
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: 360. on 24/12/09, 12:56

Title: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 24/12/09, 12:56
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

JOAKIM Biography :

Joakim is hard to pin down: part club music, part jazz, part electronic experimentalism.

One of France's foremost electronic musicians, Joakm has a background in classical music, US & UK indie rock and jazz. He discovered electronic music after a schoolfriend left his synthetiser in Joakim's room, later latching onto indie and electronic labels such as Warp and Mo Wax. His first album 'Tiger Sushi' was ambient electro-jazz, before he moved onto electronics with 'Fantômes' [2003], and later 'Monsters and Silly Songs' [2007], on which he combines post-rock, disco, electronics and, well, silly songs. "Making a pure dance album would almost be like composing an album entirely in F major," says Joakim. "I jump from one idea to the next. I simply have to try everything and see where it leads."

Joakim runs the Tigersushi label, releases a broad spectrum of music including Maurice Fulton, E.S.G, Poni Hoax and Metro Area. Joakim does live sets, DJs and he's also a remixer; he's recut tunes from Tiga, Air and Antena's 'Camino Del Sol' - the latter of which was one of the biggest club tunes of 2006. Finally, he also has a live band, Joakim and the Ectoplasmic Band, on which he plays machines, keyboards, guitars and sings. Fingers in many pies then. Joakim also does his own artwork for his record sleeves.

After a debut that blended jazz, turntablism, hip-hop and indie rock, French producer and remixer Joakim has maintained a similarly eclectic profile, both on his own releases and on his work as a producer, collaborator, remixer and head of his own influential Tigersushi label. Born Joakim Bouaziz, the young prodigy began an intensive study of classical music beginning with piano lessons that started at age six. After graduating from the National Conservatory of Versailles, Joakim immersed himself in jazz, American and British indie rock and hip-hop. Incorporating all of these influences and more, he made his recorded debut with 1999's Joakim Lone Octet, a jazzy and largely instrumental album. In 2003, the more electronic dance oriented follow-up Fantomes garnered considerably more attention. After four years spent focusing on label duties and remix jobs, releasing the occasional single under his own name, Joakim returned in 2007 with the eclectic Monsters & Silly Songs, featuring the 12" single "Lonely Hearts."

http://www.joakimikaoj.com (http://www.joakimikaoj.com)
http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka (http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka)
http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The... (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The...)
http://www.tigersushi.com (http://www.tigersushi.com)

Joakim 'Beat In Space' Radio Show DJ Mix :

http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3 (http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3)

1. Last Man In Europe Corporation – Situation 2
2. Les Percussions de Strasbourg – Philips
3. Christian Vander & Frank Raholison – Fiesta In Drums – Palm
4. Bernard Szajner – Some Deaths Take Forever – Initial Recording
5. Nocturnal Emissions – No Magic – Illuminated
6. Implog – Holland Tunnel Dive – Lust/Unlust
7. La Dusseldorf – Viva
8. Moebius, Plank, Neumeier – Pitch Control – Sky
9. Can – ...And More – Spoon
10. John Forde – Stardance – EMI
11. Hypnosis – End Title (Blade Runner) – Zyx
12. Shock – Angel Face
13. American Fade – I'm Alive (Let's Move On ) Inst – Proto
14. Etienne Daho – Le Grand Sommeil
15. Tomboy – Its So Hot – Gomma
16. The Gossip – Playgroup Inst. Remix
17. Westbam – Monkey Say Monkey Do – Low Spirit
18. The Siren – Losoul Edit – Playhouse
19. Diskokaine – Boing Boom Jack! – Gomma
20. Gucci Soundsystem – Acarpenter (Joakim Remix) – Death From Abroad
21. Divine – Jungle Jezebel – O
22. Joakim – Love Me 2 – K7/Versatile

Royksopp - The Girl and The Robot (Joakim Remix)

http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix (http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix)

Joakim's Milky Mix :

http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix (http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix)

Joakim - Live at Sunday Best! :

http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best (http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best)!,%208-24-2008.MP3


REVOLVER - Birds in Dm (EMI)
ROYKSOPP - The Girl and The Robot (EMI)
KLEERUP - Longing For Lullaby (Positiva)
DJ MEHDI - Pocket Piano (Ed Banger)
WENDY CARLOS - Tron Soundtrack (Disney)
THE CHAP - Ethnic Instruments (Lo Recordings)
PONI HOAX - Hypercommunication (Tigersushi)
SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO - Hustler (Wichita)
LATE OF PIER - The Bears Are Coming (Polydor)
PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY - A Mountain For President (Tigersushi)
SEVENTEEN EVERGREEN - Music Is The Wine (Lucky Number)
ALTER EGO - WHY NOT!? (Playhouse)
ANTENA - CAMINO DEL SOL (Permanent Vacation)
PONI HOAX - Involutive Star (Tigersushi)
TIGA - Pleasure from the Bass (Pias)
AIR - Surfing On A Rocket (Virgin)
ANNIE - Always Too Late (679)
JOHN FOXX - Mr NO (Parlophone)
CAJUAN - Raven (Fine)
MAX BERLIN - Elle et Moi (USA Import)
DETROIT GRAND PUBAHS - Big Onion (Poker Flat)
CHATEAU FLIGHT - Antipodes (Versatile)
CLASHING EGOS - Aminjig Nebere (LEA)

& MORE...

JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 24/12/09, 13:52
Paris attack;

District 11
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dizzie on 24/12/09, 14:24
Udaaaaaaahhh....gilaaaaa.....kmrn dibengkel LIVEnya gokiiiilll..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Sekarang DJ set........!!  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Ampuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnn......bakalan ga jajan lagi nih bualan depan....heheheehhe

Cueeeekkk.....buat JOAKIM sih.... ;)

Salute for bring him back to J-Town.....
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 25/12/09, 17:23
Zaman dahulu kala orang berbicara mengenai House2 Prancis,

France Hip-hop juga ada kelasnya,

Sejak JUSTICE Electro dari Prancis happening bgt,

Nah kita liat aja nih Disco dari Prancis...................????

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: ICAL BH on 25/12/09, 17:35
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: BFC on 25/12/09, 23:03
Pas Live nya gw si kurang ngerti ya lagu nya.  *piss*

DJ set nya gw search di Tube ngga kok ngga ada ya?

Kaya gimana sih....?


Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 26/12/09, 06:02
Quote from: BFC on 25/12/09, 23:03
Pas Live nya gw si kurang ngerti ya lagu nya.  *piss*

DJ set nya gw search di Tube ngga kok ngga ada ya?

Kaya gimana sih....?


setau gw space/cosmic disco, disco beneran, dll.
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 26/12/09, 10:45

Which mean France Disco? wihiiiii.....

Mau dounk !!!

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: club2club on 26/12/09, 15:36
FDC berapa? 100ribu?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 27/12/09, 06:03
Quote from: club2club on 26/12/09, 15:36
FDC berapa? 100ribu?

Bener banget 100rb pas bgt + minum, tapi kalo harga segitu masih pada ngantri GL ga ya?
kasian yg promotornya juga si, banyak event2 yg jadinya boncos karena banyaknya GL.

Padahal cepe dpr minum mustinya ok lah ya....

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 27/12/09, 20:32
http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best!,%208-24-2008.MP3 (http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best!,%208-24-2008.MP3)

set ini keren banget. fun as hell, berlawanan sama tampangnya yang creepy.
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Discomfort on 28/12/09, 10:04
Yoi meat, cepe sih mustinya masih ok ya. Dapet minumnya juga gak yg culun juga kok. Kasian ya label, dikasi DJ lokal yg dtg seret, dikasi DJ luar antri geslis.. maju kena mundur kena kata warkop... anyway guys, gw sih kyknya mo dtg dan akan dateng early for the local performers juga. Yuk early yuk, show the locals some love please!
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 28/12/09, 12:37
Joakim "Lonely Hearts" Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oewlu-Unolk#)

Joakim - Fly Like An Apple (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdC3tLHf48U#)

Joakim - Spiders (original mix) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEqo-VyRnZQ#ws)

360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th, 2010 @ Buddhabar, Jakarta
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 31/12/09, 01:36
Come early to A party

I'm down for that....

Tapi kalo start dari jam 7, gw jujur gempor bray. kalo headline nya maen jam 12 gt.

Danzig knowledge nya caunggih bgt nihh

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dizzie on 04/01/10, 11:36
BFC n Danzig........bolu....bole juga knwoledge lo berdua..... *bgs* *bgs*

Nambah info buat gw.....about dunia perdiskoan.... :)

keep it like dat bro..... *piss*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Discomfort on 04/01/10, 14:19
QuotePosted by: Tiga

Come early to A party

I'm down for that....

Tapi kalo start dari jam 7, gw jujur gempor bray. kalo headline nya maen jam 12 gt.

Bekel sangu dong brrahhhh... trus di jadwalin jam sekian ampe sekian beli di venue, sisanya jam kecil sikat bekelan.. apa kek amer gitu.. ;D  ;D
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 04/01/10, 17:37

True... tp, jangan jadi GL ya..... "no offense to any one"

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 04/01/10, 23:21
@ 360

Knapa ga live lagi tapi ada Drumtrax dounk...

joakim bouaziz (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTda36ihy8o&feature=related#)

Sisi mereka yg kaya gini yg pecah..


Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 05/01/10, 01:46
Quote from: 360. on 24/12/09, 12:56
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

JOAKIM Biography :

After a debut that blended jazz, turntablism, hip-hop and indie rock, French producer and remixer Joakim has maintained a similarly eclectic profile, both on his own releases and on his work as a producer, collaborator, remixer and head of his own influential Tigersushi label. Born Joakim Bouaziz, the young prodigy began an intensive study of classical music beginning with piano lessons that started at age six. After graduating from the National Conservatory of Versailles, Joakim immersed himself in jazz, American and British indie rock and hip-hop. Incorporating all of these influences and more, he made his recorded debut with 1999's Joakim Lone Octet, a jazzy and largely instrumental album. In 2003, the more electronic dance oriented follow-up Fantomes garnered considerably more attention. After four years spent focusing on label duties and remix jobs, releasing the occasional single under his own name, Joakim returned in 2007 with the eclectic Monsters & Silly Songs, featuring the 12" single "Lonely Hearts."

http://www.joakimikaoj.com (http://www.joakimikaoj.com)
http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka (http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka)
http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The... (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The...)
http://www.tigersushi.com (http://www.tigersushi.com)


REVOLVER - Birds in Dm (EMI)
ROYKSOPP - The Girl and The Robot (EMI)
KLEERUP - Longing For Lullaby (Positiva)
DJ MEHDI - Pocket Piano (Ed Banger)
WENDY CARLOS - Tron Soundtrack (Disney)
THE CHAP - Ethnic Instruments (Lo Recordings)
PONI HOAX - Hypercommunication (Tigersushi)
SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO - Hustler (Wichita)
LATE OF PIER - The Bears Are Coming (Polydor)
PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY - A Mountain For President (Tigersushi)
SEVENTEEN EVERGREEN - Music Is The Wine (Lucky Number)
ALTER EGO - WHY NOT!? (Playhouse)
ANTENA - CAMINO DEL SOL (Permanent Vacation)
PONI HOAX - Involutive Star (Tigersushi)
TIGA - Pleasure from the Bass (Pias)
AIR - Surfing On A Rocket (Virgin)
ANNIE - Always Too Late (679)
JOHN FOXX - Mr NO (Parlophone)
CAJUAN - Raven (Fine)
MAX BERLIN - Elle et Moi (USA Import)
DETROIT GRAND PUBAHS - Big Onion (Poker Flat)
CHATEAU FLIGHT - Antipodes (Versatile)
CLASHING EGOS - Aminjig Nebere (LEA)

& MORE...

JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta


Ini sih pasti pecah! Haha, be there again!
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 05/01/10, 03:14
Gw sih penasaran bgt set nya dia...

Kayaknya sih dia bakal all out = ngga down grade gitu

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 05/01/10, 10:33
Gw sempet dateng ke I.D.I.E Conference @ Public..

set nya beda ama live yaa..

jadi makin penasaran liat dj set joakim kaya apa yaa??  ::)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 05/01/10, 12:13

Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 05/01/10, 13:46
Quote from: 360. on 05/01/10, 12:13

Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?

maksudnya bos? di cover-nya kan ga diliatin pergelangan tangannya?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: club2club on 05/01/10, 16:00
Quote from: danzig on 05/01/10, 13:46
Quote from: 360. on 05/01/10, 12:13

Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?

maksudnya bos? di cover-nya kan ga diliatin pergelangan tangannya?

ga ada yang bakal menang sih gw rasa...jawabannya aja ga ada... :P *piss*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 06/01/10, 14:06
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Yugo Maulana on 06/01/10, 14:36
360 RADIO feat JOAKIM 'Dj set' 29.01.10 @ Buddha Bar, Jakarta. :) ;) :D ;D 8) *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 06/01/10, 14:52
asiiieekkk.. ada quiz lg niyh?!

umm.. ada apa ya di tangan nya?  (?)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 08/01/10, 13:55
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Mariee dacosta on 08/01/10, 13:58
Asek Joakim datang lagi.. seru neh *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 09/01/10, 16:40
Guys, mau tanya dong. Emang bener ya Joakim S3 music?

Emang ada ya S3 music?

Sorry ya kalo gw katro, tp nanya kan biar ga katro..

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 09/01/10, 19:45
Quote from: 360. on 05/01/10, 12:13

Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?

Karena covernya aja dari dada keatas, itu juga mukenye ditutupin kan.
Jadi, menang lagi dong gue nih?

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 10/01/10, 04:20
Coba cdnya dibuka....
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: BFC on 10/01/10, 07:39
School me...
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 11/01/10, 12:37
QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 11/01/10, 16:56
Wuuaahhhh.. Muuaanntaabbb !! *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 11/01/10, 17:00
---- TABLE LIST JOAKIM On 29/01/2010 @BUDDHA BAR ----

- Min Spend Idr 3,5 Million = 7 Ticket
- Min Spend Idr 2,5 Million = 5 Ticket
- Min Spend Idr 1 Million    = 2 Ticket

FDC IDR = 150.000 + Bottle Heineken

Contact Person : Dorry 081314995789/ Buddha Bar 0213900899

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Mariee dacosta on 12/01/10, 11:39
Dor!! Pesan Table donk...JOAKIM Dj set penasaran neh gua.. *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: club2club on 12/01/10, 22:04
Quote from: Mariee dacosta on 12/01/10, 11:39
Dor!! Pesan Table donk...JOAKIM Dj set penasaran neh gua.. *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*

ok nanti gw ke table lo ya... ;)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Yugo Maulana on 13/01/10, 11:47
360radio feat joakim 'dj set' 29.01.10 @ Buddha Bar, Jakarta. IDR 150 including heineken bottle.
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 13/01/10, 13:55
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 09/01/10, 19:45
Quote from: 360. on 05/01/10, 12:13

Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUIZ : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?

Karena covernya aja dari dada keatas, itu juga mukenye ditutupin kan.
Jadi, menang lagi dong gue nih?


Hahahahha.. masa lo lagi yg menang.. jwban nya emang apa? his wirst?  ::)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 13/01/10, 14:29
Quote from: club2club on 12/01/10, 22:04
Quote from: Mariee dacosta on 12/01/10, 11:39
Dor!! Pesan Table donk...JOAKIM Dj set penasaran neh gua.. *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*

ok nanti gw ke table lo ya... ;)

ke table temen gw juga yuuu
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/01/10, 21:05
Quote from: meat on 13/01/10, 14:29
Quote from: club2club on 12/01/10, 22:04
Quote from: Mariee dacosta on 12/01/10, 11:39
Dor!! Pesan Table donk...JOAKIM Dj set penasaran neh gua.. *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*

ok nanti gw ke table lo ya... ;)

ke table temen gw juga yuuu
jb dong eieiieiieie
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 14/01/10, 10:49
Gw juga dehh.. hehehhehe  ;D
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 14/01/10, 11:39
Get FREE ticket to 360Radio - JOAKIM 'DJ Set' on Jan 29th @ Buddhabar, Jakarta

QUESTION : What you find on Joakim wrist in his picture in his new album "Milky Ways" ?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 14/01/10, 13:03
Table terbatas.....udah mau full...siapa yang mau pesan...
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Mariee dacosta on 14/01/10, 13:06
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;) ;) ------- JOAKIM------
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 15/01/10, 11:33
Wahhh.. bisa nginep gw weekend kali ini di Buddhabar..

*tepuktangan* *bgs* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 15/01/10, 13:59

(http://s4.postimage.org/1q5iGi.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV1q5iGi)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Discomfort on 17/01/10, 22:51
Maaf bgt yahh.. tp ini kenapa sama sekali gak disebutin Visual by H&M yah? Bukan minta diangkat bos.. cuman kan kita jg perlu promo yah, maaf loh.. ;)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 18/01/10, 14:02
Quote from: Discomfort on 17/01/10, 22:51
Maaf bgt yahh.. tp ini kenapa sama sekali gak disebutin Visual by H&M yah? Bukan minta diangkat bos.. cuman kan kita jg perlu promo yah, maaf loh.. ;)

Sorry bro, telat.

Materi final nya baru aja jadi week end kemaren,

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 18/01/10, 14:39

~ 360 RADIO ~

on Januari 29th, 2010 at Buddha Bar Jakarta
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta
Door open at 10PM

* JOAKIM (Tigersushi Records)

http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)

* HERU (360)
* ODEQ (360)
* ARMADHA (360)

Audio Visual Set By : HAMMER & MACE

We also have 'PATIO Shop' :

"There will be TIGERSUSHI @ Patio Garden"


(So bring a lot of cash guys..!)

Tickets only IDR 150.000 on the door! (Included Heineken by bottle)

Free Give Away by ORBIS..!

For More Info & Reservation :
Buddha Bar (021) 3900899
Dorry 081314995789



JOAKIM Biography :

Joakim is hard to pin down: part club music, part jazz, part electronic experimentalism.

One of France's foremost electronic musicians, Joakm has a background in classical music, US & UK indie rock and jazz. He discovered electronic music after a schoolfriend left his synthetiser in Joakim's room, later latching onto indie and electronic labels such as Warp and Mo Wax. His first album 'Tiger Sushi' was ambient electro-jazz, before he moved onto electronics with 'Fantômes' [2003], and later 'Monsters and Silly Songs' [2007], on which he combines post-rock, disco, electronics and, well, silly songs. "Making a pure dance album would almost be like composing an album entirely in F major," says Joakim. "I jump from one idea to the next. I simply have to try everything and see where it leads."

Joakim runs the Tigersushi label, releases a broad spectrum of music including Maurice Fulton, E.S.G, Poni Hoax and Metro Area. Joakim does live sets, DJs and he's also a remixer; he's recut tunes from Tiga, Air and Antena's 'Camino Del Sol' - the latter of which was one of the biggest club tunes of 2006. Finally, he also has a live band, Joakim and the Ectoplasmic Band, on which he plays machines, keyboards, guitars and sings. Fingers in many pies then. Joakim also does his own artwork for his record sleeves.

After a debut that blended jazz, turntablism, hip-hop and indie rock, French producer and remixer Joakim has maintained a similarly eclectic profile, both on his own releases and on his work as a producer, collaborator, remixer and head of his own influential Tigersushi label. Born Joakim Bouaziz, the young prodigy began an intensive study of classical music beginning with piano lessons that started at age six. After graduating from the National Conservatory of Versailles, Joakim immersed himself in jazz, American and British indie rock and hip-hop. Incorporating all of these influences and more, he made his recorded debut with 1999's Joakim Lone Octet, a jazzy and largely instrumental album. In 2003, the more electronic dance oriented follow-up Fantomes garnered considerably more attention. After four years spent focusing on label duties and remix jobs, releasing the occasional single under his own name, Joakim returned in 2007 with the eclectic Monsters & Silly Songs, featuring the 12" single "Lonely Hearts."

http://www.joakimikaoj.com (http://www.joakimikaoj.com)
http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka (http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka)
http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The... (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The...)
http://www.tigersushi.com (http://www.tigersushi.com)

Joakim 'Beat In Space' Radio Show DJ Mix :

http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3 (http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3)

1. Last Man In Europe Corporation – Situation 2
2. Les Percussions de Strasbourg – Philips
3. Christian Vander & Frank Raholison – Fiesta In Drums – Palm
4. Bernard Szajner – Some Deaths Take Forever – Initial Recording
5. Nocturnal Emissions – No Magic – Illuminated
6. Implog – Holland Tunnel Dive – Lust/Unlust
7. La Dusseldorf – Viva
8. Moebius, Plank, Neumeier – Pitch Control – Sky
9. Can – ...And More – Spoon
10. John Forde – Stardance – EMI
11. Hypnosis – End Title (Blade Runner) – Zyx
12. Shock – Angel Face
13. American Fade – I'm Alive (Let's Move On ) Inst – Proto
14. Etienne Daho – Le Grand Sommeil
15. Tomboy – Its So Hot – Gomma
16. The Gossip – Playgroup Inst. Remix
17. Westbam – Monkey Say Monkey Do – Low Spirit
18. The Siren – Losoul Edit – Playhouse
19. Diskokaine – Boing Boom Jack! – Gomma
20. Gucci Soundsystem – Acarpenter (Joakim Remix) – Death From Abroad
21. Divine – Jungle Jezebel – O
22. Joakim – Love Me 2 – K7/Versatile

Royksopp - The Girl and The Robot (Joakim Remix)

http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix (http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix)

Joakim's Milky Mix :

http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix (http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix)

Joakim - Live at Sunday Best! :

http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best (http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best)!,%208-24-2008.MP3


REVOLVER - Birds in Dm (EMI)
ROYKSOPP - The Girl and The Robot (EMI)
KLEERUP - Longing For Lullaby (Positiva)
DJ MEHDI - Pocket Piano (Ed Banger)
WENDY CARLOS - Tron Soundtrack (Disney)
THE CHAP - Ethnic Instruments (Lo Recordings)
PONI HOAX - Hypercommunication (Tigersushi)
SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO - Hustler (Wichita)
LATE OF PIER - The Bears Are Coming (Polydor)
PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY - A Mountain For President (Tigersushi)
SEVENTEEN EVERGREEN - Music Is The Wine (Lucky Number)
ALTER EGO - WHY NOT!? (Playhouse)
ANTENA - CAMINO DEL SOL (Permanent Vacation)
PONI HOAX - Involutive Star (Tigersushi)
TIGA - Pleasure from the Bass (Pias)
AIR - Surfing On A Rocket (Virgin)
ANNIE - Always Too Late (679)
JOHN FOXX - Mr NO (Parlophone)
CAJUAN - Raven (Fine)
MAX BERLIN - Elle et Moi (USA Import)
DETROIT GRAND PUBAHS - Big Onion (Poker Flat)
CHATEAU FLIGHT - Antipodes (Versatile)
CLASHING EGOS - Aminjig Nebere (LEA)

& MORE...

(http://s4.postimage.org/1yW0t0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV1yW0t0)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 18/01/10, 18:09
kuisnya ada yang lebih gampang, bos? :(
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 18/01/10, 23:09
Quote from: danzig on 18/01/10, 18:09
kuisnya ada yang lebih gampang, bos? :(

Ngga susah kok mustinya ya,


apa ya?

berapa tinggi Joakim? gimana?

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 19/01/10, 08:48
Quote from: 360. on 18/01/10, 23:09
Quote from: danzig on 18/01/10, 18:09
kuisnya ada yang lebih gampang, bos? :(

Ngga susah kok mustinya ya,


apa ya?

berapa tinggi Joakim? gimana?


hampir 190 cm ;D
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 19/01/10, 11:19
Quote from: danzig on 19/01/10, 08:48
Quote from: 360. on 18/01/10, 23:09
Quote from: danzig on 18/01/10, 18:09
kuisnya ada yang lebih gampang, bos? :(

Ngga susah kok mustinya ya,


apa ya?

berapa tinggi Joakim? gimana?


hampir 190 cm ;D

Sip, hubungin Dory ya di 081314995789
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 19/01/10, 12:06
Quote from: 360. on 18/01/10, 14:39

~ 360 RADIO ~

on Januari 29th, 2010 at Buddha Bar Jakarta
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta
Door open at 10PM

* JOAKIM (Tigersushi Records)

http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)

* HERU (360)
* ODEQ (360)
* ARMADHA (360)

Audio Visual Set By : HAMMER & MACE

We also have 'PATIO Shop' :

"There will be TIGERSUSHI @ Patio Garden"


(So bring a lot of cash guys..!)

Tickets only IDR 150.000 on the door! (Included Heineken by bottle)

Free Give Away by ORBIS..!

For More Info & Reservation :
Buddha Bar (021) 3900899
Dorry 081314995789



JOAKIM Biography :

Joakim is hard to pin down: part club music, part jazz, part electronic experimentalism.

One of France's foremost electronic musicians, Joakm has a background in classical music, US & UK indie rock and jazz. He discovered electronic music after a schoolfriend left his synthetiser in Joakim's room, later latching onto indie and electronic labels such as Warp and Mo Wax. His first album 'Tiger Sushi' was ambient electro-jazz, before he moved onto electronics with 'Fantômes' [2003], and later 'Monsters and Silly Songs' [2007], on which he combines post-rock, disco, electronics and, well, silly songs. "Making a pure dance album would almost be like composing an album entirely in F major," says Joakim. "I jump from one idea to the next. I simply have to try everything and see where it leads."

Joakim runs the Tigersushi label, releases a broad spectrum of music including Maurice Fulton, E.S.G, Poni Hoax and Metro Area. Joakim does live sets, DJs and he's also a remixer; he's recut tunes from Tiga, Air and Antena's 'Camino Del Sol' - the latter of which was one of the biggest club tunes of 2006. Finally, he also has a live band, Joakim and the Ectoplasmic Band, on which he plays machines, keyboards, guitars and sings. Fingers in many pies then. Joakim also does his own artwork for his record sleeves.

After a debut that blended jazz, turntablism, hip-hop and indie rock, French producer and remixer Joakim has maintained a similarly eclectic profile, both on his own releases and on his work as a producer, collaborator, remixer and head of his own influential Tigersushi label. Born Joakim Bouaziz, the young prodigy began an intensive study of classical music beginning with piano lessons that started at age six. After graduating from the National Conservatory of Versailles, Joakim immersed himself in jazz, American and British indie rock and hip-hop. Incorporating all of these influences and more, he made his recorded debut with 1999's Joakim Lone Octet, a jazzy and largely instrumental album. In 2003, the more electronic dance oriented follow-up Fantomes garnered considerably more attention. After four years spent focusing on label duties and remix jobs, releasing the occasional single under his own name, Joakim returned in 2007 with the eclectic Monsters & Silly Songs, featuring the 12" single "Lonely Hearts."

http://www.joakimikaoj.com (http://www.joakimikaoj.com)
http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka (http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka)
http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The... (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The...)
http://www.tigersushi.com (http://www.tigersushi.com)

Joakim 'Beat In Space' Radio Show DJ Mix :

http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3 (http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3)

1. Last Man In Europe Corporation – Situation 2
2. Les Percussions de Strasbourg – Philips
3. Christian Vander & Frank Raholison – Fiesta In Drums – Palm
4. Bernard Szajner – Some Deaths Take Forever – Initial Recording
5. Nocturnal Emissions – No Magic – Illuminated
6. Implog – Holland Tunnel Dive – Lust/Unlust
7. La Dusseldorf – Viva
8. Moebius, Plank, Neumeier – Pitch Control – Sky
9. Can – ...And More – Spoon
10. John Forde – Stardance – EMI
11. Hypnosis – End Title (Blade Runner) – Zyx
12. Shock – Angel Face
13. American Fade – I'm Alive (Let's Move On ) Inst – Proto
14. Etienne Daho – Le Grand Sommeil
15. Tomboy – Its So Hot – Gomma
16. The Gossip – Playgroup Inst. Remix
17. Westbam – Monkey Say Monkey Do – Low Spirit
18. The Siren – Losoul Edit – Playhouse
19. Diskokaine – Boing Boom Jack! – Gomma
20. Gucci Soundsystem – Acarpenter (Joakim Remix) – Death From Abroad
21. Divine – Jungle Jezebel – O
22. Joakim – Love Me 2 – K7/Versatile

Royksopp - The Girl and The Robot (Joakim Remix)

http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix (http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix)

Joakim's Milky Mix :

http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix (http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix)

Joakim - Live at Sunday Best! :

http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best (http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best)!,%208-24-2008.MP3


REVOLVER - Birds in Dm (EMI)
ROYKSOPP - The Girl and The Robot (EMI)
KLEERUP - Longing For Lullaby (Positiva)
DJ MEHDI - Pocket Piano (Ed Banger)
WENDY CARLOS - Tron Soundtrack (Disney)
THE CHAP - Ethnic Instruments (Lo Recordings)
PONI HOAX - Hypercommunication (Tigersushi)
SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO - Hustler (Wichita)
LATE OF PIER - The Bears Are Coming (Polydor)
PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY - A Mountain For President (Tigersushi)
SEVENTEEN EVERGREEN - Music Is The Wine (Lucky Number)
ALTER EGO - WHY NOT!? (Playhouse)
ANTENA - CAMINO DEL SOL (Permanent Vacation)
PONI HOAX - Involutive Star (Tigersushi)
TIGA - Pleasure from the Bass (Pias)
AIR - Surfing On A Rocket (Virgin)
ANNIE - Always Too Late (679)
JOHN FOXX - Mr NO (Parlophone)
CAJUAN - Raven (Fine)
MAX BERLIN - Elle et Moi (USA Import)
DETROIT GRAND PUBAHS - Big Onion (Poker Flat)
CHATEAU FLIGHT - Antipodes (Versatile)
CLASHING EGOS - Aminjig Nebere (LEA)

& MORE...

(http://s4.postimage.org/1yW0t0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV1yW0t0)

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 19/01/10, 13:21
Congratulation!!  for the Winner!

Limited table @ Buddhabar
For Reservation 081314955789 

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 19/01/10, 13:52
Danzig no Hp lo brp?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 19/01/10, 18:13
thank you, 360! woohoo 190 cm saved my wallet.
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Mariee dacosta on 20/01/10, 12:19
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: rino filter on 20/01/10, 13:33
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 21/01/10, 10:33
Beethoven masa kini?

mari kita liat bisa apa dia....?


Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 21/01/10, 11:25
Opo iki? Sorry katro....
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: NaWi on 22/01/10, 12:54
Sukses ya bro.....acara nya (360 Entertainment)

semoga lancar dan sukses selalu.....

Iwan "Marween Filterfunk"
Filter Management
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 22/01/10, 14:03
Quote from: NaWi on 22/01/10, 12:54
Sukses ya bro.....acara nya (360 Entertainment)

semoga lancar dan sukses selalu.....

Iwan "Marween Filterfunk"
Filter Management

Amien, thanks bro....
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: NaWi on 22/01/10, 16:39
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 24/01/10, 20:55
Quote from: Tiga on 21/01/10, 10:33
Beethoven masa kini?

mari kita liat bisa apa dia....?


Is he really that good Tiga?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 25/01/10, 10:48
4 Days more to go..!!

Can't wait..  ;)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Dor| on 25/01/10, 11:07
 *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dizzie on 25/01/10, 13:46
Terakhir gw liat dj setnya sih....boleeeh bangeett..... *bgs*

gw liat drpomonya...ada "tiger sushi".....itu bukannya labelnya dia yah....?

menta infonya doonk...yg dmaksd "tigersushi" apaan...??
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/01/10, 15:32
setau gua sik labelnya :)
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 26/01/10, 04:03
I don't know? you tell me..

Menurut gw bagus belum tentu bagus juga buat yg laen kan...
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: BFC on 26/01/10, 11:53
Quote from: dizzie on 25/01/10, 13:46
Terakhir gw liat dj setnya sih....boleeeh bangeett..... *bgs*

gw liat drpomonya...ada "tiger sushi".....itu bukannya labelnya dia yah....?

menta infonya doonk...yg dmaksd "tigersushi" apaan...??

Mungkin maksud lo ada Tigersushi booth di venue kali ya?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: meat on 27/01/10, 08:53
Quote from: BFC on 26/01/10, 11:53
Quote from: dizzie on 25/01/10, 13:46
Terakhir gw liat dj setnya sih....boleeeh bangeett..... *bgs*

gw liat drpomonya...ada "tiger sushi".....itu bukannya labelnya dia yah....?

menta infonya doonk...yg dmaksd "tigersushi" apaan...??


Mungkin maksud lo ada Tigersushi booth di venue kali ya?

maksudnya? Ada apa nih?
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 27/01/10, 09:56
Quote from: 360. on 18/01/10, 14:39

~ 360 RADIO ~

on Januari 29th, 2010 at Buddha Bar Jakarta
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 1 Menteng, Jakarta
Door open at 10PM

* JOAKIM (Tigersushi Records)

http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)

* HERU (360)
* ODEQ (360)
* ARMADHA (360)

Audio Visual Set By : HAMMER & MACE

We also have 'PATIO Shop' :

"There will be TIGERSUSHI @ Patio Garden"


(So bring a lot of cash guys..!)

Tickets only IDR 150.000 on the door! (Included Heineken by bottle)

Free Give Away by ORBIS..!

For More Info & Reservation :
Buddha Bar (021) 3900899
Dorry 081314995789



JOAKIM Biography :

Joakim is hard to pin down: part club music, part jazz, part electronic experimentalism.

One of France's foremost electronic musicians, Joakm has a background in classical music, US & UK indie rock and jazz. He discovered electronic music after a schoolfriend left his synthetiser in Joakim's room, later latching onto indie and electronic labels such as Warp and Mo Wax. His first album 'Tiger Sushi' was ambient electro-jazz, before he moved onto electronics with 'Fantômes' [2003], and later 'Monsters and Silly Songs' [2007], on which he combines post-rock, disco, electronics and, well, silly songs. "Making a pure dance album would almost be like composing an album entirely in F major," says Joakim. "I jump from one idea to the next. I simply have to try everything and see where it leads."

Joakim runs the Tigersushi label, releases a broad spectrum of music including Maurice Fulton, E.S.G, Poni Hoax and Metro Area. Joakim does live sets, DJs and he's also a remixer; he's recut tunes from Tiga, Air and Antena's 'Camino Del Sol' - the latter of which was one of the biggest club tunes of 2006. Finally, he also has a live band, Joakim and the Ectoplasmic Band, on which he plays machines, keyboards, guitars and sings. Fingers in many pies then. Joakim also does his own artwork for his record sleeves.

After a debut that blended jazz, turntablism, hip-hop and indie rock, French producer and remixer Joakim has maintained a similarly eclectic profile, both on his own releases and on his work as a producer, collaborator, remixer and head of his own influential Tigersushi label. Born Joakim Bouaziz, the young prodigy began an intensive study of classical music beginning with piano lessons that started at age six. After graduating from the National Conservatory of Versailles, Joakim immersed himself in jazz, American and British indie rock and hip-hop. Incorporating all of these influences and more, he made his recorded debut with 1999's Joakim Lone Octet, a jazzy and largely instrumental album. In 2003, the more electronic dance oriented follow-up Fantomes garnered considerably more attention. After four years spent focusing on label duties and remix jobs, releasing the occasional single under his own name, Joakim returned in 2007 with the eclectic Monsters & Silly Songs, featuring the 12" single "Lonely Hearts."

http://www.joakimikaoj.com (http://www.joakimikaoj.com)
http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka (http://www.twitter.com/joakim_bazzouka)
http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka (http://www.myspace.com/jimibazzouka)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The... (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Joakim-The...)
http://www.tigersushi.com (http://www.tigersushi.com)

Joakim 'Beat In Space' Radio Show DJ Mix :

http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3 (http://media.beatsinspace.net/audio/bis-01-30-07-part1.mp3)

1. Last Man In Europe Corporation – Situation 2
2. Les Percussions de Strasbourg – Philips
3. Christian Vander & Frank Raholison – Fiesta In Drums – Palm
4. Bernard Szajner – Some Deaths Take Forever – Initial Recording
5. Nocturnal Emissions – No Magic – Illuminated
6. Implog – Holland Tunnel Dive – Lust/Unlust
7. La Dusseldorf – Viva
8. Moebius, Plank, Neumeier – Pitch Control – Sky
9. Can – ...And More – Spoon
10. John Forde – Stardance – EMI
11. Hypnosis – End Title (Blade Runner) – Zyx
12. Shock – Angel Face
13. American Fade – I'm Alive (Let's Move On ) Inst – Proto
14. Etienne Daho – Le Grand Sommeil
15. Tomboy – Its So Hot – Gomma
16. The Gossip – Playgroup Inst. Remix
17. Westbam – Monkey Say Monkey Do – Low Spirit
18. The Siren – Losoul Edit – Playhouse
19. Diskokaine – Boing Boom Jack! – Gomma
20. Gucci Soundsystem – Acarpenter (Joakim Remix) – Death From Abroad
21. Divine – Jungle Jezebel – O
22. Joakim – Love Me 2 – K7/Versatile

Royksopp - The Girl and The Robot (Joakim Remix)

http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix (http://soundcloud.com/royksopp/the-girl-and-the-robot-joakim-remix)

Joakim's Milky Mix :

http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix (http://soundcloud.com/supmag/joakims-milky-mix)

Joakim - Live at Sunday Best! :

http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best (http://downloads.sundaybestnyc.com/content/Joakim%20-%20Live%20at%20Sunday%20Best)!,%208-24-2008.MP3


REVOLVER - Birds in Dm (EMI)
ROYKSOPP - The Girl and The Robot (EMI)
KLEERUP - Longing For Lullaby (Positiva)
DJ MEHDI - Pocket Piano (Ed Banger)
WENDY CARLOS - Tron Soundtrack (Disney)
THE CHAP - Ethnic Instruments (Lo Recordings)
PONI HOAX - Hypercommunication (Tigersushi)
SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO - Hustler (Wichita)
LATE OF PIER - The Bears Are Coming (Polydor)
PRINCIPLES OF GEOMETRY - A Mountain For President (Tigersushi)
SEVENTEEN EVERGREEN - Music Is The Wine (Lucky Number)
ALTER EGO - WHY NOT!? (Playhouse)
ANTENA - CAMINO DEL SOL (Permanent Vacation)
PONI HOAX - Involutive Star (Tigersushi)
TIGA - Pleasure from the Bass (Pias)
AIR - Surfing On A Rocket (Virgin)
ANNIE - Always Too Late (679)
JOHN FOXX - Mr NO (Parlophone)
CAJUAN - Raven (Fine)
MAX BERLIN - Elle et Moi (USA Import)
DETROIT GRAND PUBAHS - Big Onion (Poker Flat)
CHATEAU FLIGHT - Antipodes (Versatile)
CLASHING EGOS - Aminjig Nebere (LEA)

& MORE...

(http://s4.postimage.org/1yW0t0.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=aV1yW0t0)

Tigersushiiii !!
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 27/01/10, 14:01
2 Days more to go..!!

Can't wait..!!  *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 28/01/10, 12:09
Syiiaapp grakk..!!  *piss*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 28/01/10, 12:20
Mr. Joakim is arriving tonight....

District 11

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Yugo Maulana on 28/01/10, 13:39
Tomorrow 29.01.10 start 10pm 360radio feat joakim 'dj set' @ Buddha bar,Jakarta.

come early guys...jjiiaaaoooooooo... :) ;) :D ;D 8) *piss* *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: 360. on 28/01/10, 19:59

Please bring some extra cash for Tigersushi merchandise @ Pation shop.

at Patio Garden Buddha Bar.

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Tiga on 30/01/10, 15:29
ngga terlalu rame ya...
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: danzig on 30/01/10, 16:59
oh ya? kata joakim di twitter-nya jakarta seru..
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Yugo Maulana on 31/01/10, 07:15
huhuhuuhuhuuu....so nice joakim 'dj set' @ Buddha bar, Jakarta.
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: BFC on 31/01/10, 08:44
Quote from: Tiga on 30/01/10, 15:29
ngga terlalu rame ya...

tapi cewenya juara lah yaa
Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: Blow Out on 01/02/10, 15:49
Seruuu.. Juaraa deh the girls nya..  ;D

Visual luar dalam buddhabar kereeennnn bangett..  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Title: Re: JOAKIM 'DJ Set'
Post by: elboe on 01/02/10, 16:05
Seruuuu Seruuu Seruuu..  ;)
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