
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: Dj Myra Alexa on 06/05/09, 08:11

Title: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Dj Myra Alexa on 06/05/09, 08:11
                  THE DOCTER'S
                  5 DJ'S CONTESTANT
                  DJ'S RESIDENT
10pm Onwards.....

Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: pierre_frederick on 06/05/09, 10:31
pada dtg ya...
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: efan on 06/05/09, 10:43
Happy B'day Myra Alexa

Sukses eventnya ya
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: mc_cherryl on 06/05/09, 11:09
see you there guys...,support the contestant..and celebrate myra's bday.....
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Teeyo on 06/05/09, 11:38
Happy bday myra, BEST WISHES..
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Dj Myra Alexa on 06/05/09, 12:27
Blun b'daynya kok pamali loh kalo duluan selamatinnya..
Hihihi ... :)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: bullebali on 06/05/09, 13:35
ada lomba ya..?
tau ada lomba..kirim anak buah buat ngeramein.. ;D
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: monik on 06/05/09, 13:45
Support sounder'z vision and the docter's,,,!!!!!!!  Ka' myra, ntr aja yah ngucapinnya,ntr pamali ^_^ hehehe.....sukses yaaahhhhh
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: djshissy on 06/05/09, 14:18
cie cie... ada yg mau ultah?... sayang nya wktunya pas ama g maen di musro neh? weeeww gmna ne... :)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: djshissy on 06/05/09, 14:39
http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=23570.0 (http://ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=23570.0)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: earthquake on 06/05/09, 15:37
happy b'day ya...

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 06/05/09, 17:46
Happy B'day D45.. 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: otherside production on 06/05/09, 19:15
happy bday yaaaaa.....
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Dj Myra Alexa on 06/05/09, 20:23
D45 B'day Bash...
Vu klo sempet mampir2 ya
Quote from: ~ Vu* ~ on 06/05/09, 17:46
Happy B'day D45.. 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: deholicers on 06/05/09, 21:12
HAPPY B DAY  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: chestertoon on 06/05/09, 21:16
happy b'day myra alexa,,all the best wishes *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: RUMUS on 07/05/09, 02:40
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYRA ALEXA.....!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
sukses terus yah..main2 ke rumus dng  :)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Dj Myra Alexa on 07/05/09, 02:51
Makasiiiih :)
Tadi padahal mau main kesana tpi penuh studionya
Hiks.. Hiks..
Quote from: RUMUS on 07/05/09, 02:40
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYRA ALEXA.....!!!  *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
sukses terus yah..main2 ke rumus dng  :)
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: sinners_inc on 07/05/09, 04:44
support.....Happy birthday myra alexa
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: mc_cherryl on 07/05/09, 16:30
Happy bday nya bsk aja ya sis..pas main.heheheheh..:p
pada dtg yahhh..skalian myra bday..skalian liat semi finalistnya LADJ niihh..seruuuw seruuw...
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: uchabanget on 08/05/09, 18:36
Ateng bawa obor I'll C u all at the dance floor... Go go go sounderz vision
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: Dj Myra Alexa on 08/05/09, 18:47
Waduuuh tuh si atng ngapain bawa obor cha!!!
Asiiik kita jogedan ya cha....
Quote from: uchabanget on 08/05/09, 18:36
Ateng bawa obor I'll C u all at the dance floor... Go go go sounderz vision
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: EETZ_Feelz on 08/05/09, 23:55
hpy bday MA.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

wish u all dbest!!! *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: LADJ Championship Injunction With MYRA ALEXA B'day BASH
Post by: key123 on 09/05/09, 01:45
 *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

met ulang tahun ya mbak myra... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
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