Started by Ditter, 04/10/10, 17:02

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Linked Events

Balines Clothing and Denim
Now Available
#Stepa jakarta #Jod, Stigmata
Bandung #Noize Denpasar #Rapid Store Manado and Riau grab it soon mate!!

we are open too in this raveparty at cotton colony stand..!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: Mentha on 28/10/10, 19:33
Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 28/10/10, 19:13
Jangan pada lupa beli pre sale nya yah cuman seharga 100 ribu sajah.. hehehehehe  ;D ;D ;D

tiket pre sale nya yang 100rb masih ada ya ?

Coba hubungi nmr ini yg ada di bawah ini yah, mana tau masih ada..  ;) ;)


Ticket price only Rp. 100.000,- (limited for only 500 pre sale tickets, and available until 17th October 2010)

for more info and pre sale ticket call :

Nabila (0857.1469.1487)

Arshy (0856.9158.9991) 
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Buy pre-sale tickets now and donate for mentawai and merapi victims!!

LA Menthol Lights presents:

"Tranceformer Indonesia Tour 2010"

with Markus Schulz (*US*/Coldharbour/Armada/DJMag#8) and Norin and Rad (*US*/Coldharbour)

Nov 18 - Embassy Bandung
FDC: Rp100k
Info: 022-22061156

Nov 19 - Blowfish Surabaya
FDC: Rp100k
Info: 0231-5324111

Nov 20 - Segarra Jakarta
Early bird: Rp100k (Sold Out)
Pre-sale: Rp150k including one limited t-shirt from BLADE. With every single purchase of Rp150k presale ticket, you also participate in t-shirt donation for Merapi and Mentawai victims. Available only at Nabila (085714691487), Arshy (085691589991), and Renny Ocin (08161199964/0818728857).

Donation box will be available in all 3 participated cities.

Also performing *ID* heroes:
LTN, Marquee, Ready, Deny, Noxx, Herdy, Rome, Randy, Audie, Purple, Derana, Mura, MC Ditter, MC Putri, and Motioninja

Follow @blade_indonesia or +62818724724 for more info.

This event organize by :
Blade Consortium Indonesia
(7/24 and Synan Recordings)

10 Hari lagiihh nih cinkkk..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

You can also buy TRANCEFORMER with Markus Schulz pre sale tickets at SUNDAY ANYWAY:
Rp 150.000 (including limited t-shirt from BLADE. With every single purchase of Rp150k presale, you will also participate in t-shirt donation to those who need it at Merapi and Mentawai)

Call this number to book your pre sale tickets:
Nabila (085714691487), Arshy (085691589991), and Renny Ocin (0818728857).

Click the link below :)
Fadil Pinandita
Managing Director

Quote from: AONYX on 12/11/10, 09:22
You can also buy TRANCEFORMER with Markus Schulz pre sale tickets at SUNDAY ANYWAY:
Rp 150.000 (including limited t-shirt from BLADE. With every single purchase of Rp150k presale, you will also participate in t-shirt donation to those who need it at Merapi and Mentawai)

Call this number to book your pre sale tickets:
Nabila (085714691487), Arshy (085691589991), and Renny Ocin (0818728857).

Click the link below :)

Bantu sunduuullll gaaann...
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Quote from: Dekra on 12/11/10, 21:25
Ga sabar pengen foto2... 8)

asal jangan foto gw pas lagi berantakn ajah yeee..  ;D ;D ;D ;D
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 15/11/10, 13:06
Quote from: Dekra on 12/11/10, 21:25
Ga sabar pengen foto2... 8)

asal jangan foto gw pas lagi berantakn ajah yeee..  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Kan sebelum upload masuk ke badan sensor panitia dulu... ;D
Audio Visual D

u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

Quote from: Dekra on 12/11/10, 21:25
Ga sabar pengen foto2... 8)
foto gw ya dek (*narsis) tar gw cetak ukuran 2xLap.Bola hahahaha

mantap... datang dong...
For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s :

rundown nya dong plis.. harus ke kawinan dulu niihh..
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

sabtu n minggu bsk gw hrs ngantorr lg....   :-\

......Gas pol, rem blong...!!!

Menggiurkan nech.........
If 'progressive' means innovation with subtle emotions, I love this style. But it's true that we all need styles and I like the idea that 'progressive' is associated with quality." - Benoit Franquet (Pole Folder)

 *tepuktangan* mlem ini nih.Do you dream? i was not dreaming markus schulz !!
Dark is more deepest...

Quote from: randybotak on 16/11/10, 15:57
Quote from: Dekra on 12/11/10, 21:25
Ga sabar pengen foto2... 8)
foto gw ya dek (*narsis) tar gw cetak ukuran 2xLap.Bola hahahaha
Gw foto lo yg banyak nnti... ;D
Audio Visual D

Quote from: ^rustyman^ on 18/11/10, 16:01
hiks ga bisa hadiir :'( :'( :'(

Kenape ye ngg bisa hadir emanknya?
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

Quote from: walasok on 18/11/10, 21:52
rundown nya dong plis.. harus ke kawinan dulu niihh..

Yang pasti Markus Schulz pasti nungguin elo tek abis kawinan dulu baru dia maen di Segarra..  ;D ;D ;D
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

cihuy,, mudah2an lagu yg gw tunggu dimainin kekekekekek  ;D ;D

picture hosting

Norin & Rad : kren,duo spesialis mashup & komunikatif banget sm crowd  *bgs*

Markus Schulz : juaraaaaaaa,bner2 'digulung' terus selama 2,5 jam.Terima kasih bgt nih track idola gw di album do you dream? markus schulz ft.jennifer rene - not the same (alhasil gw karaoke  :'( ) & markus schulz ft.justine suissa - perception  8)

overall,sukses banget rave yang di buat sm blade & la menthol  *bgs* *bgs*
Dark is more deepest...

Quote from: phetox86 on 21/11/10, 07:33
Norin & Rad : kren,duo spesialis mashup & komunikatif banget sm crowd  *bgs*

Markus Schulz : juaraaaaaaa,bner2 'digulung' terus selama 2,5 jam.Terima kasih bgt nih track idola gw di album do you dream? markus schulz ft.jennifer rene - not the same (alhasil gw karaoke  :'( ) & markus schulz ft.justine suissa - perception  8)

overall,sukses banget rave yang di buat sm blade & la menthol  *bgs* *bgs*

situ paling depan siih  8)