
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: DJ Ndira on 25/03/08, 07:05

Title: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 25/03/08, 07:05
dB Beat Crusader
(In Conjuction with DJ Ndira B'Day Bash)

@ Vertigo & Xlounge

Spinning DJs:

.. Vertigo ..

DJ Ndira (M1/43 Sound - dB Beat Crusader)

DJ Chris M (Reworks Production)

DJ Resty vs. DJ Ade Bro (M1/43)


Visual By: DVJ Ferre (BassRush/Trance4Life)

.. Xlounge ..

DJ East-Q (dBrother Production)

For GUESTLIST or INFO contact:
David   : 085691738621 / (021)98896486
Ronald : 08158800707   / (021)92874972
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Dree_ on 25/03/08, 09:13
happy birthday ndira....
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Chris.M on 25/03/08, 14:48
datang yah guys ;)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Robbie on 25/03/08, 16:16
wah mantap neh...

Happy b'day ndira  :)

Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 25/03/08, 18:25
Dateng ya guys..

I would really appreciated if you guys would come to this event..

he3x..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: BuNi on 25/03/08, 20:11
happy bday yaa.. !
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 25/03/08, 22:45
pada dateng yah!!!
hadiahnya apaan nih ndira???
mau yang Pink2 hehehehe juzt kidding...
btw bagi invite n flyernya donk....
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 25/03/08, 22:50
get hacep n blauran
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Teeyo on 25/03/08, 23:54
happy b'day ndira.. ;D ;D
diusahakan dtg. *piss*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Dree_ on 26/03/08, 04:09
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 25/03/08, 22:50
get hacep n blauran

Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Teeyo on 26/03/08, 05:58
Quote from: Dree_ on 26/03/08, 04:09
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 25/03/08, 22:50
get hacep n blauran


ada apa nih??? ;D ;D
ksih tau dong kk.. ahahaha
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 26/03/08, 06:57
@ ronald.. 

apa aja deh.. yg penting enak.. hehehehehehehe :P

Flyers lagi di cetak.. ntr kalo udh jadi pasti gw kasih loe lah.. tenang aja.. he3x..

@ teyo..

kasih tau ga yaaaaaaa.. :P
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: deejay_dq on 26/03/08, 10:30
Siap untuk datang dikarenakan my sis (ndira) ultah  ;D ;D ;D

Mantab neeeh liat kolaborasi Ade Bro, Chris M, Resti, ama Ndira  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: colis on 26/03/08, 19:50
happy birthday jeng ndira...
wish u all the best yah.... its a nice collaboration, cant wait to see it... ;)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 27/03/08, 06:31
Mo tau apa maksud gw??? dateng aja...hehehehe
ajak si nick,christo,baba,Dll...kali aja to be continue to s******....

ok!!! gw tgu,,,btw bis dari vertigo mo 205 atw Zeus???
lt.4 Juga ga apa2 hehehehehehehe.... Iya ga dree????
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 27/03/08, 10:56
@ Ronald..

waduh2 kita liat ntr deh ya.. maybe ******* kali yeeee.. hehehehehe..
kita tunggu aja tanggal mainnya..
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Dree_ on 27/03/08, 11:45
mmmmmm,,,,,,no comment!

ntar gw nyampe vertigo awal deh
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 28/03/08, 21:34
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 28/03/08, 21:38
ndira nanti kontrolin mukanya si david yah!!!
kalo udah kaya gini :-\ :-\ :-\harus diluruskan,,,
kalo ga bisa diluruskan harus pakein kacamata kaya gini 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Mario 78 on 28/03/08, 21:38
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 28/03/08, 21:34
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
langsung aja 4...jangan lupa diajak kembaranlu david.....hehehehehehee...n jangan lupa patungan zeus_nya... ;)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 29/03/08, 06:42
Pokoknya dateng aja dulu ya guys.. :P
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: dj.Q on 31/03/08, 13:55
Support all..
happy B'day yah buat NDira, wish u all the best...
buat Chris M yg gokil yah maenna,hehehee
gut lak all..
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 31/03/08, 18:36
@mario 78:
lo orang yang ke 2476 bilang kalo gw kembar sama david....
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: diss mc on 31/03/08, 19:38

support pastinya...


kemaren di centro gw liat team2 nya d'brother beat crusader nongol d event gw...


kita2 juga mau party dong di event ini...


ps: itu logo virus design knp bisa nyangkut di flyer vid???? hahaha...

Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 01/04/08, 15:37
wah wah wahhhh ada yg ulang taun nichhhhh....;D

hmmmm  ::) nyekokin ato dicekokin yahhhh ::)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 01/04/08, 17:27
@ Ronald..

emangnya.. loe ngitungin berapa orang yg bilang loe kembarannya david ??
niat amat loe.. he3x..

@ Diss MC:

Logo yg mana??

@ Vu:

waduh2.. menggila lagi nih kita.. hahahahahahaha :P
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Blonky on 01/04/08, 17:48
happy birthday ndira...

wish u all the best...

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 01/04/08, 17:51
Thx ya 4 all the Birthday Wishes..

Jangan Lupa dateng ya semuanya..
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: dweetha on 01/04/08, 18:25

Happy birthday ya sayy....

:-* :-* :-* :-*

btw g dijamu gak ni klo dateng?????

Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: luthfi on 01/04/08, 18:46
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 01/04/08, 19:03
Quote from: dweetha on 01/04/08, 18:25

Happy birthday ya sayy....

:-* :-* :-* :-*

btw g dijamu gak ni klo dateng?????



di jamu di kasih jamu kali yeee.. :P :P :P
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: club2club on 01/04/08, 19:22
Happy Birthday Ndira!  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 02/04/08, 18:27
abis gw tiap ketemu ma orang pasti dikirain gw mantan lo....
kan mantan lo sebenarnya david....hehehehehe
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Insomnia Beat on 02/04/08, 21:06
support for this event....:)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Teeyo on 02/04/08, 21:11
wah kyanya nyambung nih ndira.. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: MC Rez_Q on 02/04/08, 21:29
HAPPY BDAY  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Ditter on 02/04/08, 21:37
ndiraaaaaaaaa happy birthday yah...wish u all the best,...n didoakan semoga acaranya bakal sukses dan ramai!!!!!!!!!!!! diusahakan untuk hadir...!!!!
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 03/04/08, 15:28
@ Ronald..

mestinya loe bangga di kirain jadi mantan gw.. hahahahahahahahahaha..

Narsiz giLLa gw.. halah.. :P

@ Synan..

Harus dateng ya.. kalo ga dateng gw ngambek ama loe.. hehehehe :P
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Dree_ on 03/04/08, 17:41
Quote from: DJ Ndira on 03/04/08, 15:28
@ Ronald..

mestinya loe bangga di kirain jadi mantan gw.. hahahahahahahahahaha..

Narsiz giLLa gw.. halah.. :P

@ Synan..

Harus dateng ya.. kalo ga dateng gw ngambek ama loe.. hehehehe :P

siap tempur ntar malem!!!!!
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 03/04/08, 19:37
siap banget!! he3x..
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: jackson_ronald on 03/04/08, 20:11
ditunngu lo,,,awas ga dateng...dicoret dari silsilah cucunya eyank naga wakakakakakakak....
ajak nick,,,christ,,,baba,,,dwi,,,fesha,,,dkk
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Dree_ on 03/04/08, 21:59
Quote from: jackson_ronald on 03/04/08, 20:11
ditunngu lo,,,awas ga dateng...dicoret dari silsilah cucunya eyank naga wakakakakakakak....
ajak nick,,,christ,,,baba,,,dwi,,,fesha,,,dkk

apa nih?????
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: bless the child on 03/04/08, 22:02
happy birthdays..sukses selalu
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Chris.M on 04/04/08, 19:35
Verry verry massive b'day bash!!!

Set ndira gokil... love your set so much!!

Set Ade bro & Resty... JUARAA
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 05/04/08, 07:49
hehehehe.. thx..

i gave my BEST that night..

kpn nih ya kita main satu deck lagi.. ntr kpn bikin2 acara bareng lagi ya bro..
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: deejay_dq on 05/04/08, 16:13
Acaranya gokil dan rame  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Maju terus yaa buat bc and ndira  ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@ Chris.M

Set lo juga gokil koq sob  *bgs* *bgs* ;) ;)
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: Mario 78 on 05/04/08, 17:00
happy birthday ndira.....maaf ga dateng...thanks to david yg udah susah2 sms gw...next time kali yeh... :P...sukses tuk dBrother..... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: DJ Ndira on 05/04/08, 19:11
thx ya guys 4 ya support ..
Title: Re: dBrother Beat Crusader Presents "State of Mind"
Post by: dj MarsHaLL on 05/04/08, 23:45
Wahh Kmrn Tuch acranya Seru bgt......Success 4 Beat Crusader...!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
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