
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: dj ferdy on 07/03/10, 16:18

Title: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: dj ferdy on 07/03/10, 16:18
http://www.bobsinclar.com/news (http://www.bobsinclar.com/news)
Sunday Session - 30th may 2010 @ Dragonfly Jakarta

Bob Sinclar- World Hold On (Original Radio Edit) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wzl1zj2Pe8#ws)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: luthfi on 07/03/10, 16:53
sunday? wuih mantep jarang2 dj luar sunday.. niceeeeeeee!
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: earthquake on 07/03/10, 20:02
mantap nie....
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: otherside production on 07/03/10, 21:23
waaah..hari minggu yg menggemparkan niyh...
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: David Tjin on 07/03/10, 22:29
hahaha sumpah dulu gw suka bgt sama dia sampe gw ngeliat promo pics nya yg najis bgt..



uggghhhhh.. *shudder*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Jhone on 07/03/10, 23:30
NICE !!! GO BS ;)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: meat on 08/03/10, 05:29
Tapi bukannya yg najiss byk bgt yg suka yaaaa???

Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: phuture89 on 08/03/10, 11:31
Gpapa promo pic nya najis...yg penting kan lagunya.
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: deefoundation on 08/03/10, 16:44
Quote from: phuture89 on 08/03/10, 11:31
Gpapa promo pic nya najis...yg penting kan lagunya.
;D ;D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: oranggila on 09/03/10, 10:19
mari kita mengatur jadwal...
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: iaz_holic on 09/03/10, 14:12
wewww....bob sinclair...pgn liatt nihh hhee..
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: colis on 09/03/10, 19:27
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 09/03/10, 20:55
waduh, announcement kita keduluan....  ;D *piss*

BOB SINCLAR is coming!

Bob Sinclar is a living legend. We don't say that just for effect; there are a handful of DJs that have earned their stripes by persevering in the scene since the beginning of house music and Bob Sinclar is among their number, the DJ that cemented the credibility in French house and the producer who's inspired many DJs with hits both in the underground and mainstream.  Sinclar has earned his place in dance music history.


Please support HOUSE!  *piss*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: club2club on 09/03/10, 21:31
si dj perdi bikin thread duluan dari yang punya tempat... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: diskohoney on 11/03/10, 11:24
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: dj ferdy on 18/03/10, 18:20
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: sickboy on 21/03/10, 18:02
this will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: billy warouw on 21/03/10, 23:59
bob kenapa jadi gini nih pic nya?  *piss*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 22/03/10, 23:28

Bob Sinclar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hJ6yj3dTak&feature=player_embedded#)

Some cool topics:
- his favorite producer
- his favorite track right now
- how he likes playing in a club more than in a festival
- memorable gig = playing in front of 25,000 people singing "love generation"
- favorite girl type

and more!!  *piss*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: godfather on 30/03/10, 16:02
 ::) ::) ::)

Love the video interview!
jadi ngga sabar  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 03/05/10, 17:48
BOB SINCLAR is coming!

Bob Sinclar is a living legend. We don't say that just for effect; there are a handful of DJs that have earned their stripes by persevering in the scene since the beginning of house music and Bob Sinclar is among their number, the DJ that cemented the credibility in French house and the producer who's inspired many DJs with hits both in the underground and mainstream.  Sinclar has earned his place in dance music history.


Please support HOUSE!  *piss*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Oki Koro on 04/05/10, 01:30
the ghetto - BS!
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: luthfi on 04/05/10, 10:11
fdc brapa sob?
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: ministerofsound on 04/05/10, 15:31

I'm coming!!  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 05/05/10, 10:37
Official BOB SINCLAR Music Videos

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0NSeysrDYw#)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDBbEG-0pfQ#)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XtLxzxQt3U#)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7re_u5m4wMk#)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1TpNzF1qBo#)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pKXcDrmjFk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pKXcDrmjFk)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB1RutFp0Cc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB1RutFp0Cc)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP0UIFg6NfM#)

502 Server Error (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYEVhmZKvhI#)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: dj ferdy on 13/05/10, 02:53
coming very soon!
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: osha on 13/05/10, 10:27
widihh kerenn nih....
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: BFC on 18/05/10, 16:12
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Aulia1990 on 19/05/10, 15:29
mantaapppp.. *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: angga firsthouse on 21/05/10, 16:11
Meluncur...  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: diskohoney on 22/05/10, 00:48
waaaaaah.... 1 more week..... i cant wait!!
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 22/05/10, 01:38
Official Trailer

BOB SINCLAR (DRAGONFLY 30 May) - Official Trailer (http://vimeo.com/11892865)


A true house living legend. One of dance music biggest superstars. After so many years of waiting, the man behind "LOVE GENERATION", one of the biggest anthems in dance music history, is finally in Asia and DRAGONFLY is privileged to host his special performance this 30th May 2010, 8pm.

You cannot miss this. This will be massive. And let's all get ready to sing-a-long.

Track #1: "World Hold On"
Track #2: "What A Wonderful World"
Track #3: "Rock This Party"
Track #4: "Love Generation"

Follow DRAGONFLY on twitter at @ClubDRAGONFLY

1 more week guys...
Please support HOUSE  *piss*
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Robin BH on 24/05/10, 16:02
Guys, di FB LA Lights bagi2 tiket tuh..ikut kuis nya gih. nih link nya:
http://www.facebook.com/notes/la-lights/kuis-berhadiah-tiket-tiket-ke-bob-sinclar-born-in-69-tour/393764908578 (http://www.facebook.com/notes/la-lights/kuis-berhadiah-tiket-tiket-ke-bob-sinclar-born-in-69-tour/393764908578)

Btw, kuisnya ditutup jam 6 sore ini..cepetan gih..siapa tau beruntung  ;)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 25/05/10, 23:14
Quote from: luthfi on 04/05/10, 10:11
fdc brapa sob?

350K :D buy1get1-nya berlaku untuk bii cc holder ajyah...... abis ugal"an trus kita damai pake love generation hahahaha
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 26/05/10, 12:17
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 25/05/10, 23:14
Quote from: luthfi on 04/05/10, 10:11
fdc brapa sob?

350K :D buy1get1-nya berlaku untuk bii cc holder ajyah...... abis ugal"an trus kita damai pake love generation hahahaha

Mau koreksi aja, harga tiket: Rp 300,000... See u all at the dancefloor. :)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: club2club on 26/05/10, 12:21
lumayan buat ngabisin sisa dari gatecrasher... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 27/05/10, 23:31
Quote from: safaridancer on 26/05/10, 12:17
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 25/05/10, 23:14
Quote from: luthfi on 04/05/10, 10:11
fdc brapa sob?

350K :D buy1get1-nya berlaku untuk bii cc holder ajyah...... abis ugal"an trus kita damai pake love generation hahahaha

Mau koreksi aja, harga tiket: Rp 300,000... See u all at the dancefloor. :)

turun yaa? alhamdulillaaahhhhh..... soalnya waktu itu liat di tweet-nya DF apa BF gitu :D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: godfather on 29/05/10, 19:11
besok gila!!!! World hold on deh...
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Beyzade on 31/05/10, 10:37
ga kebagian tiketnya, sial !! **cryiiiiiinnggg**
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: Tiga on 31/05/10, 10:38
Dude, for his first time in Indo you should put him in big room.

from my opinion; the first one hour his set was flop, but hey is BOB SINCLAR. (maybe that's one of the reason he become so famous)

Over all thanks for bringing him to Indo

Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: k4Fi on 31/05/10, 15:30
Salut buat Ismaya....
Tp tempatnya kekecilan...
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: sapi.ketjiL on 31/05/10, 23:28
sbenernya saya ingin mendengar lebih banyak anthem-nya uncle bob sinclar dengan versi original.......
but last nite was one hell of a packed crowd! ouch.. sapi harus berdiri di kursi biar bisa liat dan bisa joget ;D
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: club2club on 07/06/10, 18:56
Iseng-iseng  :)
Title: Re: Bob Sinclar @ DRAGONFLY JAKARTA
Post by: safaridancer on 08/06/10, 23:27
Some videos of the nite BOB SINCLAR came to town:  ;)

BOB SINCLAR at DRAGONFLY - INTRO "ROCK THIS PARTY" (http://vimeo.com/12236907)

http://vimeo.com/12262588 (http://vimeo.com/12262588)

BOB SINCLAR @DRAGONFLY - "WORLD HOLD ON" (http://vimeo.com/12273694)

BOB SINCLAR closing with "LOVE GENERATION" at DRAGONFLY (http://vimeo.com/12264260)

Thanks ya to everyone who came and supported this event! :)  *piss*
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