
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: ICAL BH on 19/07/07, 12:15

Title: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 19/07/07, 12:15
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 19/07/07, 12:19
hihihihi robin ulang tahun !!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dublove on 19/07/07, 13:39
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 19/07/07, 14:08
datang ya bok ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Chris.M on 19/07/07, 14:14
wah, club baru lg yaa??

Happy birthday robin,, support!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 19/07/07, 14:25
Keren dan hommy bgt tempatnya,Na..hehehe  *bgs* *bgs*
Datang yaw ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: drto on 19/07/07, 14:35
happy birthday Robiiiin!!! Itu gak sekalian celebrating Ical's new girlfriend? ciee cieee.. Icaaaal..
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 19/07/07, 14:49
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 19/07/07, 14:55
@ Drto:

itu pastinya... nanti bakal ada special love set dari gw ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Dree_ on 19/07/07, 15:13
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: si mbo on 19/07/07, 15:22
Quote from: ICAL BH on 19/07/07, 14:55
@ Drto:

itu pastinya... nanti bakal ada special love set dari gw ;)

Halaaah... Love Set...
Ada love generation dong??  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Frico on 19/07/07, 16:42
Waahh Ical punya cw skrg? Congrats yaaaa...

Robin.. Happy Bday Broo...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: putrazz on 20/07/07, 03:30
happy b`day robinn. 8) 8)..tar lo nyanyi gak di sana. .. album baru lo.? ;D ;D.hehehehehe.. n congratt buat sodaraku yang uda punya pacar baru.....  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 20/07/07, 13:42
hihihi ah gw nunggu special love ste nya ical aja deh !!!

hahahaha !!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: walasok on 20/07/07, 14:01
posternya keren.. ;)

support ya guys..
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: jazzymike on 20/07/07, 19:33
happy bday,robin...

set dah.. dah lama nga liat ical spin.. :(
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 21/07/07, 03:05
yuk dtg semuanya yah...
mari berjoget ria bersama...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: deefoundation on 21/07/07, 03:09
Brangkuuutzzzz....!!!!   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Chris.M on 21/07/07, 04:03

Halah love set,, kayak gimana lagi tuh cal??
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 21/07/07, 04:07
@ Chris.M:

hahahha... bercanda yo...
na kapan nih gangguin si kandruw lagi dirumahnya... huahuahua...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: r3ndy on 21/07/07, 13:23
wahh robin ulang tahun...

slamat ulg tahun yahh bin...

gutlak cal, support slalu...

kapan kita maen bareng lagi cal??

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: digital6 on 21/07/07, 20:20
bin.. jangan lupa hadiah nya yah HKAHKAHAKKHA... loh kok malah gue yang minta yah hehehehehe

PASTI HADIR lah sob hehehehehe
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ART @ on 21/07/07, 23:00
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 22/07/07, 12:09
@ ART @

khan udah ada mapnya di flayersnya di depan !! sound kita buktikan saja jumat ini !!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: fikar on 22/07/07, 13:44
robin ultah ni..happy birthday bin!!

ical punya cewe baru???no wonder cal..hehe..

big support ya guys!!!ajak2 dong klo bikin lagi..hehe..
dateng ni gw if theres no one or other obstacles..

see u guys!!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: PhutureFather on 22/07/07, 18:29
happy belated b'day bin,,,
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 22/07/07, 21:16
sound mantep jo..udah terbukti pas acara sabtu kemaren *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: anggarez on 22/07/07, 21:55
Quote from: ICAL BH on 21/07/07, 04:07
@ Chris.M:

hahahha... bercanda yo...
na kapan nih gangguin si kandruw lagi dirumahnya... huahuahua...
Quote from: 7 on 22/07/07, 21:16
sound mantep jo..udah terbukti pas acara sabtu kemaren *bgs* *bgs*

ada apa ya kok rame rame??  :P 
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 22/07/07, 23:51
soundnya enak kok... bagus... soalnya baru ditambah...

@ Anggarez: rame2 soalnya ada party pecah nih ga ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Robin BH on 23/07/07, 00:58
guys....thanks for wishesnya ya....!!!
kalo bisa dateng ya guys...there's little present for u guys...hehehe

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Robin BH on 23/07/07, 01:17
Quote from: digital6 on 21/07/07, 20:20
bin.. jangan lupa hadiah nya yah

hadiahnya ucapan trima kasih aja ya guys...hahaha

gw kasih hadiah dong....mmmhhh apa ya?...cash ajalah....hehehe
pokoknya pada dateng ya guys...that's big present for me guys

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Robin BH on 23/07/07, 01:24
Quote from: 7 on 22/07/07, 21:16
sound mantep jo..udah terbukti pas acara sabtu kemaren

soundnya gokil bgt deh...tempatnya jg homey bgt...dijamin seru deh!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: didi 1945mf on 23/07/07, 04:27
CangiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH!! Dj2 Nya,... sobek2an nih?? *piss*

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 23/07/07, 09:01
Quote from: Robin BH on 23/07/07, 00:58
there's little present for u guys...hehehe

Ga usah repot2 bin...gue dikit aja ;D ;D
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 23/07/07, 10:55
@ 7

ah sok dikit loe !! hahahaha !!

udah pasrah aja !!! hahahaha !!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 23/07/07, 11:26
@ Dedo: Dikit aja bok..lama2 juga jadi bukit ;D ;D
Dateng ya juoooo hihihi
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 23/07/07, 11:30
@ 7

hahahahaha !!!! pepatah itu memang mantab !!!

iya dateng bos !!!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 23/07/07, 11:36
@ robin

kado nya loe kasih gw Groove armanda yah !!! hahahahaha !!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 23/07/07, 12:02
@ Didi:

mampir Di... sobekan ada lah ;)
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: anggarez on 24/07/07, 11:43
yahh bin, gw sih ambil sebelum ke willow aja deh. biar gak ribet ya, gpp kan...gw udah tau sih lo pasti mikir gitu jg.... ;D  ;D  :P  :P
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 24/07/07, 13:13
@anggarez: gua ikut lo deh bok
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 25/07/07, 00:13
gw juga bin... awas lo kalo gak...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: DJ BaLz sAckHa on 26/07/07, 01:30
wah happy b'day nih pak robin  *tepuktangan*
sukses ya pak  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 27/07/07, 00:02
yuk dtg yuk...
besok nih...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 27/07/07, 00:05
hihihihi !!

cal gw main dulu di forbidden !! free entry ngga sih?

loe amin jam brapa? mau denger love set nih !!!

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 27/07/07, 00:09
jam 11 gw mainnya...
free entry bok... all night long...
don't miss robin latest mixtape yah guys... limited...
tuh si b'days boys mau ngasih kado kalian semua  tuh...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 27/07/07, 00:16
damn !!! nitip deh cal  kado dari robin !!!

gw selesai main jam 12 !! langsung meluncur ke sana !!!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 27/07/07, 00:25
ditunggu yaw...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Debon on 27/07/07, 00:52
sukses yah kawan2...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: rome on 27/07/07, 01:52
weits happy bday robin....traktirrr donk nih???
@ ical : go ical go ical go ical....gw dateng ah....berangkutss
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: digital6 on 29/07/07, 13:49
@ Robin.. HAPPY BDAY BO !!! (from DIGITAL SIX)
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@ all.. buat ngejawab pertanyaan " ical punya cewe??" nih buktinya hehehe
*piss* cal !!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*



Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: ICAL BH on 29/07/07, 15:36
makasih yah yg udah mau dtg...
next time kita party bersama lagi yah...
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: bless the child on 29/07/07, 17:00
susah ical....lgi kasmaran berat nih g bisa jauh dikit ama cewenya..uiuiuiuiu

thanks to robin for last night....Happt birthday....

Ical..jgn skip lgi ya mainya..uiuiuiuiui tpi keren joooo....
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 30/07/07, 14:07
hihihihi !!!

mas robin ngasih kado mantab !!!

ical pacaran boyz !!! tempel terus !! hihihihi !!

indra 7 , ndra tobat ndra, tidur dulu !!!

hahahaha !!!! basement house rules !!
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 31/07/07, 10:26
Udah tidur nih gue,Do ;D ;D
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: Robin BH on 01/08/07, 11:48
guys,thanks ya uda ngeramein birthday gw...!!!

@rome: wah rom,traktirannya uda abis...hehe..kemaren kmana lo gak dateng?

@digital 6: thanks ya guys...u all the best deh...fully2 suprot deh buat anak2 digital 6...hehe

@DJ Balz: thanks ya sob...wish u too..!!

@Dedo: yo yo wazup yo...mustinya lo kemaren ngeMC gitu do...tp gak deh..ntar tiba2 listriknya mati lg kaya di gunung...wahahahaha

thanks for u all guys..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: 7 on 01/08/07, 12:31
Minggu dpn bikin lagi bin..jamur masi ada nih.Ga kapok kan lo? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Basement House Bit the beat... Can't Stop @ Willow Friday 27/07/07
Post by: dedoSixteen on 02/08/07, 17:43
Quote from: Robin BH on 01/08/07, 11:48

@Dedo: yo yo wazup yo...mustinya lo kemaren ngeMC gitu do...tp gak deh..ntar tiba2 listriknya mati lg kaya di gunung...wahahahaha

Sial loe  >:( !!!! hahahahahahaha  ;D
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