
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: Bhokero on 24/04/08, 10:43

Title: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 24/04/08, 10:43
Hey Guys,

Hope u all like our concept in spreading around DJ's idealism. The music that Dj's hiding for himself. The ultimate expression of Dj's deepest passion in music.

We are back with SHUT UP! Vol 4 with more wicked event.

MAY 5, 2008 @ PUBLIC
8.00 AM - 1.00 PM

With our Guest:

On this 4th event we had the best DJ of 2008 : DJ DENY

DJ DENY is known as the DMC Champion long time ago and the only DJ's that succeeded to achieve Progressive DJ of the year in two consecutive year 2007 - 2008. In 2008 he also succeeded gain the most wanted rank as BEST DJ OF THE YEAR 2008 in Indonesia.
Known for his driving set in the dance floor and the most humble personality DJ that made him as a top notch, Come on and witness his current idealism on SHUT UP! Vol. 4. The music that he's been hiding for himself will be reveal.

This Time SHUT UP! we have our lovely brothers Debon (Electrosoul) and Yudhi (SoundSyndicated) to be a wing man for DJ DENY set. C u all in our Next SHUT UP!  May 5th, @ Public. Godspeed!!

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: kc on 24/04/08, 10:47


suit suiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 24/04/08, 10:54
Support yah guys.. Denny, akhirnya kita share deck juga sob..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 24/04/08, 10:56
ihiy... berlanjut atas dukungan teman2...

idealist set deny macam apa yaa???
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: luthfi on 24/04/08, 11:00
Quote from: bimzkee on 24/04/08, 10:56
ihiy... berlanjut atas dukungan teman2...

idealist set deny macam apa yaa???

yang GAHAAR bim hahaha ;D
bertolak belakang sama mukanya deny yang imut imut.
setnya mah GAHAR, auuuummmmm ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 24/04/08, 11:31
aih... serem deh boww... hihihihi
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 24/04/08, 12:25
Woww,,, Awwww,,, HAAAAA...... duuuhh,,,, ssshhhhhhhaaaahhhhhh

cucucucu!!!!! :P
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 24/04/08, 12:29
wihhhh.... deny di shut up... ck ck ck eh cu cu cu ;D ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Embassy on 24/04/08, 12:33


pastinya awesome set nih,

support ya nyo..

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 24/04/08, 12:42
gokil... lantai 3 pindah ke public nih .... ::)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 24/04/08, 12:43
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 24/04/08, 12:42
gokil... lantai 3 pindah ke public nih .... ::)

konversasi kita malam minggu kemarin nampaknya perlu direalisasikan nih purski,,, ::)

(mumpung hr senen)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 24/04/08, 12:45
LAKSANAKAN LETNAN! eh salah... KONDISIKAN maksudnyah .... *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 24/04/08, 12:51
Guys..kita rame2an kumpul yah Sencu (SENin CUcucu)  ;D

Oh ya, Many thanks goes To Sound Syndicated (Mrs. Uchi, DJ Achdiyat, DJ Bhokero, DJ Yudhi,DJ Wendy, Ika etc) for letting me play what i want to play this time *bgs*

Quote from: Debon link=topic=14874.msg308930#msg308930 date=120900924Support yah guys.. Denny, akhirnya kita share deck juga sob../quote]

Bro..It will be my big honour to share the happiness with you :-*

Quote from: bimzkee on 24/04/08, 10:56
ihiy... berlanjut atas dukungan teman2...

idealist set deny macam apa yaa???
Mgkn pump it up remix bro hihi...LOL   *piss*

@ Fufuy:
Iya bro, thank you..sayang my senior yg ini ga ada di jakarta hiks.. :(

@DJ Uchiel:
ditunggu juga datangnya yah..Medan continues ;D

Yiuuuuk... *piss* *piss*


Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bgajulan on 24/04/08, 13:38
wiiii dencuuu..asik2! kita goyang hari senin lagii!!  ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bebe.ocean on 24/04/08, 13:54
ah..dateng ah...
sekali2 shut up-an

huaheuahueae...kayaknya bakal denger progressive2 lama niiih
serunyaaaaaaaaaaa *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jazzymike on 24/04/08, 14:09
ampunnn dijehhh ;D

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: ali the beat on 24/04/08, 14:15
den...loe bakal maen apa disitu ?i hope you can play 'the different side' of you..kalo maennya sama aja kaya biasanya....yah mending di klub yang lebih gede kali yah.mudah2an track yang lebih pelan..mungkin trance ambient gitu. oke gue akan hadir ..c u judge !
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 24/04/08, 14:22
Quote from: ali the beat on 24/04/08, 14:15
den...loe bakal maen apa disitu ?i hope you can play 'the different side' of you..kalo maennya sama aja kaya biasanya....yah mending di klub yang lebih gede kali yah.mudah2an track yang lebih pelan..mungkin trance ambient gitu. oke gue akan hadir ..c u judge !

Nah..ini yang gw suka dari bapak juri yang satu ini..sangat2 kritis hehe

Sesuai judulnya : Shut Up, gw mgkn akan main style yg memang gw bener2 suka. untuk jelasnya bapak juri harus datang ya  ;)

Nice one bro, gw suka banget sisi kritis elo.. *bgs*

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: wd j on 24/04/08, 14:34
Quote from: ali the beat on 24/04/08, 14:15
den...loe bakal maen apa disitu ?i hope you can play 'the different side' of you..kalo maennya sama aja kaya biasanya....yah mending di klub yang lebih gede kali yah.mudah2an track yang lebih pelan..mungkin trance ambient gitu. oke gue akan hadir ..c u judge !

Mantaappp ali d beat bgt nich....

yoi bang den.. mungkin bisa dikombinasikan antara Progressive & skill DMC nya.. Track yg rada pelan, kombinasi scrachthing or jugling.. canggihhh...

bertahun2 nich dah ga ngeliat DMC stylenya seorang DJ DENY...

hadir buat liat sang dj deny pastinya... & mensupport SHUT UP tentunya!!!

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Adjie_eyeSpinners on 24/04/08, 15:00
Wah ..seru nih..Shut Up 4...Dateng ah...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 24/04/08, 16:55
@ DJ Deny,
My Pleasure to have u bro... Like I Promised in mbc that night if you still remember....
I really wanna hear your idealism and dancing around all night long bro...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 25/04/08, 10:10
Quote from: Bhokero on 24/04/08, 16:55
@ DJ Deny,
My Pleasure to have u bro... Like I Promised in mbc that night if you still remember....
I really wanna hear your idealism and dancing around all night long bro...

@ DJ Bhokero:

Yea bro.. i did remember about it. We were talking about this issue few times hehe..  ;)
Anyway, thanks for the chance and also congratulation for your House DJ of the Year's title as well  *bgs* *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: flicker_screen on 25/04/08, 16:54
wah... mantabhs nich.... dateng ah....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: BaiM on 25/04/08, 17:01
mudah2an dj of the year bawain prog2 old skool...getar kan public *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Embassy Club Jakarta on 25/04/08, 17:42

Wuuuiiiiihhh.. ada DJ OF THE YEAR 2008?!?!?!  ;D

Sampe ketemu disana ya sob...  *piss*

Support!!  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: club2club on 25/04/08, 18:46
wuihhh DJ OTY 2008 maen nih...Setnya kayak apa? Penasaran juga... :)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dweetha on 25/04/08, 20:33
Quote from: MC bAiM on 25/04/08, 17:01
mudah2an dj of the year bawain prog2 old skool...getar kan public *tepuktangan*

bilangnya sih gitu im....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 20:46
Quote from: dweetha on 25/04/08, 20:33
Quote from: MC bAiM on 25/04/08, 17:01
mudah2an dj of the year bawain prog2 old skool...getar kan public *tepuktangan*

bilangnya sih gitu im....

karma? sound of osaka? storm is rising? plastic dreams? brain damage? clear the skieesss ?
apa THE BEAT sekalian im, wit? HAHAHAHAHA ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bless the child on 25/04/08, 21:34
mari kita berdansa riaaaa....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jazzymike on 25/04/08, 22:51
muke lo dansa2.. he he
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bless the child on 25/04/08, 22:52
kpn lagi hari senin yg ceriaa..ha..ha..ha
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: monique on 25/04/08, 23:30
you tube dong !!!!!

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: ICAL BH on 26/04/08, 02:08
dateng ahhh....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dj_roy_xspinn on 26/04/08, 05:05
wow deny....iiiyyyy seyem..... hihihi ;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: sin.AD on 26/04/08, 07:55
bro deny...indonesian sasha....heehe....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 26/04/08, 17:26
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 25/04/08, 20:46
Quote from: dweetha on 25/04/08, 20:33
Quote from: MC bAiM on 25/04/08, 17:01
mudah2an dj of the year bawain prog2 old skool...getar kan public *tepuktangan*

bilangnya sih gitu im....

karma? sound of osaka? storm is rising? plastic dreams? brain damage? clear the skieesss ?
apa THE BEAT sekalian im, wit? HAHAHAHAHA ;D

yg pasti bakalan beda banget sama biasanya, ga disangka2 deh ;D ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Mr Din on 28/04/08, 00:45
pesaaaai trens donk koko deny... kekekkeke *piss*

dtg ah besok!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 28/04/08, 09:15

shut up with deny!! *bgs* *bgs*

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: doraEmon on 28/04/08, 14:41
bro.....deny bro....sikat bleh....make people make some noise!!!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jazzymike on 28/04/08, 14:44
dateng dunk pastinya.....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 28/04/08, 14:49
ditunggu yah guys... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Jay on 29/04/08, 19:46
Siap om DEny...... pokonya cucucucucu.... hehehe...

support abiss....  *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: pecel_lele on 29/04/08, 19:48
ngemeng ngemeng cu cu cu maksud na apaan sih broy ?
artinya gituh.....:)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Jay on 29/04/08, 19:56
wahhh... ms msh blm tau siyyy...? he...

tanyakan saja sama om dimcu.... he  *piss*

@ all : tlg jgn ada konspirasi kya shut up kmaren yahh... gw ga maw jd korban lg..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: luthfi on 29/04/08, 20:36
Quote from: Jay on 29/04/08, 19:56

@ all : tlg jgn ada konspirasi kya shut up kmaren yahh... gw ga maw jd korban lg..

lah kan lo udah dapet julukan Mr. Shut Up jay *piss*

;D ;D *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 29/04/08, 20:44
alah seneng aja lo.... tunggu aja yah...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: iPoD on 30/04/08, 00:21
keren...kudu dateng neh  *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 30/04/08, 04:46
@  All

Bocoran... DJ of the year akan menggunakan 2 set turntable utk memasag plat2 kuncian beliau..

hati hati!! Vynil set boww!! meyowwww
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: fyong on 30/04/08, 08:07
podcast nya om deny dong....
set ala pole folder keren juga tuh deep /down tempo house/proggy :P
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Jay on 30/04/08, 11:56
Quote from: luthfi on 29/04/08, 20:36
Quote from: Jay on 29/04/08, 19:56

@ all : tlg jgn ada konspirasi kya shut up kmaren yahh... gw ga maw jd korban lg..

lah kan lo udah dapet julukan Mr. Shut Up jay *piss*

;D ;D *piss* *piss*

tetep yee.... :-\  :-\

Quote from: bimzkee on 29/04/08, 20:44
alah seneng aja lo.... tunggu aja yah...

no comment......
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 30/04/08, 12:37
Quote from: Debon on 30/04/08, 04:46
@  All

Bocoran... DJ of the year akan menggunakan 2 set turntable utk memasag plat2 kuncian beliau..

hati hati!! Vynil set boww!! meyowwww

ihhhh,,, Mexico juoooo..... brrrrr,,,, grrrr,,,,,, ahhhhh!!!!! ::) cucucucu nya kyknya ga santai nih :P

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DuckVader on 30/04/08, 13:40
@Jay : giliran musiknya kurang mendukung, dia ga bisa bediri dari kursi..

giliran om Deny yang maen.... yakin ga mau volunteer jadi korban jay??

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bgajulan on 30/04/08, 14:10
aku dong akuuuuuuu, ditumbuk-tumbuk gituuuuh..  :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 30/04/08, 14:14
Quote from: DuckVader on 30/04/08, 13:40

yakin ga mau volunteer jadi korban jay??


klo Jay ga mau, gw bersedia kok dgn segenap jiwa raga jadi volunteer bek :P
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 14:15
newport ahh :P
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 30/04/08, 14:19
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 14:15
newport ahh :P

yg elit donk pur ahh,,, ::)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DuckVader on 30/04/08, 14:23
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 14:15
newport ahh :P

gokil.. minuman satu juta tiga ratus tuh pur!!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: blinksatan on 30/04/08, 14:32
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 14:15
newport ahh :P
Pelabuhan baru...Helping cool guys dance since shut up vol 1  8) 8) ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 30/04/08, 16:49
It will be 5 more days to come....

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: for.an.angeL on 01/05/08, 15:51
weittsss Deny,,,


@ Deny :
aseekk,,aseeekk,,,asekkkkkk my hero!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 01/05/08, 18:40
Quote from: blinksatan on 30/04/08, 14:32
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 30/04/08, 14:15
newport ahh :P
Pelabuhan baru...Helping cool guys dance since shut up vol 4  8) 8) ;)
exactly the response i expect ... ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: RoniJoni on 01/05/08, 18:59
wajib hadir ..ada dj deny gt loh..!!!yuhuuu
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: twistednano on 01/05/08, 21:47
Sepertinya saya nanti mau hadir ah.Udah lama enggak denger koko main  *tepuktangan*

I'm expecting to hear old classic progressive tunes like Northern Exposure Sounds,Global Underground,etc..seperti jaman dj deny main thn  1999-2002an  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Btw, berapa FDC nya malam nanti yah?
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 01/05/08, 21:55
ehehe its free all night long guys....gak ada FDC koq....c ya there
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: capt. digweed on 02/05/08, 00:04
ingetin gua bawa baju ganti ya teman ...
masa ke shut up pake kemeja kantor

kurang "in" banget dahhh ... ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Dj KIMM on 02/05/08, 00:17
SHUT UP  VOL 1, VOL 2, VOL 3, Hadir... ada ke empat, BERANGKAT.... ;D
sekalian jg mau liat Kokoh Deny main *piss* *piss*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*suport buat Dj Deny, Dj Bhokero & Sound Syndicated  *bgs* *bgs*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 02/05/08, 00:23
@capt digweed... gpp lgi pake baju kantor... sekali kali dancing in style..... hueheuheuhue
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 02/05/08, 00:24
@DJ Kimm... thank you udah dateng terus yah... it's been a pleasure.... harus joged paling depan pas Deny maen...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bless the child on 02/05/08, 00:25
@ija..sekali2 ja lo joget dgn penuh wibawa..hehe
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 02/05/08, 13:10
Quote from: twistednano on 01/05/08, 21:47
Sepertinya saya nanti mau hadir ah.Udah lama enggak denger koko main  *tepuktangan*

I'm expecting to hear old classic progressive tunes like Northern Exposure Sounds,Global Underground,etc..seperti jaman dj deny main thn  1999-2002an  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

Btw, berapa FDC nya malam nanti yah?

Waah..ditunggu kehadirannya.free FDC kok, see you there yaa  *tepuktangan*

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: OmphieHaze on 02/05/08, 15:41
bro maenin goa trance..!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Embassy on 02/05/08, 15:42
Quote from: OmphieHaze on 02/05/08, 15:41
bro maenin goa trance..!!


ada omphie haze ya?

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: BaiM on 02/05/08, 15:50
Quote from: OmphieHaze on 02/05/08, 15:41
bro maenin goa trance..!!

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: vibe_blue on 02/05/08, 21:32
Boz meong mw menggoyang public neh....  hadir hadir...

Re Group Guys...

:) *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 03/05/08, 02:06
katanye no request sop ?

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 03/05/08, 03:39
astral matrix..hauuuwwww!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: OmphieHaze on 03/05/08, 19:27
Quote from: Embassy on 02/05/08, 15:42
Quote from: OmphieHaze on 02/05/08, 15:41
bro maenin goa trance..!!


ada omphie haze ya?


Abang.. ;) miss u bang.. :-*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 04/05/08, 12:46
udah denger previewnya sedikit, jangan sampe ga dateng deh, sayang banget klo dilewatkan, penting! *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Jay on 04/05/08, 14:31
Walahhh... ga mngkin ga dateng....

bsk tunggu djemput blinksatan.... he...

newport..?? takut black out lg... he... bwt dnab aja dahh...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: chestertoon on 05/05/08, 10:15
weeeiiits dj deny,,dtng dong pastinya 8) 8)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Don_Juny on 05/05/08, 11:11
Deny maen set lama auahuahauhauahuahau.....duh sakit perut den LOL ahuhaauha
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 05/05/08, 12:43

Pokoknya ada deeh he he..datang ya  :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 05/05/08, 14:30
I'll see you guys there ya..oh yah,rundown nya:

Debon :  8-9
Deny   :  9-12
Yudhi  : 12-1


Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 05/05/08, 14:32
tonite guys....
c u there... there might be a new gimmick in this Shut Up
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: wd j on 05/05/08, 14:33
Quote from: DJ Deny on 05/05/08, 14:30
I'll see you guys there yaa...


Debon :  8-9
Deny   :  9-12
Wendy: 12-1

salah bang den..

12-1 itu Yudhi bang den... ;)

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 05/05/08, 14:35

gimmick apa nihh om bhoker??? ::)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 05/05/08, 14:37
Duh..iya, maaf salah.. :-[ :-[

udah di koreksi ya guys  ;D

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dunant on 05/05/08, 14:47
DMC DMC scratch the deck.. hidup ko Deny!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 05/05/08, 15:01
dhanty.. ada deh... dateng dong makanya... hihihi
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: mambana on 05/05/08, 15:06
support ya...
pengen juga sekali-sekali liat shut up...tapi hari ini lagi ada halangan

keep rockin, peace :)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Embassy on 05/05/08, 15:09
Quote from: Bhokero on 05/05/08, 14:32
tonite guys....
c u there... there might be a new gimmick in this Shut Up

apaan tuh sob?


sukses ya,

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 05/05/08, 15:20
aku hadirrrrrrrrrr...
Gimmicknya buat gue, steaknya buy one get ine yah om bhoker... ;D ;D

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dunant on 05/05/08, 15:21
sampe jam berapa sih acara ini?
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 05/05/08, 15:26
jam 1
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bgajulan on 05/05/08, 18:40
sampai bertemu yaaaa!  ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: chestertoon on 05/05/08, 18:46
bang ompi
Quote from: OmphieHaze on 03/05/08, 19:27
Quote from: Embassy on 02/05/08, 15:42
Quote from: OmphieHaze on 02/05/08, 15:41
bro maenin goa trance..!!


ada omphie haze ya?


Abang.. ;) miss u bang.. :-*
fotonya keren jg tuh!!!he3
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/05/08, 02:09
*tepuktangan* kerennnn seruuuuu... lain dari yang lainnn.... *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 06/05/08, 02:49
eclectic banget koh denny mainya ...
dari classic disco - new wave - breaks - prog - sampe trance ;)


a trully dj of the year *bgs*
@ dence : jadi kalo maen vinyl musti di semprot2 dulu ya den? hihihihihi
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: lesli on 06/05/08, 08:06
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 06/05/08, 02:49
eclectic banget koh denny mainya ...
dari classic disco - new wave - breaks - prog - sampe trance ;)


lintas generasi huhhuhuhuhu, salute :)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 09:16
SHUT UP ter keren!!!!!!!!!

*bgs* *bgs*


next time bawa lagi donk Wii nyaaaaa... lucu tuh (walo gw belom nyobain), apalagi klo dimas yg maen haha
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: kc on 06/05/08, 09:31

truulllyy shocking !!!
parah !! hahahaha
10 detik pertama orang bengong..
10 detik kemudian mikir.. lagunya bakalan ganti ngga sih?
10 detik selanjutnya menyadari lagunya emang classic disco..
seterusnya joget aja terus... hahaahah
keren banget den..
paraahh.. emang pantes deh jadi DJ OF THE YEAR !!

Debon: THX SO MUCH FOR THE ASTRAL MATRIX !! huhuhu.. terharu gue.. keren bangeettt..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bgajulan on 06/05/08, 10:14
lucu juga main wii di public..tp ko stick-nya cuma 1? jadinya direbut dimas deeh..huhu

smalem yang nyanyi ketauan angkatannya, angkatan kl-asik  ;D ;D ;D

keren keren!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 06/05/08, 10:20
itu wii nya satu lagi punya ucil ... hebatnya temanku yang satu itu lupa membawa controller nya hhauhuahuahua... sekip...

kemaren sempet terjadi kechaosan sebenernya... dimana wii nya bhoker pun gak nyala karena problem di adaptornya hehehe jadinya cuman 1 wii deh... colok campur sana sini..

gila gue terharu denger this beat is hot.... dll... gue pikir bakal classic set all nite long tu

great night... thanks 4 coming guys
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 10:24

gimana? old habbit die hard lg gk?? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: club2club on 06/05/08, 10:39

;D ;D ;D

Lagu yang gw tunggu2 akhirnya dimainkan juga oleh akang deny...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Dekra on 06/05/08, 10:48
just one singgle comment :
  *tepuktangan* amazing....  *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 06/05/08, 10:48
MANTAP, CIAMIK, CANGCING, CUCUCUCU!!!!!!! i should brought my mom yesterday,,,, ;D ;D ;D

that was i called ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC it self,,,,, ;) *bgs* *bgs*

@bhokero : bsk gw bw controller wii nya sendiri deh yaa,,,, ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jeng_kompen on 06/05/08, 10:50
Quote from: club2club on 06/05/08, 10:39

;D ;D ;D

Lagu yang gw tunggu2 akhirnya dimainkan juga oleh akang deny...

gileee hehehehe lagunya noel ?
set a drift on a memory bliss ada gak pm dawn ? hahahahha
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bimzkee on 06/05/08, 10:50
Quote from: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 10:24

gimana? old habbit die hard lg gk?? ;D ;D ;D


untungnya nggak.. walau setan sudah disekelilingku... hauhauhuahuaa.... kaburrrr
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 10:52
Quote from: jeng_kompen on 06/05/08, 10:50
Quote from: club2club on 06/05/08, 10:39

;D ;D ;D

Lagu yang gw tunggu2 akhirnya dimainkan juga oleh akang deny...

gileee hehehehe lagunya noel ?
set a drift on a memory bliss ada gak pm dawn ? hahahahha

adanya Spandeu Ballet - true! ;D ;D

mantabh lah semalem... gk kyk hari senen! *tepuktangan* *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: wd j on 06/05/08, 10:55

Juaranya malam ini jurinya sendiri yaitu : BANG DENY...

cmn bisa geleng2, speechless...

keseriusan utk bnr2 tampil perform yg beda ditunjukkin banget...

salute buat bang den... ampe keringetan ya den, mang dah panas & konsentrasi maennya..huehehehehe...

@ DEbon

lagunya juga cangcings2..mau donk, huehehehehe...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jeng_kompen on 06/05/08, 10:58
Quote from: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 10:52
Quote from: jeng_kompen on 06/05/08, 10:50
Quote from: club2club on 06/05/08, 10:39

;D ;D ;D

Lagu yang gw tunggu2 akhirnya dimainkan juga oleh akang deny...

gileee hehehehe lagunya noel ?
set a drift on a memory bliss ada gak pm dawn ? hahahahha

adanya Spandeu Ballet - true! ;D ;D

mantabh lah semalem... gk kyk hari senen! *tepuktangan* *bgs*

true -spandau ballet enak juga tuh....tapi yg disco version ya ? hehehhehe
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 06/05/08, 11:02
coba kmrn bukan hr senen yaaa.....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 11:11
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 06/05/08, 11:02
coba kmrn bukan hr senen yaaa.....

emng kenapa mas??
kan buat lo yg penting cucucucucucu

;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 06/05/08, 11:12
Quote from: kc on 06/05/08, 09:31

truulllyy shocking !!!
parah !! hahahaha
10 detik pertama orang bengong..
10 detik kemudian mikir.. lagunya bakalan ganti ngga sih?
10 detik selanjutnya menyadari lagunya emang classic disco..
seterusnya joget aja terus... hahaahah
keren banget den..
paraahh.. emang pantes deh jadi DJ OF THE YEAR !!

Debon: THX SO MUCH FOR THE ASTRAL MATRIX !! huhuhu.. terharu gue.. keren bangeettt..

Same same sob.. Puas banget gw bisa mengeluarkan hasrat terpendam... hehehe... 4 Thumbs up to Bhoker and Ucil..

@ Denny

Situ gokil ah.. lagu2 nya sama gitu ama jaman-jaman Blanco lagi belajar nge DJ.. hehehe..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Gober on 06/05/08, 11:19
Wah Deny gokil banget, bener bener perjalanan karir seorang Deny terungkap dalam event ini.
Lucu juga ngeliat muke anak anak ravelex yang bengong mikir ini lagu apa ya? kekeke, maklum masih belajar jalan pas lagu itu muncul. hehehe...

thanks udah maenin lagu lagu techno jadul den, brings back old memories hehehe...
kapan kapan lagi maenin lagi yaaaa...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 11:52
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 11:53

om debon in action...  ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 11:54
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: sonique on 06/05/08, 12:00
deny hebatlah... aseli! betah gw d public jadinya...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 06/05/08, 12:02
Quote from: wd j on 06/05/08, 10:55

Juaranya malam ini jurinya sendiri yaitu : BANG DENY...

cmn bisa geleng2, speechless...

keseriusan utk bnr2 tampil perform yg beda ditunjukkin banget...

salute buat bang den... ampe keringetan ya den, mang dah panas & konsentrasi maennya..huehehehehe...

@ DEbon

lagunya juga cangcings2..mau donk, huehehehehe...

atur waktu aja sob.. tar kita barter..hehehe..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:10
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:12
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:13
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:15
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:16
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Don_Juny on 06/05/08, 12:16
Thanks ya Den, semalem gua bisa dengerin lagi tuh Perception, Phoenix..... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:17
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: colis on 06/05/08, 12:19
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: vinodii on 06/05/08, 12:27
huaa.. akhirnya datang jg gw nya di shut up...keren2...DJ Deny *bgs* manstabh... tp gw nya nda bisa goyang emang....:D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 06/05/08, 12:33
@all : Thx 4 coming last night... td malem public just got shut !! hehehe ... Sorry banget buat kekurangan dr soal Wii dan AC yg ga puguh.... Next kita coba rapihin lagi ya....

@ Deny : Gokil lagunya sama semua euy sm koleksi plat gue.. hahaha....  Kemaren gue bilang sm deny untung loe ga bawain human - human league, bisa full set tuh.... eh dia langsung ngajak gue utk liat plat yg dia bawa dan dia udah siapin tuh plat yg warna cream "Human - Human League"...hahaha
Ternyata dia niat maenin itu cuman karena waktu yg terbatas jadi dia ga sempet bawain.....
Next boleh ikutan spinnning tuh kalo loe lagi maen Classic..... gue mau bawa blow monkeys - Digging your scene.... biar jogednya baris sob... hehehehe
eniwei... last night public become real "Vintage" thx to DJ DENY....

Thanx yah guys udh dateng, kemaren petinggi2 sponsor jg dateng dan cukup puas... mudah2an bisa jalan terus yah.....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jeng_kompen on 06/05/08, 12:39
Quote from: Bhokero on 06/05/08, 12:33
@all : Thx 4 coming last night... td malem public just got shut !! hehehe ... Sorry banget buat kekurangan dr soal Wii dan AC yg ga puguh.... Next kita coba rapihin lagi ya....

@ Deny : Gokil lagunya sama semua euy sm koleksi plat gue.. hahaha....  Kemaren gue bilang sm deny untung loe ga bawain human - human league, bisa full set tuh.... eh dia langsung ngajak gue utk liat plat yg dia bawa dan dia udah siapin tuh plat yg warna cream "Human - Human League"...hahaha
Ternyata dia niat maenin itu cuman karena waktu yg terbatas jadi dia ga sempet bawain.....
Next boleh ikutan spinnning tuh kalo loe lagi maen Classic..... gue mau bawa blow monkeys - Digging your scene.... biar jogednya baris sob... hehehehe
eniwei... last night public become real "Vintage" thx to DJ DENY....

Thanx yah guys udh dateng, kemaren petinggi2 sponsor jg dateng dan cukup puas... mudah2an bisa jalan terus yah.....
@ dj bhokero....

human league gokil berat tuh....yg dont you want me hahahahahah
blow monkeys old school berat hahahhaahah yg digging your scene agak centil heheheheh
yazoo - dont go gak ada ? hahahahaah ada versi barunya juga yg razzormaid mix...hihihihih...salute:)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: luthfi on 06/05/08, 12:47
wah shut up tuh senen kemaren ya ?
gw kira senen depan.
aah kelewatan gw :-\

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: HerardDaydow on 06/05/08, 12:54
waduh.. seru bgt kynya... :-\ dan makin penuh pasti.. ::)
sayang...gk bs dtg.. gara2 paginya midtest..siall!! :-X :'(
om bhokero.. bln dpn rncana guest djnya siapa? (?) ::)
moga2 vol 5 gk klewatan...  :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Baguz Freeman on 06/05/08, 13:08
uih.. seru aja nih..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dhAnty on 06/05/08, 13:19
Quote from: luthfi on 06/05/08, 12:47
wah shut up tuh senen kemaren ya ?
gw kira senen depan.
aah kelewatan gw :-\

Yth Mbak Luthfi...

itu MUKE yg paling depan siapa yaaa ::)
malah ada yg nanya ke gue: Dhan, mana nih seksi foto"nya...gw kan pengen difoto
;D ;D ;D

sepele lo fiiiiii :-\
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: capt. digweed on 06/05/08, 13:29
kaga kena TAG dah gua minggu ini di facebook :-\
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bgajulan on 06/05/08, 13:32
Quote from: capt. digweed on 06/05/08, 13:29
kaga kena TAG dah gua minggu ini di facebook :-\

gw jg kaga ja, foto cm 1, tp ktutup uyab  :-\
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 06/05/08, 13:55

Thank you very much for coming to Shut Up last nite...it brought all of my memories to the past time hihi..From hip, hop, classic disco, to old proggy tunes, electic sounds, techno etc   :D

Sayang krn kepanasan gw ga bisa konsen, akhirnya ada beberapa tracks yg bener2 favorite gw seperti Human League: Human, Blue amazon  dll ga keputer padahal  frame gw buat 3 jam tadinya: 30 menit hip hop, 1 jam classic terus 1.5 jam old progressiive tunes..cm krn waktunya sisa 2.5 jam yah banyak yg di cut deh he he. Untung Relax nya Frankie Goes To Hollywood gw sempet puter  ;D

Finally, special thanks goes to Sound Syndicated (Ibu Uchi, Ika, Bhokero, Wendy, Yudhi, Mocco,Mc,Vibes, etc), Electro Soul (Debon, Fadlie, Uchiel, Bimzkee, Dion, Berry etc)

Buat temen2 yg udah dateng: all my loving Ravelex's friends, Juny, Bebe, Rangga, Michael, Sepet, Ronijioni, Herdy Junko, Agoose, Faried from Indika, Innerlight, Adhe Bro, Ndira, Lex DMC, Ali,Tatar, Zaki from SOZ, Roy, Kesit n Evelyn from  X-Spinn,MC Baim B dll..(maaf kalo kelupaan)..I love you full deh  :-*

Oh ya, semalem kelupaan mau jugling, sama ngerap..abis malu sih  :-[ :-[ ;D

Bhokero : Human League nya ketinggalan puter..hiks
Bimzkee : This beat is hot itu lagu anadalan gw dulu..pelat juara bro hihi
Bobon   : Nice warm up set..Astral Matrix mang juara deh
Yudhi    : cakeplah  malem.. itu ended up by trance di Public
Dion     : James Brown is dead ga kebawa, Quadrophonia tadinya mau gw puter kelupaan he he

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: s4kur4gi on 06/05/08, 14:30
A whole different world to me last night!!! hehehehe.....

Tiba2 bisa nge-steak, wuenakkk banget ehh...thx to the kipas2 staff, and all the kitchen staff! ada juga yg nge-wii ampe mandi keringat!!

Ko Deny lahh yg memberikan nuansa aneh dan menakjubkan!!! Makin salute ma dikau Ko! From old School Hoppers to Classic Disco then techno.....gilaakkkkkk!!

Bener2 bersyukur kemaren melupakan nomat demi ke SHUT UP!

TRus buat anak2 RVLX.....akhirnya HAMPIR lengkap g kenal anak2 RVLX yg sokil-sokil and asik-asik and cantik-cantik...

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 06/05/08, 14:42
@jeng kompen... serius yazoo - don't go ada remix baru... mau dong.. lucu juga kalo remixnya housy... bisa maenin di DF tuh... pasti pada nostalgia gila crowdnya... hehehe

@herard_daydow : yg ke 5 udh ada... tapi masih rahasia.... dateng dong....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: bebe.ocean on 06/05/08, 14:43
Keren banget *tepuktangan* *bgs*

*bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: kc on 06/05/08, 14:45
iya.. dan tadi malem ada agoose.. duh.. :-*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: kana_oksid on 06/05/08, 14:46
Quote from: Bhokero on 06/05/08, 14:42
@jeng kompen... serius yazoo - don't go ada remix baru... mau dong.. lucu juga kalo remixnya housy... bisa maenin di DF tuh... pasti pada nostalgia gila crowdnya... hehehe

@herard_daydow : yg ke 5 udh ada... tapi masih rahasia.... dateng dong....

kayaknya versi jaytripwire remix juga ada tuh yazoo....
pernah di pasang sama dj nya subliminal harry choo choo romero waktu di embassy
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Ndira on 06/05/08, 15:12
keren keren acaranya td malem.. ga nyesel gw dateng.. He3x..

kpn nih SHUT UP Vol.5 ??
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 06/05/08, 16:21
lagi lagi lagii lagiii... uhuuuyyyyyyy...
gw ga kedapetan steak lagi kali ini hik hik :(
@debon: yg kemaren george morel bukan? klo bener berarti gw udah ada ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dedoSixteen on 06/05/08, 18:51
sial dapet report dari 2 orang om den manclay bangat malem itu..hihi erick B..mantab !!!

olskul !! emang juara DMC mantab !!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 06/05/08, 23:37
Quote from: Ricco.Sepet on 06/05/08, 16:21
lagi lagi lagii lagiii... uhuuuyyyyyyy...
gw ga kedapetan steak lagi kali ini hik hik :(
@debon: yg kemaren george morel bukan? klo bener berarti gw udah ada ;D

Yup sob!

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ucil on 07/05/08, 00:17
thanks ya guys udah meramaikan.......

kalo gak ada kalian music headz acara ini gak akan bisa terus.......

ternyata berlanjut dan makin meriah.....

thanks to bobon for a great set.......gitu donk hehehe......lagu lo keren2 tonk boleh juga lo ehehehe

thanks for denny as well for a marvelous journey through time........"time machine" set.....

bos meyong memang meeeeeeeyyyyyyoooooonnnggg....eh iya makasih ya selipannya

kemaren.....ciamik deh......pulang langsung bikin mixtape gt gw.....tp dodolnya keapus......begitu

udah selesai eh kepencet.....hilang semua whahahah........terlalu gawat.....

oiya next time gw janji deh gak lupa bawa controller wii......biar bisa maen link heheh seru kan.....

c ya guys on the next shut up.....

love and respect,
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: twistednano on 07/05/08, 06:47
Seru banget *tepuktangan*

walaupun sempat mampir sebentar dan pulang duluan karena panas dan ada telp dari anak tapi seru banget deh. Old time memories: Let the beat hit them, this beat is hot, Relax dll  *bgs*

Sorry koko gak sempat salamin ke dj booth soalnya rame banget. sorry juga kalau pulang duluan. Mom's duty calling  :(

memang koko selalu tampil beda deh  8)

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: DJ Deny on 07/05/08, 08:31

Kok ga nyamperin sih..Btw,thanks for dropping by yah  ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: sendyoke on 07/05/08, 14:44
Ck ck ck......
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 07/05/08, 14:58
Quote from: Ucil on 07/05/08, 00:17
thanks ya guys udah meramaikan.......

kalo gak ada kalian music headz acara ini gak akan bisa terus.......

ternyata berlanjut dan makin meriah.....

thanks to bobon for a great set.......gitu donk hehehe......lagu lo keren2 tonk boleh juga lo ehehehe

thanks for denny as well for a marvelous journey through time........"time machine" set.....

bos meyong memang meeeeeeeyyyyyyoooooonnnggg....eh iya makasih ya selipannya

kemaren.....ciamik deh......pulang langsung bikin mixtape gt gw.....tp dodolnya keapus......begitu

udah selesai eh kepencet.....hilang semua whahahah........terlalu gawat.....

oiya next time gw janji deh gak lupa bawa controller wii......biar bisa maen link heheh seru kan.....

c ya guys on the next shut up.....

love and respect,

Different place, different people, different time, sometimes require different approach bro..  ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jazzymike on 07/05/08, 15:03
bobon cangcing set nya kmaren.. aseli!

deny keren banget... bener2 nunjukin perjalanan selama doi nge-dijeh... salute!

SHUT UP rawks!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 07/05/08, 19:32
thanks mikey!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 08/05/08, 00:48
pokoknya acaranya funky dehhhhhhhh... cah elah funky 8)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Debon on 08/05/08, 21:21
Senjata pamungkas SS : Mr. Achdiyat kok gak dikeluar keluarin yah? hehehe..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: mahfud_partojin on 08/05/08, 22:37
Quote from: Debon on 08/05/08, 21:21
Senjata pamungkas SS : Mr. Achdiyat kok gak dikeluar keluarin yah? hehehe..
wah kalo achdiyat yg main bisa keluar lagu-lagu macem 2 juga tuh....:P
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 09/05/08, 00:35
Quote from: mahfud_partojin on 08/05/08, 22:37
Quote from: Debon on 08/05/08, 21:21
Senjata pamungkas SS : Mr. Achdiyat kok gak dikeluar keluarin yah? hehehe..
wah kalo achdiyat yg main bisa keluar lagu-lagu macem 2 juga tuh....:P
penting nih... jadi kapan??? bocoran shut up selanjutnya dong? ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Bhokero on 09/05/08, 03:12
just wait for the next coming shut up yah.. :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: soul_selekta on 09/05/08, 08:03
Quote from: mahfud_partojin on 08/05/08, 22:37
Quote from: Debon on 08/05/08, 21:21
Senjata pamungkas SS : Mr. Achdiyat kok gak dikeluar keluarin yah? hehehe..
wah kalo achdiyat yg main bisa keluar lagu-lagu macem 2 juga tuh....:P

kl di gabungin sama glen sama jerome bisa larut ke nu jazz + drum and bass juga tuh pak tuwir hahahahaah
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: Jay on 09/05/08, 15:48
kereeeen bgt kmarennn.....*bgs*

Tp tetep yee... gw sober, ga ada yg percaya.... :-\
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: luthfi on 09/05/08, 22:42
Quote from: Jay on 09/05/08, 15:48

Tp tetep yee... gw sober, ga ada yg percaya.... :-\

secara MR.Shut Up kan cuma elo doang jay ;D

tapi gw percaya koq jay tenang aja :P

Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: seno on 16/05/08, 08:18
achdiyat eclectic set di tunggu dong....:)
jgn kebanyakan main proggre ...di loungee....:P
bole nggak ???
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/05/08, 02:41
Vol. 05 nya ditunggu ni teasernya kekekkekkeke :)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: jazzymike on 17/05/08, 15:16
shut up vol 5.... winky.... with achdiyat and blanco...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: luthfi on 17/05/08, 15:19
Quote from: jazzymike on 17/05/08, 15:16
shut up vol 5.... winky.... with achdiyat and blanco...


Title: Re: SHUT UP! Vol. 4
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/05/08, 16:34
Quote from: jazzymike on 17/05/08, 15:16
shut up vol 5.... winky.... with achdiyat and blanco...
kalo begini judulnya jangan di hari senen cingko ..... :P
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