
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: ^rustyman^ on 20/01/11, 22:19

Title: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 20/01/11, 22:19
Anamique Present
Ravelex Campus "YAILOGY"

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The Road to Ravelex Campus DJ Competition 2011
Support your campus DJ heroes to be the next champion in Ravelex campus final 2011

Thursday, 27 January 2011
Lunar Club, Barcode La Codefin Kemang

YAILOGY Contenders are:
IRDIE (Communication)
GERRY WHITE (Communication)
BALZ (Communication)
LOUIS SANGKI (Communication)
ANDINA (Communication)

Two of the contenders will be selected by judge and voted by crowd, they will continue their journey to the final competition held in April 2011

Featuring :
BERRY - Electrosoul
DITOX – Trance4Life / Started

Also Spinning Barcode Resident

MC : RezQ - 45 NRG / 1945MF

Host by
Ravelex.net, Lowblow, Electrosoul, Dimasetya, DimazHusky, Cuunk, Igor BINUS, Meria Herbani, Fara,
Berlian Tanjung, Gladys, Vhie10, Sheilla Ayu Talisa, Ayni, Bubby & Chietra, Jeje, Gilang, Bob Ademi,
Daniel Marui, Junior & iie, Steven Hetariat, Basement Crew, Daydow Family, Twins, Jack John, Vanessa
Arkana, Lady Shinta and Mitha Tayaca, Putri Endiaz, Adhe Lestari, Indah Baladraf, Syahri (Ai), Meria
Herbani, Ivan Sabatani, LIPSPEAK, Putrii Cherry, Fya Gunawan, Ditha Ediputri, EXPerience Family,
Deglade Family, Digital Six
Title: Re: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: DJ IRDIE on 25/01/11, 04:11
pertamaX  :-\
Title: Re: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: bless the child on 25/01/11, 21:26
uhuyyy comon YAI people...
Title: Re: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: phetox86 on 26/01/11, 22:32
 *tepuktangan* wohoooo,yai gokilll pst coz tmn2 yg kul disana 'gokil' smua.hehee...

btw,happy bday yah buat irdie  *bgs*
Title: Re: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: Robbie on 27/01/11, 10:06
mantaf... (pake F)  ;D  *bgs*
Title: Re: Anamique present Ravelex Campus #8 "YAILOGY" 27-Jan-2011
Post by: ^rustyman^ on 27/01/11, 17:26
ntar maleem nih  :)
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