
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: b on 29/05/07, 00:45

Title: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: b on 29/05/07, 00:45
Launching Black Pearl New Resident DJs
Friday June 1st,2007
@ Black Pearl Martini Bar & Club
DJs :
bimo (1945mf/Black Pearl)
Bone (Spinach Record/Black Pearl)
Fadlie (Electrosoul/Black Pearl)
Vai (Orange/Black Pearl)
Tanya (Filter/Black Pearl)
Reza (Orange/Black Pear)

New DJs,New Sound System,New Atmosphere.. *tepuktangan*

Be Part Of It....
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: Dree_ on 29/05/07, 11:44
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: xpander on 30/05/07, 12:01
congrats with the new resident djs...wish d'best for blackpearl
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: kugutsumen on 30/05/07, 22:56
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: Casey on 30/05/07, 23:09
residentya cihuy2 nihhh..hehehehehe
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: b on 30/05/07, 23:30
dateng ya guys...sekarang kt mulai bebenah lg nih  setelah grand opening..mungkin sebentar lagi mau re launching.. ky bar kita bertambah lagi...trus sound system sekarang diganti dengan martin,penambahan lighting jg ada + new resident djs & new management jg..

we really need your support guys,

thk u *piss*
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: Casey on 30/05/07, 23:58
hohohohoh..gut luck guys..

terus b ini apanya blackpearl...???

chrome dong bikin event....=D colongan ya gw..hehehehehhe
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: kendi on 31/05/07, 04:09
wah makin cihuiy neh BP....dah sebulan lebih gak maen kesana T_T.....
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 31/05/07, 10:18
New sound...New resident...Siaaappp!!!!
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: boele 25hours on 31/05/07, 19:44
wuiihhh mantab nih
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: dedoSixteen on 01/06/07, 15:27
Fadlie Retroboyz = Fadlie BP boyz !!!
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: guntUr on 02/06/07, 00:26
Pastinya support boss B...

sukses ya... *bgs*
Title: Re: BLACK ROYALTY launching black pearl new resident djs
Post by: HDM on 05/06/07, 22:13
@bimo: bim bim... coba fotonya foto elo ya.... instead of cewek bule itu  ;D ;D ;D
you go guys.... bimo, bone, fadlie.... we luv youuu!!!! :-* :-* :-*
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