Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: Dj Naro on 16/12/07, 11:27
Finally Felix Buxton & Simon Ratcliffe are ready to perform In Jakarta next year!
February 1 , 2008 / More details coming soon..
Note : TBC (To be confirmed)
Finger cross guys,,,,,,,
awwww... gila neh 2008! emang 8 angka hoki neh! hihi.
ill pray for it! semangat Mr. N
*bgs* *tepuktangan*
BASEMENT JAXX seru gila !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
abis itu DAFT PUNK ya..........bang naro.......... pls........
Abis Basement Jaxx Semoga Chemical Brother's Nya menyusuuullllll...
Kirain TBC nya penyakit.. tau nya To Be Confirmed.. :P hehe
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
wahh 1 feb..? bentrok ya? (?)
awwww,,,,,,,, finally!!!!
ampunan nih, pembukaan awal thn!!!!
Just say AMIEN!
wheereeees yourr head at ????
emang nih kagak dikasih nafas buat rebahan bentar, sikat terus ampe atm jebol hehehe,,
Quote from: Dj Naro on 16/12/07, 11:27
Finally Felix Buxton & Simon Ratcliffe are ready to perform In Jakarta next year!
February 1 , 2008 / More details coming soon..
Note : TBC (To be confirmed)
Finger cross guys,,,,,,,
Amieeenn.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
ini baru PENTING GILA !!!!!!
siapapun yang bawa, AILAFYU FUL !!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
wah,, kalo bisa bawa daft punk ato chembro.. salut gw! hehe.
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Basement Jaxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!
penting niy..............
btw dia live p.a. atw dj set ya ?
anjriittttttt.. long stay di jakarta ini namanya.. :-\
salute :)
just one kiss.....will make you better........
skali lg gw cuma bisa komentar...
nabung, nabung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:-\ :-\
;D ;D ;D
woooww... coolll......... :o
basement jaxx kan live performance-nya keren banget!
sapi pernah liat di tv ;D ;D mudah"an bisa liat beneran.....
Keren lah, jadi ingat Where's Your HEad At?.. ;D
wah wah ga sabar jadinya.. cihuy!!
sedapppp basement jaxx dulu, baru chembro terus faithles ! (BM) :P
btw tanggal 1? yaa bentrok ama sven vath dong! ternyata emang bener 2008 lebih gelaaa
di update terus ya Mr. N
wah mati.. one of my fav !.. kesampean juga liat mereka maen..amin !
Just 1 kiss will make it better..
i hope i can hear that song live
can wait until feb 2008
Hey guys ,
We have to reschedule the Date for Jaxx as they only over Dj setsfor February & March..After a long negotiation they say that the live would not be able until the end of 2008...
They are very big group in the world so its very wise if we bring them for the live!not just the dj set..
Thx for your kind response and finger cross they would do their live in shoert time..
Ps : Anyone want to book them for the dj sets??
gpp deh om naro,
dj set juga ok.
yang penting basement jaxx kesini.
manteep *bgs*
apapun deh,, dj set juga boleh tuh!
live set emang lebih asik si, tempel terus Mr. N :P
......ditunggu..ditunggu.... ::)
Ikuuuuuuuuuuuuut menunguuuuuu...
Edan EDM indo emg EDAN!!
I LOVE INDO hiks2...
Maju terus EDM INDO!!
Wahhh.. dibombardir ajee nehh taon 2008.... pengen dateng smuahhh d...
basement jaxx keren gilaaa....
ayo2,, siapa neh yg mau datengin dj set mreka??
a, a, a, ajiiiiieeebb...