Quote from: Dj jhone on 11/07/09, 01:14
Success for bulgary ...
for shissy, Mc D_truck & All His Dj .... *bgs*
Full support & Let Us Party...
Spirit & Continue! *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: White^^Horse on 11/07/09, 07:05
makin eksis aja nih dj shissy.....
samuel makin gokil aja nih skrg,kpn nih traktirannya...
Quote from: Phenn on 12/07/09, 20:23
atas nama superforce...
dengan ini menyatakan
kalo kita....
FULL SUPPORT with this event....
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: djshissy on 13/07/09, 08:55Quote from: Dj jhone on 11/07/09, 01:14
Success for bulgary ...
for shissy, Mc D_truck & All His Dj .... *bgs*
Full support & Let Us Party...
Spirit & Continue! *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
thanks jhone.. pliss support yah, g lg niat launching bvlgary management dj nya ... ini event pre launch nya, tar grand launch nya di centro... yayaya...
u r cool bro... :)
Quote from: colis on 13/07/09, 13:03
hmmm.... akhirnya jadi juga nih event... mantabbbb
Quote from: Dj jhone on 13/07/09, 13:07Quote from: djshissy on 13/07/09, 08:55Quote from: Dj jhone on 11/07/09, 01:14
Success for bulgary ...
for shissy, Mc D_truck & All His Dj .... *bgs*
Full support & Let Us Party...
Spirit & Continue! *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
thanks jhone.. pliss support yah, g lg niat launching bvlgary management dj nya ... ini event pre launch nya, tar grand launch nya di centro... yayaya...
u r cool bro... :)
Seepp Shissy Mantap ....
Ia Sukses ya shissy , hehehhee
Makin Oke deh Bulgary .....oke2
Quote from: otherside production on 13/07/09, 14:01
mantaaaab niyh...
ada echa,,diena,,shissy...
sukses truz yaaaa sis....
full support dr otherside....
Quote from: otherside production on 13/07/09, 15:10
@ shissy :
siaaaaaap...diusahakan merapat sis...
sukses yaaaa...
Quote from: harriz on 13/07/09, 21:28
full support
Quote from: Marcell on 15/07/09, 10:23
Ciyeeeee....suit suit prikitiw.....DJ Shissy makin exist nih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Sukses terus yah sisssss.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 09:47
(http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/4615/65346167.th.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1wvYWA)
Quote from: djTyra Haze on 15/07/09, 11:17Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 09:47
(http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/4615/65346167.th.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1wvYWA)
CIhhUUUUYy... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* Mantaaaph dah..
Ada my lovely sisters ni Shissy&Witha,
Succes trusss yah,Get my full support to U ;) :-* :-*
bwt EO mngmnt nya
hehehe....ada my bro david Gills jg ni,, 8)
eksiist truss dah *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: nj on 15/07/09, 12:13
Full support buat Bvlgary Management DJ and Lady Lovely (shissy & witha)*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: djTyra Haze on 15/07/09, 12:16
hehehe ;) ;) :-* luv u dah sist..
Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 10:30Quote from: Marcell on 15/07/09, 10:23
Ciyeeeee....suit suit prikitiw.....DJ Shissy makin exist nih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Sukses terus yah sisssss.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
haha, dasar lo cell.... lo tuh yg eksis... tunggu giliran lo yg g ajak maen yah.. bnyk schedule event menanti neh... dateng neh jgn lupa.. ini pra launch nya eo g... grand launch nya tar di centro ama bos ungu.
lo tunggu giliran yah... awwww digilir booo, wakkakak ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Quote from: Marcell on 15/07/09, 12:25Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 10:30Quote from: Marcell on 15/07/09, 10:23
Ciyeeeee....suit suit prikitiw.....DJ Shissy makin exist nih *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Sukses terus yah sisssss.... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
haha, dasar lo cell.... lo tuh yg eksis... tunggu giliran lo yg g ajak maen yah.. bnyk schedule event menanti neh... dateng neh jgn lupa.. ini pra launch nya eo g... grand launch nya tar di centro ama bos ungu.
lo tunggu giliran yah... awwww digilir booo, wakkakak ;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Asiiiikkkkkk.....mau digilir sama Shissy hehehehehehe :P
Kabar2in yaaaahhhhhh.....ga pernah ketemu nih kita di residenan yang di mall itu hahahahaha
Quote from: dj gills on 15/07/09, 14:00
FULL SPEED.........
Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 09:01Quote from: otherside production on 13/07/09, 15:10
@ shissy :
siaaaaaap...diusahakan merapat sis...
sukses yaaaa...
baik2.. atau kita collaborate bareng aja... hehe..
Quote from: otherside production on 15/07/09, 15:26Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 09:01Quote from: otherside production on 13/07/09, 15:10
@ shissy :
siaaaaaap...diusahakan merapat sis...
sukses yaaaa...
baik2.. atau kita collaborate bareng aja... hehe..
waaah..suatu kehormatan niyh diajaq collaborate sm shissy..
nti diomongin lagi lbh lanjut sis..
sukses yaaa bwat bulgary management...
Quote from: dj gills on 15/07/09, 22:48
@ shissy : biar paten sista, hahaha, gas terus
@ tyra haze : thnx sista, seru2an kita. hehehehe
Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 13:52
emang dasar marcell piala bergilir, hihihi.... ;D ;D
jadwal kita ketemu nya cm selasa ama sabtu tuh, g dr jam 7-9 nah lo? bs nemu ga tuh time nya braderrrr... (?)
@tyra : tau aja klo daku males jalan orgnya, pengen nya digendong aja laaah... ;D ;D
ok, c u l8r... ;)
Quote from: Marcell on 17/07/09, 13:32Quote from: djshissy on 15/07/09, 13:52
emang dasar marcell piala bergilir, hihihi.... ;D ;D
jadwal kita ketemu nya cm selasa ama sabtu tuh, g dr jam 7-9 nah lo? bs nemu ga tuh time nya braderrrr... (?)
@tyra : tau aja klo daku males jalan orgnya, pengen nya digendong aja laaah... ;D ;D
ok, c u l8r... ;)
Nanti gw samperin deh......
@ tyra....si shyssi mau tuh digendong...sama Mbah Surip huahahahaha ;D ;D ;D tak gendong kemana2