
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: BLANCO on 08/03/08, 01:28

Title: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: BLANCO on 08/03/08, 01:28
Hard Rock Cafe - Jakarta with DJ's Blanco, Dreco, @khd@ & Fadlie
Table Top dancers
Documentary visual by Groovyl@nd

Hosted by BC Bar Crew, MRA crew & celebrities
Also live @Hard Rock FM from 24.00 - 02.30

Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: bimzkee on 08/03/08, 02:57
hahaha... wuzup BC?!!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 08/03/08, 03:16
sekalian mainin track2 jaman BC ga? ;D ;D
wuzzup BC!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Robin- on 08/03/08, 06:06
Blanco, Dreco n akhda ? hehehehe BC banget.......

reunian lagi nih........
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!
Post by: Teeyo on 08/03/08, 06:53
jd inget memory lama.. akhda is back!! dah lama ga liat akhda mainn
wuzup BC..!? hehe ;D ;D
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!
Post by: djepie on 08/03/08, 07:25
Yoi banget.....abis teriak wazzap BC, ada yang jatuh dari tangga BC tuh biasanya .....  *piss* *piss* *piss*

WAZZZAAAAPPPP BC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: BLANCO on 08/03/08, 21:29
anthem tracks BC will be playing all night,,,, lengkap dengan table top dancers,,,,with BC bar documentary visual show,,,, its a big reunion thing! also live @87.6 HRFM ;D *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: si mbo on 09/03/08, 07:53
Quote from: djepie on 08/03/08, 07:25
abis teriak wazzap BC, ada yang jatuh dari tangga BC tuh biasanya .....  *piss* *piss* *piss*

Hehehe...  ;D ;D ;D

Jebakan maut tuh tangganya...
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: White^^Horse on 09/03/08, 20:20
kapan nih acaranya????
mau mengingat masa lalu gw,he..he..
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: colis on 10/03/08, 12:45
kapan tuuuch....?????
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 11/03/08, 03:09

jaydee - plastic dreams (suram remix, ieiieiiee....) :P

Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ginalfyl on 11/03/08, 13:42
WAZZZUUUUPPPPP BC!!! tetep periksa ktp dulu blom cukup umur gw kadang2 di sepak gw dari BC jaman dulu... hihihihihihi...
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Vixen* on 11/03/08, 13:50
Sound of osaka ;)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: kc on 11/03/08, 14:01
Quote from: Robin- on 08/03/08, 06:06
Blanco, Dreco n akhda ? hehehehe BC banget.......

reunian lagi nih........

wah.. penting iki.. penting ikii emse pleeeeess !!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: kinzi on 11/03/08, 21:48
BC bar rules... WUzZuPHh BC... Back in the Early Millenium... HiHihi...

Wouldnt miss This...
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Vestax on 12/03/08, 19:24
wahhhh jadi pengen joged di atas bar ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: im_innu on 14/03/08, 03:09
wuuuaaa gw kangwen BC sama tribal house nya..
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 15/03/08, 02:01
Quote from: BLANCO on 08/03/08, 01:28
Hard Rock Cafe - Jakarta with DJ's Blanco, Dreco, @khd@ & Fadlie
Table Top dancers
Documentary visual by Groovyl@nd

Hosted by BC Bar Crew, MRA crew & celebrities
Also live @Hard Rock FM from 24.00 - 02.30


weits.....udah naek aja nehhh promo nyah...fresh from the oven heheheheheheehe
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: HerardDaydow on 16/03/08, 22:53
wah seru nih... jangan sampai terlewatkan... terakhir dtg ke BC msh yg sblah hardrock.. klo gk salah acara SARS yg ada suster2 sexy jogedan di bar...  :P :P
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Marcell on 17/03/08, 16:01
Akhirnya ya Mas Ben....

Hehehe...wuzzz up bc, shout out yang masih sering diikutin sampe sekarang

Nanti di Hard Rock pake band2an dulu ga nih?

Kangen juga denger lagu2 tribal house yang dulu nih....

tong....tong...tong...tong....tong...tong....in the name of love...love...love....back...n front

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: bless the child on 17/03/08, 16:12
uihhhhh keren memoriable bgt tuh tempattt
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!
Post by: MR.J on 17/03/08, 16:36
the Huge celebration nya di HRC tgl 4 april   :).......be inform juga ada pre party nya BC reunion tgl 19.maret.08 ini di TBOX Grand Wijaya start @10PM.....You all yg mo reuni ktemuan temen2 lama dulu jaman nongkrong2 di BC sarinah are welcome and Invited....bkl lengkap juga ada "wonder Jell,Freaks,Super BC dan coktail di BC bar dulu is available..... :) :)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Frico on 17/03/08, 21:14
Kereeen.. lg bnykak Reunion-Reunion neh hehehe..
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 18/03/08, 03:30
Quote from: MR.J on 17/03/08, 16:36
the Huge celebration nya di HRC tgl 4 april   :).......be inform juga ada pre party nya BC reunion tgl 19.maret.08 ini di TBOX Grand Wijaya start @10PM.....You all yg mo reuni ktemuan temen2 lama dulu jaman nongkrong2 di BC sarinah are welcome and Invited....bkl lengkap juga ada "wonder Jell,Freaks,Super BC dan coktail di BC bar dulu is available..... :) :)

wih2.....yg bener ada wonder jell??wahhh yummyyy...FREAKS???hmmmm bikin buyar tuh hahahahhahahahahahaha.......

hayo pd dateng ke pre party di tee box & di hardrock....kayaknya dua2nya bakal gokilsssssss
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: BLANCO on 18/03/08, 18:01
band cuma sampe jam 24.00 abis gitu lsg,,,DJ on da mix,,,,,he,,heh

Quote from: Marcell on 17/03/08, 16:01
Akhirnya ya Mas Ben....

Hehehe...wuzzz up bc, shout out yang masih sering diikutin sampe sekarang

Nanti di Hard Rock pake band2an dulu ga nih?

Kangen juga denger lagu2 tribal house yang dulu nih....

tong....tong...tong...tong....tong...tong....in the name of love...love...love....back...n front

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: TRINITY Music on 24/03/08, 12:29
dj akhda jam brapaom blanco?
he3 awal2 bc bar.. tempat belajar nakal kekekekkekekekekek
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: djakrabbit on 24/03/08, 15:19
BC Abieeez
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: oranggila on 27/03/08, 11:47
Wajib hadir....
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: iPoD on 31/03/08, 23:49
mengenang jaman dahulu kala  8)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 01/04/08, 16:54
ayo2 pada datenggg...bakal ada VIDEO DOCUMENTARY BC BAR dari jaman BC BAR di Sarinah Thamrind sampe di HOTEL NIKO....dari jaman BC BAR masih di bangun berupa rangka2....kalo mo liat DJ @KHD@ msh cupu & NGEPEL di DJ booth pas dibangun juga ada...hahahahahahahaha....liat flyer2 jaman rikiplik juga lucu.....
or maybe YOU IN IT pas joged2 diatas bar....hahahahahahha!!!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!
Post by: bavoooo on 01/04/08, 17:47
gokil bc itu salah satu legend indonesia  *tepuktangan* kangen euy ;D
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: richard_gretz on 02/04/08, 23:12
Astaga....BC!!? ga ada yg bisa gantiin 'tu tempat [yg di Sarinah]...
DJ Akhda >>> BC banget ;D ;D ;D *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: BLANCO on 03/04/08, 22:17
Tommorow don't miss this,,,,, also live @87.6 HRFM from 00.00 - 02.30!!!
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 04/04/08, 06:29
info tambahan:

baca di flyernya :)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!
Post by: pr4t4ma on 04/04/08, 18:27
Whazz Uppp bC!!!!!!!!!

wajib dateng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: Debon on 05/04/08, 04:42
hard rock cafe pelit!!!!! yang namanya Pierre yang mana si??
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: cruelsummer on 05/04/08, 07:48
Quote from: BLANCO on 08/03/08, 21:29
anthem tracks BC will be playing all night,,,, lengkap dengan table top dancers,,,,with BC bar documentary visual show,,,, its a big reunion thing! also live @87.6 HRFM ;D *tepuktangan* *bgs*
pengen dengerin ah mix set nya beny blancon huhuhuhuuhhu :)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: jazzymike on 05/04/08, 12:41
Quote from: Debon on 05/04/08, 04:42
hard rock cafe pelit!!!!! yang namanya Pierre yang mana si??

pelit kenapa,brader (?)
Title: Re: lets get together to celebrate our good old time memories & yell "WUZZUP BC!!"
Post by: ican*agoesdjam on 06/04/08, 00:41
Quote from: Debon on 05/04/08, 04:42
hard rock cafe pelit!!!!! yang namanya Pierre yang mana si??

pelit?pelit kenapa?pierre itu bukannya residentnya HRC jaman rikiplik yak?maap kalo salah PISS
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