
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: djshissy on 06/10/09, 18:53

Title: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 06/10/09, 18:53
Bvlgary Management Present ..


( Its All Bout Charity Party for Earthquake In Indonesia )

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
@Centro The Club

W Dj's :

Deny / Clubhoppers

Didi Dubwave / 1945MF

Alicesofie Norin / Jetseven

Tiara Eve / Spinach

Epie / Dreamhouse

Lady Lovely / Bvlgary ( Shissy + Witha )

Kimm / Kryptone Project | Daydow

Iconic Twilight ( Dee 7/24 & Jessica )

Rooland Bvlgary

Lola Alicia / 18 BestBeat

Fashion Show By JAKART TOP MODELS (Natalie Foxee, Bebby Kharisma, Mechan Wong, Queenlanny, Debby Sara)

MC :

Drwe / 1945MF
Cherryl / ALX
D_Truck / HDM Project

VJ : HIP Traffic / Gotham 8

Host :

Colis Trinity, Dj Wisnu Nu China, Dj Tira Haze, Lia-Andy-Lexboy Dunia Tehnik, Rina, Ivan Bro, Rita-Smart, Icha Grand Melia, Brother Hendry, Teddy 888, Tessy, Riri Virgiana, Bvlgary Family, 1945 MF Family, Suncity Family, Trinity Family, Spinach Family, Dreamhouse Family, Daydow Family, 7/24 Family, 18 BB Family, Clubhoppers Family, Jetseven Family

Supported By :
LITE Inc Photography
Indika FM
Jetseven International
Spinach Records
18 BestBeat
Suncity Luxurious Club
Kingcross Club

Info/GL/RSVP :
Sisca / 0813 663 77777
Wiwit / 021 9513 1881
Roland / 0812 7083 8037

Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA , Its All About Charity Night "EARTHQUAKE CARE" @ CENTRO !!
Post by: White^^Horse on 07/10/09, 02:37
aduh shissy eksis sekali dirimu...
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA , Its All About Charity Night "EARTHQUAKE CARE" @ CENTRO !!
Post by: djshissy on 07/10/09, 09:16
haha, ga lah bro.. eksis ga eksis yg penting ngumpul bro... hihi

lgan ini charity nite, malam amal.... jgn lupa hadir ya bradda... ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: oranggila on 07/10/09, 10:06
no flyers?
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: colis on 07/10/09, 10:30
flyers lagi dibikin kok...
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 07/10/09, 11:10
Quote from: oranggila on 07/10/09, 10:06
no flyers?

perasaan lo klo reply selalu nanya flyer? koleksi ya lo?  ;D *piss* *piss*

flyernya lg di design trus dicetak ama centro, woookeeeeh...
Quote from: colis on 07/10/09, 10:30
flyers lagi dibikin kok...

yuppiee... thanks my luvly bradda ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: Dj KIMM on 07/10/09, 15:57
yuk kita amal.....  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: dEMOn13 on 07/10/09, 23:56
support sis...
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: oranggila on 08/10/09, 09:50
bukan koleksi, aku mah cuma mau bantu kalian promosi aja...sebar-sebarin biar tambah rame :) tapi kalo kalian keberatan yah aku mah engga ada ruginya hehehe
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: sendyoke on 08/10/09, 10:11
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 08/10/09, 10:14
Quote from: dEMOn13 on 07/10/09, 23:56
support sis...

thnaks bradda... ;)

Quote from: oranggila on 08/10/09, 09:50
bukan koleksi, aku mah cuma mau bantu kalian promosi aja...sebar-sebarin biar tambah rame :) tapi kalo kalian keberatan yah aku mah engga ada ruginya hehehe

wah baek skali anda ini bro ini bro... jarang lho yg seperti km. orang media jg atau gmna? y kita seneng lah dibantuin promo, masa keberatan? kan lg ga bawa batu, haha.. ga lah becanda.. tp mank flyernya lg di orang centro, blm kelar.. eniwei makasih, sukses buat kamyu... ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 08/10/09, 10:14
Quote from: sendyoke on 08/10/09, 10:11

yeaaay.... tengkyu bro.. klo sempet mampir lah... ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many
Post by: Marcell on 08/10/09, 11:22
Wuuuhuuuuuuu.....centro kena gempa susulan nih
secara yang main gokil2, bakalan kenceng tak berujung deh hehehehe  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 08/10/09, 12:33
Quote from: Marcell on 08/10/09, 11:22
Wuuuhuuuuuuu.....centro kena gempa susulan nih
secara yang main gokil2, bakalan kenceng tak berujung deh hehehehe  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ajiiiiib, g suka kata2 lo cell......  ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: colis on 08/10/09, 13:47
Quote from: djshissy on 08/10/09, 10:14
Quote from: sendyoke on 08/10/09, 10:11

yeaaay.... tengkyu bro.. klo sempet mampir lah... ;)

bung sendy di suruh mampir tuh ke centro.... gak jauh kok dr aussie ke centro hehehehehe... :D
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 08/10/09, 15:21
Quote from: colis on 08/10/09, 13:47
Quote from: djshissy on 08/10/09, 10:14
Quote from: sendyoke on 08/10/09, 10:11

yeaaay.... tengkyu bro.. klo sempet mampir lah... ;)

bung sendy di suruh mampir tuh ke centro.... gak jauh kok dr aussie ke centro hehehehehe... :D

ahaha, deket lah.. berapa jam aja, apalg klo ngilang atau jd jumper... hehhehehehe
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 12/10/09, 08:49
Fashion Show by JAKARTA TOP MODELS !!  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: otherside production on 12/10/09, 11:33
Waaah..yg main gokil2 niyh..
Support sist..
Diusahakan merapat..
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 12/10/09, 11:46
iya tyo.. wajib yaaah.. bawa pasukan. acara ini pasti seru bangeeeeet....  ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: otherside production on 12/10/09, 11:54
@ shissy :
siaaaap sist..
Pasti centro menggila niyh..
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 12/10/09, 12:02
yihaaa... kita bikin ky kata2 lo di the green smlm, Kota pindah ke kemang, tar jd kota pindah ke centro  ;D
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: colis on 12/10/09, 12:05
beramal sambil bergembira...
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: otherside production on 12/10/09, 12:06
@ shissy :
kota pindah k centro... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
mari meringankan teman2 qta yg terkena gempa...
hajaaaaar sist...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 12/10/09, 12:17
Quote from: otherside production on 12/10/09, 12:06
@ shissy :
kota pindah k centro... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
mari meringankan teman2 qta yg terkena gempa...
hajaaaaar sist...
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

iya, mareeeeee..................... eniwei thanks yah..

Quote from: colis on 12/10/09, 12:05
beramal sambil bergembira...

beddduuuull.............. thanks bro.. *bgs*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: arie_newbie on 12/10/09, 18:38
keren - keren ..... semoga hasil nya dapat membantu korban yang terkena musibah ..... amien ....
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 13/10/09, 17:48
Quote from: arie_newbie on 12/10/09, 18:38
keren - keren ..... semoga hasil nya dapat membantu korban yang terkena musibah ..... amien ....

amien bro, hadir yaah... ada fashion show nya lho... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: DJ Deny on 14/10/09, 17:46
It's time tor do something for human kind guys..so support the event!

Peace on Indonesia,
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 15/10/09, 09:26
Quote from: DJ Deny on 14/10/09, 17:46
It's time tor do something for human kind guys..so support the event!

Peace on Indonesia,

betul bangeeet.. thanks ya ko...

come on let party n charity ;)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: Potsy_Aulia on 17/10/09, 12:03
Mantap .. !  *bgs* *bgs*

Support .. !!!  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: centro_jakarta on 20/10/09, 03:46
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160263697846#/photo.php?pid=30278565&id=1448295547 (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160263697846#/photo.php?pid=30278565&id=1448295547)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: centro_jakarta on 20/10/09, 03:47
2 BOTTLE VIBE LIQUER Only IDR Rp. 950.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE VODKA VIBE Only IDR Rp. 1.100.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE RED LABEL Only IDR Rp. 1.500.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE BLACK LABE Only IDR Rp. 1.950.000 + Mixer

For Info, Guestlist & Reservation:
0856.1011.930 / (Indra)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: centro_jakarta on 20/10/09, 03:51
2 BOTTLE VIBE LIQUER Only IDR Rp. 950.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE VODKA VIBE Only IDR Rp. 1.100.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE RED LABEL Only IDR Rp. 1.500.000 + Mixer
2 BOTTLE BLACK LABE Only IDR Rp. 1.950.000 + Mixer

For Info, Guestlist & Reservation:
0856.1011.930 / (Indra)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 20/10/09, 08:37
besok niyyyy, pada dateng doooonk.............................. *bgs*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 20/10/09, 19:55
Udah lama gak liat Kokoh Deny perform...:D
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: Robbie on 20/10/09, 20:24
dateng ahh :)
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: djshissy on 21/10/09, 09:07
Quote from: AndrE ClayZ on 20/10/09, 19:55
Udah lama gak liat Kokoh Deny perform...:D

makanya dateng liaaat, tetep canggih diaa...:)

Quote from: Robbie on 20/10/09, 20:24
dateng ahh :)

wajiiiiibb *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: PEDULI GEMPA,w/ Dj Deny Clubhoppers, Didi 1945 MF, Alice Sofie,Tiara n many more
Post by: marchel on 21/10/09, 18:22
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