak YM-an yah? berdua tok...

tapi iya ya...kapan yah mampir ke semarang...mmm...atau kita ada yg masih kurang yaaa??? kenapa ya??

berdoa aja sob...innerlight mampir di kota lumpia...

Quote from: Must Energic on 01/02/08, 18:03
berdoa aja sob...innerlight mampir di kota lumpia...

gw berdoaa sobb,berdoaa gw...

gw berdoaa supaya elo mampir ke kota gudek pas innerlight bsok..hehe :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

ikut berdoa jg dech....  :) :) :) :) :)
*Image Removed*

Aq ikut berdoa akh ...

let make a wish ...  ::) ::) ::) ... I wish ... INNERLIGHT will come to town ...  ::) ::) ::)

hauhauhauhuahaua ;D do'a anda sepertinya didengar *piss*

kaya nya bakal main deh innerlight dalam waktu dekat ini di semarang....bener ga sih..hahahahhaa

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

kpn ikh aniwe ???  (?) (?) (?)

Quote from: acid029 on 04/02/08, 15:49
kaya nya bakal main deh innerlight dalam waktu dekat ini di semarang....bener ga sih..hahahahhaa

bisa aja bang.........
doain klo ga ada halangan kang edi juga bakalan maen di EP...

15 Maret confirm di E Plaza.... *bgs*....mohon support dan doanya semogo sukses... *piss*

Quote from: FreddieThe13th on 31/01/08, 15:50
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

As part of the revolution in dance music industry, it has been our commitment to prolong this installment of Clubhoppers's highly acclaimed series.
With the emerging new talents, we are proud to welcome the forefront of Indonesia's leading DJ/ Producer as our mix master in this ever devoted compilation album.

A Jogjakarta origin, Edi Triana A.K.A INNERLIGHT has garrenered attention for his production skill in the development of Trance music. His tracks have won praise of some of the industry's highest players. Famously known for his genre-defying productions right from 2004's first album release "Take Me To The Blue Blue Sky" which was reflected by his gig diary thru out the nation to current single releases like "Believe" a joint production with BT, had find support right across the scene.
His amazing Live Performance Act even entitled him as the Hineken Thirst 2006 winner. Where he then worked along side many popular International Artists such as Solar Stone, Reece Elliot, Scot Bond, Niklas Harding, Gareth Emmery and many more.

Eventhough majority of his musics are still released under 1945MF & his SOUNDSCAPE imprint, where he's a co-owner and A&R, one thing for sure, when Innerlight stamps his hallmark of quality records, people listen.
Clubhoppers Essential Mix #05 has been essentially produced, compiled and mixed by Innerlight especially for the dance music lovers. As you will hear a brilliant production in a definitive sound of trance...

So, don't miss Clubhoppers Essential Mix #05 Innerlight Launching parties in your city..

X2 Club Jakarta,8th February 2008 featuring : Winky (Junko/Embassy), Agoose (Clubhoppers), Naro (Original Naro), Romy (1945MF), Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA Featuring Quenfirework A.K.A Syaharani

DeeJay Club Bali, 9th February 2008 featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Georgia (1945MF/Deejay Club), Ion, Noldi, James Hendrik

Embassy Jogjakarta, 16th February 2008 featuring  : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Jovan (1945MF), Dewa (Acid)

Mansion Bandung, 22nd February 2008 featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Iman (1945MF)

V6 Surabaya, 1st March 2008 Featuring : Innerlight (1945MF) LIVE PA, Redy (1945MF)

SEMARANG koq dilewatin yah ...  :'( :'( :'(
15 Maret di E plaza.....

Quote from: d4dy on 04/02/08, 17:48
15 Maret confirm di E Plaza.... *bgs*....mohon support dan doanya semogo sukses... *piss*

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* ... Finally ...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: d4dy on 04/02/08, 17:48
15 Maret confirm di E Plaza.... *bgs*....mohon support dan doanya semogo sukses... *piss*
SEAPPP !!! rapatkan barisan ,, kita menggila sepuasnya huahuahuahuahua !!!

di tunggu kehadirannya kembali d semarang......
dengan senjata yang baru....
pokoknya harus yang sadis yak sob.......  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ciihhhuuuiiiiii.....muah muah muah muaaaahhhh.......

kurang cinta apa coba E-Plaza ma clubbers semarang.....
we still give the best for Semarang DAnce Scene......
Keep rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

beneran confirmed niey 15 maret ?!?!? ... cihuyyyyyyyyy ... angkat dua tangan buat loe sob ...

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*