
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: mamajo on 17/12/08, 17:17

Title: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: mamajo on 17/12/08, 17:17
this is it... :'(

after 6 years of dancing with you..
we finally decide to take a break....only to return to be the best

you're all invited to come.

members or non members
clubbers or non clubbers

for the last time dancing for us...

until we meet again!

* we will update you  with more info for this event.
do check our website, myspace or facebook

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: mamajo on 17/12/08, 17:20
guys....pada dtg ya semuaaaa
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: kc on 17/12/08, 17:24
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: astrid on 17/12/08, 17:32
Quote from: mamajo on 17/12/08, 17:17
this is it... :'(

after 6 years of dancing with you..
we finally decide to take a break....only to return to be the best

you're all invited to come.

members or non members
clubbers or non clubbers

for the last time dancing for us...

until we meet again!

* we will update you  with more info for this event.
do check our website, myspace or facebook


what hapen aye naon........... :'(

pinginnya sich dateng tapi jaga kandang sob.....sukse ya buat acaranya.........
di tunggu kabar selanjutnya secepatnya..........
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 17/12/08, 17:35
GUYS.... *piss*


PASTI PD PUNYA MEMORIES BUANYAAK KAN D TEMPAT INI....??? :'( :-[ :P ;) :) ;D 8) (?) :-* *bgs* *tepuktangan*



HIKS...HIKS.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(



O   ;)

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: priast on 17/12/08, 17:48
vvip 1 udah ancur"an,,, ehhh closing pula... hiks
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 17/12/08, 17:51
Quote from: priast on 17/12/08, 17:48
vvip 1 udah ancur"an,,, ehhh closing pula... hiks

kan bs lgsg turun ke bawah...lanjut @ WB ;)

Hehehehehe ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bimzkee on 17/12/08, 17:52
hiks... my second home .. heheh apalagi CO2 nya....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: priast on 17/12/08, 18:04
Quote from: olga on 17/12/08, 17:51

kan bs lgsg turun ke bawah...lanjut @ WB ;)

Hehehehehe ;D ;D ;D

jarang kbwh... enakan yg atas"...heueuhuehehue..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Mentha on 17/12/08, 18:06
jadi sedihhhhh ... huaaaaa  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 18:23
i will back to home at that date, hopefully..

eh untuk kedepanya embassy-nya doang yang tutup?
wb jalan terus? balcony? ::)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dhAnty on 17/12/08, 18:26
wahhh beneran closing yah huhuhuhu :'(

gokil gw ke embassy dr jaman campus nite yg RnB tuh :-\

hauhahahaahah ;D ;D ;D

semoga bisa hadir deh
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 17/12/08, 18:31
tempat dimana keilangan 2 HP gw pass ultah embassy sebelum renovasi

penuh sepenuh penuhnya!! ditambah REDMA 2007.........

WB , gath RVLX full team pertama kali pas agoose experience..............

huhuu, banyak kenangan bgt ini tempat.............  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bimzkee on 17/12/08, 18:42
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 18:23
i will back to home at that date, hopefully..

eh untuk kedepanya embassy-nya doang yang tutup?
wb jalan terus? balcony? ::)

back to home where shivers was played so loudly ya?
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 19:14
Quote from: bimzkee on 17/12/08, 18:42
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 18:23
i will back to home at that date, hopefully..

eh untuk kedepanya embassy-nya doang yang tutup?
wb jalan terus? balcony? ::)

back to home where shivers was played so loudly ya?
its where i always siwers as well, not only on the weekend but the weekdays too :-[
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 17/12/08, 19:59
Kenapa Tutup..???
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Adrianbeats on 17/12/08, 20:59
Harus Dateng niy...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bless the child on 17/12/08, 21:07
wajibbb sewajibnya..miss u embassy
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: CONFLICK on 17/12/08, 21:17
yiaaaah da mow tutuup yaaah..

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: White^^Horse on 17/12/08, 22:04
knp tutup????

makin banyak aja club2 legendaris yg ilang.... :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: jovan44 on 17/12/08, 22:22
wah banyak kenagan padahal di embassy  :'(

sayang banget kalau harus closed,,,,... miss u embassy
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dj R'AngeL on 17/12/08, 22:30
wah knapa tutup?

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: key123 on 17/12/08, 22:37
banyak kenangn di embessy
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: humzie on 17/12/08, 22:52
yahhhhh.... really sad,.....

kudu hadir nech... saat2 terakhir mata kena laser nech.. *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: rakabitor123 on 18/12/08, 07:41
wajib hadir ga boleh absen  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
hiks hiks
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Insomnia Beat on 18/12/08, 08:40
lot of memories here   :'( :'( , we gonna miss u  :(
Dipastikan hadir ini...  *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Natasya on 18/12/08, 08:59
 :'( :'( :'(
Bakal Kangen amataaan ini sama Embassy apa lagi sm WBnya..hixhixhix...sedih amataan... :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dj KIMM on 18/12/08, 12:06
Padahal udah pw banget nih club, eh sayangnya tutup  :-\ :'( :'( :'( :'(

Banyak kenangannya dari jaman C02 sampe jadi wonderbar  :'( :'(

yang pasti buat closing partynya, line upnya sadis" ...  *bgs* *bgs*

ditunggu tempat barunya yaa....  ;)

I LOVE MBC......................... :-*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: deejay_dq on 18/12/08, 12:44
Salah satu tempat fav gw untuk party adalah Wonder Bar.. sayang banget ya udah harus tutup  :'( :'(

Emang bener banyak party2 gokil dan enak banget kalo maen di WB..

Hopefully akan dibuka lagi WB and MBC di tempat yang lebih OK... Akan hadir neeeh di closing party nya  8) 8)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Debon on 18/12/08, 14:46
hiks hiks..  so many nights... so much memories.. so many friends.. so many women...

GBU Embassy and all its crew... Thanks fo all the wild nights and the great gigs..  Thank u Thank u Thank u
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: sssiiixxx on 18/12/08, 15:23
uuuhhhhh uda mau tutup ya tar lagi...

pasti dateng de....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj ozsy on 18/12/08, 15:29
yaaaaaaaaaa tutup..wajib hadir...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: room507 on 18/12/08, 15:51
sedihh..kenpa harus tutup sih??huh, too many memories there..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 18/12/08, 22:33
hhuuuuaaaa.... my 2nd home mau tutup sementara...
tapi pastinya akan lebih baik & lebih gokil di tempat barunyaaaa....
dipastikan hadir ini sih.... already miss u embassy...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 18/12/08, 23:26
yang kangen ma MBC besok2 bisa ke Jogja..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: djepie on 19/12/08, 01:01
kita hadir semua kayak orang kondangan aja mendingan. khan perpisahah....hiks hiks......MBC we all gonna miss you !!!!
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: djepie on 19/12/08, 01:02
@bulebali : mbc jogja khan blm pernah kebakaran jooo, beda kurang HOT ( kidding loh, bukan nyumpahin ), kalo mbc Jakarta lebih HOT krn pernah kebakaran.....he he he
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 19/12/08, 01:34
Quote from: djepie on 19/12/08, 01:02
@bulebali : mbc jogja khan blm pernah kebakaran jooo, beda kurang HOT ( kidding loh, bukan nyumpahin ), kalo mbc Jakarta lebih HOT krn pernah kebakaran.....he he he

;D ;D ;D
Btw...Save Last Dance dan the Last Party ya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: MC Rez_Q on 19/12/08, 01:45
So many memories  :'( ,so many friends  :'( ,so many adventure  :'( ,so many nights  :'( ,so many laugh  :'( ,n so many wild girls in this place hehehehhe......  ;D  ;D

I'm gonna miss u MBC & WB,thanx for the great party ever n pastinya harus hadir hehehehehe.......  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ujorezky on 19/12/08, 06:45
yahhh........... :(
why closed?! :o (?)
wah bakalan ga ktemu lagi donk....mana gwe ga di jakarta lagi. :'(
tempat favorite tuh.... *bgs* :-*
say goodbye for embassy jakarta..i'll b gonna miss u :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: havoc on 19/12/08, 07:08
Tempat pertama kali nya gue bisa liquid, trus gue praktekin lsg  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: otherside production on 19/12/08, 08:40
Yaaa..mbc mau tutup?
Tlalu bnyk knangan dmbc..
Pasti gokil niyh acarana..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: flab on 19/12/08, 11:42

banyak kenangan banget...hikshikshiks....*sedih mode on
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj_3j4 on 19/12/08, 16:25
hiks...hiks... :'(

ceritanya gmn koq bisa mo tutup gitu?  (?)

apa mo renovasi ato gmn?

pdhl ini slh satu club dng sound system terbaik di jkt mnurut gw..... :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: DJ flow on 19/12/08, 16:41
sayang banget harus ditutup oleh pemerintah, padahal dari jaman hip hop mulai naik, kebakaran sampe opening lagi,, embassy still have a special places in party goers.. Tapi tetep sih semua hal pasti ada akhirnya.. salute deh buat embassy,, it's Gone with happy memories in many people..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: randybotak on 19/12/08, 16:46
The place where i always want to play.. allhamdulilah uda kesampean.. A lot journey and memories in this place that never forget
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 19/12/08, 17:39
ktanya mw pindah kan ?????
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: natha on 19/12/08, 17:44
wah..ini tempat full of memories,ga ada lagi deh tempat seasyik embc,udah kaya rumah gw ndiri
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Teeyo on 19/12/08, 17:53
banyak kenangan manis, apalagi CO2...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 19/12/08, 18:10
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 18:23
i will back to home at that date, hopefully..

eh untuk kedepanya embassy-nya doang yang tutup?
wb jalan terus? balcony? ::)

yah nantikan aja EMBASSY nya taon depan di tempat laen tentu nya.....
ga jauh kok dr sekitar senayan jg....

wb? balcony? tar qta report2 lg yah...
yg pasti tggal bbrp mggu ini jgn ga dtg...dtg trusss yah... :'( :'(
apalgi ney NYE trakir di taman ria senayan... :'( :'(

dateng ya guys....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 19/12/08, 18:20
Quote from: bullebali on 17/12/08, 19:59
Kenapa Tutup..???

bukan tutup...tp pindah tempat utk lebih tepat nya...... :D ;)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 19/12/08, 18:21
Quote from: natha on 19/12/08, 17:44
wah..ini tempat full of memories,ga ada lagi deh tempat seasyik embc,udah kaya rumah gw ndiri

thank u dear......
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 19/12/08, 18:25
Quote from: dj_3j4 on 19/12/08, 16:25
hiks...hiks... :'(

ceritanya gmn koq bisa mo tutup gitu?  (?)

apa mo renovasi ato gmn?

pdhl ini slh satu club dng sound system terbaik di jkt mnurut gw..... :'(

mu pindah tempat ....

thank u yah... *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 19/12/08, 18:27
katanya ke sebuah mall di senayan ya hwhwhwhwhw
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: vindra on 19/12/08, 18:31
hadir nih gw kynya ga.....tgl 16jan kn..? ;)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 19/12/08, 18:46
Quote from: vindra on 19/12/08, 18:31
hadir nih gw kynya ga.....tgl 16jan kn..? ;)

cabut dr bdg brg2 yu sob mw ga ? hwhwhwhw
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 19/12/08, 19:00
Quote from: dj_dinar on 19/12/08, 18:46
Quote from: vindra on 19/12/08, 18:31
hadir nih gw kynya ga.....tgl 16jan kn..? ;)

cabut dr bdg brg2 yu sob mw ga ? hwhwhwhw

Ayoooo dong pd dtg ya yg dr BDG.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@vindra.....gw tggu ya loe dsini,bwa rombongan loe yee,,
congrats ya da masuk JUNKO...  *bgs*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: vindra on 19/12/08, 19:26

tp gw+kiki maen dulu di vertigo, abis maen lgsg meluncur.....hihhhihi ;D

@ olga

hihihi...thx yaaa ceum... :)
c u there ;)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: humzie on 20/12/08, 10:43
Tempat yg udah ngasih qta kesempatan blajar banyak `bout making visual on the screen sincron with DJ mix`in...
`n making the eye of crowd never wanna closed..

bakal lama gak jumpa wawan`lighting `n steven humansight... :'(
bakal lama gak ngerasain Ediroll V4 `n Screen2nya :'(
bakal lama gak nembak tembok luarna lg.. :'(
bakal lama gak sibuk2 dekor lg :'(

Hope all the best utk tempat barunya.... *bgs*

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj_3j4 on 20/12/08, 11:15
Huufff.....kirain mo tutup slamanya, ga tau nya mo pindah ke tempt yg baru ya.... *tepuktangan*

di tunggu ya gebrakan barunya, mudah2an bisa jd lbh baik lg.... *bgs* *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: astrid on 20/12/08, 14:11
embassy thats my favorite place when im coming to jakarta.......... :'( :'( :'( :'(

kemana lagi daku harus berjalan............di semarang tutup kok jakarta iya sich............

sedih deh............ :( :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 20/12/08, 14:17
Quote from: astrid on 20/12/08, 14:11
embassy thats my favorite place when im coming to jakarta.......... :'( :'( :'( :'(

kemana lagi daku harus berjalan............di semarang tutup kok jakarta iya sich............

sedih deh............ :( :-\ :-\ :-\

the last once...Jogja  *tepuktangan*  *bgs*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: hallay on 22/12/08, 02:57
pas kemaren gw ketemu temen2 seperjuangan, ngobrolin embassy yang bakalan tutup.. trs satu2 pada curhat tentang kenangan2 di embassy.. sayang bgt2 y embassy tutup.. tempat barunya bakalan seseru yang lama ga y...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: evan on 22/12/08, 03:05
iya tuh sayang bgt ya embassy tutup.. penuh kenangan gila nih tempat  ;D, iya bakalan kaya  embassy yang lama ga ya tepat baru nya.. semoga aja iya.. hehehe
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: MC Gars on 22/12/08, 07:00
i have had alot weekend memories in this place..
since 2002, i felt quiete homy club i ever known..
we all know we never takes alongtime to take a deep breathe and refresh..
so i think MBC will do the same thing too like us..
eventhou embassy will moved, hope embassy wouldn't lost its soul..
like i said " as homy as embassy "

udah ah gw mo nunggu ntar jadinya gimana tu MBC yang baru..

@bullebali : MBC jogja lah paling homy disana..heheheheh..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj roellie on 22/12/08, 10:12
Wajib hadir................
banyak kenangan nih................
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: efan on 23/12/08, 22:22
Padahal lg deket2 nya  :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 23/12/08, 23:36
Quote from: MC Gars on 22/12/08, 07:00

@bullebali : MBC jogja lah paling homy disana..heheheheh..

Banget !!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Mbc + Ucoxz + Abang = Listrik + Dvd player + Film
kalo satu ga ada  = ga ada artinya.. ;D ;D ;D

**busyet perumpamaannya  :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: marchel on 24/12/08, 00:40
Sedih banget kehilangan embassy, WB , and Balcony...

ditunggu kelahirannya kembaliii....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: chestertoon on 24/12/08, 09:34
 :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: snips on 24/12/08, 13:52
yah....koq tutup   c........

pasti dateng .....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Syndromatic on 24/12/08, 13:59
Yaaaahhhh ... Koq ??? ...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: rakabitor123 on 25/12/08, 14:21
gosipnya pindahnya masih di senayan yak
ke mal senayan**** kah hehehehhehehehe :))
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Jay on 25/12/08, 18:40
wah,, rumah kedua gw pindahh nehh....

hrs dateng ahh.. parti ditempat yg skrg bwt yg trakir kali...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dyah.ayu on 25/12/08, 19:05
Quote from: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 17/12/08, 18:31
tempat dimana keilangan 2 HP gw pass ultah embassy sebelum renovasi

penuh sepenuh penuhnya!! ditambah REDMA 2007.........

WB , gath RVLX full team pertama kali pas agoose experience..............

huhuu, banyak kenangan bgt ini tempat.............  :'( :'( :'(

waaaaaaaaaahhhhh...samaaaa....hp gwe jugag pernah ilaaanggg di MBC....
huhuhuhuhuh....mana pernaah tepar pulaaa mpe pulang diseret2...hueeeee....
menyedihkannnn kudu tutup....
tp pastiii dateeeeeeeeeeeennngggg....!!!! dukung bangeettt....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dree_ on 26/12/08, 12:11
gonna miss the athmosphere of MBC Jakarta
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Mr Din on 26/12/08, 16:34
The most memorable club!! Menurut gw dance scene pas mulai Educated... mulai nya dari Embassy...

Sedih~~~ Hikssss
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: havoc on 26/12/08, 21:38
Quote from: rakabitor123 on 25/12/08, 14:21
gosipnya pindahnya masih di senayan yak
ke mal senayan**** kah hehehehhehehehe :))

wah yg bner tuh? wahaha lebih enak dong..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Oscar Dejavu on 26/12/08, 22:09

hiks......hiks........... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ 8) 8) 8) 8)
yah bnr2 jd tutup deh embassy yg telah gw dnger2 dr 3 bulan lalu is will be closing this place..
embassy merupakan kenangan gw dr sebelum Embassy kebakaran sampe skr this place is my 2nd place i belong and CO2 is that too...
but dont worry...embassy is will come in senayan city, heheheeee...........  ;) ;) ;) ;) tp tetap aja taman ria merupakan kenangan...  8) 8) 8) 8) ::) ::) 8) 8) :-\
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Why on 26/12/08, 22:15


   @ OLGA
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bimzkee on 26/12/08, 22:46
Quote from: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 27/12/08, 05:11
Huh... Harus hadir nih.... Hajaaaaar...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: guih on 28/12/08, 16:31
a lot of memories here.....
:( :( :(
tgl 16 jan yah klo ga salah closing partynya???
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 28/12/08, 16:37
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20124.0.html (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20124.0.html)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: abelbiel on 30/12/08, 18:02
hmmm..pasti crowded abis de..    (?)

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: club2club on 30/12/08, 18:45
emang bener nih embassy kalo dibilang "my second home"....ga pernah bosen-bosen nyamperin nih tempat dari jamannya gw masih sekolah menengah pertama.... :P

kemanapun embassy pindah, pasti akan gw sambangi... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 31/12/08, 00:28
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 31/12/08, 16:45
Quote from: Why on 26/12/08, 22:15


   @ OLGA


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 31/12/08, 16:47
Quote from: bimzkee on 26/12/08, 22:46
Quote from: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!


AGREEEE....!!!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@DEBON.....ditanyain faesol loooooo....????? (?)

kt nya masa cm resident doang??? enak aja loe.....!!! ;) ;)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: yuz_traffic on 31/12/08, 16:50
aaaaaaaaaghhhh .tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak . .  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 31/12/08, 16:57
Quote from: olga on 31/12/08, 16:45
Quote from: Why on 26/12/08, 22:15


   @ OLGA


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
eyke diundang gak ??? ;D
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Debon on 01/01/09, 03:58
Quote from: olga on 31/12/08, 16:47
Quote from: bimzkee on 26/12/08, 22:46
Quote from: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!


AGREEEE....!!!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@DEBON.....ditanyain faesol loooooo....????? (?)

kt nya masa cm resident doang??? enak aja loe.....!!! ;) ;)

in terms of music iyaaaaaa,, but in terns of hospitality, Faisol, Dencut, Mr, Jay, Olga, Fahmi, ruby, timothy, Raymond, Edwin, all the bar crew, all the security, Yudha, Bona.. u guys are all the best!!!

everything abot MBC is simply PERFECT!

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Syndromatic on 01/01/09, 18:29
Sedih juga yah ...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 01/01/09, 20:57
Quote from: Debon on 01/01/09, 03:58
Quote from: olga on 31/12/08, 16:47
Quote from: bimzkee on 26/12/08, 22:46
Quote from: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!


AGREEEE....!!!!!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@DEBON.....ditanyain faesol loooooo....????? (?)

kt nya masa cm resident doang??? enak aja loe.....!!! ;) ;)

in terms of music iyaaaaaa,, but in terns of hospitality, Faisol, Dencut, Mr, Jay, Olga, Fahmi, ruby, timothy, Raymond, Edwin, all the bar crew, all the security, Yudha, Bona.. u guys are all the best!!!

everything abot MBC is simply PERFECT!

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: phuture89 on 01/01/09, 22:07
@ mamajo : mudah2an pulaupasir foundation dj's bisa dateng...we have lots of magic memory about embassy....:( nice club..hommie....nice music policy

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Why on 02/01/09, 15:55

   GO..MBC....   GO...MBC................... *tepuktangan* *bgs* 8)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 02/01/09, 16:06
Quote from: olga on 31/12/08, 16:45
Quote from: Why on 26/12/08, 22:15


   @ OLGA


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Dari Jogja hadirrr....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 02/01/09, 21:37
mantafff nih semua berkumpul....
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: iaz_holic on 04/01/09, 08:39
huff...sedih banged...homebase nih...seneng banged maen di MBC...
apalagi maen di WB...wah wah...dark n Gloomy deh hhee...
Thx 4 mba Olga sama mas Fahmi yah...4 all crew Embassy n WonderBar too..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dimskie on 04/01/09, 10:38
yaahhhhh kok closing ??? hiks hiks..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: kc on 05/01/09, 10:41
line up nya belom ada nih? huhu
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Marcell on 05/01/09, 17:00
Quote from: bimzkee on 26/12/08, 22:46
Quote from: Debon on 24/12/08, 00:54
EMBASSY"S resident team is the best resident team in Indonesia!!


Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj gills on 05/01/09, 17:26
mis u already mbc  :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: cristo on 05/01/09, 18:17
Wiiiihhh... harus dateng nih event terakhirnya Embassy!!!
jadi pindah kemana ya kira2?
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Errie on 05/01/09, 18:53
iya nih mana line up nya dong....

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: atha qta on 06/01/09, 22:11
:'( :'(

sukses yah buat Embassy..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj_aldee on 06/01/09, 23:51
MBC !! Why? hiks hiksss
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: CONFLICK on 07/01/09, 00:10
Kami HadiiiiiRrR...!!
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 07/01/09, 00:56
ini sih kudu, wajib, harus, musti datenggg
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: yuz_traffic on 07/01/09, 01:33
Quote from: colis on 07/01/09, 00:56
ini sih kudu, wajib, harus, musti datenggg

sama ama guw lis . .
hehe . .
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: adheel17 on 07/01/09, 02:31
emg paste mas coliiiissss gk perna absen klo mbc huehueheueheueheueheue...piiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bimzkee on 07/01/09, 17:35
dear friends,

this was taken from Facebook event invitation.

Dear Embassy officials, with all due respect, please let me post this flyer on you guys behalf....


Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: kc on 07/01/09, 17:43
mc D? mekdi? hahahaha.. see youuuu tanggal 16 semuanya? tutup jam berapa nii? hihihih ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: club2club on 07/01/09, 17:53
@ bimzkee : gw baru sadar arti dari avatar lo...Mau dong gw yg jadi PACMAN !!!

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bimzkee on 07/01/09, 18:55
hihihihi..... yang nyiptain pacman gue rasa bisa ngeramal yak?
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 07/01/09, 19:25
Enaknya hadir jam berapa ya ???
takut peak nih pastinya...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: suzan on 07/01/09, 19:28
with so much love and respect...

thanks for eveything..

thanks for being part of my life..


- Suzan -

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Oscar Dejavu on 07/01/09, 22:48

wah tinngal sbntr lg niy waiting the time ya..... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :-\ :-\ ;) ;) kyk2nya wajib hadir..
mbak olga, mas agus, mas fahmi and all team embassy gudluck for this gigs.... apalg ada org2 lama yg hadir termasuk mas yoyo and mas victor, this place is my 2nd home co2 and embassy after the burn is still the 2nd home,  :'( :'( :'( :'( ::) ::) ;) ;) ;) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 07/01/09, 23:11
buseeeeeet ada aldrin pasti seruuuu tuh hwhwhwhwhwhwhwhw

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: _batMan on 07/01/09, 23:33
Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.

this is


its the last day to say goodbye to Embassy.
Balcony- Main Room - Wonderbar

also celebrating Yoyo, Renita , 1man, and Medina Siregar bday bash

Remy Irwan
Purple 7/24
Innerlight /1945 MF
Noxx M1/43
Stereopigs / DAFKAF
Tammy / JUICE
Adith / JUNKO
MC D 1945 MF
MC Twailla BBM

be there for the proper goodbye for embassy jakarta

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean we'll miss you
Until we meet again!

limited seats available...
for RSVP call
Ragil:0813 82410004
Fahmi: 0819 088 68 088
Timoty: 081386053990
Olga: 02191884369

www.ravelex.net (http://www.ravelex.net)
www.jakclubbers.com (http://www.jakclubbers.com)
www.indonesiaclubbing.com (http://www.indonesiaclubbing.com)
www.jakartaspot.com (http://www.jakartaspot.com)

http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=46326026495 (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=46326026495)

http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20569.msg418716/topicseen.html#new (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php/topic,20569.msg418716/topicseen.html#new)
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: vibe_blue on 08/01/09, 11:54

:) *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: noval h on 08/01/09, 13:10
 Wajib dateng nih  :D
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dennio on 08/01/09, 19:00
I'm comin'.......embassy
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Frico on 09/01/09, 19:48
Quote from: bimzkee on 17/12/08, 18:42
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/12/08, 18:23
i will back to home at that date, hopefully..

eh untuk kedepanya embassy-nya doang yang tutup?
wb jalan terus? balcony? ::)

back to home where shivers was played so loudly ya?

Hehehe.. msh inget aja lo Bimz
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: deholicers on 09/01/09, 22:18
Pastinya hadir *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

I LUV EMBASSY :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Jovier on 10/01/09, 07:59
wah..membuat para pcinta dunia mlm  bersedih :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dinar on 10/01/09, 08:53
Aduh msh bs masuk gak ya?! Curiga penuh bgt...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: boele 25hours on 11/01/09, 14:17
pindah ke senci ya kabarnya? hehe sotoy ah..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Reyzee on 12/01/09, 16:25
gak mungkin gak datennngggggg....

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: mazday on 12/01/09, 19:24
Berangkat nih!!

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: colis on 12/01/09, 21:30
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: yuz_traffic on 13/01/09, 01:30
4 hariii lagiii . . . . .
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: efan on 13/01/09, 12:14
Quote from: yuz_traffic on 13/01/09, 01:30
4 hariii lagiii . . . . .

Menjadi sediiiiih
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Dree_ on 13/01/09, 22:31
Dree ga jadi main ya?????
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: maffick on 13/01/09, 22:55
trus kapan baliknya?
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bullebali on 14/01/09, 00:05
Quote from: dj_dinar on 10/01/09, 08:53
Aduh msh bs masuk gak ya?! Curiga penuh bgt...

jangan curiga terus nar... ;)
kalo gw udah "NUDUH" pasti penuh.. ;D
tapi tetap aja gw pasti dateng... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 14/01/09, 01:35
Quote from: noval h on 08/01/09, 13:10
Wajib dateng nih  :D

yaaa dong tentuuuu nyaaaaaaaaaa.... ;) ;) *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 14/01/09, 01:36
Quote from: Dree_ on 13/01/09, 22:31
Dree ga jadi main ya?????

tenang...lontong maen d after party ma anak2 mbc pastiii nyaaaaa ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

*piss* *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: olga on 14/01/09, 01:37
Quote from: efan on 13/01/09, 12:14
Quote from: yuz_traffic on 13/01/09, 01:30
4 hariii lagiii . . . . .

Menjadi sediiiiih

sedihhhhhhhhh bgt............. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ivan d on 14/01/09, 21:22
Full Support... Good Good
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ADE_P45 on 15/01/09, 06:03
Quote from: Dree_ on 13/01/09, 22:31
Dree ga jadi main ya?????

tapi musti wajib hadir dree.... *piss*

Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bayu_disccolabs on 15/01/09, 09:11

ga mau dateng dong hehehehe
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: pierre_frederick on 16/01/09, 12:14
Hiks... sedih deh dengernya...

Hadir hadir... tar malam pasti dtg...
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: marchel on 16/01/09, 15:47
seluruh anak2 management... dari yang masih baru sampe yang udah lama berkecimpung pasti dateng nih...

reunian kita...

dikerjain sampe pagi sama om miko nih ntar...
keluar2 udah terang..

parkir di bestmen aja semuanya..
silau kalau diatas..
siap2 kacamata aja..
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: lemelleur on 16/01/09, 17:09
Quote from: marchel on 16/01/09, 15:47
seluruh anak2 management... dari yang masih baru sampe yang udah lama berkecimpung pasti dateng nih...

reunian kita...

dikerjain sampe pagi sama om miko nih ntar...
keluar2 udah terang..

parkir di bestmen aja semuanya..
silau kalau diatas..
siap2 kacamata aja..

Ga salah tu parkirnya di daerah Kemang ???  ;D ;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: dj ozsy on 17/01/09, 05:47
etttttt daaahhhhh...bujud..mau dtg jam 2 aja..da kaya di hayam wuruk ntuh...dr luar jalan raya da kaga gerakk ( macet total )  :-\ :-\ :-\ ..sukses gila neh acaranya...salute for embassy  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: ToM`s ~Hardcore~ on 17/01/09, 11:12
Dateng jam 5 msh susah jg cari parkir, gila sampe gw cabut stgh 8 aja masih crowded.

Huhuu bye mbc n wb penuh kenangan neh tempat asli, dah gt bung edi n miko mainin lagu2 vokal n melodic trance yg bikin tambah sedih n ga rela kalo harus tutup.
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: bgajulan on 17/01/09, 13:02
tom hardcore bgt dtg jam 5 plg jam stngah 8?  ;D
gelaaaaak daaah embassy smaleeeeem!!
padeeeet deet kaya pengungsian
alhasil puter balik deh  :-\
Title: Re: Closing Party For Embassy ---to be continued
Post by: Jay on 18/01/09, 17:21
pantes kita ga ktemu shelll.... he...
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