
Events => Jakarta Events => Topic started by: wd j on 12/10/07, 12:55

Title: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: wd j on 12/10/07, 12:55
 8)  ;)  :)  ;D
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: monique on 12/10/07, 13:26
wowww salute :)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: bless the child on 12/10/07, 15:06
cool event...
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Dree_ on 12/10/07, 17:16
Support for the event guys!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: pecel_lele on 12/10/07, 20:39
fotonya metal banget sehhh.... :P
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: r3ndy on 12/10/07, 22:59
sukses tournya..

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: didjeri on 13/10/07, 09:13
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: ICAL BH on 13/10/07, 10:09
good luck tour nya yah...
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Debon on 13/10/07, 12:09
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 13/10/07, 12:11
Quote from: pecel_lele on 12/10/07, 20:39
fotonya metal banget sehhh.... :P
jeger2 bgt men , hihihihi
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Ricco.Sepet on 13/10/07, 13:21
keren... sukses yah tournya.. 4 hari nonstop nih.. ;D
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: wedhus on 13/10/07, 18:05
sukses and good luck for the tour....!!

mampir-mapir donk kesini....beli mendoan dulu...mak nyuss...hehehehe...
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: bLacK daMAN! on 13/10/07, 18:12
 9.11.2007 @Embassy platinum
  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

ps: *sht* bicara sOaL welcome,jd keinget keSet welcome gne g..ArggGg :-[ :-X :'( :P
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: pulo_tirang on 13/10/07, 19:50
success 4 da tour guy's
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 14/10/07, 21:56
To all friends:
The kick off this tour will be on Wednesday,7th of November in Embassy Jakarta,
We all do need your support for this event since it will be a long tiring road tour, We want you to be there.The guest list will be under ravelex name.

Hope u can be there. all the best from SS and SOZ team.

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Dey on 15/10/07, 16:44
Thanks Guys,

jangan lupa dateng yah....

C U.......
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 16/10/07, 04:59
Waahh asikk nieehh spinning sekalian jalan-jalan yee.. Ikuutt donkk??  ;D ;D
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: joey_30 on 16/10/07, 08:03
sadizzz...n support... sampai jumpa di sby... :)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: mahfud_partojin on 16/10/07, 23:52
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: kedondong_vibes on 17/10/07, 07:57
Quote from: Bhokero on 14/10/07, 21:56
To all friends:
The kick off this tour will be on Wednesday,7th of November in Embassy Jakarta,
We all do need your support for this event since it will be a long tiring road tour, We want you to be there.The guest list will be under ravelex name.

Hope u can be there. all the best from SS and SOZ team.

DJ Rundown nya dong ah...:P
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: le_gaiyya on 17/10/07, 11:00
Quote from: pecel_lele on 12/10/07, 20:39
fotonya metal banget sehhh.... :P
Quote from: joey_30 on 16/10/07, 08:03
sadizzz...n support... sampai jumpa di sby... :)
nggak lanjut ke bali sekalian nih ??

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: AndrE ClayZ on 17/10/07, 13:04
keren nihh... ;)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: deefoundation on 17/10/07, 14:01
Notis udh di SS yah sekarang...?? apa sudah lama??
Big Support...!!! *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: putrazz on 17/10/07, 17:25
wetss keren2 .... gut lak ya tournya  bro.....
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Rakaz on 17/10/07, 19:50
keren keren...good luck yaw....!!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 17/10/07, 20:52
@deefoundation : Notis is officialy join us on october 6. so blessing in this guy and us.

@all: rundownnya nyusul yah

@le_gaiya: emang fotonya metal yah... gue yg motret tuh....hehehehe, so anyone need photographer for commercial, wedding and event can contact me or my studio at 5th avenue, wijaya center. (Numpang jualan ya admin... ga lagi deh.. piss)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: natha on 19/10/07, 13:09
koQ ga mampir ke medan siiy??
:-\  *piss*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: dirtynumbangelboy on 19/10/07, 14:42
achdiyat main di jkt gak jooo ? 8)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: dreamwalker on 19/10/07, 14:49
*bgs*GOOD WORK.... CAN'T WAIT TO SEE... *bgs*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: alvktronica on 19/10/07, 15:03
wow, good concept..!! support!! *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Tatar Bahagia on 19/10/07, 16:05

goodluck guy'sss.....  ;)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: bananasplit on 19/10/07, 23:04
cang cing :):):)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Frico on 22/10/07, 18:05
Hehe.. jd inget OldSkol Anthem.. "i mizz d buzz.. i mizz d buzz.." :D

Congrats yaa bwt Notis..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: kc on 22/10/07, 18:12

seru bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt !!!

tapi kayaknya lebih seru di dalem bis nya kali ye.. huahahahahahha
ikut doooooooongggg !!!

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: ...Jimprut... on 22/10/07, 19:53
Ternyata selain menjadi seornga DJ napak nya anda seorang
Fotografer yg handal juga yah. hehehehehehe  *piss*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: b on 25/10/07, 19:19
canggih yaaa flyersnya.....gokil2...support guys.. ;)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: NiNjaskoo1 on 27/10/07, 19:50
kerenn... *bgs*
suksess yah tour nya...
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Mario 78 on 27/10/07, 20:52
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: im_innu on 27/10/07, 22:20
sukses ya.....
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: walasok on 29/10/07, 10:17
penasaran gw.. :)

see you in jogja yaaaa..
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Tatar Bahagia on 29/10/07, 19:12
Quote from: kc on 22/10/07, 18:12

seru bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt !!!

tapi kayaknya lebih seru di dalem bis nya kali ye.. huahahahahahha
ikut doooooooongggg !!!


tentunya donk KC ... tur bareng SOUND OF ZEUS tak kan pernah terlupakan penuh dengan riang gembira .. hehehehhe....
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Robin- on 30/10/07, 18:01
sukses yah buat temen" di Sound Of Zeus........... yang di jakarta mudah"an bisa dateng deh.
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: JESSY ECHY on 31/10/07, 19:06
sukses tournya *bgs* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: vindra on 31/10/07, 19:39
yg di bandung mudah2an dtg deehh....

suppppooort !!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: PsChoTheRaPHy on 31/10/07, 21:36

ditunggu di bandung  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: kana_oksid on 01/11/07, 08:19
support  !!!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: ~ Vu* ~ on 01/11/07, 12:37
seruwwwww..., support guyz....*bgs*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: djepie on 01/11/07, 19:43
GOKIL.....BIS nya tingkat ya pak ????  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

KREJI ---- KREJI !!!!! FULL SUPPORT !!!!!!!! *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Dey on 01/11/07, 20:37
Tar, gw duduk deket lo yeee...
soalnya kalo gw tidur mesti ada suara2 gitu...
So.. Lo mesti ngemeng terus yah..

*piss* *piss*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: fyong on 02/11/07, 07:58
rekamin live set yang Surabaya & Yogya dunkss....:)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: seno on 03/11/07, 07:57
Quote from: fyong on 02/11/07, 07:58
rekamin live set yang Surabaya & Yogya dunkss....:)

run down embassy jakarta dong cing !!!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: kc on 05/11/07, 09:33
Quote from: Tatar Bahagia on 29/10/07, 19:12
Quote from: kc on 22/10/07, 18:12

seru bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt !!!

tapi kayaknya lebih seru di dalem bis nya kali ye.. huahahahahahha
ikut doooooooongggg !!!


tentunya donk KC ... tur bareng SOUND OF ZEUS tak kan pernah terlupakan penuh dengan riang gembira .. hehehehhe....

iya tar..
percaya gueee.. haeuaheuaheuaeha

besok-besok ikut lagi doong..
kan gue belom kebagian tukang pijitnya kemarennn..
;D ;D *piss*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: wd j on 06/11/07, 13:38
Quote from: seno on 03/11/07, 07:57
Quote from: fyong on 02/11/07, 07:58
rekamin live set yang Surabaya & Yogya dunkss....:)

run down embassy jakarta dong cing !!!

Embassy :

- oby
- wen'D
- Windo
- Achdiyat
- Jeida
- Yudhi

Balcony :

- Notis
- Zie
- Dey
- Ali
- Bhokero

Dateng ya bos...  ;D
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Tatar Bahagia on 06/11/07, 18:36

With our best DJ's
Also our MC JOEY [SOZ]
And also VJ FARIZ a.k.a 5.0. [SOZ] & MOCCO [SS]






"Don't Mizz It And Don't Mizz The Buzz"

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 06/11/07, 21:22
It's tomorrow guys... I know its weekdays, but your appearance will be highly appreciated. For Guest List please contact one of us through PM or SMS or else before 12 noon tomorrow.
Deeply thank you from us for all the supprt. :)
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: im_innu on 06/11/07, 21:34
lewat moestopo nda ya...
siap hadir mas bos...
bg gl dong...
via email ye...
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: kc on 07/11/07, 09:07
ntar boleh naek naek ke balcony-nya ya?
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: dweetha on 07/11/07, 10:04
mudah2an bisa dateng....
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 07/11/07, 11:13
@dweetha: masa ga dateng sih.. ga seru ah!!! hehehe
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: LaSoya on 07/11/07, 11:25
wah support nih buat acaranya.. *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

apa kabar nih om??
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 07/11/07, 13:55
@Lasoya... apa kabar bro... dateng yah, nanti malem ma reggy. GL a/n reggy ya
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: mantili on 09/11/07, 21:30
gimana report yogya /surabaya/bandung ???

support juoooo ...hihihihihihi
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 10/11/07, 00:54
report will be updated after we finish the tour ya....
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: VibeSession on 11/11/07, 20:53
klo boleh short report :

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: dj ungu on 13/11/07, 11:43
support for  soz and ss djs!!
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: VibeSession on 15/11/07, 06:06
@sunshine :
kita bukannya sempet foto bareng ya..??
duh, nungguin foto2 dari bayu juice nih.. :o
Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Tatar Bahagia on 15/11/07, 21:22

soundbuzz 2007

4 hari 4 kota 4 club : gokil .....

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: DJ Deny on 15/11/07, 22:27
Waah...very2 cool idea!!  *tepuktangan*

Support buat SS n SOZ's crews and DJs  *bgs*

Title: Re: SOUNDBUZZ...1 bus, 4 cities, Don't Miss The BUZZ!!
Post by: Bhokero on 17/11/07, 20:17
Big thanks to SOZ family.. u guys rocks!!! unforgettable moment for me and SS family.
next year harus diulang....
Bandung, Yogya, and Surabaya are the best. the club is totally packed.

Foto report masih nunggu dari org yg bawa camera.

Thanks to all sponsors and media partner
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