Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: itaniKa on 30/01/08, 13:32
kok monday?
Quote from: kc on 30/01/08, 14:08
kok monday?
kes liat tema nya shut up.., jadi mau senin mau selasa yang penting shut up hihiiiiii
berarti ntar di dalem partynya kita ga boleh ngobrol ama org2 dong...terus kalo mesen minuman ke bartender bgmn? *piss* *piss* *piss*
anyway fully support buat deadboy...mudah2an sukses usahanya !!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: kc on 30/01/08, 14:08
kok monday?
yup emang MONDAY kes..
new concept ;)
baca keterangan detailnya yah biar lebih jelas ;D
tracknya pasti mantep-mantep nih...:)
berarti ngga boleh request lagu donk?? ;D ;D :P
a hahaha,,, i like the statement.... plus ,,, just dance and listen to the music,,,
bolehlah,,, lineupnya cangcing!!! ;D
jd jgn tiba2 ada yg request shadow or stoopid,,, :P
all about idealism..
Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 30/01/08, 18:24
berarti ngga boleh request lagu donk?? ;D ;D :P
huaakakakakkaaakk... jim, shut up!! ;D ;D ;D
this is the breakthrough that's worth to wait for. kapan lagi lo bisa liat Anton main seidealis2nya Anton.. *bgs*
so please come, bring ur fellas, becoz the good times are about to roll on Monday nite!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
and fyi,
this is only just the beginning..... ;) ;)
mantab,,, hari senin hectic, pulang kerja langsung cabut ke public,,, pasti menyenangkan melihat ANTON maen,,, *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: VibeSession on 30/01/08, 18:36
Quote from: ...Jimprut... on 30/01/08, 18:24
berarti ngga boleh request lagu donk?? ;D ;D :P
huaakakakakkaaakk... jim, shut up!! ;D ;D ;D
this is the breakthrough that's worth to wait for. kapan lagi lo bisa liat Anton main seidealis2nya Anton.. *bgs*
so please come, bring ur fellas, becoz the good times are about to roll on Monday nite!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
and fyi,
this is only just the beginning..... ;) ;)
klo gwe pengen ngeliat DJ Bhokero maen idealis nis... gimana donk?? ;D ;D :P
Hadir hadirr....serius deh ini seruuuu pasti....hehehe
all about idealism,,, wew,,, dtg yuk!!!!
bhokero idealis??itu diaaa hrs kt saksikan jim!!!!!
gue tauu nih..
pasti maksudnya..
'tak usah banyak cingcong!! dateng aja buruan!!'
;D ;D
gantinya nomat seru nih...
dateng ah...
nah seru nih konsep gini, dj-nya bisa jadi diri mereka yg sebenernya..
kalo bisa dijadiin berseri, dan weekend hehehe.
salute buat yg bikin !...
asik nih liat bhokero sama anton maen idealism... ;)
katanya, kita bakal liat set-nya anton yang ga pernah didenger dimana mana..
hhmmm.. jadi penasaran....... ::)
This event is actually the expression of each DJ's. We Know most of the DJ's has the song that never been played for the crowd for whatever reason. In thi Event we want our Special Guest DJ's to play that kind of tracks. The tracks that been hidden for him self. Btw, this event will be a serial event (once every month). For this month We had the honorably DJ ANTON WIRJONO as our guest star. The process and selection for our guest star is based on their existence in the industry and musical quality of each guest star. So line up for SHUT UP 2007 will be massive, Wait for the next coming month.... So Let's Hear a never heard sound of DJ ANTON!!!
As Far as me and uhiel will be as a host for the first three event of SHUT UP. Me and Uchiel always believe that is been a darker side of us that never been shout. The music that we believe should been play among the crowds. It's been an honor for us to be the first host.
Hopefully SHUT UP! will be a distinctive monday night event. and will be an alternative for those of you who really like to see different set of the DJ's
Big Thanks to all our sponsors : Marlboro, Free, Clubhoppers Indika 91.60, Deadboy, PUBLIC to make this idea come true.
Big respect,
One more thing I forget to add is:
We will be prompt and our guest star DJ's will play around 9.30 PM for his 2 hours set or more,
mix setnya di rekam dong bos , buar bisa share :)
.....kalo boleeee
pasti bos... nanti kita podcast di website SS ato di website Elctrosoul. but hopefully to see u there... :)
mantaaap.....great combination *bgs*
From min tech, to deep house, to house whateveritstobecalledwith :D
monday getaway...
Quote from: acid_drops on 31/01/08, 15:01
mix setnya di rekam dong bos , buar bisa share :)
.....kalo boleeee
bisa jadi podcast juga sob :)
pod cast pasti akan diadakan......hehehe......nanti di upload di ravelex juga kayaknya sih......pls drop by guys.....have a drink....have fun....enjoy the music.......look at the exhibitz.......but plz NO REQUEST !!!!! hehehe
Quote from: DJ Deny on 31/01/08, 15:51
mantaaap.....great combination *bgs*
From min tech, to deep house, to house whateveritstobecalledwith :D
heheh makanya mampir donk om den.....capek2 pulang kantor......unwind aja dengerin freakishly attractive tunes hehehe.....=p.......plus look at some of the goodies.....its good for the soul hohoho
man conceptnya keren banget ni ..
abis ujian sore dari kampus boljug ni langsung meluncur ke public, kekekkeke
wickeeddd !
ssssssssssssttt....siapa tau anton bakal maen trance ;)
dtg ya dtg....
buat yg suka pernak pernik unik dr TOIMOI jg bakal ada di public!
btw, ini free cover guys. jadi ga ada FDC. just dress proper and casual and you can get in for free, :)
pastinyaa mesti hadiiiiirrr.......
konsep yang berani.saluuuuute to you guys *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
support from jogja *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: itaniKa on 02/02/08, 15:51
ssssssssssssttt....siapa tau anton bakal maen trance ;)
Hmmmm we'll see...:)
Quote from: itaniKa on 02/02/08, 15:51
ssssssssssssttt....siapa tau anton bakal maen trance ;)
dtg ya dtg....
buat yg suka pernak pernik unik dr TOIMOI jg bakal ada di public!
surprise dong.. ehehee lam kenal..
Quote from: blank footage on 03/02/08, 03:01
konsep yang berani.saluuuuute to you guys *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
support from jogja *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
thanks yach.....mudah2an bisa terus berjalan for the whole year hehehe......for the love of music =)
Quote from: im_innu on 31/01/08, 01:48
gantinya nomat seru nih...
dateng ah...
suka nomat dmana om innu ?? hehe..
-lam kenal-
gw kira hari ini,,,, gaddemit!!!! :-\
@ucil batong
udah sembuh lu dr bakpao beracun nye?
Quote from: DimsumonDLine on 04/02/08, 10:10
gw kira hari ini,,,, gaddemit!!!! :-\
padahal udah siap tempur ya dims? hahahahahaha
@idung gembur
heheh udah mayanan ni......bakpau from hell......hehe harga 4000 ujungnya jadi 1000x lipat plus biaya rumah sakit hoho....lo koq gak besuk gw sih, lo emang tega lo........ck..ck...ck.ck....ck
hehehe msih minggu depan koq..........ditunggu kehadirannya.....
@ucil batong
hehehe bukan gitu...gua tanyain anak2 kaga ada yg tau lo di rawat di posyandu mane... lagian ada2 aje lu makan bakpao isi daging apaan tu haeuhuaehueaeha
sembarangan sih lo beruang jawa
huhuhuu... bakpau durjana :-\ :-\
weeeeekekekkekekekkk... pasti uda disiapin di jadwal ya dimsh?? :-*
hang on guys,
just another week kok *piss*
bring some cash would be nice, siapa tau ada goodies yg lucu2 buat dibawa pulang ;)
Waaah keren neeh eventnya *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Supoort ya guys *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
waqh cihui nieh.. ;D ;D
memang bakpau biadab....nampaknya untuk beberapa waktu kedepan gw trauma nih....bakpa-o-phobia heuheuhue
buat yg pada laper, mudah2an senin besok kita jadi bisa suplai makanan lucu2 yaa.... *piss*
bukan bakpau yg jelas hehehhehehehee... ;D
@ siap dateng.. buat Uchiel
ohhh..ini toh yg mocco ceritain...hmmm...denger2 experimental nih
i'll be theree.....
seru nich konsep nya, gw suka...
bocoran dong mas anton kira2 mau di bawa kemana niyh kita dengan lagu2 nya......
bocorannya besok dengerin clubhoppers yah... karena disitu DJ ANTON akan reveal setnya mau dibawa kemana..... seru banget deh pokoknya... hope u all can appreciate the music
Wah it's a MUST come party.....gak mau ketinggalan gw....
c u there om roy...
ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..
sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha
nebeng ikut ya roy....:D
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 07/02/08, 16:22
ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..
sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha
apa ajalah pi yang penting memabukan.. hauhauhuaha
siyu on mondaaaaaaaaaaiiii !!
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 07/02/08, 16:22
ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..
sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha
bukan speskek pi,
tapi kita mo barbekyuuu ayoo kyuuuu
yep, bener kata bhoker,
dengerin Clubhoppers malem ini di Indika buat bocoran set'nya ;)
support guys... gokilllll neh.... *bgs*
ah percuma dateng kesana ga ada suguhan yang memabokkan...
bbq-nya dibakar pake bumbu rumput gembira ga? ;D rasanya pasti maknyussss
it's tonite event guys... please spare ur time..... we'll see you there.. ;)
Quote from: Bhokero on 11/02/08, 07:05
it's tonite event guys... please spare ur time..... we'll see you there.. ;)
youtube nya dong cingko :)
calling all music lovers.......be there or be square !!!! hehehe c ya tonite
Quote from: Ucil on 11/02/08, 10:27
calling all music lovers.......be there or be square !!!! hehehe c ya tonite
tiny dancer suka nggak cil ?pasangin dong hehehhehe
canggih !..
cihuy...seruu.. musik yg gw tunggu2 *tepuktangan* visual keren.. temen2.. mantap..
maaf harus balik cepet.. *piss*
steak nya enak,
ahhh,,,, krg joged nih td,,, tp seruuu!!!!!
shut up II ditunggu ;)
wah thanks yah yang udah dateng. steaknya enak banget, gua keabisan, cuman seiprit dapetnya.
seru senen2 berasa wekend... hehehe
@ gober : foto2nya diupload dimana paman ?
thanx to all tonite.... lumayan seru dan rame buat monday night event....
Thanks to DJ Anton for a wonderful music..... so awesome.... ada byk lagu yg gue bilang keren... pengen minta deh sob... hehehe
@dimsum.... point taken....next shut up musti lebih joged yah... ;)
@all yang dateng tolong kasih masukan yah... but not for the music... karena emang kita ga bisa complaint regarding the music.... hehehe
thanx to electrosoul family....
uchiel URE DA MAN.........!!!
Wait for the next shut up with our mistery guess dj.... ;)
dear all,
i'm home typing this message still smiling, i'm bringing home one of the most expensive thing u can get at a party....."GOOD VIBES".....
big ups for those yang menyempatkan diri untuk mampir dan share this wonderful vibe with us......kehadiranmu sangat berarti untuk kami hehehe...
heartiest thanks untuk sponsor dan partner-partner yang memungkinkan keriaan ini terjadi : Marlboro, Public, Indika FM, Free! Magz, Area, Deadboy clothing, Toi moi.......couldn't have done this without your support.....
big respect to SS as our partner in crime, you guys rock big time, and specially to Bhokero for the quality music he has shared with us (i loved the set man, percaya deh hehe.....), yand the effort he has put to make this happen, also to ika my partner dalam semua keribetan persiapan hehehe....love u kaka
much love to the Future10 family, Anton for set extraordinaire......what a night thanks to u....quality music with top notch programming, two thumbs up, Demi for just being there dan menambah keriaan hehehe, Hogi yang meluangkan waktu untuk ber shut up ria.......to all future10 thnx a bunch.....we love u
and last but not least thank u for my bros and sis @ electrosoul & krossboi, u guys are the best pals a man can have...thanks to benny, debon, bima, fadlie, dion,pay, kiting, bule, homer,anto, ferna, kenny, memel, fikria, unai, dissa, and the list goes on and on.......pokoke big love to u guys....your relentless support is priceless......
bagi yang belum sempat datang, pastikan mampir di shut up berikutnya, bagi yang tadi dateng look forward to see u next month........guaranteed to be better, come and share the good times with us (barbekyu bakal ada lagi pastinya, harus coba !!!! hehehe), guest DJ berikut dijamin pancen oye aka rocking beratz !!!!
c ya guys next month.....lots and lots of love......
P.S : foto2 dan podcast akan segera di upload , sabar ya guys
@bhokero: masukan buat steaknya deh, tambah dong ;D ;D
hehehehe... gw dapet dooong steaknya, biar rada telat dateng..
untung masi sempat ketemu beberapa anak2.. (Dimsum, Bebek, Bgajulan)
Playground kumpul lagi ya!
kok nama gua ga di sebut nin? huh..
asli keren buangetttttttttt..
musti sering-sering..
gue suka BUANGET sama set nya bhokero sama anton..
unique but very dance-able!!
orang-orangnya juga banyak yang kenal..
berasa jadi paling gaul gitu..bwakakakakak..
ga deeeeeeeengg..
saran gue sih..
mustinya mulainya jangan jam 8 yah..
karena kayaknya baru dateng tau-tau udah jam 11 aja gitu ga berasa..
besoknya ngantor..
mantap SS & Electrosoul !!
eh iya... maap Kes.. soalnya mereka bertiga selisipan di depan, gw masuk mereka pulang..
;D ;D
thanks ya yg udah pada dateng dan beli steak nya...hehehe
itu akhirnya berujung dimana? hauehuaehuaha
SHUT UP ! kerreeeenn boouuww... *bgs* *bgs*
Lucccuuu.. Seruuu....
Steak nya enaaakkkk bgtt...
can't wait for SHUT UP 2... ;D ;D
PS : Semua set pengisi acara nya cangcinggg man... *bgs* *tepuktangan*
It's been our deepest pleasure to had u all comin' last Monday...
the vibes were great, the music was awesome, the steak was delicious (walopun kurang)
but the mic was a big turn off :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
jadi maabh yaks klo kurang disemangati untuk joged,
setengah mati nyemangatin mic'nya supaya ga putus2, padahal pas check sound rebes2 aja
:-\ :-\ :-\
WAIT FOR SHUT UP! 2nd Edition ya, guysssss!!!!!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
i love your set !! i love your songs... *bgs* *bgs*
sekarang sapi lagi suka lagu" yang kaya gitu kher! bikinin dong mixtepnya yang kaya gitu..
santai tapi ga rela kalo diem aja, harus joget! even joget" kecil
yang penting joget... pengennya sih di densflor sapi guling"an,
tapi karena teman" tercintaku pada duduk didanau yaudah.. joget di kursi aja deh ;D
btw, si dwi emang selalu dikaryakan yah? ;D enak banget boo stiknya!
kapan kita BBQ-an lagi dirumah lo itu? hihihihihi....
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 13/02/08, 18:49
i love your set !! i love your songs... *bgs* *bgs*
sekarang sapi lagi suka lagu" yang kaya gitu kher! bikinin dong mixtepnya yang kaya gitu..
santai tapi ga rela kalo diem aja, harus joget! even joget" kecil
yang penting joget... pengennya sih di densflor sapi guling"an,
tapi karena teman" tercintaku pada duduk didanau yaudah.. joget di kursi aja deh ;D
btw, si dwi emang selalu dikaryakan yah? ;D enak banget boo stiknya!
kapan kita BBQ-an lagi dirumah lo itu? hihihihihi....
Yoooiii pii enakan barbekyuan di rumah nya Bhokero...
Kaga bayar cingg... haaalllaaaahhhh... emank dasssaaarr mureeeee... ;D ;D ;D
Asli seru juga kmarenn.....
tp maap pulang cepet.... avis yg laen mulai pulang jg siyy...
Tp gw ga sempet nyicipin steaknya...br mo minta sm jimprut eh...ud abis duluan..
Gak kecewa dateng ke shut up kemaren....
Lagunya keren2 dan suasananya saikk....semuaaaaaaaaaaaa keeeennal....adem tentrem hati ini....
Steak Mantaaafff......
TWO THUMB UP for Electrosoul & Sound Syndicated
Ditunggu loh Shut Up yang kedua....
@Gober & Donal...
Fot2 upload doooonnggg....
Quote from: bimzkee on 12/02/08, 10:44
thanks ya yg udah pada dateng dan beli steak nya...hehehe
itu akhirnya berujung dimana? hauehuaehuaha
berujung di rumah jooo.....loh kok gw yang jawab bukan ninbo...hehehehe..... ;D ;D
Quote from: bimzkee on 12/02/08, 10:44
thanks ya yg udah pada dateng dan beli steak nya...hehehe
itu akhirnya berujung dimana? hauehuaehuaha
wakakakakkaka... itu acaranya Roy, bukan gw..
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
@sapi... nanti gue bikinin mixtapenya ya... kalo kerjaan yg stressfull gue ini kelar... (Loe tau kan apa...??)
@jimbo loe muree memang.... hehehe
Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 13/02/08, 18:49
yang penting joget... pengennya sih di densflor sapi guling"an,
tapi karena teman" tercintaku pada duduk didanau yaudah.. joget di kursi aja deh ;D
nyalahin temen..
piye ikii..
lhooo lhooooo..