
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: doddo on 30/06/08, 18:10

Post by: doddo on 30/06/08, 18:10
 *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

Guys,.... still remind one of the biggest event name it FLIGHT 388 ???????

The flight will be back with the memorial set from

Captain Naro + Captain Romy + Captain Ai Whitelands + Mc Q



wait for more details.......


Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: vinodii on 30/06/08, 18:16
wew.... belum pernah denger sichh... tapi liat line up nya mantabh punya nehhhh *bgs* * bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Ditter on 02/07/08, 04:42
wowwwwwwwwwwwww...its gonna be a massive serial event!!!!! bener gak do????cangcing goskil bgt nihhhhhhhhh....do vario dah selesai disulap???hehehehhe
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 02/07/08, 12:08
dittter.......sorry kemren pas loe ke X2 gw dah di tol gitu gak inget ap2 he2...

Vario gw udah setengah jadi niy, ntr klo dah kelar disulapnya kita keliling jakarta naik motor ya sob


finally my dream come true to bring this flight back, after flying so far and now the flight will be

back.. 3 CAPTAIN will control the flight to X2 with they memorial set!!!!! remind this!!!

MEMORIAL SET!!! im sure like you said ter ,  it`s gonna be massive event.

tenang ter ini baru memorial set nya ntr ada 2nd edition nya , bakalan ada kejutan buat

synan recording`s juga kok.... just wait for that mate....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: colis on 02/07/08, 12:18
jadi penasaran nih do....
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 02/07/08, 12:21
naro bakal main prog set lagi ni ? ::)
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 02/07/08, 13:00
just wait guys... hehehehe.... only for DANCESFELLAS FLIGHT 388 THE COMMANDER SERIES

and one nite only......

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Gibran on 02/07/08, 15:04
wuidih jading Flight 388 yang dulu, one of the hippest rave....di terminal 3 ya kalo ngga salah, seru berat! Naro set proggie nya sinting banget :) huhuhuhuhuhuh nice to know the event's back
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 02/07/08, 16:17
gibran hehehe.... tapi kali ini kita buat nya indoor dan konsepnya kita kemas lebih seru mudah2an

mampir sob kalo sempet....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Ditter on 02/07/08, 17:40
@ doddo : mau kliling kmana pun pasti gw jabanin do...end up nya kita party2 di X2...disiapkan lah parkiran khususnya gt do!!!!!!hwhahahahahaha..... yup kita dah tau kejutannya all synan team are cant wait any longer till next month.....!!!!!hehehehehhee....secara ada kreator lama yg akhirnya kembali lagi nih do ( pahamkan siapa maksud gw )...hehehehhehe.....

guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dijaminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn seruuuuuuuuuuu n gokil konsepnya percaya aja lah sama dodo klo soal party2 seru sih gak ada matinye dia...!!!!!!
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 02/07/08, 18:12
hahaha siap ter pasti gw siapin parkiran buat synan crew, tapi gw yakin kayaknya loe gak dateng d

yang pertama,.... yah semua ide gw di gabung sama ide2 yang lain yah jadinya kayak apa yang

pnah kita buat juga ter. gw tau banget tuh org lama yang bangkit dari kubur hehehe.....

pokoknya gw berharap semua lancar jadi gw bs buat yang 2nd edition hehehe

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Ditter on 02/07/08, 18:26
@ doddo : amiennnnnnnnnnn..................waktu kmrn aja gw dtg do waktu redracing tai tuan rumahnya dah pulang ditengah2 tol lupa ngapain aja!!!!!wakakakakaka,,,klo ga bentrok sih gw pasti jalan kesana bserta pasukan tempur!!!!!hwhahahahahahaa.....
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 07/07/08, 14:58
Quote from: Gibran on 02/07/08, 15:04
wuidih jading Flight 388 yang dulu, one of the hippest rave....di terminal 3 ya kalo ngga salah, seru berat! Naro set proggie nya sinting banget :) huhuhuhuhuhuh nice to know the event's back

Bener tuh do kata gibran.. musti di bikin juga tuh
Flight 388 outdoor area nya.. gwe masih ada tuh do di kamar
Fliers flight 388 yg di out door area di hanggar pesawat...  ;D ;D
Post by: doddo on 07/07/08, 15:56
 *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*

*piss*  *piss*  *piss*  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*

Guys... finally you`re dream come true....









Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: club2club on 07/07/08, 16:11
Wow Naro and AI back to the root!  *tepuktangan*

Jaminan mutu ini sih... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 07/07/08, 16:36
jimprut... indoor aj sob... ini aja buatnya setengah mati hehehe... dateng yaa sob

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 07/07/08, 16:46
Gw pribadi minta maaf yaa buat semua DJ karena merepotkan untuk keluarin set2 lama nya

jadi bongkar gudang lagi yaa hehehehe..... pisssss.......

dan juga buat semua talent sorry banget ntr pasti akan sedikit repot untuk ganti2 kostum


Anyway thx for your support guys..... we love you.....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 07/07/08, 16:51
inget yaa guys mereka hanya ngeluarin set nya hanya saat event ini saja , jadi jangan

salah tangkep lho hehehe.... ntr DJ-DJ nya marah lho....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: bimzkee on 07/07/08, 16:55
so im gonna hear, my lexicon, flight dh 2126, karma, etc from naro?
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 07/07/08, 17:01
bim.... loe bisa tanya langsung sm om naro aj deh hehehe..... makanya dateng yaa....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: bimzkee on 07/07/08, 17:05
siap do... kalo ga ada halangan insya allah hadir
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: F E R R E on 07/07/08, 21:35
wow..dulu ni event pas gw baru masuk kuliah nih..masih ada flyernya nempel di tembok...luarbiasa! will be there insya allah...
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: chiefy on 07/07/08, 22:46
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: sin.AD on 10/07/08, 14:28
Dodo....secara club icon of the year....always make a great party concept....
Sukses sob ya......
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: beat architect on 10/07/08, 14:33
Finally....The One Of Biggest Memorial Party Event is Back.....Salute for dodo ya

Dateng ah....boleh ga sob
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 10/07/08, 14:45
gak lha sob... semua orang bisa bikin ini kok... cuman kebetulan aja lagi bisa mikir...hehehe

dateng donk loe sob.... biar bisa terbang bareng sama ai + naro + ardi pite + mc q

yang atur arahnya mau kemana hehehe

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 10/07/08, 14:56
to beat architect... emangnya waktu yang dulu dateng ya sob??? yang bikin yang dulu siapa yaa??

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: TRINITY Music on 10/07/08, 15:21
damm good.. sukses juoooo
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 10/07/08, 15:38
siaap jooo... dateng yaa kalo sempet....
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: beat architect on 10/07/08, 17:30
@ dodo...... 8) 8) *piss*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Ditter on 10/07/08, 23:51
@ doddo : emang paling bisa nih arsiteknya flight 388...!!!asli bikin mules bgt gak sih konsepnya???hehehehe...
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 11/07/08, 12:38
Arsitek lama sama arsitek baru digabung jadinya yah.... hehehehehe

pisss guys.....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 11/07/08, 12:40
ditter dteng donkss......plissss......sekali2 marque ditemenin siapa gitu hehehe

luv you guys
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 14/07/08, 12:30
Are You Ready To FLying With Us....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Gibran on 14/07/08, 13:39
hihihihi MANTAP DO! pastinya diusahakan hadir......Kangen denger Naro muter My Lexicon....hihihih
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 17/07/08, 14:25
hahaha.... ayo...ayo... pada dateng donks minggu depan k X2....

it`s a memorial set..... one nite only.....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: beat architect on 17/07/08, 16:35
Attentation please...to all jakarta partygoer's....this is Capt. Didiet speaking from the cabin on this flight...welcome to our flight....FLIGHT 388 The Commanders Series....We gone take off from X2 Club International Airport...Friday, July 25, 2008.... 10 pm onward...Our Capt. on this flight...Capt. Naro playing memorial progressive set...Capt. Ai Whiteland playing memorial techno set...Capt. Ardi Pite playing memorial trance set and MC Q u'r flight attendant supervisor...prepare u'r time, u'r body, u'r soul and u'r memorial mind...and enjoy on this flight.
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Errie on 19/07/08, 14:47
berangkat ahhh.... :P
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Debon on 19/07/08, 15:05
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: Bhokero on 19/07/08, 19:33
sadis banget , bukan bahaya lagi ini siy
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: guntUr on 19/07/08, 23:54
wow gw baru denger dari mas D*D*T nih

sukses ya... *bgs*

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: audie_alb on 20/07/08, 05:38
Wiih, sukses buat X2, Doddo dan Didit. Pasti terpelintir.
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 21/07/08, 10:28
serem kan capten didit nya dah speking hehehe..... tq ya guys , makanya semua kalo bisa pd dateng

donk kapan lagi denger Naro keluari Proggresive set nya , AI keluarin Techno setnya yang jaman2

dia baru balik dari belanda , Ardi Pite keluarin classic trance nya,.. dan tentunya the first MC party

in jakarta Mc Q dan mereka semua bakal lengakap dengan kostum pilot2 pesawat tempur

c u guys....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: beat architect on 23/07/08, 00:27
Hi....Hi....para penggemar pesta jakarta......datang ya ke pesta kita - kita ini di X2...ini pesta memori lho....inget kan di terminal 3 waktu itu...hehehe...
ampe ketemu ya di lantai dansa X2

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 23/07/08, 12:55
aslii sob.... paling lucu pas partynya dah kelar kita2 semua masih duduk gitu ngeliat pesawat

take off, dan muka nya semua yang capke abis begadang gitu hahahahaa......

so it`s gonna be great party this friday..... just come and dance guys....

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: RUMUS on 23/07/08, 13:51
 Weiiitss, memorial set nih.....!!! Penting  *piss*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 23/07/08, 14:20
yang paling penting memorial set nya dari para DJ2 kondang ini nih guys.... yang gak mungkin

pernah loe pada bissa denger lagi kecuali di event ini and only @ X2 hehehehe....

so don`t miss it guys...

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: guntUr on 24/07/08, 01:36
setuju bagt boss,

ga sabar nih,hehhehehe...

8) :P
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 24/07/08, 15:48
yes...yes...yes.... party....party....party...... c u guys tomorrow with all captain

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: suzan on 25/07/08, 12:35
tonite!!! i can't wait neh.... hmmm  FLIGHT 388, ud getu set nya pun special banget...

thanks to Om Carlcox's Brother a.k.a Didiet yang make it real...

uhhh............ seru sekaliiiiiii..........

siap berangkatttt..............
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: prasswerk on 25/07/08, 18:14
wahhh, kalo beat architect dah kluar bahaya nihhh.... BAHAAYYYAAAAAAA!!!!
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: colis on 26/07/08, 12:15
last nite all DJ's played gokiel abiess....
banyak lagu lama yg ditongolin... memorable bgt semalem....
salute for X2 & doddo for that massive night... :)
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 27/07/08, 18:32

naro dengan memorable setnya
scara dari jainero, star guitar, ampe brightside keluar semua..

cengli lah
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: rome on 27/07/08, 20:28
@ Beat Architech AKA didiet AKA Sob AKA Homer....... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: guntUr on 28/07/08, 00:32
post fotonya dong... *bgs*
Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 28/07/08, 10:51
finally.... sukses berat niy event semua dj bener2 keluarin semua memorial setnya.... Ai bener2

kayak baru dari belanda , naro bener2 sakit jiwa ( semua anthem keluar dan nyanyi semuanya) ,

pite secara lagi birthday dan mukenya gw tampilin discreen terus, mainnya jadi bikin orang gak

mau pulang tuh hehehehe.... to all of yang dah dateng tx banget....

Dan buat Ai, Naro, Pite, Mc Q tx banget dah mau pake costum nya ya, dan mengeluarkan

koleksi2 lagu lamanya sampe2 bongkar gudang yaa hehehe i love you .......

and for the last i wanna say tq so much to my sob Didiet hahaha we did it man!!!!

C u Nx Year !!!!!!!


Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: suzan on 28/07/08, 13:57
Quote from: doddo on 28/07/08, 10:51
finally.... sukses berat niy event semua dj bener2 keluarin semua memorial setnya.... Ai bener2

kayak baru dari belanda , naro bener2 sakit jiwa ( semua anthem keluar dan nyanyi semuanya) ,

pite secara lagi birthday dan mukenya gw tampilin discreen terus, mainnya jadi bikin orang gak

mau pulang tuh hehehehe.... to all of yang dah dateng tx banget....

Dan buat Ai, Naro, Pite, Mc Q tx banget dah mau pake costum nya ya, dan mengeluarkan

koleksi2 lagu lamanya sampe2 bongkar gudang yaa hehehe i love you .......

and for the last i wanna say tq so much to my sob Didiet hahaha we did it man!!!!

C u Nx Year !!!!!!!


setuju banget do... bner2 unforgettable nite ever...
thanks buat AI, NARO, ARDI PITE, and MC Q... asliiiiii, malem itu bner2 gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa, gokillllllllllll, sakittttttttttttttttt...........................

huhuhuuhuu.. sayangnya mesti nunggu taon depan yha...

buat om carclcox's bro... (mas didiet)..... huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... bner2 GOOD JOB!!!!

hihihihihihihihihhi.... sebenernya ga mo cabut dr X2.. tapi, mao gimana lagi yha, do? ud mo tutup...en... ummmmm, ud ah.... FLIGHT 388 punya kenangan banget buat mak, dodo, suzan, en mas didiet.... cihuyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......................

i love u all....................................

Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: doddo on 28/07/08, 15:27
sorry ralat , hehehe tahun depan lum tentu ada lagi san dan buat semuanya, jadi yang gak dateng

yah.... gimana yaa... you miss the party guys hehehehe

kenangan nya gak lucu deh , nyasar ketempat yang gw anggap neraka hahahaha

but nice one guys....


Title: Re: FLIGHT 388 IS BACK
Post by: suzan on 29/07/08, 15:13
Quote from: doddo on 28/07/08, 15:27
sorry ralat , hehehe tahun depan lum tentu ada lagi san dan buat semuanya, jadi yang gak dateng

yah.... gimana yaa... you miss the party guys hehehehe

kenangan nya gak lucu deh , nyasar ketempat yang gw anggap neraka hahahaha

but nice one guys....


yhaaa.. dodo kok aur2an yha? hmm.. taon depan blom tentu ada? knapa??? ada dunk.. ada deh... eh.... kenangannya ga lucu? knapa do? tempat yg dianggap neraka? tapi enak kan? hihihihihiihi.. sapa suru mampir ke ego?

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