
Introduce yourself :)

Started by Donal, 13/02/06, 22:56

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@ ija
diforum sebelah banyak loh cewenya! yiuk...hehehehe

gw ikutan introduce jg deh ..
na ma kyu rhia...nick ku rhiya gak beda yach ???  ;D ???
tinggal di jl bangka..ehm...palagi yach???

ri... lo tinggal d bangka? deket dongg kite... hehehe...  8)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

bangka belitung??

trus kalo deket kenapa le??

mer,................... jule tuh , huehuheu..............

Quote from: kc on 16/11/06, 17:33
@mazday : romeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
ketemu juga anak kampus gue disini..

;D ;D ;D

Hei, Cassie...
Hahaha.. bisa aja nih..bo'ong2, jgn percaya..
kc agak2 berlebihan nih..

-sisiran jg ah-

slm knal jg semuanya..
"What ever people say I am, that's what I'm not"


gwe etha... gw party goers aja...i luv party, i luv dance floor...
gwe PNS loohh
gwe kerja di Pajak...
bintang gwe leo

contact me fur all ur damn tax problem

selamat datang Etha...happy posting and enjoy the scene...

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

@etha : selamat dataaaaaaaaaanggg..
semoga kerasannn.. ;D ;D

@rhiya : halah.. udah junior member baru mampir sini.. :P
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: eTha on 21/11/06, 19:56

gwe etha... gw party goers aja...i luv party, i luv dance floor...
gwe PNS loohh
gwe kerja di Pajak...
bintang gwe leo


hola jugaa..

have a pleasant stay

lengkap amat profilnya :D :D

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music.
- Gustav Mahler

Quote from: eTha on 21/11/06, 19:56

gwe etha... gw party goers aja...i luv party, i luv dance floor...
gwe PNS loohh
gwe kerja di Pajak...
bintang gwe leo

halo etha, welcome...
ini yg soal "all about tax" itu yah? heheheh

gw PSS (pekerja suka suka)
kerja di mana2
bintang gw aries hehee ;D ;D

*ikut ngelengkapin*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

halo etha *sisiran
aku mike... bintangnya pisces.. hobinya membaca dan belajar :)

hai juga guys....

leo cucok ma libra, sagitarius, gemini....coba coba yang bintangnya matching ma gwe senggol2 akika

mike...pinjem sisir donks

oya mike kalu akika tebaks ni, lo cowo yang ga setia and super duper sensi
contact me fur all ur damn tax problem

gw libra nih tha.. wkakakakka ;D

Quote from: jazzymike on 21/11/06, 23:01
halo etha *sisiran
aku mike... bintangnya pisces.. hobinya membaca dan belajar :)

yaelah pada ngantongin sisir om² di kantong blakang yaaa?
blajar apa sob, blajar sober? ahuahuahauhua

kalau aku, baik hati dan gemar menabung :P
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Quote from: eTha on 21/11/06, 19:56

gwe etha... gw party goers aja...i luv party, i luv dance floor...
gwe PNS loohh
gwe kerja di Pajak...
bintang gwe leo


waah ada orang pajak niiihhh,,,mayan dah bisa nanya2 pelajaran gw...ahuahuahua.... ;D

kantor pajak mana Tha??

sodara gw ada di ktr pajak jg....
Illusion Visual Player

oya lupa gw..allo etha,,salam knal yah,,,gw mahasiswa n photographer,,bintangnya virgo.... ;D ;D

@rhiya : et dah dah berapa kali ktmu baru masup sini.... :)
Illusion Visual Player

Quote from: eTha on 22/11/06, 10:47
hai juga guys....

leo cucok ma libra, sagitarius, gemini....coba coba yang bintangnya matching ma gwe senggol2 akika

mike...pinjem sisir donks

oya mike kalu akika tebaks ni, lo cowo yang ga setia and super duper sensi

hhauhauhauahu...belom apa2 udah dapet label cowo' ga' setia...udah tuh sisir buang aja, kaya'nya biang sial...
kalo sagitarius bisa nggak ditebak..??

which tribe club you belong too?
the trendies, trashbags, old skool, or chin-strokers...

saya libra loh , heuhuehue

saya taurus looo,,, shio saya kerbauuu,,,, saya lahir hari senin legi, jam 9 pagi,,,,

*loh? huehuehuehuehuehuheuhuee
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

Kok jd biro jodoh gini yah, ah jd penasan neh sm yg nubi2, xixixi(tawa licik)

ahahaha...yah sapa tau aja Toms,,kita2 nyusul kya dhanty,ija,nissa,de el el...huehehehehehe.... ;D ;D

*piss semua.. ;D ;D
Illusion Visual Player

@etha: nga setia ??? sensi ??? hehehe... tanyakan saja pada orang2 disini.. guys,gw setia dan nga sensi kan ya :)

sed deh...

nama gue dibawa2 mulu ya di tiap thread....
perasaan gue kaga komen apa2 dah di sini...
heran gua >:(

pada kangen apa ma gue? :P
gue aquarius, shionya ayam jago
mantep ga tuh? hihihi
welcome to my weekend

@mike: asli loe setia kok ap lg sm yg jablis itu, huehuehue

oi... no more jablis in this forum....

Quote from: fallenangel on 22/11/06, 11:24
gw libra nih tha.. wkakakakka ;D

libra gurl....plin plan, trus kalu psangan lo salah, lo always digging, lo posesif,
libra cucok ma leo krn leo suka dicintai dan di-adore...

contact me fur all ur damn tax problem