
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: itaniKa on 22/06/08, 23:51

Title: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: itaniKa on 22/06/08, 23:51
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 23/06/08, 00:04
another shut up *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Dj KIMM on 23/06/08, 00:36
Waduh, udah keluar aja nih SHUT UP vol. #6
Yg pasti Dateng, pasti rame nih  *bgs* *bgs* !  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Debon on 23/06/08, 20:19
ayo hadirrr!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: ekana on 23/06/08, 20:33
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dgital3xy on 23/06/08, 20:41
Rim.....topmarkotop !! congrat buat Shut Up series ..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dimmy.centro on 23/06/08, 20:42
SUKSES...!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Dree_ on 23/06/08, 21:08
seru2an di hari senin......mareeee
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bless the child on 23/06/08, 21:22
yukkk mareee..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: uchabanget on 24/06/08, 17:23
 ;)// pasti hadirrr
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: s4kur4gi on 24/06/08, 17:29
Emangnya ud sebulan yah.....???
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dhAnty on 24/06/08, 17:43
eh uchaaaaaaaaaaaaa

pa kbr?? udh lama gk online ;D ;D

*OOT mode on

Shut up lagi yaaaaaaaaaaa???????
huhu semoga bisa hadirrrrrrr
DJ RIM mah jaminan nih *bgs* *bgs*
dan Bhokero akhirnya maen jugaaaaaaaa hahahhaa

Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: DimsumonDLine on 24/06/08, 23:03
wihhh,,,, shut up lagi,,, steak lagi, wihiiii.... *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Bhokero on 24/06/08, 23:21
hey guys,
sorry baru nongol.... lagi pack banget sm kerjaan kantor... ga sempet posting2.

a.k.a Indra is like an old soldier with lots of experiences he had been through. Started DJ-ing since it's still a classic disco up to now. his music has been change through out the years and yet he still maintain to rock the floor. That's why he always respected as one of living legend amongst DJ's and crowds.  Come and witness his current idealism that been a favorite among me and uchiel....

This time me and Uchiel are back and honored to be his wing man. This is the time that we been waiting for to play this kind of music. So please do come to this SHUT UP! vol. 6, coz we gonna take a break awhile after this.

This will be the the last SHUT UP before fasting month. coz in the month of August everybody will be busy prepare or partying in Bali summer. Thank you for the support up to now... and wait after fasting month.... ;)

Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: ADE_P45 on 24/06/08, 23:26

ada shut up! lg,dipastikan hadir nee...

support guys!!!

*bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: chiefy on 25/06/08, 02:58
HohoOw sHut uP udA yg k 6 ajaAh..
DateEeng yuUw...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Jay on 25/06/08, 09:17
dateng yah smua.... hehehe...

ga krasa uda yang ke 6 aja....

brarti uda 6 bln tiap senin minggu pertama pulang2 paledut... hehehe...

Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dhAnty on 25/06/08, 09:19
wah SHUT UP terakhir nih jdnya??

waduh.. harus hadir!!!! ;)
steak nya yg bnyk ya om Bhokerooooooo ;D ;D ;D


huahahhaha dtg donk Jay, kan lo MR. SHUT UP
ini terakhir sblm puasa lohhhhhhhhhh ;D ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bimzkee on 25/06/08, 09:25
presented to you all music lovers by

Electrosoul & Sound Syndicated

please come and support us!

love ya all....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: colis on 25/06/08, 09:32
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Jay on 25/06/08, 09:33
Quote from: dhAnty on 25/06/08, 09:19
wah SHUT UP terakhir nih jdnya??

waduh.. harus hadir!!!! ;)
steak nya yg bnyk ya om Bhokerooooooo ;D ;D ;D


huahahhaha dtg donk Jay, kan lo MR. SHUT UP
ini terakhir sblm puasa lohhhhhhhhhh ;D ;D

Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Embassy on 25/06/08, 10:33


pastinya ciamik nih,

full support nyo..


Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bgajulan on 25/06/08, 11:06
wauw!! masa shut up trakhir ga dtg? yukyakyuk!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: randybotak on 25/06/08, 14:29
kayaknya house session neh asekkkkk....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: yoggiesd on 25/06/08, 14:51
loh beneran terakhir yah...padahal gw baru liat aksi si VJ nya yg kemarin.....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Bhokero on 25/06/08, 17:16
@yoggiesd : ini yang terakhir sebelom bulan puasa. bukan berarti berenti disini.
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Embassy on 25/06/08, 17:24
Quote from: Bhokero on 25/06/08, 17:16
@yoggiesd : ini yang terakhir sebelom bulan puasa. bukan berarti berenti disini.

jangan berakhir...


Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: vinodii on 25/06/08, 17:33
jangan dong... abis puasa ada lagi kan ?? :D :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Dj KIMM on 25/06/08, 17:50
Om Bhokero, kapan2 ajak2 maen dong di acaranya sound syndicated   :P  ;D
sukses ya  om Bhokero  *bgs*  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: RoniJoni on 01/07/08, 21:58
asik...santai2....sambil minum2..!!!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Kimi on 01/07/08, 22:17
Quote from: Dj KIMM on 25/06/08, 17:50
Om Bhokero, kapan2 ajak2 maen dong di acaranya sound syndicated   :P  ;D
sukses ya  om Bhokero  *bgs*  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
perlu gw dukung jon???
ntar kayak kmaren lg
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Kimi on 01/07/08, 22:18
Quote from: RoniJoni on 01/07/08, 21:58
asik...santai2....sambil minum2..!!!
huahuahu gmn jon???
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Jay on 01/07/08, 22:27
RJ dateng yee lo...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: RoniJoni on 01/07/08, 22:38
iya dong klo ngga ada halangan pasti dateng....makan steak lagi.yuhuuu
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Jay on 01/07/08, 22:44
Sabi cuy..
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bimzkee on 01/07/08, 23:08
yiuk yiuk....
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Kimi on 01/07/08, 23:18
Quote from: bimzkee on 01/07/08, 23:08
yiuk yiuk....
smoga keadaan mendukung
dompet terutama.....

lo kan dah ksitu kmaren bim...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bimzkee on 01/07/08, 23:32
hehehe... well secara ini gelarannya electrosoul juga masa gue ga dateng?
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dweetha on 02/07/08, 13:25
hah terakhir???
dateng ah klo bisa....

*piss* *piss* *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: barto on 03/07/08, 17:16
hhmmmm....guys ini acara apaan yahhh  (?) (?) kok tau2 dah vol.6 aja sihhh????

mo ikutan aahhhh......... *piss*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: JUragaN KObam on 03/07/08, 23:58
pengen bgt datang tp daku tak bisa huhuhuhuuuuuu  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bimzkee on 05/07/08, 02:10
ayo dong wink biar banyak infotainment lagi kalo lo dateng....;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: sssiiixxx on 05/07/08, 20:15
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Frico on 07/07/08, 01:08
:P Hadeeer gak yaa? Tergantung Wita ah :D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 07/07/08, 02:35
ahhhhhhh knapa musti pas gua final exam sih >:(
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Bhokero on 07/07/08, 05:23
tonite guys... hope to c u all there. ;)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Ronaldinho on 07/07/08, 08:40
brangkat utk mensupport MC VIBES hehehe...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Gober on 07/07/08, 18:55
last shutup in public... see you guys ...
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: dhAnty on 08/07/08, 10:43
seru seruuuuuuuuu *tepuktangan*

walo peserta SHUT UP yg "biasanya" pd gk ada huhu :(

Ditunggu kejutan selanjutnya dr SS + ELECTROSOUL yaaaaaaaaa


*piss* bimzkeee :-*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: bimzkee on 08/07/08, 10:54
and electrosoul not to forget dhan.. :)
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Dekra on 08/07/08, 11:27
Seru....seru.... *tepuktangan*

jarang2 reporter2 nightlife dateng semua, foto bareng lagi....huahahahahahahaa.... ;D  ;D
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Bhokero on 08/07/08, 22:03
Thanx for coming guys... we will break for awhile. hope to c u all in next comin' shut up!
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: VibeSession on 09/07/08, 12:49
@ronaldinho :
big thx.. ;)

really sorry for the last Shut Up mc'nya diem aja, soalnya kerusakan terjadi pada mic'nya heheheh..
special thx buat semua yg udah dtg ke semua seri Shut Up,
we've had a real good times, haven't we?? :)
we'll cu guys after the fasting month yaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Rendy on 10/07/08, 15:48
shut up 6 the best!!! *bgs*
Title: Re: SHUT UP! vol #6
Post by: Jay on 11/07/08, 15:36
Maap ga dateng.... bentrok sm Final exam.... :-\
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