

Started by itaniKa, 30/01/08, 13:32

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bocorannya besok dengerin clubhoppers yah... karena disitu DJ ANTON akan reveal setnya mau dibawa kemana..... seru banget deh pokoknya... hope u all can appreciate the music

Wah it's a MUST come party.....gak mau ketinggalan gw....

c u there om roy...

ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..

sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha
ajojingan selalu

nebeng ikut ya roy....:D

Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 07/02/08, 16:22
ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..

sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha

apa ajalah pi yang penting memabukan.. hauhauhuaha
siyu on mondaaaaaaaaaaiiii !!
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

Quote from: sapi.ketjiL on 07/02/08, 16:22
ada makanan apa? speskek ?? mau dong..

sapi jadi mikir kapan bikin jell-o-shot nya ya? kalo dibawa ke kantor dulu pasti uda abis ludes
dimakan sama anak" kantor.. boro" dijual :-\
kalo balik kerumah dulu trus ke public kok ya males?? macet nanti telat dateng..
bagi"in speskek aja mendingan gimana ?? ;D ;D dimsum bisa bikin tuh hahahahaha

bukan speskek pi,
tapi kita mo barbekyuuu ayoo kyuuuu

yep, bener kata bhoker,
dengerin Clubhoppers malem ini di Indika buat bocoran set'nya ;)
A starfire at night, Has got me so lonely
Once by my side, You're always gonna haunt me..

The city lights so bright, Are shining for me only
All those days are gone, They're not coming back for me..

A Starfire...

support guys... gokilllll neh.... *bgs*

ah percuma dateng kesana ga ada suguhan yang memabokkan...

bbq-nya dibakar pake bumbu rumput gembira ga? ;D rasanya pasti maknyussss
ajojingan selalu

it's tonite event guys... please spare ur time..... we'll see you there.. ;)

Quote from: Bhokero on 11/02/08, 07:05
it's tonite event guys... please spare ur time..... we'll see you there.. ;)

youtube nya dong cingko :)
:(:(I LOVE MUSIC :):)

calling all music lovers.......be there or be square !!!! hehehe c ya tonite

Quote from: Ucil on 11/02/08, 10:27
calling all music lovers.......be there or be square !!!! hehehe c ya tonite
tiny dancer suka nggak cil ?pasangin dong hehehhehe

canggih !..
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

cihuy...seruu.. musik yg gw tunggu2 *tepuktangan* visual keren.. temen2.. mantap..
maaf harus balik cepet..  *piss*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

steak nya enak,


ahhh,,,, krg joged nih td,,, tp seruuu!!!!!

shut up II ditunggu ;)
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wah thanks yah yang udah dateng. steaknya enak banget, gua keabisan, cuman seiprit dapetnya.

seru senen2 berasa wekend... hehehe
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

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@ gober : foto2nya diupload dimana paman ?
You hear the bass, and you say "whoa!"

thanx to all tonite.... lumayan seru dan rame buat monday night event....
Thanks to DJ Anton for a wonderful music..... so awesome.... ada byk lagu yg gue bilang keren... pengen minta deh sob... hehehe
@dimsum.... point taken....next shut up musti lebih joged yah... ;)
@all yang dateng tolong kasih masukan yah... but not for the music... karena emang kita ga bisa complaint regarding the music.... hehehe
thanx to electrosoul family....
uchiel URE DA MAN.........!!!
Wait for the next shut up with our mistery guess dj.... ;)

12/02/08, 04:12 #69 Last Edit: 12/02/08, 04:38 by Ucil
dear all,
i'm home typing this message still smiling, i'm bringing home one of the most expensive thing u can get at a party....."GOOD VIBES".....

big ups for those yang menyempatkan diri untuk mampir dan share this wonderful vibe with us......kehadiranmu sangat berarti untuk kami hehehe...

heartiest thanks untuk sponsor dan partner-partner yang memungkinkan keriaan ini terjadi : Marlboro, Public, Indika FM, Free! Magz, Area, Deadboy clothing, Toi moi.......couldn't have done this without your support.....

big respect to SS as our partner in crime, you guys rock big time, and specially to Bhokero for the quality music he has shared with us (i loved the set man, percaya deh hehe.....), yand the effort he has put to make this happen, also to ika my partner dalam semua keribetan persiapan hehehe....love u kaka

much love to the Future10 family, Anton for set extraordinaire......what a night thanks to u....quality music with top notch programming, two thumbs up, Demi for just being there dan menambah keriaan hehehe, Hogi yang meluangkan waktu untuk ber shut up ria.......to all future10 thnx a bunch.....we love u

and last but not least thank u for my bros and sis @ electrosoul & krossboi, u guys are the best pals a man can have...thanks to benny, debon, bima, fadlie, dion,pay, kiting, bule, homer,anto, ferna, kenny, memel, fikria, unai, dissa, and the list goes on and on.......pokoke big love to u guys....your relentless support is priceless......

bagi yang belum sempat datang, pastikan mampir di shut up berikutnya, bagi yang tadi dateng look forward to see u next month........guaranteed to be better, come and share the good times with us (barbekyu bakal ada lagi pastinya, harus coba !!!! hehehe), guest DJ berikut dijamin pancen oye aka rocking beratz !!!!

c ya guys next month.....lots and lots of love......

P.S : foto2 dan podcast akan segera di upload , sabar ya guys

@bhokero: masukan buat steaknya deh, tambah dong ;D ;D
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

hehehehe... gw dapet dooong steaknya, biar rada telat dateng..

untung masi sempat ketemu beberapa anak2.. (Dimsum, Bebek, Bgajulan)

Playground kumpul lagi ya!


kok nama gua ga di sebut nin? huh..

asli keren buangetttttttttt..
musti sering-sering..
gue suka BUANGET sama set nya bhokero sama anton..
unique but very dance-able!!

orang-orangnya juga banyak yang kenal..
berasa jadi paling gaul gitu..bwakakakakak..
ga deeeeeeeengg..

saran gue sih..
mustinya mulainya jangan jam 8 yah..
karena kayaknya baru dateng tau-tau udah jam 11 aja gitu ga berasa..
besoknya ngantor..

mantap SS & Electrosoul !!
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

eh iya... maap Kes.. soalnya mereka bertiga selisipan di depan, gw masuk mereka pulang..

;D ;D

thanks ya yg udah pada dateng dan beli steak nya...hehehe

itu akhirnya berujung dimana? hauehuaehuaha
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